% Feta (not the Font-En-Tja) music font -- implement noteheads % This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter. % % Copyright (C) 1997--2010 Jan Nieuwenhuizen % & Han-Wen Nienhuys % & Juergen Reuter % % % LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with LilyPond. If not, see . test_outlines := 0; save remember_pic; picture remember_pic; % Most beautiful noteheads are pronounced, not circular, % and not even symmetric. % These examples are inspired by [Wanske]; see literature list. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % NOTE HEAD VARIABLES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% save black_notehead_width, noteheight; save half_notehead_width, whole_notehead_width, slash_thick; save slash_slope, overdone_heads, solfa_noteheight; numeric noteheight; numeric slash_thick; numeric black_notehead_width; numeric whole_notehead_width; numeric half_notehead_width; fet_begingroup ("noteheads"); % Slope of slash. From scm/grob-description.scm. How to auto-copy? slash_slope := 1.7; % Thickness of slash lines. Quarter notes get 1.5slt width. slash_thick# := 2/3 * 0.48 staff_space#; % % Hand-engraved music often has balls extending above and below % the lines. If you like that, modify overdone heads (unit: % stafflinethickness). % overdone_heads = 0.0; noteheight# := staff_space# + (1 + overdone_heads) * stafflinethickness#; % % solfa heads should not overlap on chords. % solfa_noteheight# := staff_space# - stafflinethickness#; define_pixels (slash_thick); define_whole_vertical_pixels (noteheight); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % SLANT moves both extrema on the long axis (by SLANT * ELLIPTICITY, % so SLANT = -1, puts the extreme on the long axis next to the short % axis one). % def draw_outside_ellipse (expr ellipticity, tilt, superness, slant) = save attachment_y; save pat; path pat; pat := superellipse ((ellipticity, 0), (-slant * ellipticity, 1.0), (-ellipticity, 0), (slant * ellipticity, -1.0), superness); pat := pat rotated tilt; save top_point, right_point; pair top_point, right_point; top_point := directionpoint left of pat; right_point := directionpoint up of pat; save scaling, width; scaling# = noteheight# / (2 ypart (top_point)); width# := 2 xpart (right_point) * scaling#; define_pixels (scaling, width); set_char_box (0, width#, noteheight# / 2, noteheight# / 2); d := d - feta_space_shift; % attachment Y charwy := ypart (right_point) * scaling#; charwx := width#; pat := pat scaled scaling shifted (w / 2, .5 (h - d)); width := hround width; if test_outlines = 1: draw pat; else: fill pat; fi; enddef; def undraw_inside_ellipse (expr ellipticity, tilt, superness, clearance) = begingroup save pat; path pat; pat := superellipse ((ellipticity, 0), (0, 1.0), (-ellipticity, 0), (0, -1.0), superness); pat := pat rotated tilt; save top_point, right_point; pair top_point, right_point; top_point := directionpoint left of pat; right_point := directionpoint up of pat; save height, scaling; height# = staff_space# + stafflinethickness# - clearance; scaling# = height# / (2 ypart (top_point)); define_pixels (scaling); pat := pat scaled scaling shifted (w / 2, .5 (h - d)); if test_outlines = 1: draw pat; else: unfill pat; fi endgroup; enddef; % % dimensions aren't entirely right. % def draw_longa (expr up) = save stemthick, fudge; stemthick# = 2 stafflinethickness#; define_whole_blacker_pixels (stemthick); fudge = hround (blot_diameter / 2); draw_outside_ellipse (1.80, 0, 0.707, 0); undraw_inside_ellipse (1.30, 125, 0.68, 2 stafflinethickness#); pickup pencircle scaled stemthick; if up: bot y1 = -d; top y2 = h; rt x1 - fudge = 0; x1 = x2; fudge + lft x3 = w; x4 = x3; top y4 = h + 3.0 staff_space; y3 = y1; else: bot y1 = -d - 3.0 staff_space; top y2 = h; rt x1 - fudge = 0; x1 = x2; fudge + lft x3 = w; x4 = x3; y4 = y2; bot y3 = -d; fi; draw_gridline (z1, z2, stemthick); draw_gridline (z3, z4, stemthick); labels (1, 2, 3, 4); enddef; fet_beginchar ("Longa notehead", "uM2"); draw_longa (true); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Longa notehead", "dM2"); draw_longa (false); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; if test > 0: fet_beginchar ("Longa notehead", "uM2"); draw_longa (true); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Longa notehead", "dM2"); draw_longa (false); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fi; % % dimensions aren't entirely right. % def draw_brevis (expr linecount) = save stemthick, fudge; stemthick# = 2 stafflinethickness#; define_whole_blacker_pixels (stemthick); fudge = hround (blot_diameter / 2); draw_outside_ellipse (1.80, 0, 0.707, 0); undraw_inside_ellipse (1.30, 125, 0.68, 2 stafflinethickness#); pickup pencircle scaled stemthick; bot y1 = -d; top y2 = h; rt x1 - fudge = 0; x1 = x2; fudge + lft x3 = w; x4 = x3; y4 = y2; y3 = y1; for i := 0 step 1 until linecount - 1: draw_gridline (z1 - (1.5 * i * stemthick, 0), z2 - (1.5 * i * stemthick, 0), stemthick); draw_gridline (z3 + (1.5 * i * stemthick, 0), z4 + (1.5 * i * stemthick, 0), stemthick); endfor; enddef; fet_beginchar ("Brevis notehead", "sM1"); draw_brevis (1); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; if test > 0: fet_beginchar ("Brevis notehead", "sM1"); draw_brevis(1); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fi; fet_beginchar ("Double-lined brevis notehead", "sM1double"); draw_brevis (2); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; if test > 