]> git.donarmstrong.com Git - lib.git/commitdiff
add the spamassassin mode and the graphviz mode
authorDon Armstrong <don@donarmstrong.com>
Sat, 14 Feb 2009 22:08:22 +0000 (22:08 +0000)
committerDon Armstrong <don@donarmstrong.com>
Sat, 14 Feb 2009 22:08:22 +0000 (22:08 +0000)
emacs_el/graphviz-dot-mode.el [new file with mode: 0644]
emacs_el/spamassassin-mode.el [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/emacs_el/graphviz-dot-mode.el b/emacs_el/graphviz-dot-mode.el
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ebaa1aa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,919 @@
+;;; graphviz-dot-mode.el --- Mode for the dot-language used by graphviz (att).
+;; Copyright (C) 2002 - 2005 Pieter Pareit <pieter.pareit@scarlet.be>
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+;; PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+;; MA 02111-1307 USA
+;; Authors: Pieter Pareit <pieter.pareit@scarlet.be>
+;;          Rubens Ramos <rubensr AT users.sourceforge.net>
+;; Maintainer: Pieter Pareit <pieter.pareit@planetinternet.be>
+;; Homepage: http://users.skynet.be/ppareit/projects/graphviz-dot-mode/graphviz-dot-mode.html
+;; Created: 28 Oct 2002
+;; Last modified: 24 Feb 2005
+;; Version: 0.3.4
+;; Keywords: mode dot dot-language dotlanguage graphviz graphs att
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Use this mode for editing files in the dot-language (www.graphviz.org and
+;; http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/).
+;; To use graphviz-dot-mode, add 
+;; (load-file "PATH_TO_FILE/graphviz-dot-mode.el") 
+;; to your ~/.emacs(.el) or ~/.xemacs/init.el
+;; The graphviz-dot-mode will do font locking, indentation, preview of graphs
+;; and eases compilation/error location. There is support for both GNU Emacs
+;; and XEmacs.
+;; Font locking is automatic, indentation uses the same commands as
+;; other modes, tab, M-j and C-M-q.  Insertion of comments uses the
+;; same commands as other modes, M-; .  You can compile a file using
+;; M-x compile or C-c c, after that M-x next-error will also work.
+;; There is support for viewing an generated image with C-c p.
+;;; Todo:
+;; * cleanup the mess of graphviz-dot-compilation-parse-errors
+;; * electric indentation is fundamentally broken, because 
+;;   {...} are also used for record nodes. You could argue, I suppose, that 
+;;   many diagrams don't need those, but it would be worth having a note (and 
+;;   it makes sense that the default is now for electric indentation to be 
+;;   off).
+;;; History:
+;; Version 0.3.4 bug fixes
+;; 24/02/2005: * fixed a bug in graphviz-dot-preview
+;; Version 0.3.3 bug fixes
+;; 13/02/2005: Reuben Thomas <rrt AT sc3d.org>
+;;             * add graphviz-dot-indent-width
+;; Version 0.3.2 bug fixes
+;; 25/03/2004: Rubens Ramos <rubensr AT users.sourceforge.net>
+;;             * semi-colons and brackets are added when electric
+;;               behaviour is disabled.
+;;             * electric characters do not behave electrically inside
+;;               comments or strings.
+;;             * default for electric-braces is disabled now (makes more
+;;               sense I guess).
+;;             * using read-from-minibuffer instead of read-shell-command
+;;               for emacs.
+;;             * Fixed test for easymenu, so that it works on older
+;;               versions of XEmacs.
+;;             * Fixed indentation error when trying to indent last brace
+;;               of an empty graph.
+;;             * region-active-p does not exist in emacs (21.2 at least),
+;;               so removed from code
+;;             * Added uncomment menu option
+;; Version 0.3.1 bug fixes
+;; 03/03/2004: * backward-word needs argument for older emacs
+;; Version 0.3 added features and fixed bugs
+;; 10/01/2004: fixed a bug in graphviz-dot-indent-graph
+;; 08/01/2004: Rubens Ramos <rubensr AT users.sourceforge.net>
+;;             * added customization support
+;;             * Now it works on XEmacs and Emacs
+;;             * Added support to use an external Viewer
+;;             * Now things do not break when dot mode is entered
+;;               when there is no buffer name, but the side effect is
+;;               that in this case, the compilation command is not
+;;               correct.
+;;             * Preview works on XEmacs and emacs.
+;;             * Electric indentation on newline
+;;             * Minor changes to indentation
+;;             * Added keyword completion (but could be A LOT better)
+;;             * There are still a couple of ugly hacks. Look for 'RR'.
+;; Version 0.2 added features
+;; 11/11/2002: added preview support.
+;; 10/11/2002: indent a graph or subgraph at once with C-M-q.
+;; 08/11/2002: relaxed rules for indentation, the may now be extra chars
+;;             after beginning of graph (comment's for example).
+;; Version 0.1.2 bug fixes and naming issues
+;; 06/11/2002: renamed dot-font-lock-defaults to dot-font-lock-keywords.
+;;             added some documentation to dot-colors.
+;;             provided a much better way to handle my max-specpdl-size
+;;             problem.
+;;             added an extra autoload cookie (hope this helps, as I don't
+;;             yet use autoload myself)
+;; Version 0.1.1 bug fixes
+;; 06/11/2002: added an missing attribute, for font-locking to work.
+;;             fixed the regex generating, so that it only recognizes
+;;             whole words
+;; 05/11/2002: there can now be extra white space chars after an '{'.
+;; 04/11/2002: Why I use max-specpdl-size is now documented, and old value
+;;             gets restored.
+;; Version 0.1 initial release
+;; 02/11/2002: implemented parser for *compilation* of a .dot file.
+;; 01/11/2002: implemented compilation of an .dot file.
+;; 31/10/2002: added syntax-table to the mode.
+;; 30/10/2002: implemented indentation code.
+;; 29/10/2002: implemented all of font-lock.
+;; 28/10/2002: derived graphviz-dot-mode from fundamental-mode, started 
+;;             implementing font-lock.
+;;; Code:
+(defconst graphviz-dot-mode-version "0.3.3"
+  "Version of `graphviz-dot-mode.el'.")
+(defgroup graphviz nil
+  "Major mode for editing Graphviz Dot files"
+  :group 'tools)
+(defun graphviz-dot-customize ()
+  "Run \\[customize-group] for the `graphviz' group."
+  (interactive)
+  (customize-group 'graphviz))
+(defvar graphviz-dot-mode-abbrev-table nil
+  "Abbrev table in use in Graphviz Dot mode buffers.")
