2 grob-interface-scheme.cc -- implement grob interface bindings.
4 source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
6 (c) 2005--2006 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@xs4all.nl>
9 #include "lily-guile.hh"
10 #include "std-string.hh"
12 static SCM all_ifaces;
14 LY_DEFINE (ly_add_interface, "ly:add-interface",
15 3, 0, 0, (SCM a, SCM b, SCM c),
16 "Add an interface description.")
18 SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_is_symbol (a), a, SCM_ARG1, __FUNCTION__, "symbol");
19 SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (scm_is_string (b), b, SCM_ARG2, __FUNCTION__, "string");
20 SCM_ASSERT_TYPE (ly_is_list (c), c, SCM_ARG3, __FUNCTION__, "list of syms");
23 SCM tab = scm_c_make_hash_table (59);
25 scm_permanent_object (tab);
28 SCM entry = scm_list_n (a, b, c, SCM_UNDEFINED);
30 scm_hashq_set_x (all_ifaces, a, entry);
35 LY_DEFINE (ly_all_grob_interfaces, "ly:all-grob-interfaces",
37 "Get a hash table with all interface descriptions.")