]> git.donarmstrong.com Git - deb_pkgs/scowl.git/blob - final/british-words.70
Move sangs (plural of an obscure plant) to -95 (Closes: #861025)
[deb_pkgs/scowl.git] / final / british-words.70
1 accoutrement
2 achromatise
3 achromatised
4 achromatises
5 achromatising
6 adonises
7 aeolipile
8 aeolotropic
9 aeonian
10 aeonism
11 aeq
12 aerogenic
13 aerose
14 aerugo
15 aesthesia
16 aesthetician
17 aestheticians
18 aestival
19 aestivate
20 aestivated
21 aestivates
22 aestivating
23 aestivation
24 aestivations
25 aetiologically
26 aetiologist
27 aggrandiser
28 albuminise
29 alchemise
30 alchemised
31 alchemises
32 alchemising
33 alcoholise
34 alcoholised
35 alcoholises
36 alcoholising
37 alkalinise
38 alkalinised
39 alkalinises
40 alkalinising
41 alkalisation
42 allegorise
43 allegorised
44 allegorises
45 allegorising
46 aluminise
47 aluminised
48 aluminises
49 aluminising
50 amenorrhoea
51 amenorrhoeas
52 amenorrhoeic
53 amoebocyte
54 amortisement
55 amourist
56 amourists
57 anaesthetically
58 anagrammatise
59 anagrammatised
60 anagrammatises
61 anagrammatising
62 anglicisation
63 animalise
64 animalised
65 animalises
66 animalising
67 anoxaemia
68 anserinae
69 anthropomorphised
70 anthropomorphises
71 anthropomorphising
72 antisepticise
73 aphaereses
74 aphaeresis
75 aphorise
76 aphorised
77 aphorises
78 aphorising
79 apnoea
80 apnoeas
81 apostrophise
82 apostrophised
83 apostrophises
84 apostrophising
85 apotheosise
86 apotheosised
87 apotheosises
88 apotheosising
89 arborisation
90 archaise
91 archaised
92 archaises
93 archaising
94 areography
95 areolae
96 areologies
97 areology
98 areometer
99 aromatise
100 aromatised
101 aromatises
102 aromatising
103 arterialise
104 arterialised
105 arterialises
106 arterialising
107 arytaenoid
108 arytaenoids
109 asafoetida
110 asafoetidas
111 atomisation
112 atomisations
113 attempre
114 attitudiniser
115 autocatalyses
116 autoionisation
117 autolyses
118 automatisation
119 autotomise
120 autotomised
121 autotomises
122 autotomising
123 axiomatising
124 azotaemia
125 azotise
126 bael
127 baels
128 barbarisation
129 barbarisations
130 bartisan
131 barycentre
132 bastinadoed
133 bastinadoes
134 battologise
135 behaviouristic
136 bestialise
137 bestialised
138 bestialises
139 bestialising
140 bicolour
141 bise
142 bistre
143 bistres
144 bituminise
145 bituminised
146 bituminises
147 bituminising
148 botanise
149 botanised
150 botanises
151 botanising
152 bour
153 bourage
154 bourg
155 cacoaethes
156 cacodaemon
157 cacodaemons
158 cadastre
159 cadastres
160 caecally
161 caecity
162 caesar
163 caesiums
164 caespitose
165 caestus
166 caesural
167 camise
168 cancellable
169 cancellate
170 caponise
171 caponised
172 caponises
173 caponising
174 caracolled
175 caracolling
176 caramelisation
177 carbolise
178 carbonadoes
179 carbonisation
180 carbonisations
181 carburisation
182 carburise
183 carburised
184 carburises
185 carburising
186 cartelisation
187 cartelise
188 catalyser
189 catechiser
190 catholicise
191 catholicised
192 catholicises
193 catholicising
194 centrings
195 cephalisation
196 chaetopod
197 characteriser
198 chelicerae
199 cherely
200 cicatrise
201 cicatrised
202 cicatrises
203 cicatrising
204 cinchonise
205 cinematise
206 circularisation
207 circularisations
208 circulariser
209 civiliser
210 claroes
211 classicise
212 classicised
213 classicises
214 classicising
215 cocainise
216 cocainised
217 cocainises
218 cocainising
219 coeliac
220 coeliotomy
221 coelom
222 coelomata
223 coeloms
224 coenacle
225 coenesthesia