+(define-abbrev-table 'graphviz-dot-mode-abbrev-table ())
+(defcustom graphviz-dot-dot-program "dot"
+  "*Location of the dot program. This is used by `compile'."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'graphviz)
+(defcustom graphviz-dot-view-command "doted %s"
+  "*External program to run on the buffer. You can use `%s' in this string,
+and it will be substituted by the buffer name."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'graphviz)
+(defcustom graphviz-dot-view-edit-command nil
+  "*Whether to allow the user to edit the command to run an external
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'graphviz)
+(defcustom graphviz-dot-save-before-view t
+  "*If not nil, M-x graphviz-dot-view saves the current buffer before running
+the command."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'graphviz)
+(defcustom graphviz-dot-auto-indent-on-newline t
+  "*If not nil, `electric-graphviz-dot-terminate-line' is executed in a line is terminated."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'graphviz)
+(defcustom graphviz-dot-indent-width default-tab-width
+  "*Indentation width in Graphviz Dot mode buffers."
+  :type 'integer
+  :group 'graphviz)
+(defcustom graphviz-dot-auto-indent-on-braces nil
+  "*If not nil, `electric-graphviz-dot-open-brace' and `electric-graphviz-dot-close-brace' are executed when { or } are typed"
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'graphviz)
+(defcustom graphviz-dot-auto-indent-on-semi t
+  "*If not nil, `electric-graphviz-dot-semi' is executed when semicolon is typed"
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'graphviz)
+(defcustom graphviz-dot-preview-extension "png"
+  "*The extension to use for the compilation and preview commands. The format
+for the compilation command is 
+`dot -T<extension> file.dot > file.<extension>'."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'graphviz)
+(defcustom graphviz-dot-toggle-completions nil
+  "*Non-nil means that repeated use of \
+\\<graphviz-dot-mode-map>\\[graphviz-dot-complete-word] will toggle the possible
+completions in the minibuffer.  Normally, when there is more than one possible
+completion, a buffer will display all completions."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'graphviz)
+(defcustom graphviz-dot-delete-completions nil
+  "*Non-nil means that the completion buffer is automatically deleted when a
+key is pressed."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'graphviz)
+(defcustom graphviz-dot-attr-keywords 
+  '("graph" "digraph" "subgraph" "node" "edge" "strict" "rankdir"
+    "size" "page" "Damping" "Epsilon" "URL" "arrowhead" "arrowsize"
+    "arrowtail" "bb" "bgcolor" "bottomlabel" "center" "clusterrank"
+    "color" "comment" "compound" "concentrate" "constraint" "decorate"
+    "dim" "dir" "distortion" "fillcolor" "fixedsize" "fontcolor"
+    "fontname" "fontpath" "fontsize" "group" "headURL" "headlabel"
+    "headport" "height" "label" "labelangle" "labeldistance" "labelfloat"
+    "labelfontcolor" "labelfontname" "labelfontsize" "labeljust"
+    "labelloc" "layer" "layers" "len" "lhead" "lp" "ltail" "margin"
+    "maxiter" "mclimit" "minlen" "model" "nodesep" "normalize" "nslimit"
+    "nslimit1" "ordering" "orientation" "overlap" "pack" "pagedir"
+    "pencolor" "peripheries" "pin" "pos" "quantum" "rank" "ranksep"
+    "ratio" "rects" "regular" "remincross" "rotate" "samehead" "sametail"
+    "samplepoint" "searchsize" "sep" "shape" "shapefile" "showboxes"
+    "sides" "skew" "splines" "start" "style" "stylesheet" "tailURL"
+    "taillabel" "tailport" "toplabel" "vertices" "voro_margin" "weight"
+    "z")
+  "*Keywords for attribute names in a graph. This is used by the auto
+completion code. The actual completion tables are built when the mode
+is loaded, so changes to this are not immediately visible."
+  :type '(repeat (string :tag "Keyword"))
+  :group 'graphviz)
+(defcustom graphviz-dot-value-keywords 
+  '("true" "false" "normal" "inv" "dot" "invdot" "odot" "invodot"
+    "none" "tee" "empty" "invempty" "diamond" "odiamond" "box" "obox"
+    "open" "crow" "halfopen" "local" "global" "none" "forward" "back"
+    "both" "none" "BL" "BR" "TL" "TR" "RB" "RT" "LB" "LT" ":n" ":ne" ":e"
+    ":se" ":s" ":sw" ":w" ":nw" "same" "min" "source" "max" "sink" "LR"
+    "box" "polygon" "ellipse" "circle" "point" "egg" "triangle"
+    "plaintext" "diamond" "trapezium" "parallelogram" "house" "hexagon"
+    "octagon" "doublecircle" "doubleoctagon" "tripleoctagon" "invtriangle"
+    "invtrapezium" "invhouse" "Mdiamond" "Msquare" "Mcircle" "record"
+    "Mrecord" "dashed" "dotted" "solid" "invis" "bold" "filled"
+    "diagonals" "rounded" ) 
+  "*Keywords for attribute values. This is used by the auto completion
+code. The actual completion tables are built when the mode is loaded,
+so changes to this are not immediately visible."
