]> git.donarmstrong.com Git - deb_pkgs/scowl.git/blob - 6/final/variant_1-words.35
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[deb_pkgs/scowl.git] / 6 / final / variant_1-words.35
1 abaci
2 abided
3 acknowledgement
4 acknowledgements
5 acquited
6 acquiting
7 alit
8 ambience
9 ambiences
10 ameba
11 amebae
12 amebas
13 amoebae
14 amphitheatre
15 amphitheatres
16 anaemia
17 anaemic
18 anaesthesia
19 anaesthetic
20 anaesthetics
21 ani
22 anteed
23 anvilled
24 anvilling
25 aortae
26 apices
27 apparelled
28 apparelling
29 aquaria
30 arbores
31 archeology
32 arcked
33 arcking
34 artefact
35 artefacts
36 auditoria
37 aurae
38 avocadoes
39 awaked
40 ay
41 banditti
42 banjoes
43 barrelled
44 barrelling
45 bayonetted
46 bayonetting
47 benefitted
48 benefitting
49 beseeched
50 bided
51 bisons
52 blent
53 blueing
54 boney
55 boneyer
56 boneyest
57 bootie
58 buffalos
59 bureaux
60 bushelled
61 bushelling
62 bussing
63 bypast
64 cactuses
65 caddy
66 cagy
67 calculuses
68 calfs
69 cargos
70 carolled
71 carolling
72 catalogued
73 cataloguing
74 catsup
75 caucussed
76 caucusses
77 caucussing
78 celli
79 chagrinned
80 chagrinning
81 channelled
82 channelling
83 chaperone
84 chaperones
85 chapt
86 chid
87 chidden
88 chilli
89 chiselled
90 chiselling
91 choosey
92 chorussed
93 chorusses
94 chorussing
95 cleves
96 clueing
97 combatted
98 combatting
99 commandoes
100 complices
101 concerti
102 condores
103 cosier
104 cosies
105 cosiest
106 councillor
107 councillors
108 counsellor
109 counsellors
110 crania
111 crawfish
112 crawfishes
113 crescendi
114 croci
115 crueller
116 cruellest
117 cueing
118 cupsful
119 curriculums
120 curst
121 damndest
122 daydreamt
123 deers
124 deliria
125 dependants
126 despatch
127 despatched
128 despatches
129 despatching
130 devilled
131 devilling
132 diagramed
133 diagraming
134 dialogs
135 diarrhoea
136 disproven
137 distil
138 distils
139 dogmata
140 dominos
141 donut
142 donuts
143 dopy
144 dosses
145 drivelled
146 drivelling
147 duelled
148 duelling
149 dwarves
150 dwelled
151 eery
152 emporia
153 enamelled
154 enamelling
155 encyclopaedia
156 encyclopaedias
157 enemata
158 enrol
159 enrolment
160 enrolments
161 enrols
162 enthral
163 enthrals
164 equalled
165 equalling
166 esthetic
167 eviller
168 evillest
169 extoll
170 extolls
171 eying
172 facetted
173 facetting
174 faggot
175 faggoted
176 faggoting
177 faggots
178 faunae
179 fezes
180 flamingoes
181 flannelled
182 flannelling
183 florae
184 flyer
185 flyers
186 foci
187 focussed
188 focusses
189 focussing
190 foetal
191 foetus
192 foetuses
193 fogey
194 fogeys
195 fora
196 forego
197 foregoes
198 fuelled
199 fuelling
200 fulcra
201 fulfilment
202 funguses
203 funnelled
204 funnelling
205 gage
206 gaged
207 gages
208 gaging
209 gallowses
210 gasses
211 gelt
212 genuses
213 ghettoes
214 glamor
215 glamors
216 glueing
217 glycerine
218 gnawn
219 gossipped
220 gossipping
221 grannie
222 gravelled
223 gravelling
224 greyed
225 greyer
226 greyest
227 greying
228 greys
229 grottos
230 grovelled
231 grovelling
232 gruelled
233 gruelling
234 gruellings
235 guerilla
236 gybe
237 gybed
238 gybes
239 gybing
240 gymnasia
241 haemoglobin
242 haloes
243 handkerchieves
244 handsful
245 hardline
246 herniae
247 hewn
248 hiccough
249 hiccoughed
250 hiccoughing
251 hiccoughs
252 hiccupped
253 hiccupping
254 hippopotami
255 hippy
256 homewards
257 homy
258 honied
259 hostelled
260 hostelling
261 hurray
262 hurrayed
263 hurraying
264 hurrays
265 imperilled
266 imperilling
267 initialled
268 initialling
269 insigne
270 instalment
271 instalments
272 instil
273 instils
274 interweaved
275 isthmi
276 jewelled
277 jeweller
278 jewellers
279 jewelling
280 jigsawn
281 kennelled