0: fet_beginchar ("Double-lined brevis notehead", "sM1double"); draw_brevis (2); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fi; fet_beginchar ("Whole notehead", "s0"); draw_outside_ellipse (1.80 - puff_up_factor / 3.0, 0, 0.707, 0); undraw_inside_ellipse (1.30, 125 - puff_up_factor * 10, 0.68, 2 stafflinethickness#); whole_notehead_width# := charwd; draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; if test > 0: fet_beginchar ("Whole notehead", "s0"); draw_outside_ellipse (1.80 - puff_up_factor / 3.0, 0, 0.707, 0); undraw_inside_ellipse (1.30, 125 - puff_up_factor * 10, 0.68, 2 stafflinethickness#); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fi; fet_beginchar ("Half notehead", "s1"); draw_outside_ellipse (1.53 - puff_up_factor / 3.0, 34, 0.66, 0.17); undraw_inside_ellipse (3.25, 33, 0.81, 2.5 stafflinethickness#); half_notehead_width# := charwd; draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; if test > 0: fet_beginchar ("Half notehead", "s1"); draw_outside_ellipse (1.53 - puff_up_factor / 3.0, 34, 0.66, 0.17); undraw_inside_ellipse (3.25, 33, 0.81, 2.5 stafflinethickness#); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fi; fet_beginchar ("Quart notehead", "s2"); % used to have 32. With 31, they are slightly bolder. draw_outside_ellipse (1.49 - puff_up_factor / 3.0, 31, 0.707, 0); black_notehead_width# := charwd; draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; if test > 0: fet_beginchar ("Quart notehead", "s2"); draw_outside_ellipse (1.49 - puff_up_factor / 3.0, 31, 0.707, 0); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fi; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fet_beginchar ("Whole diamondhead", "s0diamond"); draw_outside_ellipse (1.80, 0, 0.495, 0); undraw_inside_ellipse (1.30, 125, 0.6, .4 staff_space# + stafflinethickness#); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; if test > 0: fet_beginchar ("Whole diamondhead", "s0diamond"); draw_outside_ellipse (1.80, 0, 0.495, 0); undraw_inside_ellipse (1.30, 125, 0.6, .4 staff_space# + stafflinethickness#); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fi; fet_beginchar ("Half diamondhead", "s1diamond"); draw_outside_ellipse (1.50, 34, 0.49, 0.17); undraw_inside_ellipse (3.5, 33, 0.80, .3 staff_space# + 1.5 stafflinethickness#); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; if test > 0: fet_beginchar ("Half diamondhead", "s1diamond"); draw_outside_ellipse (1.50, 34, 0.49, 0.17); undraw_inside_ellipse (3.5, 33, 0.80, .3 staff_space# + 1.5 stafflinethickness#); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fi; fet_beginchar ("Quart diamondhead", "s2diamond"); draw_outside_ellipse (1.80, 35, 0.495, -0.25); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; if test > 0: fet_beginchar ("Quart diamondhead", "s2diamond"); draw_outside_ellipse (1.80, 35, 0.495, -0.25); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fi; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% vardef penposx@# (expr d) = begingroup; save pat; path pat; pat = top z@# .. lft z@# .. bot z@# .. rt z@# .. cycle; z@#l = pat intersectionpoint (z@# -- infinity * dir (d + 180)); z@#r = pat intersectionpoint (z@# -- infinity * dir (d)); endgroup enddef; % % UGH: xs not declared as argument. % def define_triangle_shape (expr stemdir) = save triangle_a, triangle_b, triangle_c; save triangle_out_a, triangle_out_b, triangle_out_c; save triangle_in, triangle_out; save width, depth, height; save origin, left_up_dir; save exact_left_point, exact_right_point, exact_down_point; path triangle_a, triangle_b, triangle_c; path triangle_out_a, triangle_out_b, triangle_out_c; path triangle_in, triangle_out; pair origin, left_up_dir; pair exact_down_point, exact_left_point, exact_right_point; save pen_thick; pen_thick# = stafflinethickness# + .1 staff_space#; define_pixels (llap); define_blacker_pixels (pen_thick); left_up_dir = llap# * dir (90 + tilt); xpart (left_up_dir) * xs - (pen_thick# * xs) / 2 + xpart origin = 0; ypart origin = 0; exact_left_point := origin + (left_up_dir xscaled xs); exact_down_point := origin + (left_up_dir rotated 120 xscaled xs); exact_right_point := origin + (left_up_dir rotated 240 xscaled xs); height# = ypart (exact_left_point + origin) + pen_thick# / 2; depth# = -ypart (exact_down_point + origin) + pen_thick# / 2; width# = xpart (exact_right_point - exact_left_point) + pen_thick# * xs; set_char_box (0, width#, depth#, height#); % Formerly, the shape has simply been drawn with an elliptical pen % (`scaled pen_thick xscaled xs'), but the envelope of such a curve % is of 6th degree. For the sake of mf2pt1, we approximate it. pickup pencircle scaled pen_thick xscaled xs; z0 = (hround_pixels (xpart origin), 0); z1 = z1' = z0 + llap * dir (90 + tilt) xscaled xs; z2 = z2' = z0 + llap * dir (90 + tilt + 120) xscaled xs; z3 = z3' = z0 + llap * dir (90 + tilt + 240) xscaled xs; z12 = caveness [.5[z1, z2], z3]; z23 = caveness [.5[z2, z3], z1]; z31 = caveness [.5[z3, z1], z2]; triangle_a = z1 .. z12 .. z2; triangle_b = z2 .. z23 .. z3; triangle_c = z3 .. z31 .. z1; penposx1 (angle (direction 0 of triangle_a) - 90); penposx2 (angle (direction 0 of triangle_b) - 90); penposx3 (angle (direction 0 of triangle_c) - 90); penposx1' (angle (direction infinity of triangle_c) + 90); penposx2' (angle (direction infinity of triangle_a) + 90); penposx3' (angle (direction infinity of triangle_b) + 90); penposx12 (angle (z12 - z0)); penposx23 (angle (z23 - z0)); penposx31 (angle (z31 - z0)); z10 = (z0 -- z1) intersectionpoint (z1l .. z12l .. z2'r); z20 = (z0 -- z2) intersectionpoint (z2l .. z23l .. z3'r); z30 = (z0 -- z3) intersectionpoint (z3l .. z31l .. z1'r); triangle_in = z10 .. z12l .. z20 & z20 .. z23l .. z30 & z30 .. z31l .. z10 & cycle; triangle_out_a = z1r .. z12r .. z2'l; triangle_out_b = z2r .. z23r .. z3'l; triangle_out_c = z3r .. z31r .. z1'l; triangle_out = top z1 .. lft z1 .. z1r{direction 0 of triangle_out_a} & triangle_out_a & {direction infinity of triangle_out_a}z2'l .. lft z2 .. bot z2 .. z2r{direction 0 of triangle_out_b} & triangle_out_b & {direction infinity of triangle_out_b}z3'l .. rt z3 .. top z3 .. z3r{direction 0 of triangle_out_c} & triangle_out_c & {direction infinity of triangle_out_c}z1'l .. cycle; labels (0, 10, 20, 30); penlabels (1, 1', 2, 2', 3, 3', 12, 23, 31); % attachment Y if stemdir = 1: charwy := ypart exact_right_point; charwx := xpart exact_right_point + .5 pen_thick# * xs; else: charwy := -ypart exact_down_point; charwx := width# - (xpart exact_down_point - .5 pen_thick# * xs); fi enddef; def draw_whole_triangle_head = save hei, xs; save llap; save tilt; tilt = 40; llap# = 3/4 noteheight#; xs = 1.5; caveness := 0.1; define_triangle_shape (1); fill triangle_out; unfill triangle_in; enddef; fet_beginchar ("Whole trianglehead", "s0triangle"); draw_whole_triangle_head; draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; if test > 0: fet_beginchar ("Whole trianglehead", "s0triangle"); draw_whole_triangle_head; draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fi; def draw_small_triangle_head (expr dir) = save hei, xs; save llap; save tilt; tilt = 40; llap# = 2/3 noteheight#; xs = 1.2; caveness := 0.1; define_triangle_shape (dir); pickup feta_fillpen; filldraw triangle_out; unfilldraw triangle_in; enddef; fet_beginchar ("Half trianglehead (downstem)", "d1triangle"); draw_small_triangle_head (-1); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half trianglehead (upstem)", "u1triangle"); draw_small_triangle_head (1); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; def draw_closed_triangle_head (expr dir) = save hei, xs; save llap; save tilt; tilt = 40; llap# = 2/3 noteheight#; xs = 1.0; caveness := 0.1; define_triangle_shape (dir); fill triangle_out; enddef; fet_beginchar ("Quart trianglehead (upstem)", "u2triangle"); draw_closed_triangle_head (1); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart trianglehead (downstem)", "d2triangle"); draw_closed_triangle_head (-1); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Slash heads are for indicating improvisation. They are % twice as high as normal heads. % def draw_slash (expr hwid_hash) = save exact_height; save ne, nw_dist; pair ne, nw_dist; exact_height = staff_space# + stafflinethickness# / 2; set_char_box (0, 2 exact_height / slash_slope + hwid_hash, exact_height, exact_height); charwx := charwd; charwy := charht; clearxy; d := d - feta_shift; pickup pencircle scaled blot_diameter; bot y1 = -d; top y2 = h; lft x1 = 0; lft x2 = 2 h / slash_slope; rt x3 = w; y3 = y2; y4 = y1; x3 - x2 = x4 - x1; ne = unitvector (z3 - z4); nw_dist = (ne rotated 90) * 0.5 blot_diameter; fill bot z1{left} .. (z1 + nw_dist){ne} -- (z2 + nw_dist){ne} .. top z2{right} -- top z3{right} .. (z3 - nw_dist){-ne} -- (z4 - nw_dist){-ne} .. bot z4{left} -- cycle; if hwid_hash > 2 slash_thick#: save th; th = slash_thick - blot_diameter; y6 = y7; y5 = y8; y3 - y7 = th; y5 - y1 = th; z6 - z5 = whatever * ne; z8 - z7 = whatever * ne; z5 = z1 + whatever * ne + th * (ne rotated -90); z8 = z4 + whatever * ne + th * (ne rotated 90); unfill z5 -- z6 -- z7 -- z8 -- cycle; fi labels (range 1 thru 10); enddef; fet_beginchar ("Whole slashhead", "s0slash"); draw_slash (4 slash_thick# + 0.5 staff_space#); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half slashhead", "s1slash"); draw_slash (3.0 slash_thick# + 0.15 staff_space#); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart slashhead", "s2slash"); draw_slash (1.5 slash_thick#); draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % `thick' is the distance between the NE/SW parallel lines in the cross % (distance between centres of lines) in multiples of stafflinethickness % def draw_cross (expr thick) = save ne, nw; save ne_dist, nw_dist, rt_dist, up_dist; save crz_in, crz_out; save thickness; pair ne, nw; pair ne_dist, nw_dist, rt_dist, up_dist; path crz_in, crz_out; pen_thick# := 1.2 stafflinethickness#; thickness# := thick * stafflinethickness#; define_pixels (thickness); define_blacker_pixels (pen_thick); pickup pencircle scaled pen_thick; h := h - feta_shift; top y3 = h; ne = unitvector ((1, (2 h - pen_thick) / (w - pen_thick))); rt x4 = w / 2; y5 = 0; z4 - z5 = whatever * ne; x6 = 0; z6 - z3 = whatever * ne; z3 - z4 = whatever * (ne yscaled -1); z4 - z3 = whatever * (ne) + (ne rotated -90) * thickness; x1 = charwd / 2 - .5 pen_thick#; z1 = whatever * ne + thick / 2 * stafflinethickness# * (ne rotated -90); % labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); nw = unitvector (z3 - z4); up_dist = up * 0.5 pen_thick / cosd (angle (ne)); rt_dist = right * 0.5 pen_thick / sind (angle (ne)); nw_dist = (ne rotated 90) * 0.5 pen_thick; ne_dist = (nw rotated -90) * 0.5 pen_thick; x4' := x4; x5' := x5; y6' := y6; x4 := hround (x4' + .5 pen_thick) - .5 pen_thick; x5 := hfloor (x5' + xpart rt_dist) - xpart rt_dist; y6 := vfloor (y6' + ypart up_dist) - ypart