3 texidoc = "This is an example of automatic footnote numbering
4 where the number is reset on each page. It uses the symbol-footnotes
5 numbering function, which assigns the symbols *, †, ‡, § and ¶ to
6 successive footnotes, doubling up on the symbol after five footnotes
12 footnote-numbering-function = #symbol-footnotes
15 #(set-default-paper-size "a6")
27 \autoFootnoteGrob #'NoteHead #'(1 . -1) \markup { j }
32 \markup { k \footnote l m }
38 < f a-\autoFootnote #'(1 . -1) \markup { n } c >
39 \autoFootnoteGrob #'Beam #'(1 . 1) \markup { o }
40 \autoFootnoteGrob #'Hairpin #'(1 . 1) \markup { p }
41 a8\< [ b c d ] a4 b c |