4 texidoc = "When space-to-barline is false, we measure the space between the note and the
5 start of the clef. When space-to-barline is true, we measure the space between the note and
6 the start of the barline."
9 \paper {ragged-right = ##t}
12 \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'common-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)
13 c'2 \clef bass c'2 \clef treble
14 \override NoteSpacing #'space-to-barline = ##f
15 c'2 \clef bass c'2 \clef treble
17 % the following two measures should be spaced identically
18 \override NoteSpacing #'space-to-barline = ##t
20 \override NoteSpacing #'space-to-barline = ##f