1 # This module is part of debbugs, and is released
2 # under the terms of the GPL version 2, or any later version. See the
3 # file README and COPYING for more information.
4 # Copyright 2013 by Don Armstrong <don@donarmstrong.com>.
6 package Debbugs::Libravatar;
10 Debbugs::Libravatar -- Libravatar service handler (mod_perl)
14 <Location /libravatar>
15 SetHandler perl-script
16 PerlResponseHandler Debbugs::Libravatar
21 Debbugs::Libravatar is a libravatar service handler which will serve
22 libravatar requests. It also contains utility routines which are used
23 by the libravatar.cgi script for those who do not have mod_perl.
34 use base qw(Exporter);
36 use Debbugs::Config qw(:config);
37 use Debbugs::Common qw(:lock);
40 use Debbugs::CGI qw(cgi_parameters);
41 use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
43 use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
48 ($VERSION) = q$Revision$ =~ /^Revision:\s+([^\s+])/;
49 $DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
52 %EXPORT_TAGS = (libravatar => [qw(cache_valid serve_cache retrieve_libravatar cache_location)]
55 Exporter::export_ok_tags(keys %EXPORT_TAGS);
56 $EXPORT_TAGS{all} = [@EXPORT_OK];
60 my ($cache_location) = @_;
61 if (-e $cache_location) {
62 if (time - (stat($cache_location))[9] < 60*60) {
71 =item retrieve_libravatar
73 $cache_location = retrieve_libravatar(location => $cache_location,
74 email => lc($param{email}),
77 Returns the cache location where a specific avatar can be loaded. If
78 there isn't a matching avatar, or there is an error, returns undef.
83 sub retrieve_libravatar{
94 my $cache_location = $param{location};
95 $cache_location =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//;
96 # take out a lock on the cache location so that if another request
97 # is made while we are serving this one, we don't do double work
98 my ($fh,$lockfile,$errors) =
99 simple_filelock($cache_location.'.lock',20,0.5);
103 # figure out if the cache is now valid; if it is, return the
105 my $temp_location = cache_location(email => $param{email});
106 if (cache_valid($temp_location)) {
107 return $temp_location;
112 my $uri = libravatar_url(email => $param{email},
115 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => 'Debbugs libravatar service (not Mozilla)',
117 $ua->from($config{maintainer});
118 # if we don't get an avatar within 10 seconds, return so we
119 # don't block forever
121 # if the avatar is bigger than 30K, we don't want it either
122 $ua->max_size(30*1024);
123 my $r = $ua->get($uri);
124 if (not $r->is_success()) {
125 die "Not successful in request";
127 my $aborted = $r->header('Client-Aborted');
128 # if we exceeded max size, I'm not sure if we'll be
129 # successfull or not, but regardless, there will be a
130 # Client-Aborted header. Stop here if that header is defined.