+  :type '(repeat (string :tag "Keyword")) 
+  :group 'graphviz)
+;;; Font-locking:
+(defvar graphviz-dot-colors-list
+  '(aliceblue antiquewhite antiquewhite1 antiquewhite2
+        antiquewhite3 antiquewhite4 aquamarine aquamarine1
+        aquamarine2 aquamarine3 aquamarine4 azure azure1
+        azure2 azure3 azure4 beige bisque bisque1 bisque2
+        bisque3 bisque4 black blanchedalmond blue blue1
+        blue2 blue3 blue4 blueviolet brown brown1 brown2
+        brown3 brown4 burlywood burlywood1 burlywood2
+        burlywood3 burlywood4 cadetblue cadetblue1
+        cadetblue2 cadetblue3 cadetblue4 chartreuse
+        chartreuse1 chartreuse2 chartreuse3 chartreuse4
+        chocolate chocolate1 chocolate2 chocolate3 chocolate4
+        coral coral1 coral2 coral3 coral4 cornflowerblue
+        cornsilk cornsilk1 cornsilk2 cornsilk3 cornsilk4
+        crimson cyan cyan1 cyan2 cyan3 cyan4 darkgoldenrod
+        darkgoldenrod1 darkgoldenrod2 darkgoldenrod3
+        darkgoldenrod4 darkgreen darkkhaki darkolivegreen
+        darkolivegreen1 darkolivegreen2 darkolivegreen3
+        darkolivegreen4 darkorange darkorange1 darkorange2
+        darkorange3 darkorange4 darkorchid darkorchid1
+        darkorchid2 darkorchid3 darkorchid4 darksalmon
+        darkseagreen darkseagreen1 darkseagreen2
+        darkseagreen3 darkseagreen4 darkslateblue
+        darkslategray darkslategray1 darkslategray2
+        darkslategray3  darkslategray4 darkslategrey
+        darkturquoise darkviolet deeppink deeppink1
+        deeppink2 deeppink3 deeppink4 deepskyblue
+        deepskyblue1 deepskyblue2 deepskyblue3 deepskyblue4
+        dimgray dimgrey  dodgerblue dodgerblue1 dodgerblue2
+        dodgerblue3  dodgerblue4 firebrick firebrick1
+        firebrick2 firebrick3 firebrick4 floralwhite
+        forestgreen gainsboro ghostwhite gold gold1 gold2
+        gold3 gold4 goldenrod goldenrod1 goldenrod2
+        goldenrod3 goldenrod4 gray gray0 gray1 gray10 gray100
+        gray11 gray12 gray13 gray14 gray15 gray16 gray17
+        gray18 gray19 gray2 gray20 gray21 gray22 gray23
+        gray24 gray25 gray26 gray27 gray28 gray29 gray3
+        gray30 gray31 gray32 gray33 gray34 gray35 gray36
+        gray37 gray38 gray39 gray4 gray40 gray41 gray42
+        gray43 gray44 gray45 gray46 gray47 gray48 gray49
+        gray5 gray50 gray51 gray52 gray53 gray54 gray55
+        gray56 gray57 gray58 gray59 gray6 gray60 gray61
+        gray62 gray63 gray64 gray65 gray66 gray67 gray68
+        gray69 gray7 gray70 gray71 gray72 gray73 gray74
+        gray75 gray76 gray77 gray78 gray79 gray8 gray80
+        gray81 gray82 gray83 gray84 gray85 gray86 gray87
+        gray88 gray89 gray9 gray90 gray91 gray92 gray93
+        gray94 gray95 gray96 gray97 gray98 gray99 green
+        green1 green2 green3 green4 greenyellow grey grey0
+        grey1 grey10 grey100 grey11 grey12 grey13 grey14
+        grey15 grey16 grey17 grey18 grey19 grey2 grey20
+        grey21 grey22 grey23 grey24 grey25 grey26 grey27
+        grey28 grey29 grey3 grey30 grey31 grey32 grey33
+        grey34 grey35 grey36 grey37 grey38 grey39 grey4
+        grey40 grey41 grey42 grey43 grey44 grey45 grey46
+        grey47 grey48 grey49 grey5 grey50 grey51 grey52
+        grey53 grey54 grey55 grey56 grey57 grey58 grey59
+        grey6 grey60 grey61 grey62 grey63 grey64 grey65
+        grey66 grey67 grey68 grey69 grey7 grey70 grey71
+        grey72 grey73 grey74 grey75 grey76 grey77 grey78
+        grey79 grey8 grey80 grey81 grey82 grey83 grey84
+        grey85 grey86 grey87 grey88 grey89 grey9 grey90
+        grey91 grey92 grey93 grey94 grey95 grey96 grey97
+        grey98 grey99 honeydew honeydew1 honeydew2 honeydew3
+        honeydew4 hotpink hotpink1 hotpink2 hotpink3 hotpink4
+        indianred indianred1 indianred2 indianred3 indianred4
+        indigo ivory ivory1 ivory2 ivory3 ivory4 khaki khaki1
+        khaki2 khaki3 khaki4 lavender lavenderblush
+        lavenderblush1 lavenderblush2 lavenderblush3
+        lavenderblush4 lawngreen lemonchiffon lemonchiffon1
+        lemonchiffon2 lemonchiffon3 lemonchiffon4 lightblue
+        lightblue1 lightblue2 lightblue3 lightblue4
+        lightcoral lightcyan lightcyan1 lightcyan2 lightcyan3
+        lightcyan4 lightgoldenrod lightgoldenrod1
+        lightgoldenrod2 lightgoldenrod3 lightgoldenrod4
+        lightgoldenrodyellow lightgray lightgrey lightpink
+        lightpink1 lightpink2 lightpink3 lightpink4
+        lightsalmon lightsalmon1 lightsalmon2 lightsalmon3
+        lightsalmon4 lightseagreen lightskyblue lightskyblue1
+        lightskyblue2 lightskyblue3 lightskyblue4
+        lightslateblue lightslategray lightslategrey
+        lightsteelblue lightsteelblue1 lightsteelblue2
+        lightsteelblue3 lightsteelblue4 lightyellow
+        lightyellow1 lightyellow2 lightyellow3 lightyellow4
+        limegreen linen magenta magenta1 magenta2 magenta3
+        magenta4 maroon maroon1 maroon2 maroon3 maroon4
+        mediumaquamarine mediumblue  mediumorchid
+        mediumorchid1 mediumorchid2 mediumorchid3
+        mediumorchid4 mediumpurple mediumpurple1
+        mediumpurple2 mediumpurple3 mediumpurple4
+        mediumseagreen mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen
+        mediumturquoise mediumvioletred midnightblue
+        mintcream mistyrose mistyrose1 mistyrose2 mistyrose3
+        mistyrose4 moccasin navajowhite navajowhite1
+        navajowhite2 navajowhite3 navajowhite4 navy navyblue
+        oldlace olivedrab olivedrap olivedrab1 olivedrab2
+        olivedrap3 oragne palegoldenrod palegreen palegreen1
+        palegreen2 palegreen3 palegreen4 paleturquoise
+        paleturquoise1 paleturquoise2 paleturquoise3
+        paleturquoise4 palevioletred palevioletred1
+        palevioletred2 palevioletred3 palevioletred4
+        papayawhip peachpuff peachpuff1 peachpuff2
+        peachpuff3 peachpuff4 peru pink pink1 pink2 pink3
+        pink4 plum plum1 plum2 plum3 plum4 powderblue
+        purple purple1 purple2 purple3 purple4 red red1 red2
+        red3 red4 rosybrown rosybrown1 rosybrown2 rosybrown3
+        rosybrown4 royalblue royalblue1 royalblue2 royalblue3
+        royalblue4 saddlebrown salmon salmon1 salmon2 salmon3
+        salmon4 sandybrown seagreen seagreen1 seagreen2
+        seagreen3 seagreen4 seashell seashell1 seashell2
+        seashell3 seashell4 sienna sienna1 sienna2 sienna3
+        sienna4 skyblue skyblue1 skyblue2 skyblue3 skyblue4
+        slateblue slateblue1 slateblue2 slateblue3 slateblue4
+        slategray slategray1 slategray2 slategray3 slategray4
+        slategrey snow snow1 snow2 snow3 snow4 springgreen
+        springgreen1 springgreen2 springgreen3 springgreen4
+        steelblue steelblue1 steelblue2 steelblue3 steelblue4
+        tan tan1 tan2 tan3 tan4 thistle thistle1 thistle2
+        thistle3 thistle4 tomato tomato1 tomato2 tomato3
+        tomato4 transparent turquoise turquoise1 turquoise2
+        turquoise3 turquoise4 violet violetred violetred1
+        violetred2 violetred3 violetred4 wheat wheat1 wheat2
+        wheat3 wheat4 white whitesmoke yellow yellow1 yellow2
+        yellow3 yellow4 yellowgreen)
+  "Possible color constants in the dot language.
