]> git.donarmstrong.com Git - x_base.git/blob - .xscreensaver
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[x_base.git] / .xscreensaver
1 # XScreenSaver Preferences File
2 # Written by xscreensaver-demo 4.21 for don on Mon Oct 17 20:39:18 2005.
3 # http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/
5 timeout:        0:10:00
6 cycle:          0:10:00
7 lock:           True
8 lockTimeout:    0:05:00
9 passwdTimeout:  0:01:00
10 visualID:       default
11 installColormap:    True
12 verbose:        False
13 timestamp:      True
14 splash:         False
15 splashDuration: 0:00:05
16 quad:           False
17 demoCommand:    xscreensaver-demo
18 prefsCommand:   xscreensaver-demo -prefs
19 nice:           10
20 memoryLimit:    0
21 fade:           True
22 unfade:         False
23 fadeSeconds:    0:00:03
24 fadeTicks:      20
25 captureStderr:  True
26 ignoreUninstalledPrograms:True
27 font:           *-medium-r-*-140-*-m-*
28 dpmsEnabled:    True
29 dpmsStandby:    0:30:00
30 dpmsSuspend:    1:00:00
31 dpmsOff:        1:30:00
32 grabDesktopImages:  False
33 grabVideoFrames:    False
34 chooseRandomImages: False
35 imageDirectory: 
37 mode:           one
38 selected:       144
40 textMode:       url
41 textLiteral:    XScreenSaver
42 textFile:       /usr/share/doc/xserver-common/copyright
43 textProgram:    fortune
44 textURL:        http://planet.debian.net/rss20.xml
46 programs:                                                                     \
47           "Attraction (balls)"  attraction -root -mode balls                \n\
48           "Attraction (lines)"  attraction -root -mode lines -points 3        \
49                                   -segments 200                             \n\
50         "Attraction (splines)"  attraction -root -mode splines -segments      \
51                                   300                                       \n\
52         "Attraction (orbital)"  attraction -root -mode lines -radius 300      \
53                                   -orbit -vmult 0.5                         \n\
54                                 pyro -root                                  \n\
55                                 rocks -root                                 \n\
56                                 helix -root                                 \n\
57                                 pedal -root                                 \n\
58                                 rorschach -root -offset 7                   \n\
59                                 hopalong -root                              \n\
60                                 greynetic -root                             \n\
61                                 imsmap -root                                \n\
62                                 slidescreen -root                           \n\
63                                 decayscreen -root                           \n\
64                                 jigsaw -root                                \n\
65                                 blitspin -root -grab                        \n\
66                                 slip -root                                  \n\
67                                 distort -root                               \n\
68                                 spotlight -root                             \n\
69               "Ripples (oily)"  ripples -root -oily -light 2                \n\
70               "Ripples (stir)"  ripples -root -oily -light 2 -stir          \n\
71            "Ripples (desktop)"  ripples -root -water -light 6               \n\
72                                 hypercube -root                             \n\
73                                 hyperball -root                             \n\
74                                 halo -root                                  \n\
75                                 maze -root                                  \n\
76                                 noseguy -root                               \n\
77                                 flame -root                                 \n\
78                                 lmorph -root                                \n\
79                                 deco -root                                  \n\
80                                 moire -root                                 \n\
81                                 moire2 -root                                \n\
82                                 lightning -root                             \n\
83                                 strange -root                               \n\
84                                 spiral -root                                \n\
85                                 laser -root                                 \n\
86                                 grav -root                                  \n\
87                "Grav (trails)"  grav -root -trail -decay                    \n\
88                                 drift -root                                 \n\
89                                 ifs -root                                   \n\
90                                 julia -root                                 \n\
91                                 penrose -root                               \n\
92                                 sierpinski -root                            \n\
93                                 braid -root                                 \n\
94                                 galaxy -root                                \n\
95                                 bouboule -root                              \n\
96                                 swirl -root                                 \n\
97                                 flag -root                                  \n\
98                                 sphere -root                                \n\
99                                 forest -root                                \n\
100                                 lisa -root                                  \n\
101                                 lissie -root                                \n\
102                                 goop -root -max-velocity 0.5 -elasticity      \
103                                   0.9                                       \n\
104                                 starfish -root                              \n\
105              "Starfish (blob)"  starfish -root -blob                        \n\
106                                 munch -root                                 \n\
107                                 fadeplot -root                              \n\
108                                 coral -root -delay 0                        \n\
109                                 mountain -root                              \n\
110                                 triangle -root -delay 1                     \n\
111                                 worm -root                                  \n\
112                                 rotor -root                                 \n\
113                                 ant -root                                   \n\
114                                 demon -root                                 \n\
115                                 loop -root                                  \n\
116                                 vines -root                                 \n\
117                                 kaleidescope -root                          \n\
118                                 xjack -root                                 \n\
119                                 xlyap -root -randomize                      \n\
120                                 cynosure -root                              \n\
121                                 flow -root                                  \n\
122                                 epicycle -root                              \n\
123                                 interference -root                          \n\
