9 * Created by westcott on 3/23/11.
10 * Copyright 2011 Schloss Lab. All rights reserved.
18 //**********************************************************************************************************************
20 class CommandParameter {
23 CommandParameter() { name = ""; type = ""; options = ""; optionsDefault = ""; chooseOnlyOneGroup = ""; chooseAtLeastOneGroup = ""; linkedGroup = ""; multipleSelectionAllowed = false; required = false; }
24 CommandParameter(string n, string t, string o, string d, string only, string atLeast, string linked, bool m, bool r) : name(n), type(t), options(o), optionsDefault(d),
25 chooseOnlyOneGroup(only), chooseAtLeastOneGroup(atLeast), linkedGroup(linked), multipleSelectionAllowed(m), required(r) {}
26 ~CommandParameter() {}
28 string name; //something like fasta, processors, method
29 string type; //must be set to "Boolean", "Multiple", "Number", "String", "InputTypes" - InputTypes is for file inputs
30 string options; //if the parameter has specific options allowed, used for parameters of type "Multiple", something like "furthest-nearest-average", or "sobs-chao...", leave blank for command that do not required specific options
31 string optionsDefault; //the default for this parameter, could be something like "F" for a boolean or "100" for a number or "sobs-chao" for multiple
34 //for chooseOnlyOneGroup, chooseAtLeastOneGroup and linkedGroup if no group is needed set to "none".
35 string chooseOnlyOneGroup; //for file inputs: if a command has several options for input files but you can only choose one then put them in a group
36 //for instance in the read.dist command you can use a phylip or column file but not both so set chooseOnlyOneGroup for both parameters to something like "DistanceFileGroup"
37 string chooseAtLeastOneGroup; //for file inputs: if a command has several options for input files and you want to make sure one is choosen then put them in a group
38 //for instance in the read.dist command you must provide a phylip or column file so set chooseAtLeastOneGroup for both parameters to something like "DistanceFileGroup"
39 string linkedGroup; //for file inputs: if a command has a file option were if you provide one you must provide another you can put them in a group
40 //for instance in the read.dist command if you provide a column file you must provide a name file so set linkedGroup for both parameters to something like "ColumnNameGroup"
42 bool multipleSelectionAllowed; //for "Multiple" type to say whether you can select multiple options, for instance for calc parameter set to true, but for method set to false
43 bool required; //is this parameter required
49 //**********************************************************************************************************************