1 #(ly:set-option 'old-relative)
5 Header for Petites Preludes.
8 Collection Johann Peter Kellner
11 Kellner was a student of Bach's that copied some 90 works of his master.
19 composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)"
25 mutopiacomposer = "J.S.Bach (1685-1750)"
26 mutopiaopus = "BWV940"
28 mutopiainstrument = "Harpsichord,Clavichord"
30 source = "Ed. Henry Lemoine Urtext"
32 copyright = "Public Domain"
33 maintainer = "Jan Nieuwenhuizen"
34 maintainerEmail = "janneke@gnu.org"
35 lastupdated = "2003/Aug/22"
36 mutopiapublicdomain = "\\parbox{\paper-width}{\\thefooter\\quad\\small
37 \\\\This music is part of the Mutopia project,
38 \\texttt{http://www.mutopiaproject.org/}\\\\It has been typeset
39 and placed in the public domain by " + \maintainer +
40 ".\\\\Unrestricted modification and redistribution is permitted
41 and encouraged---copy this music and share it.}"
42 tagline = \mutopiapublicdomain
43 footer = "Mutopia-2003/08/22-nr"
52 e8.\mordent f16 d8.\prall cis16 |
54 cis4 ~ cis16 a d8 ~ d4 a |
57 a16 a \stemUp g! f g4 ~ g f ~ |
58 f16 a g f e16 g8. ~ g16 g f e d f8. ~ |
61 fis4 g r8 g16 bes e4 |
68 r16 d'' c bes a bes f g
69 a8.\mordent bes16 g8.\prall f16 |
72 \change Staff=lower \stemUp
74 \change Staff=upper \stemDown\tieDown
75 r16 b' a g f8. f16 e2 ~ |
77 e2 ~ e4 ~ e16 e f! d |
78 s4 e4_\mordent~ e4 d4 ~ |
79 d4. cis16 d cis4 d ~ |
80 d8 r r16 e f d r16 e f d r d e cis |
81 r16 e d c! bes! d8. s4 r16 bes' a g |
90 d16 d' c bes a bes f g
94 a2 ~ a16 a g f e f c d |
96 e8.\mordent f16 d8.\prall c16 \stemNeutral c4. d8 |
99 e4 ~ e16 f e d cis a b cis d e f d |
100 \override TextScript #'font-style = #'finger
114 \change Staff=upper \stemUp
115 \override NoteColumn #'horizontal-shift = #1
118 a gis ~ gis16 gis fis e
120 \change Staff=lower \stemDown
121 \override NoteColumn #'horizontal-shift = #0
125 gis2 < g cis,>8 <f d> e4 |
126 d4. fis16 g r16 bes8. ~ bes4 |
129 << d,1 { \textLengthOn s4^\markup { \hspace #20 }
130 s4^\markup { \hspace #1 } s4 }
142 \new Staff = "upper" <<
145 \new Voice = "ii" \two
147 \new Staff = "lower" <<
150 \new Voice = "iii" \three
151 \new Voice = "iv" \four
155 line-width = 17.0 \cm
158 \override SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment = #2.0
165 tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 40 4)