124                                 truchet -root -randomize                    \n\
125                                 bsod -root                                  \n\
126                                 crystal -root                               \n\
127                                 discrete -root                              \n\
128                                 kumppa -root                                \n\
129                                 rd-bomb -root                               \n\
130             "RD-Bomb (mobile)"  rd-bomb -root -speed 1 -size 0.1            \n\
131                                 sonar -root                                 \n\
132                                 t3d -root                                   \n\
133                                 penetrate -root                             \n\
134                                 deluxe -root                                \n\
135                                 compass -root                               \n\
136                                 squiral -root                               \n\
137                                 xflame -root                                \n\
138                                 wander -root                                \n\
139               "Wander (spots)"  wander -root -advance 0 -size 10 -circles     \
140                                   -length 10000 -reset 100000               \n\
141                                 critical -root                              \n\
142                                 phosphor -root                              \n\
143                                 xmatrix -root -density 51                   \n\
144                                 petri -root -size 2 -count 20               \n\
145                      "Petri 2"  petri -root -minlifespeed 0.02                \
146                                   -maxlifespeed 0.03 -minlifespan 1           \
147                                   -maxlifespan 1 -instantdeathchan 0          \
148                                   -minorchan 0 -anychan 0.3                 \n\
149                                 shadebobs -root                             \n\
150                                 ccurve -root                                \n\
151                                 blaster -root                               \n\
152                                 bumps -root                                 \n\
153                                 xteevee -root                               \n\
154                                 xspirograph -root                           \n\
155                                 nerverot -root                              \n\
156 -           "NerveRot (dense)"  nerverot -root -count 1000                  \n\
157 -           "NerveRot (thick)"  nerverot -root -count 100 -line-width 4       \
158                                   -max-nerve-radius 0.8 -nervousness 0.5      \
159                                   -db                                       \n\
160                                 xrayswarm -root                             \n\
161 -             "Zoom (Fatbits)"  zoom -root                                  \n\
162                "Zoom (Lenses)"  zoom -root -lenses                          \n\
163                                 rotzoomer -root                             \n\
164 -         "RotZoomer (mobile)"  rotzoomer -root -move                       \n\
165 -          "RotZoomer (sweep)"  rotzoomer -root -sweep                      \n\
166                                 whirlwindwarp -root                         \n\
167                                 whirlygig -root                             \n\
168                                 speedmine -root                             \n\
169                    "SpeedWorm"  speedmine -root -worm                       \n\
170                                 vermiculate -root                           \n\
171                                 twang -root                                 \n\
172                                 apollonian -root                            \n\
173                                 euler2d -root                               \n\
174              "Euler2d (dense)"  euler2d -root -count 4000 -eulertail 400      \
175                                   -ncolors 230                              \n\
176 -                               juggle -root                                \n\
177                                 polyominoes -root                           \n\
178 -                               thornbird -root                             \n\
179                                 fluidballs -root                            \n\
180                                 anemone -root                               \n\
181                                 halftone -root                              \n\
182                                 metaballs -root                             \n\
183                                 eruption -root                              \n\
184                                 popsquares -root                            \n\
185                                 barcode -root                               \n\
186                                 piecewise -root                             \n\
187   color:                        bubbles -root                               \n\
188 -                               stdin -stdout'                              \n\
189                                 cloudlife -root                             \n\
190                                 mismunch -root                              \n\
191                                 xanalogtv -root                             \n\
192                                 fontglide -root -page                       \n\
193         "FontGlide (scroller)"  fontglide -root -scroll                     \n\
194                                 apple2 -root                                \n\
195                                 pong -root                                  \n\
196                                 wormhole -root                              \n\
197                                 pacman -root                                \n\
198                                 fuzzyflakes -root                           \n\
199                                 anemotaxis -root                            \n\
200                                 memscroller -root                           \n\
201                                 substrate -root                             \n\
202          "Substrate (circles)"  substrate -root -circle-percent 33          \n\
203                                 intermomentary -root                        \n\
204                                 fireworkx -root                             \n\
205                                 fiberlamp -root                             \n\
206                                 boxfit -root                                \n\
207                  "Qix (solid)"  qix -root -solid -segments 100              \n\
208            "Qix (transparent)"  qix -root -count 4 -solid -transparent      \n\
209                 "Qix (linear)"  qix -root -count 5 -solid -transparent        \
210                                   -linear -segments 250 -size 100           \n\
211 -                  "Qix (xor)"  qix -root -linear -count 5 -size 200          \
212                                   -spread 30 -segments 75 -solid -xor       \n\
213 -          "Attraction (poly)"  attraction -root -mode polygons             \n\
214 - default-n:                    webcollage -root                            \n\
215 - default-n:  "WebCollage (whacked)"                                          \
216                                   webcollage -root -filter 'vidwhacker        \
