#!/usr/bin/perl -wT package debbugs; use strict; use POSIX qw(strftime tzset); use MIME::Parser; use MIME::Decoder; use IO::Scalar; #require '/usr/lib/debbugs/errorlib'; require './common.pl'; require '/etc/debbugs/config'; require '/etc/debbugs/text'; use vars(qw($gHTMLTail $gSpoolDir $gWebDomain)); my %param = readparse(); my $tail_html; my %maintainer = %{getmaintainers()}; my %pkgsrc = %{getpkgsrc()}; my $ref = $param{'bug'} || quit("No bug number"); my $msg = $param{'msg'} || ""; my $att = $param{'att'}; my $boring = ($param{'boring'} || 'no') eq 'yes'; my $reverse = ($param{'reverse'} || 'no') eq 'yes'; my $mbox = ($param{'mbox'} || 'no') eq 'yes'; my %status = %{getbugstatus($ref)} or &quit("Couldn't get bug status: $!"); my $indexentry; my $descriptivehead; my $submitted; my $showseverity; my $tpack; my $tmain; $ENV{"TZ"} = 'UTC'; tzset(); my $dtime = strftime "%a, %e %b %Y %T UTC", localtime; $tail_html = $debbugs::gHTMLTail; $tail_html =~ s/SUBSTITUTE_DTIME/$dtime/; $|=1; $tpack = lc $status{'package'}; $tpack =~ s/[^-+._a-z0-9()].*$//; if ($status{severity} eq 'normal') { $showseverity = ''; #} elsif (grep($status{severity} eq $_, @strongseverities)) { # $showseverity = "Severity: $status{severity};\n"; } else { $showseverity = "Severity: $status{severity};\n"; } $indexentry .= $showseverity; $indexentry .= "Package: " .htmlsanit($status{package}).";\n"; $indexentry .= "Reported by: " . htmlsanit($status{originator}) . ""; $indexentry .= ";\nTags: " . htmlsanit(join(", ", sort(split(/\s+/, $status{tags})))) . "" if length($status{tags}); my @merged= split(/ /,$status{mergedwith}); if (@merged) { my $mseparator= ";\nmerged with "; for my $m (@merged) { $indexentry .= $mseparator."#$m"; $mseparator= ",\n"; } } my $dummy = strftime "%a, %e %b %Y %T UTC", localtime($status{date}); $submitted = ";\ndated ".$dummy; if (length($status{done})) { $indexentry .= ";\nDone: ".htmlsanit($status{done}); } elsif (length($status{forwarded})) { $indexentry .= ";\nForwarded to ".htmlsanit($status{forwarded}); } my ($short, $tmaint, $tsrc); $short = $ref; $short =~ s/^\d+/#$&/; $tmaint = defined($maintainer{$tpack}) ? $maintainer{$tpack} : '(unknown)'; $tsrc = defined($pkgsrc{$tpack}) ? $pkgsrc{$tpack} : '(unknown)'; $descriptivehead= $indexentry.$submitted.";\nMaintainer for $status{package} is\n". ''.htmlsanit($tmaint).''; $descriptivehead.= ";\n
Source for $status{package} is\n". '$tsrc"; $descriptivehead.= "."; my $buglog = buglog($ref); open L, "<$buglog" or &quit("open log for $ref: $!"); if ($buglog !~ m#^\Q$gSpoolDir/db-h/#) { $descriptivehead .= "\n
Bug is archived. No further changes may be made."; } my $log=''; my $xmessage = 1; my $suppressnext = 0; my $thisheader = ''; my $this = ''; my $cmsg = 1; my $normstate= 'kill-init'; my $linenum = 0; my $mail = ''; my @mails = (); while(my $line = ) { $linenum++; if ($line =~ m/^.$/ and 1 <= ord($line) && ord($line) <= 7) { # state transitions my $newstate; my $statenum = ord($line); $newstate = 'autocheck' if ($statenum == 1); $newstate = 'recips' if ($statenum == 2); $newstate = 'kill-end' if ($statenum == 3); $newstate = 'go' if ($statenum == 5); $newstate = 'html' if ($statenum == 6); $newstate = 'incoming-recv' if ($statenum == 7); # disallowed transitions: $_ = "$normstate $newstate"; unless (m/^(go|go-nox|html) kill-end$/ || m/^(kill-init|kill-end) (incoming-recv|autocheck|recips|html)$/ || m/^kill-body go$/) { &quit("$ref: Transition from $normstate to $newstate at $linenum disallowed"); } if ($newstate eq 'go') { $this .= "

		if ($newstate eq 'html') {
			$this = '';

		if ($newstate eq 'kill-end') {

			my $show = 1;
			$show = $boring
				if ($suppressnext && $normstate ne 'html');