226 coenobitical
227 cognise
228 cognised
229 cognises
230 cognising
231 colonisations
232 colourable
233 colourado
234 colourcast
235 colourcasting
236 colourcasts
237 colourer
238 colourific
239 colourings
240 communalise
241 communalised
242 communalises
243 communalising
244 communisation
245 communisations
246 communise
247 communised
248 communises
249 communising
250 comprisable
251 concentre
252 concentred
253 concentres
254 concentring
255 concretise
256 concretised
257 concretises
258 concretising
259 contemporise
260 contemporised
261 contemporises
262 contemporising
263 conventionalisation
264 conventionalisations
265 copolymerise
266 copolymerised
267 copolymerises
268 copolymerising
269 cosmopolitanise
270 costae
271 councillorship
272 councillorships
273 counsellorship
274 counsellorships
275 couranto
276 cree
277 crees
278 crenelled
279 crenelling
280 creolised
281 criminalisation
282 criticisable
283 cupellation
284 cupulae
285 curarise
286 customisations
287 cutinise
288 cymae
289 daedal
290 daeva
291 decalitre
292 decalitres
293 decametre
294 decametres
295 decarbonise
296 decarbonised
297 decarbonises
298 decarbonising
299 decarburise
300 decarburised
301 decarburises
302 decarburising
303 decimalise
304 decimalised
305 decimalises
306 decimalising
307 decolourant
308 decolourise
309 decolourised
310 decolourises
311 decolourising
312 dehypnotise
313 deionise
314 deionised
315 dekalitre
316 dekalitres
317 dekametre
318 dekametres
319 delocalise
320 demagnetiser
321 demasculinise
322 dematerialise
323 dematerialised
324 dematerialises
325 dematerialising
326 demineralisation
327 demineralisations
328 demineralise
329 demineraliser
330 demonisation
331 demoraliser
332 demythologisation
333 demythologisations
334 demythologise
335 demythologised
336 demythologises
337 demythologising
338 denaturalise
339 denaturalised
340 denaturalises
341 denaturalising
342 deoxidise
343 deoxidised
344 deoxidises
345 deoxidising
346 depersonalisation
347 depolarisations
348 depoliticisation
349 depolymerise
350 desensitiser
351 desexualise
352 desexualised
353 desexualises
354 desexualising
355 desulphurise
356 detribalise
357 detribalised
358 detribalises
359 detribalising
360 diabolise
361 diabolised
362 diabolises
363 diabolising
364 diagonalise
365 diagonalised
366 diagonalises
367 diagonalising
368 dialler
369 dialogise
370 dialyse
371 dialysed
372 dialyser
373 dialysing
374 diarrhoeal
375 diarrhoeic
376 dichotomise
377 dichotomised
378 dichotomises
379 dichotomising
380 dieselise
381 digitalise
382 digitalised
383 digitalises
384 digitalising
385 digitisations
386 digitiser
387 digitisers
388 dioptre
389 dioptres
390 diphthongise
391 diphthongised
392 diphthongises
393 diphthongising
394 disillusionise
395 disseise
396 disseisin
397 divinise
398 dogmatise
399 dogmatised
400 dogmatises
401 dogmatising
402 dolours
403 doura
404 dracaena
405 dracaenas
406 dyspnoea
407 dyspnoeas
408 ebonise
409 ebonised
410 ebonises
411 ebonising
412 economisation
413 editorialisation
414 editorialiser
415 effeminise
416 effeminised
417 effeminises
418 effeminising
419 egotise
420 elaeoptene
421 electrolyse
422 electrolysed
423 electrolysing
424 elegise
425 elegised
426 elegises
427 elegising
428 emblematise
429 encarnalise
430 encyclopaedically
431 encyclopaedist
432 encyclopaedists
433 endamoeba
434 ensepulchre
435 entomologise
436 epigaeal
437 epigaeous
438 epigrammatise
439 escaladoes
440 essentialise
441 eternalise
442 eternalised
443 eternalises
444 eternalising
445 eternise
