]> git.donarmstrong.com Git - deb_pkgs/scowl.git/blob - final/variant_1-words.50
Add analyses (plural of analysis) (Closes: #570718). Thanks to Benoit
[deb_pkgs/scowl.git] / final / variant_1-words.50
1 abductores
2 abetter
3 abetters
4 abscissae
5 absinth
6 acanthi
7 accoutrements
8 adieux
9 adjustor
10 adjustors
11 adze
12 aeon
13 aeons
14 aery
15 alluvia
16 ampoule
17 ampoules
18 ampul
19 ampuls
20 aneurism
21 aneurisms
22 aphides
23 aquae
24 arboreta
25 ascendency
26 ascendent
27 ascendents
28 atriums
29 automata
30 backpedalled
31 backpedalling
32 backslidden
33 bandana
34 bandanas
35 bandolier
36 bandoliers
37 bassi
38 bedevilled
39 bedevilling
40 bestrid
41 blowsier
42 blowsiest
43 blowsy
44 bogie
45 bogied
46 bogies
47 bogy
48 boloney
49 bonitoes
50 briar
51 briars
52 brinksmanship
53 briquet
54 briquets
55 brontosauri
56 cablecasted
57 caesarean
58 caesareans
59 caesurae
60 calk
61 calked
62 calking
63 calks
64 calliper
65 callipered
66 callipering
67 callipers
68 calyces
69 cambia
70 campanili
71 candelabrums
72 cantaloup
73 cantaloups
74 caracul
75 carcinomata
76 caroller
77 carollers
78 carrousel
79 carrousels
80 caryatides
81 castor
82 castors
83 cataloguer
84 cataloguers
85 catechise
86 catechised
87 catechises
88 catechising
89 caveated
90 caveating
91 caviare
92 cavilled
93 cavilling
94 centigramme
95 centigrammes
96 cerebella
97 chamoix
98 chanties
99 chanty
100 chile
101 chiles
102 chirrupped
103 chirrupping
104 chitlings
105 chitlins
106 chrysalides
107 cicadae
108 cicatrixes
109 clarinettist
110 clarinettists
111 cloverleaves
112 coccyxes
113 cognomina
114 colloquia
115 colossuses
116 compendia
117 conches
118 conjuror
119 conjurors
120 conquistadores
121 continuums
122 conveyer
123 conveyers
124 coppice
125 coppiced
126 coppices
127 coppicing
128 copulae
129 coronae
130 corpuses
131 cortexes
132 countersank
133 crossways
134 crozier
135 croziers
136 cudgelled
137 cudgelling
138 curtsey
139 curtseyed
140 curtseying
141 curtseys
142 cuspides
143 cutesie
144 decrescendi
145 delphinia
146 demagog
147 demagogs
148 dentine
149 deprogramed
150 deprograming
151 desperados
152 dextrous
153 dickies
154 dicky
155 dickys
156 dictums
157 dietician
158 dieticians
159 dilettanti
160 disembowelled
161 disembowelling
162 dodoes
163 doggie
164 dogy
165 dowelled
166 dowelling
167 drachmae
168 drachmai
169 drily
170 duellist
171 duellists
172 dumfound
173 dumfounded
174 dumfounding
175 dumfounds
176 duodenums
177 employe
178 employes
179 encyclopaedic
180 endwise
181 epaulette
182 epaulettes
183 epiglottides
184 epilog
185 epilogs
186 epoxyed
187 esthete
188 esthetes
189 esthetics
190 executrixes
191 exorcize
192 exorcized
193 exorcizes
194 exorcizing
195 eyrie
196 eyries
197 eyry
198 faeces
199 femora
200 fibulas
201 fiord
202 fiords
203 flagellums
204 flukey
205 flunkey
206 flunkeys
207 freebee
208 freebees
209 frescos
210 frontrunner
211 frontrunners
212 fuze
213 fuzed
214 fuzes
215 fuzing
216 gaberdine
217 gaberdines
218 gambolled
219 gambolling
220 gamey
221 ganglier
222 gangliest
223 ganglions
224 gangly
225 garrotte
226 garrotted
227 garrottes
228 garrotting
229 gayety
230 geckoes
231 gelatine
232 gingko
233 gingkoes
234 gingkos
235 ginkgos
236 gipsy
237 gladioluses
238 glamourous
239 glissandos
240 glottides
241 gobbledegook
242 goitre
243 goitres
244 groveller
245 grovellers
246 guerillas
247 hah
248 hahs
249 harken
250 harkened
251 harkening
252 harkens
253 helixes
254 helpmeet
255 helpmeets
256 highjack
257 highjacked
258 highjacking
259 highjacks
260 hoagy
261 hominess
262 honoraria
263 hosses
264 hydrae
265 hyperbolae
266 ibices
267 idyl
268 idyls
269 imbed
270 imbedded
271 imbedding
272 imbeds
273 immoveable
274 impanelled
275 impanelling
276 imposter
277 imposters
278 inclose
279 inclosed
280 incloses
281 inclosing
282 inclosure
283 inclosures
284 incrust
285 incrusted
286 incrusting
287 incrusts
288 incubi
289 indorse
290 indorsed
291 indorses
292 indorsing
293 insetted
294 intagli
295 intrust
296 intrusted
297 intrusting
298 intrusts
299 jailor
300 jailors
301 jinni
302 jinnis
303 juncoes
304 kebob
305 kebobs
306 kerosine
307 kidnaper
308 kidnapers
309 kielbasy
310 kilohertzes
311 kookie
312 kopek
313 kopeks
314 lacrimal
315 lacunas
