]> git.donarmstrong.com Git - bin.git/commitdiff
add iodine-jigger and substitution solver
authorDon Armstrong <don@donarmstrong.com>
Sun, 1 Mar 2009 00:51:12 +0000 (00:51 +0000)
committerDon Armstrong <don@donarmstrong.com>
Sun, 1 Mar 2009 00:51:12 +0000 (00:51 +0000)
iodine-jigger [new file with mode: 0755]
substitution_solver [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/iodine-jigger b/iodine-jigger
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..0bb32ae
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+### Script to set up an iodine tunnel route traffic through it
+### Copyright 2008 Barak A. Pearlmutter <bap@debian.org>
+### License: MIT
+### Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for
+### any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that
+### the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+### all copies.
+## Cause script to bail immediately on failed command
+set -e
+## Options for user to set.
+## Minimal customization: put the two lines
+##  subdomain=your.tunnel.sub.domain
+##  passed=password_for_that_tunnel
+## in the file /etc/default/iodine-client.
+echo "${iodine_client_rc:=/etc/default/iodine-client}" > /dev/null
+if [ -r ${iodine_client_rc} ]; then
+    . ${iodine_client_rc}
+    echo WARNING: Cannot read ${iodine_client_rc}
+if [ -z ${subdomain} ]; then
+    read -p "DNS tunnel DNS subdomain: " subdomain
+if [ -z ${subdomain} ]; then
+    echo ERROR: Must set subdomain.
+    exit 1
+if [ -z ${passwd} ]; then
+    read -p "Password for DNS tunnel over ${subdomain}: " passwd
+## This is a host name used for testing DNS and for pinging
+echo "${testhost:=slashdot.org}"               > /dev/null
+## Set if local network should be taken down and then up
+echo "${bounce_localnet:=true}"                        > /dev/null
+## Set for testing network availability via ping at various points
+echo "${test_ping_localnet:=true}"             > /dev/null
+echo "${test_ping_tunnel:=true}"               > /dev/null
+echo "${test_ping_final:=true}"                        > /dev/null
+## Set if the script cannot find and then incorrectly guesses the
+## local network router
+echo "${default_router}"                       > /dev/null
+## Set if script uses the wrong hardware interface
+echo "{interface}"                             > /dev/null
+## Set if the script should continue even if a command fails.
+## Used to test script when running as non-root.
+if [ $(whoami) = root ]; then
+    echo "${continue_on_error:=false}"         > /dev/null
+    echo "${continue_on_error:=true}"          > /dev/null
+## DEBIAN PACKAGES TO INSTALL: these are needed to run this script
+##  iodine (for /usr/sbin/iodine)
+##  iproute (for /bin/ip)
+##  ipcalc (for /usr/bin/ipcalc)
+##  dnsutils (for /usr/bin/dig)
+##  fping (for /usr/bin/fping)
+## The default tunnel MTU is 1024.
+## If local DNS server restricts to 512 byte packets then do this:
+# ifconfig ${d} mtu 220
+## TO DO
+## - avoid double ping when DNS server and local router are the same
+## - option to not kill existing iodine DNS tunnels, in case there
+##   are meant to be more than one
+## - sanify check whether default_router is on local network
+echo ==== Creating IP-over-DNS tunnel over local network connection...
+## Find a network interface
+if [ -z ${interface} ]; then
+    interface=$(tail --lines=+3 /proc/net/wireless \
+       | head -1 | tr -d : | awk '{print $1}')
+if [ -z ${interface} ]; then
+    interface=$(ifconfig -a | egrep '^[^ ].*encap:Ethernet' \
+       | head -1 | awk '{print $1}')
+if [ -z ${interface} ]; then
+    echo ERROR: No network interface found.
+    exit 1
+echo ==== Local network interface: ${interface}
+## Down any existing DNS tunnel (wish there were "approved" way to do this)
+echo ==== Killing existing DNS tunnels...
+if killall --quiet --wait --verbose --signal HUP iodine; then
+    sleep 2
+## Stabilize local network
+if ${bounce_localnet}; then
+    echo ==== Bouncing local network connection...
