]> git.donarmstrong.com Git - lilypond.git/blob - Documentation/ly-examples/sesto-piano.ly
Doc - NR + CG: Clarify Emmentaler is the 'font' and Feta/Parmesan are glyphs
[lilypond.git] / Documentation / ly-examples / sesto-piano.ly
1 %%% G.F Haendel, Giulio Cesare in Egitto
2 %%% Act I, scene IV
3 %%% Sesto: Svegliatevi nel core, furie d'un alma offesa (excerpt)
4 %%%
5 %%% Nicolas Sceaux <nicolas.sceaux@free.fr>
7 \version "2.19.2"
8 \include "sesto.ily"
10 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
11 %%%
12 %%% Reduction
13 %%%
14 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
16 \book {
17   \header { instrument = "Vocal part and keyboard reduction" }
18   \paper {
19     #(layout-set-staff-size 16)
20   }
21   \score {
22     <<
23       \new Staff <<
24         \new Voice = "sesto" \with { autoBeaming = ##f } <<
25           \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \smallCaps Sesto.
26           \global \clef treble \sesto
27         >>
28         \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sesto" \sestoLyrics
29       >>
30       \new PianoStaff <<
31         \new Staff <<
32           \global \clef treble
33           \partcombine \keepWithTag #'reduction \violinoI \keepWithTag #'reduction \violinoII
34         >>
35         \new Staff <<
36           \global \clef bass \bassi
37         >>
38       >>
39     >>
40     \layout {
41       indent = 20\mm
42       \context { \Voice printPartCombineTexts = ##f }
43     }
44   }
45 }