3 Header for Petites Preludes.
6 Collection Johann Peter Kellner
9 Kellner was a student of Bach's that copied some 90 works of his master.
15 title = "Petites Pr\'eludes"
16 subtitle = "Clavierbuechlein"
17 composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
19 instrument = \instrument
22 mutopiatitle = "Petites Préluedes"
23 mutopiacomposer = "J.S.Bach (1685-1750)"
24 mutopiaopus = "BWV924,939,999,925,926,940"
25 mutopiainstrument = \intrument
27 source = "Ed. Henry Lemoine Urtext"
29 copyright = "Public Domain"
30 maintainer = "Jan Nieuwenhuizen"
31 maintainer_email = "janneke@gnu.org"
32 lastupdated = "2001/Feb/25"
33 mutopiapublicdomain = "\\parbox{\hsize}{\\thefooter\\quad\\small
34 \\\\This music is part of the Mutopia project,
35 \\texttt{http://www.mutopiaproject.org/}\\\\It has been typeset
36 and placed in the public domain by " + \maintainer +
37 ".\\\\Unrestricted modification and redistribution is permitted
38 and encouraged---copy this music and share it.}"
39 tagline = \mutopiapublicdomain
40 footer = "pre-Mutopia-200y/mm/dd-nr"