+    ifdown --force ${interface} || true
+    ifup ${interface} || ${continue_on_error}
+## Fetch some information about the local network
+addr=$(ip -4 addr show dev ${interface} scope global \
+    | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}')
+prefix_len=$(echo ${addr} | sed 'sX^.*/XX')
+local_net=$(ipcalc --nobinary ${addr} | awk '$1=="Network:" {print $2}')
+echo ==== Local address: ${addr}
+echo ==== Local network: ${local_net}
+router=$(ip -4 route list dev ${interface} \
+    | awk '$1=="default" {print $3}' | head -1)
+if [ -z ${router} ]; then
+    ## This can happen when the default local route is already deleted
+    if [ -z ${default_router} ]; then
+       echo WARNING: no default route, guessing local router IP address.
+       ## Minimum address on local net is usually right
+       router=$(ipcalc --nobinary ${addr} | awk '$1=="HostMin:" {print $2}')
+    else
+       echo WARNING: no default route, using configured default router.
+       ## But sometimes need to hardwire...
+       router=${default_router}
+    fi
+echo ==== Local network router: ${router}
+## Test DNS service
+testhost_ip=$(dig +short -t A -q ${testhost})
+if [ -z ${testhost_ip} ]; then
+    echo WARNING: Failure on DNS lookup of ${testhost}.
+## fetch DNS servers
+nameservers=$(awk '$1=="nameserver" {print $2}' /etc/resolv.conf)
+if [ -n "${nameservers}" ]; then
+    echo ==== DNS servers: ${nameservers}
+    echo ERROR: No DNS servers found.
+    exit 1
+## Test if local network is up
+if ${test_ping_localnet}; then
+    echo ==== Ping test of  local network router and DNS servers...
+    fping -C1 ${router} ${nameservers} \
+       || echo WARNING: Ping test failed.
+## Add point-to-point routes for any non-local DNS servers
+for n in ${nameservers}; do
+    n_net=$(ipcalc --nobinary ${n}/${prefix_len} | awk '$1=="Network:" {print $2}')
+    if [ "${n_net}" != "${local_net}" ]; then
+       echo ==== Adding point-to-point route for DNS server ${n}
+       ip -4 route add ${n}/32 via ${router} || ${continue_on_error}
+    fi
+## Bring up DNS tunnel
+echo ==== Creating IP-over-DNS tunnel...
+iodine -P ${passwd} ${subdomain} || ${continue_on_error}
+## Find DNS tunnel interface
+tunnel_interface=$(ifconfig -a | egrep '^dns' | awk '{print $1}' | head -1)
+if [ -z "${tunnel_interface}" ]; then
+    echo WARNING: Cannot find DNS tunnel interface, using default.
+    tunnel_interface=dns0
+echo ==== DNS tunnel interface: ${tunnel_interface}
+## Figure out router at other end of tunnel, assuming router uses final octet .1
+## (There should be some way to get this information out of iodine, since
+## it *prints* it as it sets up the tunnel, so it does know it.)
+tunnel_remote=$(ip -4 address show dev ${tunnel_interface} \
+    | awk '$1=="inet" {print gensub("[.][0-9]*/.*", ".1", 1, $2)}' | head -1)
+if [ -z ${tunnel_remote} ]; then
+    echo ERROR: Cannot find DNS tunnel remote endpoint.
+    ${continue_on_error}
+    ## set something random if debugging
+    echo WARNING: Confabulating DNS tunnel remote endpoint.
+    tunnel_remote=
+echo ==== DNS tunnel remote endpoint: ${tunnel_remote}
+if ${test_ping_tunnel}; then
+    echo ==== Ping test of local router, nameserver, and DNS tunnel...
+    fping -C1 ${router} ${nameservers} ${tunnel_remote} \
+       || echo WARNING: Ping test failed.
+## Modify routing table to send trafic via DNS tunnel
+echo ==== Setting default route through DNS tunnel...
+## Remove default route via local router
+ip -4 route del default via ${router} || ${continue_on_error}
+## Add default via tunnel
+ip -4 route add default via ${tunnel_remote} || ${continue_on_error}
+## Test if all is well
+if ${test_ping_final}; then
+    echo ==== Ping test of local router, nameserver, DNS tunnel, external test host...
