1 %% Do not edit this file; it is auto-generated from input/new
2 %% This file is in the public domain.
6 texidoc = "Page labels may be placed inside music or at top-level,
7 and referred to in markups."
8 doctitle = "Page label"
11 #(set-default-paper-size "a6")
13 #(define-markup-command (toc-line layout props label text) (symbol? markup?)
14 (interpret-markup layout props
15 (markup #:fill-line (text #:page-ref label "8" "?"))))
18 \markup \huge \fill-line { \null Title Page \null }
24 \large \fill-line { \null Table of contents \null }
25 \toc-line #'toc "Table of contents"
26 \toc-line #'firstScore "First Score"
27 \toc-line #'markA "Mark A"
28 \toc-line #'markB "Mark B"
29 \toc-line #'markC "Mark C"
30 \toc-line #'unknown "Unknown label"
39 \mark \markup { A (page \concat { \page-ref #'markA "0" "?" ) } } \label #'markA
42 \mark "B" \label #'markB
45 \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible
46 \mark "C" \label #'markC
48 \header { piece = "First score" }