+The list of constant is available at http://www.research.att.com/~erg/graphviz\
+(defvar graphviz-dot-color-keywords
+  (mapcar 'symbol-name graphviz-dot-colors-list))
+(defvar graphviz-attr-keywords
+  (mapcar '(lambda (elm) (cons elm 0)) graphviz-dot-attr-keywords))
+(defvar graphviz-value-keywords
+  (mapcar '(lambda (elm) (cons elm 0)) graphviz-dot-value-keywords))
+(defvar graphviz-color-keywords
+  (mapcar '(lambda (elm) (cons elm 0)) graphviz-dot-color-keywords))
+;;; Key map
+(defvar graphviz-dot-mode-map ()
+  "Keymap used in Graphviz Dot mode.")
+(if graphviz-dot-mode-map
+    ()
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "\r"       'electric-graphviz-dot-terminate-line)
+    (define-key map "{"        'electric-graphviz-dot-open-brace)
+    (define-key map "}"        'electric-graphviz-dot-close-brace)
+    (define-key map ";"        'electric-graphviz-dot-semi)
+    (define-key map "\M-\t"    'graphviz-dot-complete-word)
+    (define-key map "\C-\M-q"  'graphviz-dot-indent-graph)
+    (define-key map "\C-cp"    'graphviz-dot-preview)
+    (define-key map "\C-cc"    'compile)
+    (define-key map "\C-cv"    'graphviz-dot-view)
+    (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'comment-region)
+    (define-key map "\C-c\C-u" 'graphviz-dot-uncomment-region)
+    (setq graphviz-dot-mode-map map)
+    ))
+;;; Syntax table
+(defvar graphviz-dot-mode-syntax-table nil
+  "Syntax table for `graphviz-dot-mode'.")
+(if graphviz-dot-mode-syntax-table
+    ()
+  (let ((st (make-syntax-table)))
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?/  ". 124b" st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?*  ". 23"   st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?\n "> b"    st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?=  "."      st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?_  "_"      st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?-  "_"      st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?>  "."      st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?[  "("      st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?]  ")"      st)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\""     st)
+    (setq graphviz-dot-mode-syntax-table st)
+  ))
+(defvar graphviz-dot-font-lock-keywords
+  `(("\\(:?di\\|sub\\)?graph \\(\\sw+\\)"
+     (2 font-lock-function-name-face))
+    (,(regexp-opt graphviz-dot-value-keywords 'words)
+     . font-lock-reference-face)
+    ;; to build the font-locking for the colors,
+    ;; we need more room for max-specpdl-size,
+    ;; after that we take the list of symbols,
+    ;; convert them to a list of strings, and make
+    ;; an optimized regexp from them
+    (,(let ((max-specpdl-size (max max-specpdl-size 1200)))
+  (regexp-opt graphviz-dot-color-keywords))
+     . font-lock-string-face)
+    (,(concat
+       (regexp-opt graphviz-dot-attr-keywords 'words)
+       "[ \\t\\n]*=")
+     ;; RR - ugly, really, but I dont know why xemacs does not work
+     ;; if I change the next car to "1"...
+     (0 font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+  "Keyword highlighting specification for `graphviz-dot-mode'.")
+(defun graphviz-dot-mode ()
+  "Major mode for the dot language. \\<graphviz-dot-mode-map> 
+TAB indents for graph lines. 
+\\[graphviz-dot-indent-graph]\t- Indentaion function.
+\\[graphviz-dot-preview]\t- Previews graph in a buffer.
+\\[graphviz-dot-view]\t- Views graph in an external viewer.
+\\[graphviz-dot-indent-line]\t- Indents current line of code.
+\\[graphviz-dot-complete-word]\t- Completes the current word.
+\\[electric-graphviz-dot-terminate-line]\t- Electric newline.
+\\[electric-graphviz-dot-open-brace]\t- Electric open braces.
+\\[electric-graphviz-dot-close-brace]\t- Electric close braces.
+\\[electric-graphviz-dot-semi]\t- Electric semi colons.
+Variables specific to this mode:
+  graphviz-dot-dot-program            (default `dot')
+       Location of the dot program.
+  graphviz-dot-view-command           (default `doted %s')
+       Command to run when `graphviz-dot-view' is executed.
+  graphviz-dot-view-edit-command      (default nil)
+       If the user should be asked to edit the view command.
+  graphviz-dot-save-before-view       (default t)
+       Automatically save current buffer berore `graphviz-dot-view'.
+  graphviz-dot-preview-extension      (default `png')
+       File type to use for `graphviz-dot-preview'.
+  graphviz-dot-auto-indent-on-newline (default t)
+       Whether to run `electric-graphviz-dot-terminate-line' when 
+       newline is entered.
+  graphviz-dot-auto-indent-on-braces (default t)
+       Whether to run `electric-graphviz-dot-open-brace' and
+       `electric-graphviz-dot-close-brace' when braces are 
+       entered.
+  graphviz-dot-auto-indent-on-semi (default t)
+       Whether to run `electric-graphviz-dot-semi' when semi colon
+       is typed.
+  graphviz-dot-toggle-completions  (default nil)
+       If completions should be displayed in the buffer instead of a
+       completion buffer when \\[graphviz-dot-complete-word] is
+       pressed repeatedly.
+This mode can be customized by running \\[graphviz-dot-customize].
+Turning on Graphviz Dot mode calls the value of the variable 
+`graphviz-dot-mode-hook' with no args, if that value is non-nil."