446 eternised
447 eternises
448 eternising
449 etherealise
450 etherealised
451 etherealises
452 etherealising
453 etherise
454 etherised
455 etherises
456 etherising
457 ethicise
458 etymologise
459 etymologised
460 etymologises
461 etymologising
462 eudaemon
463 eudaemonia
464 eudaemonics
465 eudaemonism
466 eudaemonisms
467 eudaemons
468 euhemerise
469 eunuchise
470 euphemise
471 euphemised
472 euphemises
473 euphemising
474 euphonise
475 evangelisation
476 evangeliser
477 experimentalise
478 exsiccatae
479 exteriorise
480 exteriorised
481 exteriorises
482 exteriorising
483 factorisations
484 faecula
485 faeculence
486 faitour
487 fanaticise
488 fantasiser
489 faradise
490 favourableness
491 favourablenesses
492 favourer
493 feminisation
494 fere
495 fertilisable
496 feudalisation
497 feudalise
498 fibred
499 flavoury
500 fluidise
501 fluidised
502 focalise
503 foetiparous
504 foetor
505 foetors
506 formae
507 formalisations
508 formularise
509 formularised
510 formularises
511 formularising
512 fossae
513 fourb
514 fractionise
515 fraena
516 fraenulum
517 fraenum
518 framboesia
519 framboesias
520 freity
521 frise
522 frisette
523 frivolled
524 frivolling
525 fueller
526 fulgour
527 galvaniser
528 gauffre
529 gelatinise
530 gelatinised
531 gelatinises
532 gelatinising
533 genealogise
534 generalisable
535 geologise
536 geometrise
537 ghettoisation
538 glamoriser
539 glebae
540 globigerinae
541 glutaei
542 glutaeus
543 gluttonise
544 gluttonised
545 gluttonises
546 gluttonising
547 goey
548 gourmandise
549 gourmandism
550 grangerise
551 graphitise
552 gre
553 greenuk
554 grovellingly
555 gutturalise
556 gynaecic
557 gynaecocracy
558 gynaecoid
559 gynaecomastia
560 gyrostabiliser
561 gyrostabilisers
562 haemachrome
563 haemagglutinate
564 haemal
565 haemangioma
566 haemangiomas
567 haematic
568 haematin
569 haematinic
570 haematites
571 haematoblast
572 haematocele
573 haematocryal
574 haematogenesis
575 haematogenous
576 haematoid
577 haematoma
578 haematomas
579 haematomata
580 haematopoiesis
581 haematosis
582 haematothermal
583 haematoxylin
584 haematozoon
585 haematuria
586 haematurias
587 haemic
588 haemin
589 haemocyte
590 haemodialyses
591 haemodialysis
592 haemoid
593 haemolysin
594 haemolysis
595 haemophilic
596 haemorrhoidal
597 haemorrhoidectomy
598 haemostasis
599 haemostatic
600 haeredes
601 harbourage
602 harbourages
603 harbourer
604 hatchelled
605 hatchelling
606 heathenise
607 hectolitre
608 hectolitres
609 hetaerism
610 heteroecious
611 hierarchise
612 homogeniser
613 homologise
614 homologised
615 homologises
616 homologising
617 hybridiser
618 hydrocoele
619 hydrogenise
620 hydrolysate
621 hydrolysates
622 hydrolysation
623 hypaesthesia
624 hypaethral
625 hyperaemia
626 hyperaemias
627 hyperaesthesia
628 hyperbolise
629 hyperbolised
630 hyperbolises
631 hyperbolising
632 hyperglycaemic
633 hypersensitise
634 hypnotisable
635 hypnotisation
636 hypnotiser
637 hypnotisers
638 hypocentre
639 hypogaeal
640 hypogaeous
641 hypogaeum
642 hyposensitise
643 hypostasise
644 hypostasises
645 hypostatise
646 hypostatised
647 hypostatises
648 hypostatising
649 hypothesiser
650 hysterectomise
651 idealiser
652 idolatrise
653 idoliser
654 illegalise
655 illegalised
656 illegalises
657 illegalising
658 immaterialise
659 immaterialised
660 immaterialises
661 immaterialising
662 impanelment
663 impersonalise
664 imprescriptible
665 incentivisation
666 incentivise
667 incognisant
668 increate
669 indigenae
670 indraught
671 initialisations
672 insolubilise
673 intellectualisation