			$show = ($xmessage == $msg) if ($msg);

			push @mails, $mail if ( $mbox && $mail );
			if ($show) {
				my $downloadHtml = '';
				if ($mail) {
					my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
#					$parser->output_under("/tmp");
					my $entity = $parser->parse_data($mail);
					# TODO: make local subdir, clean it outselves
					# the following does NOT delete the msg dirs in /tmp
					END { $entity->purge; $parser->filer->purge; }
					my @attachments = ();
					if ( $entity->is_multipart ) {
						my @parts = $entity->parts_DFS;
#						$this .= htmlsanit($entity->head->stringify);
						my @keep = ();
						foreach ( @parts ) {
							my $head = $_->head;
#							$head->mime_attr("content-transfer-encoding" => "8bit")
#								if !$head->mime_attr("content-transfer-encoding");
							my ($disposition,$type) = (
								lc $head->mime_attr("content-type")
#print STDERR "'$type' '$disposition'\n";
							if ($disposition && ( $disposition eq "attachment" || $disposition eq "inline" ) && $_->head->recommended_filename ) {
								push @attachments, $_;
								my $file = $_->head->recommended_filename;
								$downloadHtml .= "View Attachment: $file\n";
								if ($msg && defined($att) && $att eq $#attachments) {
									my $head = $_->head;
									my $type;
									chomp($type = $head->mime_attr("content-type"));
									my $body = $_->stringify_body;
									print "Content-Type: $type; name=$file\n\n";
									my $decoder = new MIME::Decoder($head->mime_encoding);
									$decoder->decode(new IO::Scalar(\$body), \*STDOUT);
								if ($type eq 'text/plain') {
#									push @keep, $_;
#								$this .= htmlsanit($_->head->stringify);
							} else {
#								$this .= htmlsanit($_->head->stringify);
#								push @keep, $_;
#							$this .= "\n" . htmlsanit($_->stringify_body);
#						$entity->parts(\@keep) if (!$msg);
					$this .= htmlsanit($entity->stringify);
				$this = "$downloadHtml\n$this$downloadHtml" if $downloadHtml;
				$downloadHtml = '';
				$this = "
\n" if $normstate eq 'go' || $normstate eq 'go-nox'; $this = "$thisheader$this" if $thisheader && !( $normstate eq 'html' );; $thisheader = ''; if ($normstate eq 'html') { $this .= " Full text available."; } if ($reverse) { $log = "$this\n
$log"; } else { $log .= "$this\n
\n"; } } $xmessage++ if ($normstate ne 'html'); $suppressnext = $normstate eq 'html'; } $normstate = $newstate; $mail = ''; next; } $_ = $line; if ($normstate eq 'incoming-recv') { my $pl= $_; $pl =~ s/\n+$//; m/^Received: \(at (\S+)\) by (\S+)\;/ || &quit("bad line \`$pl' in state incoming-recv"); $thisheader = "

Message received at ".htmlsanit("$1\@$2") . ":

\n"; $this = ''; $normstate= 'go'; $mail .= $_; } elsif ($normstate eq 'html') { $this .= $_; } elsif ($normstate eq 'go') { if ($mail) { $mail .= $_; } else { $this .= htmlsanit($_); } } elsif ($normstate eq 'go-nox') { next if !s/^X//; if ($mail) { $mail .= $_; } else { $this .= htmlsanit($_); } } elsif ($normstate eq 'recips') { if (m/^-t$/) { $this = "

Message sent:

\n"; } else { s/\04/, /g; s/\n$//; $this = "

Message sent to ".htmlsanit($_).":

\n"; } $normstate= 'kill-body'; } elsif ($normstate eq 'autocheck') { next if !m/^X-Debian-Bugs(-\w+)?: This is an autoforward from (\S+)/; $normstate= 'autowait'; $thisheader = "

Message received at $2:

\n"; $this = ''; $mail .= $_; } elsif ($normstate eq 'autowait') { next if !m/^$/; $normstate= 'go-nox'; } else { &quit("$ref state $normstate line \`$_'"); } } &quit("$ref state $normstate at end") unless $normstate eq 'kill-end'; close(L); if ( $mbox ) { print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"; foreach ( @mails ) { my @lines = split( "\n", $_, -1 ); if ( $lines[ 1 ] =~ m/^From / ) { my $tmp = $lines[ 0 ]; $lines[ 0 ] = $lines[ 1 ]; $lines[ 1 ] = $tmp; $_ = join( "\n", @lines ) . "\n"; } if ( !( $lines[ 0 ] =~ m/^From / ) ) { $ENV{ PATH } = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"; my $date = `date "+%a %b %d %T %Y"`; chomp $date; $_ = "From unknown $date\n" . $_; } } print join("", @mails ); exit 0; } print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print "\n"; print "\n" . "$debbugs::gProject $debbugs::gBug report logs - $short\n" . "\n" . '' . "\n"; print "

" . "$debbugs::gProject $debbugs::gBug report logs - $short" . "
" . htmlsanit($status{subject}) . "

\n"; print "$descriptivehead\n"; printf "

View this report as an mbox folder.

", mboxurl($ref); print "
"; print "$log"; print $tail_html; print "\n"; exit 0;