up_dist; crz_out = (z6 + up_dist) -- (z3 + nw_dist){ne} .. (top z3) .. (z3 + ne_dist){-nw} -- (z4 + ne_dist){-nw} .. (rt z4) .. (z4 - nw_dist){-ne} -- (z5 + rt_dist); crz_out := crz_out shifted (0, feta_shift) -- reverse crz_out yscaled -1 shifted (0, -feta_eps); fill crz_out -- reverse crz_out xscaled -1 shifted (-feta_eps, 0) -- cycle; if (thick > 1): x4 := hround (x4' - xpart rt_dist) + xpart rt_dist; x5 := hceiling (x5' - .5 pen_thick) + .5 pen_thick; y6 := vfloor (y6' - .5 pen_thick) + .5 pen_thick; crz_in = (bot z6){right} .. (z6 - nw_dist){ne} -- (z3 - up_dist) -- (z4 - rt_dist) -- (z5 + nw_dist){-ne} .. {down}(lft z5); crz_in := crz_in shifted (0, feta_shift) -- reverse crz_in yscaled -1 shifted (0, -feta_eps); unfill crz_in -- reverse crz_in xscaled -1 shifted (-feta_eps, 0) -- cycle; fi % ugh currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (hround (w / 2), 0); charwx := charwd; charwy := y1 + feta_shift; z12 = (charwx * hppp, y1 * vppp); labels (12); enddef; fet_beginchar ("Whole Crossed notehead", "s0cross"); save wid, hei; wid# := black_notehead_width# + 4 stafflinethickness#; hei# := noteheight# + stafflinethickness#; set_char_box (0, wid#, hei# / 2, hei# / 2); draw_cross (3.75); remember_pic := currentpicture; draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; if test > 0: fet_beginchar ("Whole Crossed notehead", "s0cross"); save wid, hei; wid# := black_notehead_width# + 4 stafflinethickness#; hei# := noteheight# + stafflinethickness#; set_char_box (0, wid#, hei# / 2, hei# / 2); currentpicture := remember_pic; draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fi; fet_beginchar ("Half Crossed notehead", "s1cross"); save wid, hei; wid# := black_notehead_width# + 2 stafflinethickness#; hei# := noteheight# + stafflinethickness# / 2; set_char_box (0, wid#, hei# / 2, hei# / 2); draw_cross (3.0); remember_pic := currentpicture; draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; if test > 0: fet_beginchar ("Half Crossed notehead", "s1cross"); save wid, hei; wid# := black_notehead_width# + 2 stafflinethickness#; hei# := noteheight# + stafflinethickness# / 2; set_char_box (0, wid#, hei# / 2, hei# / 2); currentpicture := remember_pic; draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fi; fet_beginchar ("Crossed notehead", "s2cross"); wid# := black_notehead_width#; hei# := noteheight#; set_char_box (0, wid#, hei# / 2, hei# / 2); draw_cross (1.0); remember_pic := currentpicture; draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; if test > 0: fet_beginchar ("Crossed notehead", "s2cross"); wid# := black_notehead_width#; hei# := noteheight#; set_char_box (0, wid#, hei# / 2, hei# / 2); currentpicture := remember_pic; draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fi; fet_beginchar ("X-Circled notehead", "s2xcircle"); save wid, hei; save cthick, cxd, cyd, dy; wid# := black_notehead_width# * sqrt (sqrt2); hei# := noteheight# * sqrt (sqrt2); set_char_box (0, wid#, hei# / 2, hei# / 2); d := d - feta_space_shift; cthick# := (1.2 + 1/4) * stafflinethickness#; define_blacker_pixels (cthick); cxd := w - cthick; cyd := h + d - cthick / 2; dy = .5 (h - d); pickup pencircle scaled cthick; fill fullcircle xscaled (cxd + cthick) yscaled (cyd + cthick) shifted (w / 2, dy); unfill fullcircle xscaled (cxd - cthick) yscaled (cyd - cthick) shifted (w / 2, dy); xpos := .5 cxd / sqrt2; ypos := .5 cyd / sqrt2; pickup penrazor scaled cthick rotated (angle (xpos, ypos) + 90); draw (-xpos + w / 2, -ypos + dy) -- (xpos + w / 2, ypos + dy); pickup penrazor scaled cthick rotated (angle (xpos, -ypos) + 90); draw (-xpos + w / 2, ypos + dy) -- (xpos + w / 2, -ypos + dy); charwx := charwd; charwy := 0; z12 = (charwx * hppp, charwy * vppp); labels (12); remember_pic := currentpicture; draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); fet_endchar; if test > 0: fet_beginchar ("X-Circled notehead", "s2xcircle"); save wid, hei; save cthick, cxr, cyr; wid# := black_notehead_width# * sqrt (sqrt2); hei# := noteheight# * sqrt (sqrt2); set_char_box (0, wid#, hei# / 2, hei# / 2); currentpicture := remember_pic; draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.5); fet_endchar; fi; %%%%%%%% % % SOLFA SHAPED NOTES % % % Note: for whole and half notes, the "fill" curve (p_out) is offset % from the points that specify the outer geometry, because we need % to add the rounding. In contrast, the inner curve is not % offset, because there is no rounding. % % This means that to get a line of thick_factor * pen_thickness, % we need to offset the inner curve by % (thick_factor - 0.5) * pen_thickness or by % (2 * thick_factor - 1) * half_pen_thickness save solfa_pen_thick; solfa_pen_thick# = 1.3 stafflinethickness#; define_blacker_pixels (solfa_pen_thick); save solfa_pen_radius; solfa_pen_radius = 0.5 solfa_pen_thick; save solfa_base_notewidth; solfa_base_notewidth# := black_notehead_width#; solfa_whole_width := 1.0; solfa_half_width := 1.0; solfa_quarter_width := 1.0; %%% Do head % % Triangle with base parallel to staff lines. % def draw_do_head (expr width_factor, dir, thickness_factor) = save p_in, p_out; save left_dist, right_dist, bottom_dist; path p_in, p_out; pair left_dist, right_dist, bottom_dist; set_char_box (0, width_factor * solfa_base_notewidth#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#); pickup pencircle scaled solfa_pen_thick; bottom_thick_factor := 2 * thickness_factor - 1; % no different thickness for left side if we want