131 die "Client aborted header" if defined $aborted;
132 my $type = $r->header('Content-Type');
133 # if there's no content type, or it's not one we like, we won't
134 # bother going further
135 die "No content type" if not defined $type;
136 die "Wrong content type" if not $type =~ m{^image/([^/]+)$};
137 $dest_type = $type_mapping{$1};
138 die "No dest type" if not defined $dest_type;
139 # undo any content encoding
140 $r->decode() or die "Unable to decode content encoding";
141 # ok, now we need to convert it from whatever it is into a
142 # format that we actually like
143 my ($temp_fh,$temp_fn) = tempfile() or
144 die "Unable to create temporary file";
146 print {$temp_fh} $r->content() or
147 die "Unable to print to temp file";
149 ### resize all images to 80x80 and strip comments out of
150 ### them. If convert has a bug, it would be possible for
151 ### this to be an attack vector, but hopefully minimizing
152 ### the size above, and requiring proper mime types will
153 ### minimize that slightly. Doing this will at least make
154 ### it harder for malicious web images to harm our users
155 system('convert','-resize','80x80',
158 $cache_location.'.'.$dest_type) == 0 or
159 die "convert file failed";
163 unlink($cache_location.'.'.$dest_type) if -e $cache_location.'.'.$dest_type;
164 unlink($temp_fn) if -e $temp_fn;
165 die "Unable to convert image";
169 # there was some kind of error; return undef and unlock the
171 simple_unlockfile($fh,$lockfile);
174 simple_unlockfile($fh,$lockfile);
175 return $cache_location.'.'.$dest_type;
178 sub blocked_libravatar {
179 my ($email,$md5sum) = @_;
181 for my $blocker (@{$config{libravatar_blacklist}||[]}) {
182 for my $element ($email,$md5sum) {
183 next unless defined $element;
185 if ($element =~ /$blocker/) {
197 if (exists $param{md5sum}) {
198 $md5sum = $param{md5sum};
199 }elsif (exists $param{email}) {
200 $md5sum = md5_hex(lc($param{email}));
202 croak("cache_location must be called with one of md5sum or email");
204 return undef if blocked_libravatar($param{email},$md5sum);
205 for my $ext (qw(.png .jpg)) {
206 if (-e $config{libravatar_cache_dir}.'/'.$md5sum.$ext) {
207 return $config{libravatar_cache_dir}.'/'.$md5sum.$ext;
210 return $config{libravatar_cache_dir}.'/'.$md5sum;
213 ## the following is mod_perl specific
216 if (exists $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION}) {
217 if ($ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} == 2) {
218 require Apache2::RequestIO;
219 require Apache2::RequestRec;
220 require Apache2::RequestUtil;
221 require Apache2::Const;
224 APR::Const->import(-compile => qw(FINFO_NORM));
225 Apache2::Const->import(-compile => qw(OK DECLINED FORBIDDEN NOT_FOUND HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED));
227 die "Unsupported mod perl api; mod_perl 2.0.0 or later is required";
233 die "Calling handler only makes sense if this is running under mod_perl" unless exists $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION};
234 my $r = shift or Apache2::RequestUtil->request;
236 # we only want GET or HEAD requests
237 unless ($r->method eq 'HEAD' or $r->method eq 'GET') {
238 return Apache2::Const::DECLINED();
240 $r->headers_out->{"X-Powered-By"} = "Debbugs libravatar";
243 # subtract out location
244 my $location = $r->location();
245 my ($email) = $uri =~ m/\Q$location\E\/?(.*)$/;
246 if (not length $email) {
247 return Apache2::Const::NOT_FOUND;
249 my $q = CGI::Simple->new();
250 my %param = cgi_parameters(query => $q,
251 single => [qw(avatar)],
252 default => {avatar => 'yes',
255 if ($param{avatar} ne 'yes' or not defined $email or not length $email) {
256 serve_cache_mod_perl('',$r);
257 return Apache2::Const::DECLINED();
259 # figure out what the md5sum of the e-mail is.
260 my $cache_location = cache_location(email => $email);
261 # if we've got it, and it's less than one hour old, return it.
262 if (cache_valid($cache_location)) {
263 serve_cache_mod_perl($cache_location,$r);
264 return Apache2::Const::DECLINED();
266 $cache_location = retreive_libravatar(location => $cache_location,
269 if (not defined $cache_location) {
270 # failure, serve the default image
271 serve_cache_mod_perl('',$r);
272 return Apache2::Const::DECLINED();
274 serve_cache_mod_perl($cache_location,$r);
275 return Apache2::Const::DECLINED();
280 sub serve_cache_mod_perl {
281 my ($cache_location,$r) = @_;
282 if (not defined $cache_location or not length $cache_location) {
283 # serve the default image
284 $cache_location = $config{libravatar_default_image};
286 $r->filename($cache_location);
288 $r->finfo(APR::Finfo::stat($cache_location, APR::Const::FINFO_NORM, $r->pool));