316 lambast
317 lambasts
318 largesse
319 leftie
320 lemures
321 lengthways
322 levellers
323 libeller
324 libellers
325 libretti
326 likeable
327 liras
328 lissom
329 liveable
330 loadstone
331 loadstones
332 lollygag
333 lollygagged
334 lollygagging
335 lollygags
336 lollypop
337 lollypops
338 loth
339 louvred
340 loveable
341 lymphomata
342 macintoshes
343 maestri
344 maharaja
345 maharajas
346 maharanee
347 maharanees
348 mahjong
349 mamma
350 mammae
351 mammas
352 mannikin
353 mannikins
354 mantes
355 marihuana
356 marvellously
357 maxillas
358 mazourka
359 mazourkas
360 medullae
361 megahertzes
362 melanomata
363 menhadens
364 mestizoes
365 miasmata
366 micra
367 miniscule
368 miniscules
369 mollusc
370 molluscs
371 mongeese
372 monicker
373 monickers
374 monolog
375 monologged
376 monologging
377 monologs
378 monsignori
379 mortgager
380 mortgagers
381 moveable
382 moveables
383 mynah
384 mynahs
385 naiades
386 narcissi
387 narcissuses
388 nark
389 narked
390 narking
391 narks
392 nautili
393 nimbuses
394 nitroglycerine
395 novelle
396 numbskull
397 numbskulls
398 ochre
399 octette
400 octettes
401 omnibusses
402 organdie
403 orthopaedic
404 orthopaedist
405 orthopaedists
406 oxymorons
407 pailsful
408 palmettoes
409 parameciums
410 patinae
411 pawpaw
412 pawpaws
413 peccadillos
414 pericardiums
415 perihelions
416 peritonea
417 phantasied
418 phantasies
419 phantasy
420 phantasying
421 pharynxes
422 philodendra
423 phloxes
424 phoneyed
425 phoneying
426 phoneys
427 pianissimi
428 piazze
429 pilaff
430 pilaffs
431 pintoes
432 pizzicatos
433 platypi
434 ploughshare
435 ploughshares
436 pokeys
437 politicoes
438 pollywog
439 pollywogs
440 polyhedra
441 pommelled
442 pommelling
443 pompon
444 pompons
445 portmanteaux
446 premiss
447 preshrunken
448 preterite
449 preterites
450 preventible
451 proboscides
452 propellent
453 propellents
454 proscenia
455 protozoon
456 pupas
457 quartette
458 quartettes
459 quintette
460 quintettes
461 racquet
462 racqueted
463 racqueting
464 racquets
465 raja
466 rajas
467 rebroadcasted
468 reeved
469 refocussed
470 refocusses
471 refocussing
472 relabelled
473 relabelling
474 relearnt
475 respelt
476 rhombi
477 rhomboides
478 ricksha
479 rickshas
480 ripost
481 riposts
482 rowelled
483 rowelling
484 russeting
485 saltpetre
486 salvoes
487 sancta
488 sarcomata
489 sarcophaguses
490 savannah
491 savannahs
492 scampies
493 scapulas
494 scherzi
495 scrods
496 scrotums
497 selvedge
498 selvedged
499 selvedges
500 selvedging
501 septums
502 seraphim
503 shellack
504 shellacks
505 shrove
506 sidewise
507 sirup
508 sirups
509 sisses
510 skilful
511 skullduggery
512 smidgeon
513 smidgeons
514 smidgin
515 smidgins
516 snivelled
517 snivelling
518 solariums
519 specced
520 speccing
521 staccati
522 sterna
523 stilettoes
524 straightjacket
525 straightjackets
526 stuccos
527 stye
528 styed
529 styes
530 substratums
531 subtotalled
532 subtotalling
533 sulphured
534 sulphuring
535 sulphurous
536 sulphurs
537 sumach
538 swamies
539 swop
540 swopped
541 swopping
542 swops
543 symposia
544 synagog
545 synagogs
546 synch
547 synched
548 synching
549 synchs
550 tableaus
551 tameable
552 teensier
553 teensiest
554 teensy
555 teepee
556 teepees
557 telecasted
558 temblores
559 tenderfeet
560 terraria
561 tetrahedra
562 thiamin
563 thoraces
564 throughway
565 throughways
566 thymi
567 tibias
568 tike
569 tikes
570 toffies
571 toffy
572 tracheas
573 trammelled
574 trammelling
575 tranquillize
576 tranquillized
577 tranquillizer
578 tranquillizers
579 tranquillizes
580 tranquillizing
581 transfixt
582 travelog
583 travelogs
584 triceratopses
585 trousseaus
586 tumbril
587 tumbrils
588 tympana
589 tyroes
590 tzar
591 tzars
592 ulnas
593 umbilicuses
594 unbeknownst
595 urethras
596 useable
597 uvulae
598 veldt
599 veldts
600 velours
601 vender
602 venders
603 verandah
604 verandahs
605 victualled
606 victualling
607 viragos
608 vizor
609 vizors
610 vulvas
611 wadies
612 wainscotted
613 wainscotting
614 wainscottings
615 whackier
616 whackiest
617 whacky
618 whimsey
619 whimseys
620 wildfowls
621 windburnt
622 winterier
623 winteriest
624 wintery
625 wistaria
626 wistarias
627 yeshivoth
628 yodeller
629 yodellers
630 yoghurt
631 yoghurts