282 kennelling
283 kerchieves
284 kneeled
285 landslidden
286 larvas
287 larynxes
288 lateralled
289 lateralling
290 leafletted
291 leafletting
292 leapt
293 lept
294 levelled
295 leveller
296 levelling
297 lexica
298 libelled
299 libelling
300 libellous
301 lingos
302 localled
303 localling
304 looney
305 looneys
306 loyaller
307 loyallest
308 lupin
309 lupins
310 mangos
311 manifestoes
312 marshalled
313 marshalling
314 marvelled
315 marvelling
316 matt
317 matts
318 mausolea
319 maxima
320 mementoes
321 memoranda
322 microfiches
323 midwived
324 midwiving
325 minibusses
326 minima
327 misspelt
328 monogramed
329 monograming
330 moratoria
331 mosquitos
332 motleyer
333 motleyest
334 mottos
335 mousey
336 moustache
337 moustaches
338 mown
339 nebulas
340 neckerchieves
341 nosey
342 noseys
343 nucleuses
344 octopi
345 okaying
346 omelette
347 omelettes
348 orthopaedics
349 outshined
350 outstript
351 panelled
352 panelling
353 panellings
354 panty
355 papyruses
356 parallelled
357 parallelling
358 parcelled
359 parcelling
360 pease
361 pedalled
362 pedalling
363 pelves
364 pencilled
365 pencilling
366 penes
367 perilled
368 perilling
369 phoney
370 pickaxe
371 pixy
372 placentae
373 planetaria
374 plateaux
375 pled
376 plough
377 ploughed
378 ploughing
379 ploughs
380 plusses
381 podia
382 pokey
383 porticos
384 pretence
385 pretences
386 preyer
387 prosses
388 protestor
389 protestors
390 provisoes
391 prys
392 pummelled
393 pummelling
394 pyramides
395 quarrelled
396 quarrelling
397 quizes
398 rabbies
399 racoon
400 radiuses
401 rainforest
402 ravelled
403 ravelling
404 recta
405 referenda
406 refuelled
407 refuelling
408 reindeers
409 remodelled
410 remodelling
411 reprogramed
412 reprograming
413 retinae
414 revelled
415 reveller
416 revellers
417 revelling
418 revery
419 rhinoceri
420 ricochetted
421 ricochetting
422 rivalled
423 rivalling
424 rivetted
425 rivetting
426 rostra
427 sabre
428 sabres
429 saleable
430 sanatoria
431 sanitaria
432 sauted
433 saviour
434 saviours
435 sawn
436 sequinned
437 sera
438 shaven
439 sheikh
440 sheikhs
441 shodden
442 shoed
443 shorn
444 shovelled
445 shovelling
446 shrivelled
447 shrivelling
448 sizeable
449 skyed
450 slinked
451 slyer
452 slyest
453 smit
454 smoothes
455 smoulder
456 smouldered
457 smouldering
458 smoulders
459 snorkelled
460 snorkelling
461 soli
462 spectrums
463 sphinges
464 spilt
465 spiralled
466 spiralling
467 spoonsful
468 spryer
469 spryest
470 squirrelled
471 squirrelling
472 stadia
473 staves
474 stencilled
475 stencilling
476 stoney
477 stratums
478 strived
479 sulphur
480 sunburnt
481 surplused
482 surplusing
483 swivelled
484 swivelling
485 syllabi
486 syphon
487 syphoned
488 syphoning
489 syphons
490 tablespoonsful
491 tarantulae
492 tasselled
493 tasselling
494 taxies
495 taxying
496 teetotaller
497 teetotallers
498 tempi
499 terminuses
500 theatres
501 thriven
502 throve
503 tinselled
504 tinselling
505 tobaccoes
506 togae
507 tornados
508 torpedos
509 torsi
510 tost
511 totalled
512 totalling
513 towelled
514 towelling
515 towellings
516 tranquility
517 tranquiller
518 tranquillest
519 transitted
520 transitting
521 traumata
522 traveller
523 travellers
524 trowelled
525 trowelling
526 trueing
527 tsar
528 tsars
529 tunnelled
530 tunnelling
531 turves
532 tuxedoes
533 twingeing
534 ultimata
535 unequalled
536 unravelled
537 unravelling
538 unrivalled
539 untilled
540 uteruses
541 vacua
542 vaginas
543 vertebras
544 vertices
545 virtuosi
546 volcanos
547 vortices
548 whirr
549 whirrs
550 whiskies
551 whizz
552 wilful
553 wilfully
554 worshipped
555 worshipper
556 worshippers
557 worshipping
558 wrier
559 wriest
560 yodelled
561 yodelling
562 zinced
563 zincing