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[lib.git] / texmf / invoice.def
1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2 %
3 %       File: invoice.def
4 %       Author: Oliver Corff
5 %       Date: 2003-12-12
6 %       
7 %       This file contains messages, labels etc. in English, German
8 %       and other languages.
9 %
10 %       This file cannot be used alone but is called by invoice.sty
11 %
12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
13 %
14 %       This file is the only file of this package which may be
15 %       modified without renaming it.
16 %
17 %       Adding a new language to labels is simple. Follow the 
18 %       instructions at line 275 of this file, and, please!,
19 %       do not forget to send the result to
20 %
21 %       corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de or oliver.corff@email.de
22 %
23 %       Credits for language contributions given in invoice.sty.
24 %
25 %       Thank you very much for your support of "invoice".
26 %
27 %       Oliver Corff,
28 %
29 %       Berlin, Guangzhou, Ulaanbaatar, Zagreb, Shenyang, Shanghai 2003
30 %
31 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
32 %
33 % English definitions are default. Other
34 % languages are selected automatically.
35 %
36 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
37 %
38 % Warning messages for non-fatal situations
39 %
40 \def\InvoiceCompleted   {Invoice completed. Command ignored.}%
41 \def\FeeSTExists        {You cannot print a fee subtotal twice!}%
42 \def\ProjectEmpty       {Project empty. No subtotal possible!}%
43 \def\ProjectSTExists    {You cannot print a project subtotal twice!}%
44 %
45 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
46 %
47 % Error messages for fatal situations
48 %
49 \def\InternalError                      {Package `invoice': Internal error!}%
50 %
51 \def\NoInvoiceNesting                   {Invoices cannot be nested.
52                                          Close this invoice first!}%
53 %
54 \def\InvoiceCompletedNoExpense          {Invoice closed.
55                                          No new expense item allowed.
56                                          Start a new invoice
57                                          first!}%
58 %
59 \def\InvoiceCompletedNoFee              {Invoice closed.
60                                          No new fee item allowed.
61                                          Start a new invoice
62                                          first!}%
63 %
64 \def\InvoiceCompletedNoFeeST            {Invoice closed.
65                                          No fee subtotal allowed.
66                                          Start a new invoice
67                                          first!}%
68 %
69 \def\InvoiceCompletedNoProject          {Invoice closed.
70                                          No new project allowed.
71                                          Start a new invoice
72                                          first!}%
73 %
74 \def\InvoiceCompletedNoProjectST        {Invoice closed.
75                                          No project subtotal allowed.
76                                          Start a new invoice
77                                          first!}%
78 %
79 \def\MissingFee                         {No fee given.
80                                          You must charge at least one fee!}%
81 %
82 \def\MissingInputData                   {Missing input data!}%
83 %
84 \def\MissingOpening                     {You must open an invoice!}%
85 %
86 \def\MissingProject                     {No project given.
87                                          Open a project first!}%
88 %
89 \def\FeeBeforeExpense                   {Fees are charged first.
90                                          Expenses follow.}%
91 %
92 \def\NoProjectNesting                   {Projects cannot be nested.
93                                          Close this project first!}%
94 %
95 \def\ProjectCompletedNoExpense          {Project closed.
96                                          No new expense item allowed.
97                                          Start a new project
98                                          first!}%
99 %
100 \def\ProjectCompletedNoFee              {Project closed.
101                                          No new fee item allowed.
102                                          Start a new project
103                                          first!}%
104 %
105 \def\KOMA                               {Users of KOMA-Script's scrlettr.cls%
106                                          ^^Jsay `invoiceno' for the scrlettr
107                                          invoice command,^^Jand `invoiceenv'
108                                          for the invoice environment!}%
109 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
110 %
111 % Labels. These ones are available in translation, too. See below.
112 %
113 \def\Warning                            {Warning}%
114 \def\Error                              {Error}%
115 \def\Expense                            {Expense}%
116 \def\Amount                             {Amount}%
117 \def\Currency                           {Currency}%
118 \def\Factor                             {Factor}%
119 \def\Activity                           {Activity}%
120 \def\Count                              {Count}%
121 \def\UnitRate                           {Rate/Unit}%
122 \def\Fees                               {Fees}%
123 \def\VAT                                {VAT}%
124 \def\Expenses                           {Expenses}%
125 \def\SumFees                            {Sum \Fees}%
126 \def\SumVAT                             {Sum \VAT}%
127 \def\SumExpenses                        {Sum \Expenses}%
128 \def\SubtotalFee                        {Subtotal \Fees}%
129 \def\SubtotalExpenses                   {Subtotal \Expenses}%
130 \def\SubtotalProject                    {Subtotal \Project}%
132 \def\Total                              {Total}%
133 %
134 % This is German.