uniform thickness left_thick_factor := if thickness_factor = 1 : 1; else : 0.7 * bottom_thick_factor; fi bot y1 = -d; y1 = y2; lft x1 = 0; rt x2 = w; top y3 = h; x3 =.5 [x1, x2]; left_dist = (unitvector (z3 - z1) rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius; right_dist = (unitvector (z2 - z3) rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius; bottom_dist = (0,1) * solfa_pen_radius; save pa, pb, pc; path pa, pb, pc; save point_a, point_b, point_c; pair point_a, point_b, point_c; pa := (z1 - left_thick_factor * left_dist) -- (z3 - left_thick_factor * left_dist); pb := (z1 + bottom_thick_factor * bottom_dist) -- (z2 + bottom_thick_factor * bottom_dist); pc := (z2 - right_dist) -- (z3 - right_dist); point_a := pa intersectionpoint pb; point_b := pb intersectionpoint pc; point_c := pc intersectionpoint pa; p_in := point_a -- point_b -- point_c -- cycle; p_out := bot z1 -- bot z2{right} .. rt z2{up} .. (z2 + right_dist){z3 - z2} -- (z3 + right_dist){z3 - z2} .. top z3{left} .. (z3 + left_dist){z1 - z3} -- (z1 + left_dist){z1 - z3} .. lft z1{down} .. {right}cycle; labels (1, 2, 3); charwx := charwd; charwy := -chardp + 0.5 stafflinethickness#; if dir = -1: charwy := -charwy; fi; enddef; save do_weight; do_weight := 2; fet_beginchar ("Whole dohead", "s0do"); draw_do_head (solfa_whole_width, 1, do_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half dohead", "d1do"); draw_do_head (solfa_half_width, -1, do_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half dohead", "u1do"); draw_do_head (solfa_half_width, 1, do_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart dohead", "ddo_weightdo"); draw_do_head (solfa_quarter_width, -1, do_weight); fill p_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart dohead", "udo_weightdo"); draw_do_head (solfa_quarter_width, 1, do_weight); fill p_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Whole thin dohead", "s0doThin"); draw_do_head (solfa_whole_width, 1, 1); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half thin dohead", "d1doThin"); draw_do_head (solfa_half_width, -1, 1); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half thin dohead", "u1doThin"); draw_do_head (solfa_half_width, 1, 1); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart thin dohead", "d2doThin"); draw_do_head (solfa_quarter_width, -1, 1); fill p_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart thin dohead", "u2doThin"); draw_do_head (solfa_quarter_width, 1, 1); fill p_out; fet_endchar; % % re - flat top, curved bottom: % (0,h/2) {dir -90} .. (w/2,-h/2) .. {dir 90} (w,h/2) -- cycle; % (broader along the base and with more vertical sides for half and % whole notes) % % Note: According to some shape-note singers, there should be no size % differences for half and whole notes, contrary to % the comment above. Consequently, we have made them all the % same width. % % stem attachment: h/2 % def draw_re_head (expr width_factor, dir, thickness_factor) = save p_in, p_out; path p_in, p_out; set_char_box (0, width_factor * solfa_base_notewidth#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#); pickup pencircle scaled solfa_pen_thick; save curve_start; curve_start = 0.7; lft x1 = 0; y1 = y5; x1 = x2; y2 = curve_start [y3, y1]; bot y3 = -d; x3 = .5 [x2, x4]; rt x4 = w; y4 = y2; top y5 = h; x5 = x4; save offset; offset = (2 * thickness_factor - 1); labels (range 1 thru 5); p_in := (z1 + solfa_pen_radius * (1, -1 * offset)) -- rt z2{down} .. ((top z3) + (0, offset * solfa_pen_radius)) .. lft z4{up} -- (z5 + solfa_pen_radius * (-1, -1 * offset)) -- cycle; p_out := lft z1 -- lft z2{down} .. bot z3 .. rt z4{up} -- rt z5{up} .. top z5{left} -- top z1{left} .. {down}cycle; charwx := charwd; charwy := curve_start [-chardp, charht]; if dir = -1: charwy := -charwy; fi; enddef; save re_weight; re_weight := 2; fet_beginchar ("Whole rehead", "s0re"); draw_re_head (solfa_whole_width, 1, re_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half up rehead", "u1re"); draw_re_head (solfa_half_width, 1, re_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half down rehead", "d1re"); draw_re_head (solfa_half_width, -1, re_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart up rehead", "u2re"); draw_re_head (solfa_quarter_width, 1, re_weight); fill p_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart down rehead", "d2re"); draw_re_head (solfa_quarter_width, -1, re_weight); fill p_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Whole thin rehead", "s0reThin"); draw_re_head (solfa_whole_width, 1, 1); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half up thin rehead", "u1reThin"); draw_re_head (solfa_half_width, 1, 1); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half down thin rehead", "d1reThin"); draw_re_head (solfa_half_width, -1, 1); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart thin rehead", "u2reThin"); draw_re_head (solfa_quarter_width, 1, 1); fill p_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart thin rehead", "d2reThin"); draw_re_head (solfa_quarter_width, -1, 1); fill p_out; fet_endchar; %%%% mi head -- diamond shape % % two versions, depending on whether the "strong" lines are on % the nw & se or the ne & sw % def draw_mi_head (expr width_factor, thickness_factor, mirror) = save path_out, path_in; save ne_dist, se_dist, ne, se; save path_a, path_b, path_c, path_d; path path_out, path_in; pair ne_dist, se_dist, ne, se; path path_a, path_b, path_c, path_d; save