+  (interactive)
+  (kill-all-local-variables)
+  (use-local-map graphviz-dot-mode-map)
+  (setq major-mode 'graphviz-dot-mode)
+  (setq mode-name "dot")
+  (setq local-abbrev-table graphviz-dot-mode-abbrev-table)
+  (set-syntax-table graphviz-dot-mode-syntax-table)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'graphviz-dot-indent-line)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "//")
+  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "/\\*+ *\\|//+ *")
+  (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) 
+       '(graphviz-dot-font-lock-keywords))
+  ;; RR - If user is running this in the scratch buffer, there is no
+  ;; buffer file name...
+  (if (buffer-file-name)
+      (set (make-local-variable 'compile-command) 
+       (concat graphviz-dot-dot-program
+               " -T" graphviz-dot-preview-extension " "
+               buffer-file-name
+               " > "
+               (file-name-sans-extension
+                buffer-file-name)
+               "." graphviz-dot-preview-extension)))
+  (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-parse-errors-function)
+       'graphviz-dot-compilation-parse-errors)
+  (if dot-menu
+      (easy-menu-add dot-menu))
+  (run-hooks 'graphviz-dot-mode-hook)
+  )
+;;;; Menu definitions
+(defvar dot-menu nil
+  "Menu for Graphviz Dot Mode.
+This menu will get created automatically if you have the `easymenu'
+package. Note that the latest X/Emacs releases contain this package.")
+(and (condition-case nil
+         (require 'easymenu)
+       (error nil))
+     (easy-menu-define
+      dot-menu graphviz-dot-mode-map "Graphviz Mode menu"
+      '("Graphviz"
+        ["Indent Graph"       graphviz-dot-indent-graph     t]
+        ["Comment Out Region" comment-region                (mark)]
+        ["Uncomment Region"   graphviz-dot-uncomment-region (mark)]
+        "-"
+        ["Compile"            compile                       t]
+        ["Preview"            graphviz-dot-preview        
+         (and (buffer-file-name)
+              (not (buffer-modified-p)))]
+        ["External Viewer"    graphviz-dot-view             (buffer-file-name)]
+        "-"
+        ["Customize..."       graphviz-dot-customize        t]
+        )))
+;;;; Compilation
+;; note on graphviz-dot-compilation-parse-errors:
+;;  It would nicer if we could just use compilation-error-regexp-alist
+;;  to do that, 3 options:
+;;   - still write dot-compilation-parse-errors, don't build
+;;     a return list, but modify the *compilation* buffer
+;;     in a way compilation-error-regexp-alist recognizes the
+;;     format.
+;;     to do that, I should globally change compilation-parse-function
+;;     to this function, and call the old value of comp..-parse-fun..
+;;     to provide the return value.
+;;     two drawbacks are that, every compilation would be run through
+;;     this function (performance) and that in autoload there would
+;;     be a chance that this function would not yet be known.
+;;   - let the compilation run through a filter that would
+;;     modify the output of dot or neato:
+;;     dot -Tpng input.dot | filter
+;;     drawback: ugly, extra work for user, extra decency ...
+;;               no-option
+;;   - modify dot and neato !!! (PP:15/02/2005 seems to have happend,
+;;                                       so version 0.4.0 should clean this mess up!)
+(defun graphviz-dot-compilation-parse-errors (limit-search find-at-least)
+  "Parse the current buffer for dot errors.
+See variable `compilation-parse-errors-functions' for interface."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (set-buffer "*compilation*")
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (setq compilation-error-list nil)
+    (let (buffer-of-error)
+      (while (not (eobp))
+  (cond
+   ((looking-at "^dot\\( -[^ ]+\\)* \\(.*\\)")
+    (setq buffer-of-error (find-file-noselect
+         (buffer-substring-no-properties
+          (nth 4 (match-data t))
+          (nth 5 (match-data t))))))
+   ((looking-at ".*:.*line \\([0-9]+\\)")
+    (let ((line-of-error
+     (string-to-number (buffer-substring-no-properties
+            (nth 2 (match-data t))
+            (nth 3 (match-data t))))))
+      (setq compilation-error-list
+      (cons
+       (cons
+        (point-marker)
+        (save-excursion
+          (set-buffer buffer-of-error)
+          (goto-line line-of-error)
+          (beginning-of-line)
+          (point-marker)))
+       compilation-error-list))))
+    (t t))
+  (forward-line 1)) )))
+;;;; Indentation
+(defun graphviz-dot-uncomment-region (begin end)
+       "Uncomments a region of code."
+       (interactive "r")
+       (comment-region begin end '(4)))
+(defun graphviz-dot-indent-line ()
+  "Indent current line of dot code."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (bolp)
+      (graphviz-dot-real-indent-line)
+    (save-excursion
+      (graphviz-dot-real-indent-line))))
+(defun graphviz-dot-real-indent-line ()
+  "Indent current line of dot code."
+  (beginning-of-line)
+  (cond
+   ((bobp)
+    ;; simple case, indent to 0
+    (indent-line-to 0))
+   ((looking-at "^[ \t]*}[ \t]*$")
+    ;; block closing, deindent relative to previous line
+    (indent-line-to (save-excursion
+                      (forward-line -1)
+                      (max 0 (- (current-indentation) graphviz-dot-indent-width)))))
+   ;; other cases need to look at previous lines
+   (t
+    (indent-line-to (save-excursion
+                      (forward-line -1)
+                      (cond
+                       ((looking-at "\\(^.*{[^}]*$\\)")
+                        ;; previous line opened a block
+                        ;; indent to that line
+                        (+ (current-indentation) graphviz-dot-indent-width))
+                       ((and (not (looking-at ".*\\[.*\\].*"))
+                             (looking-at ".*\\[.*")) ; TODO:PP : can be 1 regex
+                        ;; previous line started filling
+                        ;; attributes, intend to that start
+                        (search-forward "[")
+                        (current-column))
+                       ((and (not (looking-at ".*\\[.*\\].*"))
+                             (looking-at ".*\\].*")) ; TODO:PP : "
+                        ;; previous line stopped filling
+                        ;; attributes, find the line that started
+                        ;; filling them and indent to that line
+                        (while (or (looking-at ".*\\[.*\\].*")
+                                   (not (looking-at ".*\\[.*"))) ; TODO:PP : "
+                          (forward-line -1))
+                        (current-indentation))
+                       (t
+                        ;; default case, indent the
+                        ;; same as previous line
+                        (current-indentation)) ))) )))
+(defun graphviz-dot-indent-graph ()
+  "Indent the graph/digraph/subgraph where point is at.