674 interiorise
675 interiorised
676 interiorises
677 interiorising
678 internationalisations
679 ionisable
680 ipomoea
681 iridise
682 irrationalise
683 isochronise
684 isomerise
685 itemiser
686 jargonise
687 journalise
688 juvenilise
689 kaed
690 keratinise
691 kinaesthesia
692 kinaesthesias
693 kinaesthetic
694 kyanise
695 labeller
696 labialise
697 labialised
698 labialises
699 labialising
700 labiatae
701 laevigate
702 laevogyrate
703 laevorotation
704 laevorotatory
705 laevulose
706 laevuloses
707 laicise
708 laicised
709 laicises
710 laicising
711 lapelled
712 lateralisation
713 leporidae
714 leukorrhoea
715 libellant
716 libellee
717 libellously
718 ligulae
719 linearised
720 lioniser
721 lissomness
722 lissomnesses
723 literalise
724 literalised
725 literalises
726 literalising
727 localisations
728 lodgement
729 lodgements
730 lodiculae
731 loesses
732 logicise
733 logorrhoea
734 logorrhoeas
735 longaevous
736 loury
737 lunulae
738 lustreware
739 lustrewares
740 lustring
741 lyophilise
742 lyophilised
743 lyophilises
744 lyophilising
745 maculae
746 magnetiser
747 maigre
748 majusculae
749 malodour
750 malodourousness
751 malodours
752 margaritae
753 martyrisation
754 martyrise
755 martyrised
756 martyrises
757 martyrising
758 marvellousness
759 matronise
760 maugre
761 maximiser
762 mechanisable
763 mechaniser
764 mediaevalism
765 mediaevally
766 mediatise
767 melodise
768 melodised
769 melodises
770 melodising
771 melodramatise
772 memoriser
773 memorisers
774 mercerisation
775 mercurialise
776 mesmerisation
777 mesogloea
778 metacentre
779 metallise
780 metallised
781 metathesise
782 methaemoglobin
783 methodise
784 metopae
785 micellae
786 micromillimetre
787 microminiaturisation
788 microminiaturised
789 micropalaeontologies
790 micropalaeontology
791 mineralisation
792 mineralise
793 minimiser
794 misadvise
795 misalphabetise
796 mischaracterise
797 mise
798 mitrewort
799 mitreworts
800 mobilisable
801 modernisations
802 modularise
803 modularised
804 modularising
805 monetisation
806 monetisations
807 mongrelise
808 mongrelised
809 mongrelises
810 mongrelising
811 monometallism
812 monumentalise
813 monumentalised
814 monumentalises
815 monumentalising
816 moralisingly
817 mucosae
818 multicolour
819 municipalise
820 mutualise
821 myriametre
822 mythicise
823 mythopoeic
824 myxoedema
825 myxoedemas
826 nanometre
827 nanometres
828 nationaliser
829 nebulisation
830 nebulise
831 nebuliser
832 neologise
833 neoterise
834 neurocoele
835 nitrogenise
836 nomadise
837 nonfulfilment
838 nonionising
839 normalisable
840 normalisations
841 normaliser
842 normalisers
843 nymphaeum
844 obelise
845 objectivise
846 ochreous
847 ochres
848 ochrey
849 oedematous
850 oenologist
851 oenologists
852 oesophagitis
853 oestradiol
854 oestrin
855 oestriol
856 oestrogenic
857 oestrogens
858 oestrone
859 oestrones
860 oestrum
861 offenceless
862 ombre
863 optimisers
864 organisable
865 orientalise
866 orientalised
867 orientalises
868 orientalising
869 orthographise
870 orthopaedically
871 overanalyse
872 overdramatise
873 overdramatised
874 overdramatises
875 overdramatising
876 overindustrialise
877 oxidisable
878 ozonise
879 paederastic
880 paedogenesis
881 paedological
882 paedologist
883 paedology
884 paedophilic
885 paganise
886 palaeethnology
887 palaeobiologies
888 palaeobiologist
889 palaeobiology
890 palaeobotanies
891 palaeobotany
892 palaeoclimatologies
893 palaeoclimatology
894 palaeoecology
895 palaeogeographies
896 palaeogeography
897 palaeographic