inner_path; path inner_path; set_char_box (0, width_factor * solfa_base_notewidth#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#); pickup pencircle scaled solfa_pen_thick; save offset; offset := 2 * thickness_factor - 1; lft x1 = 0; y1 = 0; bot y2 = -d; x2 = .5 [x1, x3]; rt x3 = w; x4 = x2; y3 = y1; top y4 = h; % inner sides are parallel to outer sides z6 - z5 = whatever * (z2 - z1); z8 - z7 = whatever * (z4 - z3); z8 - z5 = whatever * (z4 - z1); z7 - z6 = whatever * (z3 - z2); ne = unitvector (z4 - z1); se = unitvector (z2 - z1); ne_dist = (ne rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius; se_dist = (se rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius; path_a := (z1 + se_dist) -- (z2 + se_dist); path_b := (z2 + (ne_dist * offset)) -- (z3 + (ne_dist * offset)); path_c := (z3 - se_dist) -- (z4 - se_dist); path_d := (z4 - (ne_dist * offset)) -- (z1 - (ne_dist * offset)); z5 = path_a intersectionpoint path_d; z7 = path_b intersectionpoint path_c; labels (range 1 thru 8); inner_path := z5 -- z6 -- z7 -- z8 -- cycle; path_in := if mirror: inner_path; else: inner_path reflectedabout (z2, z4); fi path_out := lft z1 {down} .. (z1 - se_dist){se} -- (z2 - se_dist){se} .. bot z2 {right} .. (z2 - ne_dist){ne} -- (z3 - ne_dist){ne} .. rt z3 {up} .. (z3 + se_dist){-se} -- (z4 + se_dist){-se} .. top z4 {left} .. (z4 + ne_dist){-ne} -- (z1 + ne_dist){-ne} .. cycle; enddef; save mi_weight, mi_width; mi_weight := 2; mi_width := 1.2; fet_beginchar ("Whole mihead", "s0mi"); draw_mi_head (mi_width * solfa_whole_width, mi_weight, false); fill path_out; unfill path_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half mihead", "s1mi"); draw_mi_head (mi_width * solfa_quarter_width, mi_weight, false); fill path_out; unfill path_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart mihead", "s2mi"); draw_mi_head (mi_width * solfa_quarter_width, mi_weight, false); fill path_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Whole mirror mihead", "s0miMirror"); draw_mi_head (mi_width * solfa_whole_width, mi_weight, true); fill path_out; unfill path_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half mirror mihead", "s1miMirror"); draw_mi_head (mi_width * solfa_quarter_width, mi_weight, true); fill path_out; unfill path_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart mirror mihead", "s2miMirror"); draw_mi_head (mi_width * solfa_quarter_width, mi_weight, true); fill path_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Whole thin mihead", "s0miThin"); draw_mi_head (mi_width * solfa_whole_width, 1, false); fill path_out; unfill path_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half thin mihead", "s1miThin"); draw_mi_head (mi_width * solfa_quarter_width, 1, false); fill path_out; unfill path_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart thin mihead", "s2miThin"); draw_mi_head (mi_width * solfa_quarter_width, 1, false); fill path_out; fet_endchar; %%%% fa head % % Right triangle, hypotenuse from nw to se corner % Stem attaches on vertical side in direction of % horizontal side. % def draw_fa_head (expr width_factor, thickness_factor) = set_char_box (0, width_factor * solfa_base_notewidth#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#); save p_down_in, p_down_out, p_up_in, p_up_out, nw_dist, nw; path p_down_in, p_down_out, p_up_in, p_up_out; save path_a, path_b, path_c; path path_a, path_b, path_c; pair nw_dist, nw; save offset; offset := 2 * thickness_factor - 0.5; pickup pencircle scaled solfa_pen_thick; lft x1 = 0; top y1 = h; rt x2 = w; y2 = y1; bot y3 = -d; x3 = x2; y4 = y3; x4 = x1; labels (1, 2, 3, 4); nw = unitvector (z1 - z3); nw_dist = (nw rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius; path_a := (z1 - (0,1) * offset * solfa_pen_radius) -- (z2 - (0,1) * offset * solfa_pen_radius); path_b := (z2 - (1,0) * solfa_pen_radius) -- (z3 - (1,0) * solfa_pen_radius); path_c := (z3 - nw_dist) -- (z1 - nw_dist); p_up_in := (path_a intersectionpoint path_b) -- (path_b intersectionpoint path_c) -- (path_c intersectionpoint path_a) -- cycle; p_up_out := lft z1{down} .. (z1 + nw_dist){-nw} -- (z3 + nw_dist){-nw} .. bot z3{right} .. rt z3{up} -- rt z2{up} .. top z2{left} -- top z1{left} .. cycle; p_down_in := p_up_in rotated 180 shifted (w, 0); p_down_out := p_up_out rotated 180 shifted (w, 0); charwy := 0.0; charwx := charwd; enddef; save fa_weight; fa_weight := 2; fet_beginchar ("Whole fa up head", "u0fa"); draw_fa_head (solfa_whole_width, fa_weight); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Whole fa down head", "d0fa"); draw_fa_head (solfa_whole_width, fa_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("half fa up head", "u1fa"); draw_fa_head (solfa_half_width, fa_weight); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half fa down head", "d1fa"); draw_fa_head (solfa_half_width, fa_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter fa up head", "u2fa"); draw_fa_head (solfa_quarter_width, fa_weight); fill p_up_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter fa down head", "d2fa"); draw_fa_head (solfa_quarter_width, fa_weight); fill p_down_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Whole thin fa up head", "u0faThin"); draw_fa_head (solfa_whole_width, 1); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Whole thin fa down head", "d0faThin"); draw_fa_head (solfa_whole_width, 1); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("half thin fa up