]> git.donarmstrong.com Git - x_base.git/blob - .synclient_volo
* pinentry and mplayer should be ontop
[x_base.git] / .synclient_volo
1 #!/bin/sh
2 #-*- mode: sh; -*-
3 set -x
5 synclient -s \
6     LeftEdge=0 \
7     RightEdge=1500 \
8     TopEdge=0 \
9     BottomEdge=511 \
10     FingerLow=14 \
11     FingerHigh=20 \
12     FingerPress=300 \
13     MaxTapTime=180 \
14     MaxTapMove=75 \
15     MaxDoubleTapTime=180 \
16     SingleTapTimeout=180 \
17     ClickTime=100 \
18     FastTaps=1 \
19     EmulateMidButtonTime=75 \
20     EmulateTwoFingerMinZ=330 \
21     EmulateTwoFingerMinW=7 \
22     VertScrollDelta=34 \
23     HorizScrollDelta=34 \
24     VertEdgeScroll=0 \
25     HorizEdgeScroll=0 \
26     CornerCoasting=0 \
27     VertTwoFingerScroll=0 \
28     HorizTwoFingerScroll=0 \
29     MinSpeed=0.2 \
30     MaxSpeed=1 \
31     AccelFactor=0.25 \
32     TrackstickSpeed=40 \
33     EdgeMotionMinZ=35 \
34     EdgeMotionMaxZ=187 \
35     EdgeMotionMinSpeed=1 \
36     EdgeMotionMaxSpeed=137 \
37     EdgeMotionUseAlways=0 \
38     UpDownScrolling=0 \
39     LeftRightScrolling=0 \
40     UpDownScrollRepeat=1 \
41     LeftRightScrollRepeat=1 \
42     ScrollButtonRepeat=100 \
43     TouchpadOff=0 \
44     GuestMouseOff=0 \
45     LockedDrags=1 \
46     LockedDragTimeout=5000 \
47     RTCornerButton=0 \
48     RBCornerButton=0 \
49     LTCornerButton=0 \
50     LBCornerButton=0 \
51     TapButton1=1 \
52     TapButton2=2 \
53     TapButton3=3 \
54     ClickFinger1=1 \
55     ClickFinger2=1 \
56     ClickFinger3=1 \
57     CircularScrolling=0 \
58     CircScrollDelta=0.1 \
59     CircScrollTrigger=0 \
60     CircularPad=0 \
61     PalmDetect=1 \
62     PalmMinWidth=10 \
63     PalmMinZ=234 \
64     CoastingSpeed=0 \
65     PressureMotionMinZ=35 \
66     PressureMotionMaxZ=187 \
67     PressureMotionMinFactor=1 \
68     PressureMotionMaxFactor=1 \
69     GrabEventDevice=1