+    fping -C1 ${router} ${nameservers} ${tunnel_remote} ${testhost_ip:-${testhost}} \
+       || echo WARNING: Ping test failed.
diff --git a/substitution_solver b/substitution_solver
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..a6faf7b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# substitution_solver solves substitution problems, and is released
+# under the terms of the GPL version 2, or any later version, at your
+# option. See the file README and COPYING for more information.
+# Copyright 2006 by Don Armstrong <don@donarmstrong.com>.
+# $Id: perl_script 495 2006-08-10 08:02:01Z don $
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+=head1 NAME
+substitution_solver - Solve substitution puzzles using known substitution methods
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ substitution_solver [options]
+ Options:
+  --log, -l file to log to
+  --input, -i initial input
+  --substitutions, -s directory of substitutions
+  --debug, -d debugging level (Default 0)
+  --help, -h display this help
+  --man, -m display manual
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<--log,-l>
+An optional file to log the puzzle solution process
+=item B<--input,-i>
+Initial input to start puzzle solving with
+=item B<--transforms,-t>
+Directory of transforms to use; defaults to ~/.substitution_solver/transforms
+=item B<--debug, -d>
+Debug verbosity. (Default 0)
+=item B<--help, -h>
+Display brief useage information.
+=item B<--man, -m>
+Display this manual.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+use vars qw($DEBUG);
+my %options = (debug           => 0,
+              help            => 0,
+              man             => 0,
+              transforms      => [$ENV{HOME}.'/lib/substitution_solver/transforms'],
+              );
+          'log|l=s','input|i=s',
+          'transforms|t=s@',
+         );
+pod2usage() if $options{help};
+pod2usage({verbose=>2}) if $options{man};
+$DEBUG = $options{debug};
+use IO::File;
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+use Term::ReadLine;
+use File::Spec qw(catfile rel2abs);
+use Params::Validate qw(validate_with :types);
+my $logfh;
+if (defined $options{log}) {
+     $logfh = IO::File->new($options{log},'w') or die "Unable to open $logfh for writing: $!";
+else {
+     # we write to a tempfile for now
+     if ( -w '/dev/null') {
+         $logfh = IO::File->new('/dev/null','w') or die "Unable to open /dev/null for writing: $!";
+     }
+     else {
+         $logfh = tempfile();
+     }
+my %transforms;
+my @input_stack = ('');
+my $input_pos = 0;
+if (defined $options{input}) {
+     read_input($options{input});
+# read transformations
+my $surpress_status = 0;
+my $done = 0;
+my $readline = Term::ReadLine->new('substitutionsolver');
+while (not $done) {
+     my $line = $readline->readline('['.$input_pos.']: ');
+     local $_ = $line;
+     s/^\s+//;
+     chomp;
+     print {$logfh} $line;
+     if (/^quit\s*$/) {
+         $done = 1;
+     }
+     elsif (/^input\s+(.+)/) {
+         read_input($1);
+     }
+     elsif (/^stat(?:s|istics)?\s*$/) {
+         output_statistics($1);
+         $surpress_status = 1;
+     }
+     elsif (/^list\s*$/) {
+         list_transformations();
+         $surpress_status = 1;
+     }
+     elsif (/^applicable/) {
+         list_transformations(applicable=>1);
+         $surpress_status = 1;
+     }
+     elsif (/^print\s+stack\s*$/) {
+         print join("\n",map {"$_: $input_stack[$_]\n"} 0..$#input_stack);
+     }
+     elsif (/^p(?:rint)?\s*$/) {
+         print "Current input:\n";
+         print $input_stack[$input_pos];
+         print "\n";
+     }
+     elsif (/^perl\s*(.+)/) {
+         do_perl_eval($1);
+     }
+     elsif (/^output\s+(.+)/) {
+         write_output($1);
+     }
+     elsif (/^undo\s*$/) {
+         $input_pos-- if $input_pos > 0;
+     }
+     elsif (/^redo\s*$/) {
+         $input_pos++ if ($input_pos+1) < $#input_stack;
+     }
+     elsif (/^\#/) {
+         # ignore comments
+     }
+     else {
+         print "Unknown command '$_'\n";
+     }
+sub read_input {
+     my ($file) = @_;
+     my $fh = IO::File->new($file,'r');
+     if (not $fh) {
+         print "Unable to open $file for reading: $!\n";
+         return;
+     }
+     local $/;
+     my $content = <$fh>;
+     @input_stack = ($content);
+     $input_pos = 0;
+sub output_statistics {
+     my $current_input = $input_stack[$input_pos];
+     my %counts;
+     $counts{uc($_)}++ foreach grep /\S/, split //, $current_input;
+     for my $key (sort {$counts{$b} <=> $counts{$a}} keys %counts) {
+         print "$key: $counts{$key}\n";
+     }
+sub do_perl_eval{