+This will first teach the beginning of the graph were point is at, and
+then indent this and each subgraph in it."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    ;; position point at start of graph
+    (while (not (or (looking-at "\\(^.*{[^}]*$\\)") (bobp)))
+      (forward-line -1))
+    ;; bracket { one +; bracket } one -
+    (let ((bracket-count 0))
+      (while
+          (progn
+            (cond
+             ;; update bracket-count
+             ((looking-at "\\(^.*{[^}]*$\\)")
+              (setq bracket-count (+ bracket-count 1)))
+             ;; update bracket-count
+             ((looking-at "^[ \t]*}[ \t]*$")
+              (setq bracket-count (- bracket-count 1))))
+            ;; indent this line and move on
+            (graphviz-dot-indent-line)
+            (forward-line 1)
+            ;; as long as we are not completed or at end of buffer
+            (and (> bracket-count 0) (not (eobp))))))))
+;;;; Electric indentation
+(defun graphviz-dot-comment-or-string-p ()
+  (let ((state (parse-partial-sexp (point-min) (point))))
+     (or (nth 4 state) (nth 3 state))))
+(defun graphviz-dot-newline-and-indent ()
+  (save-excursion
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+    (graphviz-dot-indent-line))
+  (delete-horizontal-space)
+  (newline)
+  (graphviz-dot-indent-line))
+(defun electric-graphviz-dot-terminate-line ()
+  "Terminate line and indent next line."
+  (interactive)
+  (if graphviz-dot-auto-indent-on-newline
+      (graphviz-dot-newline-and-indent)
+    (newline)))
+(defun electric-graphviz-dot-open-brace ()
+  "Terminate line and indent next line."
+  (interactive)
+  (insert "{")
+  (if (and graphviz-dot-auto-indent-on-braces
+           (not (graphviz-dot-comment-or-string-p)))
+      (graphviz-dot-newline-and-indent)))
+(defun electric-graphviz-dot-close-brace ()
+  "Terminate line and indent next line."
+  (interactive)
+  (insert "}")
+  (if (and graphviz-dot-auto-indent-on-braces
+           (not (graphviz-dot-comment-or-string-p)))
+      (progn
+        (save-excursion
+          (beginning-of-line)
+          (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+          (graphviz-dot-indent-line))
+        (newline)
+        (graphviz-dot-indent-line))))
+(defun electric-graphviz-dot-semi ()
+  "Terminate line and indent next line."
+  (interactive)
+  (insert ";")
+  (if (and graphviz-dot-auto-indent-on-semi
+           (not (graphviz-dot-comment-or-string-p)))
+      (graphviz-dot-newline-and-indent)))
+;;;; Preview
+(defun graphviz-dot-preview ()
+  "Shows an example of the current dot file in an emacs buffer.
+This assumes that we are running GNU Emacs or XEmacs under a windowing system.
+See `image-file-name-extensions' for customizing the files that can be
+loaded in GNU Emacs, and `image-formats-alist' for XEmacs."
+  (interactive)
+  ;; unsafe to compile ourself, ask it to the user
+  (if (buffer-modified-p)
+      (message "Buffer needs to be compiled.")
+    (if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
+        ;; things are easier in XEmacs...
+        (find-file-other-window (concat (file-name-sans-extension
+                                        buffer-file-name)
+                                       "." graphviz-dot-preview-extension))
+      ;; run through all the extensions for images
+      (let ((l image-file-name-extensions))
+        (while
+            (let ((f (concat (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name))
+                             "."
+                             (car l))))
+              ;; see if a file matches, might be best also to check
+              ;; if file is up to date TODO:PP
+              (if (file-exists-p f)
+                  (progn (auto-image-file-mode 1)
+                         ;; OK, this is ugly, I would need to 
+                         ;; know how I can reload a file in an existing buffer
+                         (if (get-buffer "*preview*")
+                             (kill-buffer "*preview*"))
+                         (set-buffer (find-file-noselect f))
+                         (rename-buffer "*preview*")
+                         (display-buffer (get-buffer "*preview*"))
+                         ;; stop iterating
+                         '())
+                ;; will stop iterating when l is nil
+                (setq l (cdr l)))))
+      ;; each extension tested and nothing found, let user know
+      (when (eq l '())
+        (message "No image found."))))))
+;;;; View
+(defun graphviz-dot-view ()
+  "Runs an external viewer. This creates an external process every time it
+is executed. If `graphviz-dot-save-before-view' is set, the current
+buffer is saved before the command is executed."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((cmd (if graphviz-dot-view-edit-command
+                 (if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
+                     (read-shell-command "View command: " 
+                                         (format graphviz-dot-view-command
+                                                 (buffer-file-name)))
+                   (read-from-minibuffer "View command: " 
+                                         (format graphviz-dot-view-command
+                                                 (buffer-file-name))))
+               (format graphviz-dot-view-command (buffer-file-name)))))
+    (if graphviz-dot-save-before-view 
+        (save-buffer))
+    (setq novaproc (start-process-shell-command
+                    (downcase mode-name) nil cmd))
+    (message (format "Executing `%s'..." cmd))))
+;;;; Completion
+(defvar graphviz-dot-str nil)
+(defvar graphviz-dot-all nil)
+(defvar graphviz-dot-pred nil)
+(defvar graphviz-dot-buffer-to-use nil)
+(defvar graphviz-dot-flag nil)
+(defun graphviz-dot-get-state ()
+  "Returns the syntax state of the current point."