898 palaeographical
899 palaeolith
900 palaeoliths
901 palaeontography
902 palaeontologic
903 palaeontological
904 palaeopsychology
905 palaeozoologies
906 palaeozoology
907 palaestra
908 palaestrae
909 pandoura
910 panegyrise
911 papulae
912 parabolise
913 paraesthesia
914 paraesthesias
915 parallelise
916 parallelised
917 parallelises
918 parallelising
919 parametrisation
920 parametrise
921 parametrised
922 parametrises
923 paraselenae
924 parasitise
925 parlourmaid
926 particoloured
927 pastoralise
928 patronisation
929 pectise
930 peculiarise
931 pelletise
932 pennae
933 peptise
934 peptised
935 peptises
936 peptising
937 peptonise
938 pericopae
939 periodisation
940 peroxidise
941 personalisation
942 phaenology
943 philanthropise
944 phlebotomise
945 phlebotomised
946 phlebotomises
947 phlebotomising
948 phlyctaena
949 phosphatise
950 photosensitise
951 photosensitised
952 photosensitises
953 photosensitising
954 picturise
955 pilgrimise
956 pinnulae
957 piscinae
958 plagae
959 plasmolyses
960 plasticiser
961 plasticisers
962 platinise
963 platitudinise
964 ploughable
965 ploughboy
966 ploughboys
967 plougher
968 ploughers
969 plumulae
970 poe
971 poeticise
972 poetise
973 poetised
974 poetises
975 poetising
976 polarisability
977 polarisable
978 polarisations
979 polariser
980 polemicise
981 polemicised
982 polemicises
983 polemicising
984 pollinise
985 polycythaemia
986 polycythaemias
987 poplitaeal
988 popularisations
989 populariser
990 posturise
991 pourer
992 practiser
993 praedial
994 praefectorial
995 praelect
996 praemaxilla
997 praemunire
998 praepositor
999 preacid
1000 preaemptor
1001 preaexistent
1002 preambulatory
1003 precancellation
1004 precivilisation
1005 preconise
1006 prepend
1007 preprogramme
1008 prese
1009 previousness
1010 previousnesses
1011 previse
1012 proemial
1013 prologise
1014 prologised
1015 prologises
1016 prologising
1017 prologuise
1018 propraetor
1019 proselytisation
1020 provincialisation
1021 psychologise
1022 pyaemia
1023 pygmaean
1024 pyorrhoeal
1025 pyrolyse
1026 quaestionary
1027 quantisation
1028 quantise
1029 quantised
1030 racialisation
1031 racialise
1032 rationaliser
1033 ratitae
1034 raveller
1035 reaentrance
1036 reauthorisation
1037 rebaptise
1038 recognisances
1039 recognisers
1040 reconnoitrer
1041 recrystallisation
1042 relativise
1043 relativised
1044 relativises
1045 relativising
1046 rematerialised
1047 remilitarise
1048 remilitarised
1049 remilitarises
1050 remilitarising
1051 remonetise
1052 renationalised
1053 rencontre
1054 renes
1055 renormalisation
1056 republicanise
1057 resh
1058 reshoes
1059 resynchronisation
1060 resynchronise
1061 resynchronised
1062 resynchronises
1063 resynchronising
1064 resynthesise
1065 revolutioniser
1066 rigourism
1067 rigourist
1068 ritualise
1069 ritualises
1070 ritualising
1071 romanise
1072 ruggedise
1073 ruralise
1074 saeta
1075 sakis
1076 salinisation
1077 salinise
1078 saltires
1079 sandalled
1080 sanitiser
1081 sanitisers
1082 sapour
1083 satirisation
1084 savourer
1085 savourily
1086 savourless
1087 scandalisation
1088 scandalisations
1089 scandaliser
1090 sceptred
1091 schematisation
1092 schematisations
1093 scrutinisation
1094 scrutiniser
1095 seborrhoeic
1096 sectarianise
1097 sectionalise
1098 seculariser
1099 seisable
1100 seiser
1101 seisers
1102 seisin
1103 seisings
1104 semicivilised
1105 sensitisers
1106 sensualise
1107 sensualised
1108 sensualises
1109 sensualising
1110 sepalled
1111 sermoniser
1112 sermonisers
1113 shoer
1114 shoveller
1115 shovellers
