5 texidoc="Transposition symbols should be correctly positioned
6 close to the parent clef. Horizontal alignment is fine-tuned
7 for standard C, G and F clefs: for example, downwards transposition
8 of a G clef should be centered exactly under the middle of clef hook.
9 For clefs that don't have fine-tuned alignment the transposition
10 number should be centered."
14 % use huge staff-size to see the tiny differencies better.
15 #(set-global-staff-size 35)
18 #(define-music-function (type)(string?)
20 \once \omit Staff.Clef s4
21 \override Staff.Clef.full-size-change = ##t
22 \clef #(string-append type "8") s4
23 \clef #(string-append type "15") s4
24 \clef #(string-append type "(8)") s4
25 \clef #(string-append type "(141)") s4
26 % change clefs are omitted - too similar to regular ones
27 \cueClef #(string-append type "8") s4
28 \cueClef #(string-append type "15") s4
29 \cueClef #(string-append type "(8)") s4
30 \cueClef #(string-append type "(141)") s4
33 \markup "Even the smallest positioning changes may indicate a problem!"
36 \new Staff { \clefVariations "C_" }
37 \new Staff { \clefVariations "C^" }
38 \new Staff { \clefVariations "G_" }
39 \new Staff { \clefVariations "G^" }
40 \new Staff { \clefVariations "F_" }
41 \new Staff { \clefVariations "F^" }
48 \remove Time_signature_engraver