135 %
136 \ifx\l@german\undefined
137         \message{^^J(invoice) \Warning:
138                 Language \string\l@german\space unknown.^^J^^J}
139 \else
140 \ifnum\number\invoice@language=\number\l@german
141         \def\Warning                    {Warnung}%
142         \def\Error                      {Fehler}%
143         \def\Expense                    {Auslage}%
144         \def\Amount                     {Betrag}%
145         \def\Currency                   {W\"ahrung}%
146         \def\Factor                     {Faktor}%
147         \def\Activity                   {Aktivit\"at}%
148         \def\Count                      {Anzahl}%
149         \def\UnitRate                   {Rate/Einheit}%
150         \def\Fees                       {Honorare}%
151         \def\VAT                        {MWSt.}%
152         \def\Expenses                   {Auslagen}%
153         \def\SumFees                    {Summe \Fees}%
154         \def\SumVAT                     {Summe \VAT}%
155         \def\SumExpenses                {Summe \Expenses}%
156         \def\SubtotalFee                {Zwischensumme \Fees}%
157         \def\SubtotalExpenses           {Zwischensumme \Expenses}%
158         \def\SubtotalProject            {Zwischensumme \Project}%
159         \def\Total                      {Gesamtsumme}%
160 \fi\fi
161 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
162 % This is Dutch.
163 %
164 \ifx\l@dutch\undefined
165         \message{^^J(invoice) \Warning:
166                 Language \string\l@dutch\space unknown.^^J^^J}
167 \else
168 \ifnum\number\invoice@language=\number\l@dutch
169         \def\Warning                    {Waarschuwing}%
170         \def\Error                      {Fout}% 
171         \def\Expense                    {Onkosten}% 
172         \def\Amount                     {Bedrag}% 
173         \def\Currency                   {Valuta}% 
174         \def\Factor                     {Faktor}% 
175         \def\Activity                   {Activiteit}% 
176         \def\Count                      {Aantal}% 
177         \def\UnitRate                   {Prijs/Eenheid}% 
178         \def\Fees                       {Honorarium}% 
179         \def\VAT                        {BTW}% 
180         \def\Expenses                   {Onkosten}% 
181         \def\SumFees                    {Totaal \Fees}% 
182         \def\SumVAT                     {Totaal \VAT}% 
183         \def\SumExpenses                {Totaal \Expenses}% 
184         \def\SubtotalFee                {Subtotaal \Fees}% 
185         \def\SubtotalExpenses           {Subtotaal \Expenses}% 
186         \def\SubtotalProject            {Subtotaal \Project}% 
187         \def\Total                      {Totaal}% 
188 \fi\fi
189 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
190 % This is French.
191 %
192 \ifx\l@french\undefined
193         \message{^^J(invoice) \Warning:
194                 Language \string\l@french\space unknown.^^J^^J}
195 \else
196 \ifnum\number\invoice@language=\number\l@french
197         \def\Warning                    {Avertissement}%
198         \def\Error                      {Erreur}%
199         \def\Expense                    {D\'epense}%
200         \def\Amount                     {Montant}%
201         \def\Currency                   {Devise}%
202         \def\Factor                     {Facteur}%
203         \def\Activity                   {Activit\'e}%
204         \def\Count                      {Quantit\'e}%
205         \def\UnitRate                   {Prix/Unit\'e}%
206         \def\Fees                       {Honoraires}%
207         \def\VAT                        {TVA}%
208         \def\Expenses                   {D\'epenses}%
209         \def\SumFees                    {Total \Fees}%
210         \def\SumVAT                     {Total \VAT}%
211         \def\SumExpenses                {Total \Expenses}%
212         \def\SubtotalFee                {Sous-Total \Fees}%
213         \def\SubtotalExpenses           {Sous-Total \Expenses}%
214         \def\SubtotalProject            {Sous-Total \Project}%
215         \def\Total                      {Total}%
216 \fi\fi
217 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
218 % This is Afrikaans.
