# Class with methods to execute Patscan (a.k.a. scan_for_matches).
class Patscan
# Method to initialize a Patscan object.
- def initialize(pat_file, in_file, out_file, pattern)
- @pat_file = pat_file
+ def initialize(tmp_dir, in_file, patterns)
+ @tmp_dir = tmp_dir
@in_file = in_file
- @out_file = out_file
- @pattern = pattern
+ @patterns = patterns
- pattern_save
+ patterns_save
# Method to run Patscan
- def run(comp = nil, type = nil, max_hit = nil, max_mis = nil, verbose = nil)
- args = []
- args << "scan_for_matches"
- args << "-c" if comp
- args << "-p" if type == :protein
- args << "-n #{max_mis}" if max_mis
- args << "-m #{max_hit}" if max_hit
- args << @pat_file
- args << "< #{@in_file}"
- args << "> #{@out_file}"
- command = args.join(" ")
- $stderr.puts command if verbose
- system(command)
- raise "Command failed: #{command}" unless $?.success?
+ def run(options)
+ @patterns.each_with_index do |pattern, i|
+ args = []
+ args << "scan_for_matches"
+ args << "-c" if options[:comp]
+ args << "-p" if options[:seq_type] == :protein
+ args << "-o" if options[:overlap]
+ args << "-n #{options[:max_misses]}" if options[:max_misses]
+ args << "-m #{options[:max_hits]}" if options[:max_hits]
+ args << File.join(@tmp_dir, "#{i}.pat")
+ args << "< #{@in_file}"
+ args << "> " + File.join(@tmp_dir, "#{i}.out")
+ command = args.join(" ")
+ $stderr.puts command if options[:verbose]
+ system(command)
+ raise "Command failed: #{command}" unless $?.success?
+ end
# Method to parse Patscan results and return
def results_parse
results = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
- Fasta.open(@out_file, 'r') do |ios|
- ios.each do |entry|
- if entry.seq_name =~ /([^:]+):\[(\d+),(\d+)\]/
- id = $1.to_i
- start = $2.to_i - 1
- stop = $3.to_i - 1
- if stop > start
- strand = '+'
+ @patterns.each_with_index do |pattern, i|
+ Fasta.open(File.join(@tmp_dir, "#{i}.out"), 'r') do |ios|
+ ios.each do |entry|
+ if entry.seq_name =~ /([^:]+):\[(\d+),(\d+)\]/
+ id = $1.to_i
+ start = $2.to_i - 1
+ stop = $3.to_i - 1
+ if stop > start
+ strand = '+'
+ else
+ start, stop = stop, start
+ strand = '-'
+ end
+ results[id.to_i] << Match.new(start, stop, strand, entry.seq)
- start, stop = stop, start
- strand = '-'
+ raise "Failed to parse seq_name: #{entry.seq_name} in patscan result"
- results[id.to_i] << Match.new(start, stop, strand, entry.seq)
- else
- raise "Failed to parse seq_name: #{entry.seq_name} in patscan result"
# Method to save a patscan pattern to a file.
- def pattern_save
- File.open(@pat_file, "w") do |ios|
- ios.puts @pattern
+ def patterns_save
+ @patterns.each_with_index do |pattern, i|
+ File.open(File.join(@tmp_dir, "#{i}.pat"), 'w') do |ios|
+ ios.puts pattern
+ end
casts = []
-casts << {:long=>'pattern', :short=>'p', :type=>'string', :mandatory=>true, :default=>nil, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>nil}
+casts << {:long=>'pattern', :short=>'p', :type=>'string', :mandatory=>false, :default=>nil, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>nil}
+casts << {:long=>'pattern_in', :short=>'P', :type=>'file!', :mandatory=>false, :default=>nil, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>nil}
casts << {:long=>'inline', :short=>'i', :type=>'flag', :mandatory=>false, :default=>nil, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>nil}
+casts << {:long=>'overlap', :short=>'o', :type=>'flag', :mandatory=>false, :default=>nil, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>nil}
casts << {:long=>'comp', :short=>'c', :type=>'flag', :mandatory=>false, :default=>nil, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>nil}
casts << {:long=>'max_hits', :short=>'h', :type=>'uint', :mandatory=>false, :default=>nil, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>'0'}
casts << {:long=>'max_misses', :short=>'m', :type=>'uint', :mandatory=>false, :default=>nil, :allowed=>nil, :disallowed=>'0'}
options = Biopieces.options_parse(ARGV, casts)
+unless options[:pattern] or options[:pattern_in]
+ raise ArgumentError, "--pattern or --pattern_in must be specified"
+patterns = []
+if options[:pattern_in]
+ File.open(options[:pattern_in], 'r') do |ios|
+ ios.each_line { |l| patterns << l.chomp }
+ end
+ patterns << options[:pattern]
+raise ArgumentError, "no patterns found" if patterns.empty?
tmp_dir = Biopieces.mktmpdir
tmp_file = File.join(tmp_dir, "tmp.stream")
-pat_file = File.join(tmp_dir, "pat.txt")
in_file = File.join(tmp_dir, "in.fna")
-out_file = File.join(tmp_dir, "out.fna")
-out_file = File.join(tmp_dir, "out.fna")
seq_name_count = 0
seq_name_hash = {}
-patscan = Patscan.new(pat_file, in_file, out_file, options[:pattern])
-patscan.run(options[:comp], seq_type, options[:max_hits], options[:max_misses], options[:verbose])
+options[:seq_type] = seq_type
+patscan = Patscan.new(tmp_dir, in_file, patterns)
results = patscan.results_parse
Biopieces.open(tmp_file, options[:stream_out]) do |input, output|