217                                   -stdin -stdout'                           \n\
218 - default-n:                    vidwhacker -root                            \n\
219   GL:                           gears -root                                 \n\
220   GL:      "Gears (planetary)"  gears -root -planetary                      \n\
221   GL:                           superquadrics -root                         \n\
222   GL:                           morph3d -root                               \n\
223   GL:                           cage -root                                  \n\
224   GL:                           moebius -root                               \n\
225   GL:                           stairs -root                                \n\
226   GL:                           pipes -root                                 \n\
227   GL:                           sproingies -root                            \n\
228   GL:                           rubik -root                                 \n\
229   GL:                           atlantis -root -gradient                    \n\
230   GL:                           lament -root                                \n\
231   GL:                           bubble3d -root                              \n\
232   GL:                           glplanet -root                              \n\
233   GL:                           flurry -root -preset random                 \n\
234   GL:                           pulsar -root                                \n\
235 - GL:      "Pulsar (textures)"  pulsar -root -texture -mipmap                 \
236                                   -texture_quality -light -fog              \n\
237   GL:                           extrusion -root                             \n\
238   GL:                           sierpinski3d -root                          \n\
239   GL:                           menger -root                                \n\
240   GL:                           gflux -root                                 \n\
241   GL:           "GFlux (grab)"  gflux -root -mode grab                      \n\
242   GL:                           stonerview -root                            \n\
243   GL:                           starwars -root                              \n\
244   GL:                           gltext -root                                \n\
245   GL:         "GLText (clock)"  gltext -text "%A%n%d %b %Y%n%r" -root       \n\
246   GL:                           molecule -root -shells                      \n\
247   GL:                           dangerball -root                            \n\
248   GL:                           circuit -root                               \n\
249   GL:                           engine -root                                \n\
250   GL:                           flipscreen3d -root                          \n\
251   GL:                           glsnake -root                               \n\
252   GL:                           boxed -root                                 \n\
253 - GL:                           glforestfire -root                          \n\
254 - GL:    "GLForestFire (rain)"  glforestfire -root -count 0                 \n\
255 - GL:                           sballs -root                                \n\
256   GL:                           cubenetic -root                             \n\
257   GL:                           spheremonics -root                          \n\
258   GL:                           lavalite -root                              \n\
259   GL:                           queens -root                                \n\
260   GL:                           endgame -root                               \n\
261 - GL:                           glblur -root                                \n\
262   GL:                           atunnel -root                               \n\
263   GL:                           flyingtoasters -root                        \n\
264   GL:                           bouncingcow -root                           \n\
265   GL:                           jigglypuff -root -random                    \n\
266   GL:                           klein -root -random                         \n\
267   GL:   "HyperTorus (striped)"  hypertorus -root                            \n\
268   GL:     "HyperTorus (solid)"  hypertorus -root -solid -transparent        \n\
269   GL:                           glmatrix -root                              \n\
270   GL:                           cubestorm -root                             \n\
271   GL:                           glknots -root                               \n\
272   GL:                           blocktube -root                             \n\
273   GL:                           flipflop -root                              \n\
274   GL:                           antspotlight -root                          \n\
275 - GL:                           glslideshow -root                           \n\
276   GL:                           polytopes -root                             \n\
277   GL:                           gleidescope -root                           \n\
278 - GL:                           mirrorblob -root                            \n\
279   GL: "MirrorBlob (color only)" mirrorblob -root -colour -no-texture        \n\
280   GL:                           blinkbox -root                              \n\
281   GL:                           noof -root                                  \n\
282   GL:                           polyhedra -root                             \n\
283 - GL:                           antinspect -root                            \n\
284   GL:                           providence -root                            \n\
285   GL:   "Pinion (large gears)"  pinion -root                                \n\
286   GL:   "Pinion (small gears)"  pinion -root -size 0.2 -scroll 0.3          \n\
287   GL:                           boing -root -lighting -smooth               \n\
288 - GL:                           carousel -root                              \n\
289   GL:                           fliptext -root                              \n\
290 -                               xdaliclock -root -builtin3 -cycle           \n\
291 - default-n:                    xearth -nofork -nostars -ncolors 50           \
292                                   -night 3 -wait 0 -timewarp 400.0 -pos       \
293                                   sunrel/38/-30                             \n\
294 -                               xplanet -vroot -wait 1 -timewarp 90000        \
295                                   -label -origin moon                       \n\
296 -                               xmountains -b -M -Z 0 -r 1                  \n\
297 -           "XMountains (top)"  xmountains -b -M -Z 0 -r 1 -m               \n\
298 -                               xaos -root -autopilot -nogui -delay 10000     \
299                                   -maxframerate 30 -incoloring -1             \
300                                   -outcoloring -1                           \n\
301 -                               xfishtank -d -s                             \n\
302 -                               xsnow                                       \n\
303 -                               goban -root                                 \n\
304 -                               electricsheep                               \n\
305 -                               cosmos -root                                \n\
306 - GL:                           sphereEversion --root                       \n\
307 - GL:                           fireflies -root                             \n\
310 pointerPollTime:    0:00:05
311 pointerHysteresis:  10
312 windowCreationTimeout:0:00:30
313 initialDelay:   0:00:00
314 sgiSaverExtension:  True
315 xidleExtension: True
316 GetViewPortIsFullOfLies:False
317 procInterrupts: True
318 overlayStderr:  True