219 %
220 \ifx\l@afrikaans\undefined
221         \message{^^J(invoice) \Warning:
222                 Language \string\l@afrikaans\space unknown.^^J^^J}
223 \else
224 \ifnum\number\invoice@language=\number\l@afrikaans
225         \def\Warning                    {Waarskuwing}  
226         \def\Error                      {Fout}  
227         \def\Expense                    {Onkostes}  
228         \def\Amount                     {Bedrag}  
229         \def\Currency                   {Valuta}  
230         \def\Factor                     {Faktor}  
231         \def\Activity                   {Aktiwiteit}  
232         \def\Count                      {Aantal ure}  
233         \def\UnitRate                   {Tarief}  
234         \def\Fees                       {Fooie}  
235         \def\VAT                        {BTW}  
236         \def\Expenses                   {Uitgawes}  
237         \def\SumFees                    {Totaal Fooie}  
238         \def\SumVAT                     {Totaal BTW}  
239         \def\SumExpenses                {Totaal Uitgawes}  
240         \def\SubtotalFee                {Subtotaal \Fees} 
241         \def\SubtotalExpenses           {Subtotaal \Expenses}  
242         \def\SubtotalProject            {Subtotaal \Project}  
243         \def\Total                      {Totaal}  
244 \fi\fi
245 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
246 % This is Italian.
247 %
248 \ifx\l@italian\undefined
249         \message{^^J(invoice) \Warning:
250                 Language \string\l@italian\space unknown.^^J^^J}
251 \else
252 \ifnum\number\invoice@language=\number\l@italian
253         \def\Warning                    {Avvertenza}%
254         \def\Error                      {Errore}%
255         \def\Expense                    {Spesa}%
256         \def\Amount                     {Ammontare}%
257         \def\Currency                   {Valuta}%
258         \def\Factor                     {Fattore}%
259         \def\Activity                   {Attivit\'a}%
260         \def\Count                      {Quantit\'a}%
261         \def\UnitRate                   {Prezzo/Unit\'a}%
262         \def\Fees                       {Onorario}%
263         \def\VAT                        {IVA}%
264         \def\Expenses                   {Spese}%
265         \def\SumFees                    {Totale onorario}%
266         \def\SumVAT                     {Totale IVA}%
267         \def\SumExpenses                {Totale spese}%
268         \def\SubtotalFee                {Subtotale onorario}%
269         \def\SubtotalExpenses           {Subtotale spese}%
270         \def\SubtotalProject            {Subtotale progetto}%
271         \def\Total                      {Totale}%
272 \fi\fi
273 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
275 % How to add new label languages to the `invoice' package:
276 %
277 % 1. Copy all following lines after this explanation
278 %    and insert them above this comment.
279 %
280 % 2. Remove all comment symbols at the beginning of the lines.
281 %
282 % 3. Fill the empty parentheses {} with the appropriate
283 %    translations.
284 %
285 % 4. Enter the correct internal language name used by LaTeX2e
286 %    into the condition of the \ifnum clause.
287 %
288 % 5. Please do not forget to mail the resulting file to
289 %    corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de or oliver.corff@email.de
290 %
291 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
292 %
293 % Name correct language name here --v--
294 % and   --v--!
295 %\ifx\l@german\undefined
296 %       \message{^^J(invoice) \Warning:
297 %               Language \string\l@german\space unknown.^^J^^J}
298 %\else
299 %\ifnum\number\invoice@language=\number\l@german
300 %       \def\Warning                    {} % Enter translations here!
301 %       \def\Error                      {} % 
302 %       \def\Expense                    {} % 
303 %       \def\Amount                     {} % 
304 %       \def\Currency                   {} % 
305 %       \def\Factor                     {} % 
306 %       \def\Activity                   {} % 
307 %       \def\Count                      {} % 
308 %       \def\UnitRate                   {} % 
309 %       \def\Fees                       {} % 
310 %       \def\VAT                        {} % 
311 %       \def\Expenses                   {} % 
312 %       \def\SumFees                    {} % 
313 %       \def\SumVAT                     {} % 
314 %       \def\SumExpenses                {} % 
315 %       \def\SubtotalFee                {} % 
316 %       \def\SubtotalExpenses           {} % 
317 %       \def\SubtotalProject            {} % 
318 %       \def\Total                      {} % 
319 %\fi