3 Perltidy is a Perl script which indents and reformats Perl scripts to make them
4 easier to read. If you write Perl scripts, or spend much time
5 reading them, you will probably find it useful.
7 Perltidy is free software released under the GNU General Public
8 License -- please see the included file [COPYING](../COPYING) for details.
10 The formatting can be controlled with command line parameters. The default
11 parameter settings approximately follow the suggestions in the
12 [Perl Style Guide](https://perldoc.perl.org/perlstyle.html).
14 Besides reformatting scripts, Perltidy can help in tracking
15 down errors with missing or extra braces, parentheses, and square brackets
16 because it is very good at localizing errors.
20 - [A Brief Perltidy Tutorial](./tutorial.html)
22 - [Perltidy Style Key](./stylekey.html) will help
23 in methodically selecting a set of style parameters.
25 - [The Perltidy man page](./perltidy.html) explains how
26 to precisely control the formatting details.
28 - [The Perl::Tidy man page](./Tidy.html) discusses how to use the Perl::Tidy module
30 - [Change Log](./ChangeLog.html)
35 Perltidy should run on any system with perl 5.008 or later.
36 The total disk space needed after removing the installation directory will be
43 - The most recent release is always at [CPAN](https://metacpan.org/release/Perl-Tidy)
45 - The most recent release is also at [sourceforge](https://sourceforge.net/projects/perltidy/)
50 Perl::Tidy can be installed directly from CPAN one of the standard methods.
52 One way is to download a distribution file, unpack it and then
53 test and install using the Makefile.PL:
60 The [INSTALL file](./INSTALL.html) has additional installation notes. They
61 are mainly for older sytems but also tell how to use perltidy without doing an installation.
65 - [Perl::Tidy source code repository at GitHub](https://github.com/perltidy/perltidy)
66 - [tidyall](https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/Code-TidyAll/bin/tidyall) is a great tool for automatically running perltidy and other tools including perlcritic on a set of project files.
67 - [Tidyview](http://sourceforge.net/projects/tidyview) is a graphical program for tweaking your .perltidyrc configuration parameters.
68 - [A perltidy plugin for Sublime Text 2/3](https://github.com/vifo/SublimePerlTidy)
73 The best place to report bugs and issues is [GitHub](https://github.com/perltidy/perltidy/issues)
75 Bugs and issues can also be reported at the CPAN site [https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Perl-Tidy](https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Perl-Tidy)