+  (let ((state (parse-partial-sexp (point-min) (point))))
+    (cond
+     ((nth 4 state) 'comment)
+     ((nth 3 state) 'string)
+     ((not (nth 1 state)) 'out)
+     (t (save-excursion
+          (skip-chars-backward "^[,=\\[]{};")
+          (backward-char)
+          (cond 
+           ((looking-at "[\\[,]{};") 'attribute)
+           ((looking-at "=") (progn
+                               (backward-word 1)
+                               (if (looking-at "[a-zA-Z]*color")
+                                   'color
+                                 'value)))
+           (t 'other)))))))
+(defun graphviz-dot-get-keywords ()
+  "Return possible completions for a word"
+  (let ((state (graphviz-dot-get-state)))
+    (cond
+     ((equal state 'comment)   ())
+     ((equal state 'string)    ())
+     ((equal state 'out)       graphviz-attr-keywords)
+     ((equal state 'value)     graphviz-value-keywords)
+     ((equal state 'color)     graphviz-color-keywords)
+     ((equal state 'attribute) graphviz-attr-keywords)
+     (t                        graphviz-attr-keywords))))
+(defvar graphviz-dot-last-word-numb 0)
+(defvar graphviz-dot-last-word-shown nil)
+(defvar graphviz-dot-last-completions nil)
+(defun graphviz-dot-complete-word ()
+  "Complete word at current point."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((b (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward "a-zA-Z0-9_") (point)))
+         (e (save-excursion (skip-chars-forward "a-zA-Z0-9_") (point)))
+         (graphviz-dot-str (buffer-substring b e))
+         (allcomp (if (and graphviz-dot-toggle-completions
+                           (string= graphviz-dot-last-word-shown 
+                                    graphviz-dot-str))
+                      graphviz-dot-last-completions
+                    (all-completions graphviz-dot-str 
+                                     (graphviz-dot-get-keywords))))
+         (match (if graphviz-dot-toggle-completions
+                    "" (try-completion
+                        graphviz-dot-str (mapcar '(lambda (elm)
+                                                    (cons elm 0)) allcomp)))))
+    ;; Delete old string
+    (delete-region b e)
+    ;; Toggle-completions inserts whole labels
+    (if graphviz-dot-toggle-completions
+        (progn
+          ;; Update entry number in list
+          (setq graphviz-dot-last-completions allcomp
+                graphviz-dot-last-word-numb 
+                (if (>= graphviz-dot-last-word-numb (1- (length allcomp)))
+                    0
+                  (1+ graphviz-dot-last-word-numb)))
+          (setq graphviz-dot-last-word-shown 
+                (elt allcomp graphviz-dot-last-word-numb))
+          ;; Display next match or same string if no match was found
+          (if (not (null allcomp))
+              (insert "" graphviz-dot-last-word-shown)
+            (insert "" graphviz-dot-str)
+            (message "(No match)")))
+      ;; The other form of completion does not necessarily do that.
+      ;; Insert match if found, or the original string if no match
+      (if (or (null match) (equal match 't))
+          (progn (insert "" graphviz-dot-str)
+                 (message "(No match)"))
+        (insert "" match))
+      ;; Give message about current status of completion
+      (cond ((equal match 't)
+             (if (not (null (cdr allcomp)))
+                 (message "(Complete but not unique)")
+               (message "(Sole completion)")))
+            ;; Display buffer if the current completion didn't help 
+            ;; on completing the label.
+            ((and (not (null (cdr allcomp))) (= (length graphviz-dot-str)
+                                                (length match)))
+             (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Completions*"
+               (display-completion-list allcomp))
+             ;; Wait for a keypress. Then delete *Completion*  window
+             (momentary-string-display "" (point))
+             (if graphviz-dot-delete-completions
+                 (delete-window 
+                  (get-buffer-window (get-buffer "*Completions*"))))
+             )))))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.dot\\'" . graphviz-dot-mode))
+;;; graphviz-dot-mode.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs_el/spamassassin-mode.el b/emacs_el/spamassassin-mode.el
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..db710c6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+;;; spamassassin-mode.el --- spamassassin rules editing commands for Emacs
+;;; Copyright (C) 2004 Eugene Morozov <eugene@renice.org>
+;; Author: Eugene Morozov <eugene@renice.org>
+;; Maintainer: Eugene Morozov <eugene@renice.org>
+;; Keywords: spamassassin
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This mode is largerly based on m4-mode. It is useable in its
+;; current state but font-lock code is far from perfect.
+;; To Do's:
+;; * Improve font-lock code (highlite rule names in meta rules, 
+;;   deal with quotes somehow
+;; * Make last argument for spamassassin-assassin-file be the default
+;;   argument for the next invocation
+;; * Strip existing SpamAssassin markup in spamassassin-assassin-file
+;;   before invoking SpamAssassin
+(defvar spamassassin-mode-syntax-table nil
+  "Syntax table in use in spamassassin-mode buffers.")
+(define-skeleton spamassassin-body-rule-skeleton
+  "Inserts a SpamAssassin body rule skeleton."
+  "Rule name: "
+  "body " str " //i\n"
+  "score " str " 1.0\n"
+  "describe " str " Description\n")
+(define-skeleton spamassassin-header-rule-skeleton
+  "Inserts a SpamAssassin header rule skeleton."
+  "Rule name: "
+  "header " str " Header =~ //i\n"
+  "score " str " 1.0\n"
+  "describe " str " Description\n")
+(define-skeleton spamassassin-meta-rule-skeleton
+  "Inserts a SpamAssassin meta rule skeleton."
+  "Rule name: "
+  "meta " str "\n"
+  "score " str " 1.0\n"
+  "describe " str " Description\n")
+(defvar spamassassin-mode-abbrev-table
+  (let ((ac abbrevs-changed))
+    (define-abbrev-table 'spamassassin-mode-abbrev-table ())
+    (define-abbrev spamassassin-mode-abbrev-table "bdy" "" 
+      'spamassassin-body-rule-skeleton)
+    (define-abbrev spamassassin-mode-abbrev-table "hdr" "" 
+      'spamassassin-header-rule-skeleton)
+    (define-abbrev spamassassin-mode-abbrev-table "mta" "" 
+      'spamassassin-meta-rule-skeleton)
+    (setq abbrevs-changed ac)
+    spamassassin-mode-abbrev-table)
+  "Abbrev table for use in spamassassin-mode buffers.")
+(if spamassassin-mode-syntax-table
+    ()
+  (setq spamassassin-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?# "<" spamassassin-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" spamassassin-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\f ">" spamassassin-mode-syntax-table)
+  ;; Quotes doesn't mean something special in spamassassin configuration
+  ;; and treating them as punctuation simplifies my font-lock efforts
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "." spamassassin-mode-syntax-table)
+  (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "_" spamassassin-mode-syntax-table))
+(defconst spamassassin-font-lock-keywords
+  (eval-when-compile
+      (list
+       '("^[ \t]*\\(rawbody\\|body\\|uri\\|full\\)\\>[ \t]*\\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\\)?[ \t]*\\(/\\(\\(?:\\\\.\\|[^/]\\)*\\)/\\)?\\(\\sw+\\)?"
+         (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-function-name-face nil t) (3 font-lock-constant-face nil t) (4 font-lock-string-face t t) (5 font-lock-type-face nil t))
+       '("^[ \t]*\\(header\\)\\>[ \t]*\\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\\)?[ \t]*\\([-A-Za-z0-9_]+\\)?[ \t]*\\(?:=~\\)?[ \t]*\\(/\\(\\(?:\\\\.\\|[^/]\\)*\\)/\\)?\\(\\sw+\\)?"