1116 siliquae
1117 singularisation
1118 singularise
1119 singularised
1120 singularises
1121 singularising
1122 sizeably
1123 socialiser
1124 solarise
1125 solmisation
1126 solmisations
1127 solubilise
1128 sourdine
1129 sourdines
1130 sovietise
1131 sovietised
1132 sovietises
1133 sovietising
1134 spelaean
1135 spinulae
1136 spiritualise
1137 spiritualised
1138 spiritualises
1139 spiritualising
1140 spirochaetosis
1141 squamae
1142 standardisations
1143 stelae
1144 stentour
1145 stentours
1146 stilboestrol
1147 stilboestrols
1148 stipulae
1149 stomodaeum
1150 stour
1151 stree
1152 strobilae
1153 stylisation
1154 subdure
1155 subminiaturise
1156 subspecialise
1157 subspeciality
1158 substantialise
1159 subtilise
1160 subtilised
1161 subtilises
1162 subtilising
1163 suburbanisation
1164 suburbanise
1165 suburbanised
1166 suburbanises
1167 suburbanising
1168 succourless
1169 sulfatise
1170 sulphurise
1171 summarisation
1172 summarisations
1173 summariser
1174 summarisers
1175 superfoetation
1176 superfoetations
1177 surprisal
1178 syllabise
1179 syllabised
1180 syllabises
1181 syllabising
1182 syllogise
1183 syllogised
1184 syllogises
1185 syllogising
1186 symmetrisation
1187 symmetrise
1188 symmetrised
1189 symmetrises
1190 symmetrising
1191 symphonise
1192 synaereses
1193 synaeresis
1194 synaesthesia
1195 synaesthesias
1196 synchroniser
1197 syncretise
1198 syncretised
1199 syncretises
1200 syncretising
1201 synoecious
1202 synoecology
1203 synonymise
1204 synopsise
1205 systemise
1206 systemised
1207 systemises
1208 systemising
1209 tabouret
1210 tabourets
1211 taels
1212 taenia
1213 taeniacide
1214 taeniafuge
1215 taenias
1216 taeniasis
1217 tamboura
1218 tautologise
1219 telaesthesia
1220 tellurise
1221 temporisation
1222 territorialise
1223 terrorisation
1224 terrorisations
1225 terroriser
1226 tetanise
1227 theatricalise
1228 theologise
1229 theoriser
1230 thermae
1231 thermaesthesia
1232 thermosyphon
1233 threap
1234 titre
1235 titres
1236 totaliser
1237 totalisers
1238 totalising
1239 toxaemic
1240 trammeller
1241 tranquilisation
1242 transcendentalise
1243 tref
1244 trichinise
1245 trichloroethylene
1246 tricoloured
1247 trioecious
1248 trivialisations
1249 tropaeolin
1250 tropicalise
1251 turdinae
1252 tyranniser
1253 unacclimatised
1254 unalphabetised
1255 uncancelled
1256 uncapitalised
1257 uncrystallised
1258 underemphasise
1259 unhonoured
1260 uniformise
1261 unioniser
1262 universalisation
1263 unmechanised
1264 unmemorised
1265 unnaturalised
1266 unneighbourly
1267 unpressurised
1268 unpublicised
1269 unrealisable
1270 unrecognisably
1271 unsavourily
1272 unsavouriness
1273 unsavourinesses
1274 unspecialised
1275 unsterilised
1276 unsubsidised
1277 unutilised
1278 uraemias
1279 utiliser
1280 valorisation
1281 valorise
1282 valvulae
1283 vapourific
1284 vapourimeter
1285 vapouring
1286 vapourings
1287 vapourish
1288 vapourously
1289 vapourware
1290 vasectomise
1291 vasectomised
1292 vasectomising
1293 vassalise
1294 vectorisation
1295 vectorised
1296 velarise
1297 ventre
1298 ventres
1299 ventriloquise
1300 venulae
1301 verbaliser
1302 verey
1303 vernacularise
1304 vernalise
1305 versicolour
1306 vetoer
1307 victimiser
1308 victuallage
1309 victualler
1310 victuallers
1311 vigourless
1312 vire
1313 visard
1314 vitaliser
1315 vitriolise
1316 vocaliser
1317 volatilisation
1318 vowelise
1319 vowelised
1320 vowelises
1321 vowelising
1322 vulcanisable
1323 vulcaniser
1324 watercolourist
1325 watercolourists
1326 winterisation
1327 wisen
1328 zaffre
1329 zoogloea