1 # group `sysex_tools` {#group__sysex__tools}
6 --------------------------------|---------------------------------------------
7 `public uint16_t `[`sysex_encoded_length`](#group__sysex__tools_1ga061e5607030412d6e62e2390d8013f0a)`(uint16_t decoded_length)` | Compute the length of a message after it is encoded.
8 `public uint16_t `[`sysex_decoded_length`](#group__sysex__tools_1ga121fc227d3acc1c0ea08c9a5c26fa3b0)`(uint16_t encoded_length)` | Compute the length of a message after it is decoded.
9 `public uint16_t `[`sysex_encode`](#group__sysex__tools_1ga54d77f8d32f92a6f329daefa2b314742)`(uint8_t * encoded,const uint8_t * source,uint16_t length)` | Encode data so that it can be transmitted safely in a sysex message.
10 `public uint16_t `[`sysex_decode`](#group__sysex__tools_1gaaad1d9ba2d5eca709a0ab4ba40662229)`(uint8_t * decoded,const uint8_t * source,uint16_t length)` | Decode encoded data.
14 #### `public uint16_t `[`sysex_encoded_length`](#group__sysex__tools_1ga061e5607030412d6e62e2390d8013f0a)`(uint16_t decoded_length)` {#group__sysex__tools_1ga061e5607030412d6e62e2390d8013f0a}
16 Compute the length of a message after it is encoded.
19 * `decoded_length` The length, in bytes, of the message to encode.
22 The length, in bytes, of the message after encodeing.
24 #### `public uint16_t `[`sysex_decoded_length`](#group__sysex__tools_1ga121fc227d3acc1c0ea08c9a5c26fa3b0)`(uint16_t encoded_length)` {#group__sysex__tools_1ga121fc227d3acc1c0ea08c9a5c26fa3b0}
26 Compute the length of a message after it is decoded.
29 * `encoded_length` The length, in bytes, of the encoded message.
32 The length, in bytes, of the message after it is decoded.
34 #### `public uint16_t `[`sysex_encode`](#group__sysex__tools_1ga54d77f8d32f92a6f329daefa2b314742)`(uint8_t * encoded,const uint8_t * source,uint16_t length)` {#group__sysex__tools_1ga54d77f8d32f92a6f329daefa2b314742}
36 Encode data so that it can be transmitted safely in a sysex message.
39 * `encoded` The output data buffer, must be at least sysex_encoded_length(length) bytes long.
41 * `source` The input buffer of data to be encoded.
43 * `length` The number of bytes from the input buffer to encode.
46 number of bytes encoded.
48 #### `public uint16_t `[`sysex_decode`](#group__sysex__tools_1gaaad1d9ba2d5eca709a0ab4ba40662229)`(uint8_t * decoded,const uint8_t * source,uint16_t length)` {#group__sysex__tools_1gaaad1d9ba2d5eca709a0ab4ba40662229}
53 * `decoded` The output data buffer, must be at least sysex_decoded_length(length) bytes long.
55 * `source` The input buffer of data to be decoded.
57 * `length` The number of bytes from the input buffer to decode.
60 number of bytes decoded.