+         (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-function-name-face nil t) (3 font-lock-type-face nil t) (4 font-lock-constant-face nil t) (5 font-lock-string-face t t) (6 font-lock-type-face nil t))
+       '("^[ \t]*\\(uridnsbl\\|describe\\|score\\|meta\\)\\>[ \t]*\\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\\)?"
+         (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-function-name-face nil t))
+       '("^[ \t]*\\(tflags\\)[ \t]*\\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\\)?[ \t]*\\(\\(\\(net\\|nice\\|userconf\\|learn\\|noautolearn\\)[ \t]*\\)*\\)"
+         (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-function-name-face nil t) (3 font-lock-builtin-face nil t))
+       '("^[ \t]*\\(test\\)[ \t]*\\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\\)?[ \t]*\\(ok\\|fail\\)?"
+         (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-function-name-face) (3 font-lock-constant-face))
+       (cons (regexp-opt '("require_version" "version_tag" "def_whitelist_from_rcvd" "whitelist_from_rcvd" "unwhitelist_from" "unwhitelist_from_rcvd" "whitelist_from" "blacklist_from" "unblacklist_from" "whitelist_to" "more_spam_to" "all_spam_to" "blacklist_to" "required_score" "required_hits" "rewrite_header" "fold_headers" "add_header" "remove_header" "clear_headers" "report_safe_copy_headers" "report_safe" "report_charset" "report" "clear_report_template" "report_contact" "report_hostname" "unsafe_report" "clear_unsafe_report_template" "spamtrap" "clear_spamtrap_template" "ok_languages" "ok_locales" "use_dcc" "dcc_timeout" "dcc_body_max" "dcc_fuz1_max" "dcc_fuz2_max" "use_pyzor" "pyzor_timeout" "pyzor_max" "clear_trusted_networks" "clear_internal_networks" "trusted_networks" "internal_networks" "use_razor2" "razor_timeout" "use_bayes" "skip_rbl_checks" "rbl_timeout" "check_mx_attempts" "check_mx_delay" "bayes_ignore_from" "bayes_ignore_to" "dns_available" "use_hashcash" "hashcash_accept" "hashcash_doublespend_path" "hashcash_doublespend_file_mode" "auto_whitelist_factor" "auto_whitelist_db_modules" "bayes_auto_learn" "bayes_auto_threshold_nonspam" "bayes_auto_threshold_spam" "bayes_ignore_header" "bayes_min_ham_num" "bayes_min_spam_num" "bayes_learn_during_report" "bayes_sql_override_username" "pyzor_options" "allow_user_rules" "razor_config" "pyzor_path" "dcc_home" "dcc_dccifd_path" "dcc_path" "dcc_options" "use_auto_whitelist" "auto_whitelist_factory" "auto_whitelist_path" "auto_whitelist_file_mode" "bayes_path" "bayes_file_mode" "bayes_use_hapaxes" "bayes_use_chi2_combining" "bayes_journal_max_size" "bayes_expiry_max_db_size" "bayes_auto_expire" "bayes_learn_to_journal" "bayes_store_module" "bayes_sql_dsn" "bayes_sql_username" "bayes_sql_password" "user_awl_dsn" "user_awl_sql_username" "user_awl_sql_password" "user_awl_sql_table" "user_scores_dsn" "user_scores_ldap_username" "user_scores_ldap_password" "user_scores_sql_username" "user_scores_sql_password" "loadplugin" "ifplugin" "endif" "lang" "uridnsbl_timeout") 'words)
+             'font-lock-builtin-face)
+       ))
+  "Default font-lock-keyword-face for `spamassassin mode'.")
+(defcustom spamassassin-mode-hook nil
+  "*Hook called by `spamassassin-mode'."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'spamassassin)
+(defvar spamassassin-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "\C-c\C-t" 'spamassassin-assassin-file)
+    (define-key map "\C-c\C-l" 'spamassassin-lint-rules)
+    (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'comment-region)
+    map))
+(require 'easymenu)
+(easy-menu-define spamassassin-menu spamassassin-mode-map "Menu for the SpamAssassin mode"
+  '("SpamAssassin"
+    ["Assassin file" spamassassin-assassin-file]
+    ["Lint rules" spamassassin-lint-rules]))
+(defun spamassassin-mode ()
+  "A major mode to edit SpamAssassin rules.
+  (interactive)
+  (kill-all-local-variables)
+  (use-local-map spamassassin-mode-map)
+  (setq local-abbrev-table spamassassin-mode-abbrev-table)
+  (make-local-variable 'comment-start)
+  (setq comment-start "#")
+  (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
+  (setq major-mode 'spamassassin-mode
+        mode-name "SpamAssassin"
+        font-lock-defaults '(spamassassin-font-lock-keywords nil))
+  (set-syntax-table spamassassin-mode-syntax-table)
+  (if (featurep 'easymenu)
+      (easy-menu-add spamassassin-menu))
+  (abbrev-mode)
+  (run-hooks 'spamassassin-mode-hook))
+(defun spamassassin-lint-rules (&optional debug)
+  "Runs `spamassassin --lint' to lint the rules. Currently
+spamassassin cannot check only one file, so it will lint your rules
+only if they're located in one of the places where spamassassin looks
+for them. Prefix arg runs spamassassin in debug mode."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((spamassassin-command "spamassassin --lint"))
+    (if debug
+        (setq spamassassin-command (concat spamassassin-command " -D")))
+    (shell-command spamassassin-command)))
+;; Regex-opt program can be found here:
+;; http://bisqwit.iki.fi/source/regexopt.html
+(defun spamassassin-optimize-regexp (start end)
+  "Filter selection through regex-opt program."
+  (interactive "r")
+  (shell-command-on-region start end 
+                           (concat "regex-opt " 
+                                   (shell-quote-argument (buffer-substring start end)))
+                           t t))
+(defun spamassassin-assassin-file (filename &optional debug)
+  "Filters specified file through the spamassassin. Prefix arg runs
+spamassassin in debug mode."
+  (interactive "f")
+  (let ((spamassassin-command "spamassassin -t"))
+    (if debug
+        (setq spamassassin-command (concat spamassassin-command " -D")))
+    (setq spamassassin-command
+          (concat spamassassin-command "< " filename))
+    (shell-command spamassassin-command)))
+(provide 'spamassassin-mode)