+     my ($perl) = @_;
+     local $_ = $input_stack[$input_pos];
+     my $return = eval $perl;
+     if ($@) {
+         print "Failure while evaluating perl code\n";
+         print $@;
+         print "\n";
+     }
+     else {
+         increment_stack($return);
+     }
+sub write_output{
+     my ($file) = @_;
+     my $fh = IO::File->new($file,'w');
+     if (not $fh) {
+         print "Unable to open $file for writing: $!\n";
+         return;
+     }
+     print {$fh} $input_stack[$input_pos];
+sub increment_stack{
+     $input_stack[++$input_pos] = $_[0];
+sub load_transformations{
+     my @transforms = @_;
+     my @transform_files;
+     for my $transform (@transforms) {
+         if (-f $transform) {
+              push @transform_files,rel2abs($transform);
+         }
+         elsif (-d $transform) {
+              my $dir = IO::Dir->new($transform);
+              if (not $dir) {
+                   print "Unable to open $transform for reading: $!";
+                   next;
+              }
+              my $file;
+              while ($file = $dir->readdir) {
+                   next unless /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*$/;
+                   next unless -f rel2abs(catfile($transform,$file));
+                   push @transform_files,rel2abs(catfile($transform,$file));
+              }
+         }
+     }
+     for my $transform_file (@transform_files) {
+         my $fh = IO::File->new($transform_file);
+         if (not $fh) {
+              print "Unable to open $transform_file for reading: $!";
+         }
+         my ($type,$name,$content) = (undef,undef,'');
+         while (<$fh>) {
+              if (/^name\:/ and not defined $name) {
+                   chomp;
+                   s/^name\:\s*//;
+                   $name = $_;
+                   next;
+              }
+              elsif (/^type:/ and not defined $type) {
+                   chomp;
+                   s/^type\:\s*//;
+                   $type = $_;
+                   next;
+              }
+              elsif (/^\#/) {
+                   next;
+              }
+              else {
+                   $content .= $_;
+              }
+         }
+         if (not defined $type or not defined $name) {
+              print "Badly formed transform file $transform_file; no type or name\n";
+              next;
+         }
+         if ($type eq 'tr') {
+              my @content = grep /./, split /\n/, $content;
+              $transforms{$name} = {type => 'tr',
+                                    name => $name,
+                                    content => $content,
+                                    from => $content[0],
+                                    to   => $content[1],
+                                   };
+         }
+         elsif ($type eq 'map') {
+              my @content = grep /./, split /\n/, $content;
+              my %map;
+              my %map_reverse;
+              for my $line (@content) {
+                   my ($from,$to) = split /\t+/,$line;
+                   $map{$from} = $to;
+                   $map_reverse{$to} = $from;
+              }
+              $transforms{$name} = {type => 'map',
+                                    name => $name,
+                                    content => $content,
+                                    map     => \%map,
+                                    map_reverse => \%map,
+                                   };
+         }
+         elsif ($type eq 'perl') {
+              $transforms{$name} = {type => 'perl',
+                                    name => $name,
+                                    content => $content,
+                                   };
+         }
+         else {
+              print "Unknown type $type for transform $transform_file\n";
+              next;
+         }
+     }
+sub list_transformations{
+     my %param = validate_with(params => \@_,
+                              spec   => {applicable => {type => BOOLEAN,
+                                                        default => 0,
+                                                       },
+                                        },
+                             );
+     for my $transform (keys %transforms) {
+         if ($param{applicable}) {
+              # figure out if we can apply a transform
+              my $output = attempt_transform($transform);
+              if (not defined $output) {
+                   next;
+              }
+         }
+         print "$transform\n";
+     }
+sub attempt_transform{
+     my ($name) = @_;
+     my $transform = $transforms{$name};
+     $transform->{}