head", "u1faThin"); draw_fa_head (solfa_half_width, 1); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half thin fa down head", "d1faThin"); draw_fa_head (solfa_half_width, 1); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter thin fa up head", "u2faThin"); draw_fa_head (solfa_quarter_width, 1); fill p_up_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter thin fa down head", "d2faThin"); draw_fa_head (solfa_quarter_width, 1); fill p_down_out; fet_endchar; %%%% sol head %% %% Note -- sol head is the same shape as a standard music %% head, and doesn't vary from style to style. %% However, width is constant with duration, so we %% can't just use the standard note font. def draw_sol_head (expr filled) = draw_outside_ellipse (1.53 - puff_up_factor / 3.0, 34, 0.66, 0.17); if not filled: undraw_inside_ellipse (3.25, 33, 0.81, 2.5 stafflinethickness#); fi draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); enddef; fet_beginchar ("Whole solhead", "s0sol"); draw_sol_head ( false); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half solhead", "s1sol"); draw_sol_head ( false); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart solhead", "s2sol"); draw_sol_head ( true); fet_endchar; %%%% la head % % Rectangle head % def draw_la_head (expr width_factor, thickness_factor) = set_char_box (0, width_factor * solfa_base_notewidth#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#); save p_in, p_out; path p_in, p_out; pickup pencircle scaled solfa_pen_thick; save offset; offset := 2 * thickness_factor - 1; lft x1 = 0; top y1 = h; rt x2 = w; y2 = y1; bot y3 = -d; x3 = x2; y4 = y3; x4 = x1; labels (range 1 thru 4); p_in := (z1 + solfa_pen_radius * (1, -offset)) -- (z2 + solfa_pen_radius * (-1, -offset)) -- (z3 + solfa_pen_radius * (-1, offset)) -- (z4 + solfa_pen_radius * (1, offset)) -- cycle; p_out := top z1 -- top z2{right} .. rt z2{down} -- rt z3{down} .. bot z3{left} -- bot z4{left} .. lft z4{up} -- lft z1{up} .. cycle; enddef; save la_weight; la_weight := 2; fet_beginchar ("Whole lahead", "s0la"); draw_la_head (solfa_whole_width, la_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half lahead", "s1la"); draw_la_head (solfa_half_width, la_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart lahead", "s2la"); draw_la_head (solfa_quarter_width, la_weight); fill p_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Whole thin lahead", "s0laThin"); draw_la_head (solfa_whole_width, 1); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half thin lahead", "s1laThin"); draw_la_head (solfa_half_width, 1); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart lahead", "s2laThin"); draw_la_head (solfa_quarter_width, 1); fill p_out; fet_endchar; %%%% ti head % % "Snow-cone", V with rounded top. % def draw_ti_head (expr width_factor, dir, thickness_factor) = set_char_box (0, width_factor * solfa_base_notewidth#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#); save p_in, p_out, p_top, p_top_in; path p_in, p_out, p_top, p_top_in; save cone_height; cone_height = 0.64; save offset; offset := 2 * thickness_factor - 1; pickup pencircle scaled solfa_pen_thick; x1 = .5 [x2, x4]; bot y1 = -d; lft x2 = 0; y2 = cone_height [y1, y3]; rt x4 = w; y4 = y2; x3 = x1; top y3 = h; x5 = x1; y5 = y1 + offset * solfa_pen_radius; labels (range 1 thru 4); save nw_dist, sw_dist, nw, sw; pair nw_dist, sw_dist, nw, sw; nw = unitvector (z2 - z1); sw = unitvector (z1 - z4); nw_dist = (nw rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius; sw_dist = (sw rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius; p_top := (z2 + nw * solfa_pen_radius) .. (top z3){right} .. (z4 - sw * solfa_pen_radius); p_top_in := (z2 - nw * offset * solfa_pen_radius) .. (z3 - (0,1) * solfa_pen_radius) {right} .. (z4 + sw * offset * solfa_pen_radius); save path_a, path_b; path path_a, path_b; path_a := z2 -- z5; path_b := z5 -- z4; z6 = path_a intersectionpoint p_top_in; z7 = path_b intersectionpoint p_top_in; p_in := z5 -- z6 .. bot z3 .. z7 -- cycle; p_out := bot z1 .. (z1 + nw_dist) -- (z2 + nw_dist) .. lft z2 .. (z2 + nw * solfa_pen_radius){direction 0 of p_top} & p_top & {direction infinity of p_top}(z4 -sw * solfa_pen_radius) .. rt z4 .. (z4 + sw_dist) -- (z1 + sw_dist) .. cycle; charwx := charwd; charwy := cone_height [-chardp, charht]; if dir = -1: charwy := -charwy; fi; enddef; save ti_weight; ti_weight := 2; fet_beginchar ("Whole up tihead", "s0ti"); draw_ti_head (solfa_whole_width, 1, ti_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half up tihead", "u1ti"); draw_ti_head (solfa_half_width, 1, ti_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half down tihead", "d1ti"); draw_ti_head (solfa_half_width, -1, ti_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart up tihead", "u2ti"); draw_ti_head (solfa_quarter_width, 1, ti_weight); fill p_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart down tihead", "d2ti"); draw_ti_head (solfa_quarter_width, -1, ti_weight); fill p_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Whole thin up tihead", "s0tiThin"); draw_ti_head (solfa_whole_width, 1, 1); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half thin up tihead", "u1tiThin"); draw_ti_head (solfa_half_width, 1, 1); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half thin down tihead", "d1tiThin"); draw_ti_head (solfa_half_width, -1, 1); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart thin up tihead", "u2tiThin"); draw_ti_head (solfa_quarter_width, 1, 1); fill p_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart thin down tihead", "d2tiThin"); draw_ti_head (solfa_quarter_width, -1, 1); fill p_out; fet_endchar; %%%%%% Funk shape note heads % % Funk heads are narrower than Aiken and Sacred Harp, % so we need a new width funk_notehead_width := 0.75; %%%%%% Funk do head % Parabolic on one side, vertical line on other % Has up and down shapes for *all* notes % def draw_Funk_do_head (expr width_factor, thickness_factor) = set_char_box (0, width_factor * solfa_base_notewidth#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#); pickup pencircle scaled solfa_pen_thick; save offset; offset := 2 * thickness_factor - 1; rt x1 = w; bot y1 = -d; lft x2 = 0; y2 = 0.5 [y1, y3]; x3 = x1; top y3 = h; x4 = x1 - solfa_pen_radius; y4 = y1 + offset * solfa_pen_radius; y5 = y2; x5 = x2 + solfa_pen_radius; x6 = x4; y6 = y3 - offset * solfa_pen_radius; save p_up_in, p_up_out, p_down_in, p_down_out; path p_up_in, p_up_out, p_down_in, p_down_out; p_down_in := z4{left} .. z5{up} .. z6{right} -- cycle; p_down_out := bot z1{left} .. lft z2{up} .. top z3{right} .. rt z3{down} -- rt z1{down} .. cycle; p_up_in := p_down_in rotated 180 shifted (w,0); p_up_out := p_down_out rotated 180 shifted (w,0); enddef; save funk_do_weight; funk_do_weight := 1.7; fet_beginchar ("Whole up Funk dohead", "u0doFunk"); draw_Funk_do_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_do_weight); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Whole down Funk dohead", "d0doFunk"); draw_Funk_do_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_do_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half up Funk dohead", "u1doFunk"); draw_Funk_do_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_do_weight); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half down Funk dohead", "d1doFunk"); draw_Funk_do_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_do_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter up Funk dohead", "u2doFunk"); draw_Funk_do_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_do_weight); fill p_up_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter down Funk dohead", "d2doFunk"); draw_Funk_do_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_do_weight); fill p_down_out; fet_endchar; %%%%%% Funk re head % Arrowhead shape. % Has up and down shapes for *all* notes def draw_Funk_re_head (expr width_factor, thickness_factor) = set_char_box (0, width_factor * solfa_base_notewidth#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#); pickup pencircle scaled solfa_pen_thick; save offset; offset := 2 * thickness_factor - 1; save curve_in; curve_in := 0.9; lft x1 = 0; y1 := 0.5 [y2, y4]; rt x2 = w; top y2 = h; x3 := curve_in [x1, x2]; y3 := y1; x4 = x2; bot y4 = -d; z6 = lft z3; save ne, se, ne_perp, se_perp; pair ne, se, ne_perp, se_perp; ne := unitvector (z2 - z1); se := unitvector (z4 - z1); ne_perp := ne rotated 90; se_perp := se rotated 90; save path_a, path_b, path_c, path_d; path path_a, path_b, path_c, path_d; save arrow_a_perp, arrow_b_perp; pair arrow_a_perp, arrow_b_perp; path_d := z2 .. z3{down} .. z4; arrow_a_perp = unitvector (direction 0 of path_d rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius; arrow_b_perp = unitvector (direction 1 of path_d rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius; path_b := (z1 + se_perp * solfa_pen_radius) -- z4 + se_perp * offset * solfa_pen_radius; path_a := (z1 - ne_perp * solfa_pen_radius) -- z2 - ne_perp * offset * solfa_pen_radius; path_c := z2 - arrow_a_perp .. z6{down} .. z4 - arrow_b_perp; z5 = path_a intersectionpoint path_b; z7 = path_a intersectionpoint path_c; z8 = path_b intersectionpoint path_c; save p_up_in, p_down_in, p_up_out, p_down_out; path p_up_in, p_down_in, p_up_out, p_down_out; p_down_in := z5 -- z7 .. z6{down} .. z8 -- cycle; p_down_out := lft z1{up} .. (z1 + ne_perp * solfa_pen_radius){ne} -- (z2 + ne_perp * solfa_pen_radius){ne} .. top z2 {right} .. rt z2{down} .. (z2 + arrow_a_perp) .. rt z3{down} .. (z4 + arrow_b_perp) .. rt z4{down} .. bot z4 {left} .. z4 - se_perp * solfa_pen_radius -- z1 - se_perp * solfa_pen_radius .. cycle; p_up_in := p_down_in rotated 180 shifted (w,0); p_up_out := p_down_out rotated 180 shifted (w,0); enddef; save funk_re_weight; funk_re_weight = 1.7; fet_beginchar ("Whole up Funk rehead", "u0reFunk"); draw_Funk_re_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_re_weight); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Whole down Funk rehead", "d0reFunk"); draw_Funk_re_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_re_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half up Funk rehead", "u1reFunk"); draw_Funk_re_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_re_weight); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half down Funk rehead", "d1reFunk"); draw_Funk_re_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_re_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter up Funk rehead", "u2reFunk"); draw_Funk_re_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_re_weight); fill p_up_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter down Funk rehead", "d2reFunk"); draw_Funk_re_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_re_weight); fill p_down_out; fet_endchar; %%%%%% Funk mi head % Diamond shape % Has up and down shapes for all hollow notes save funk_mi_width, funk_mi_weight; funk_mi_width := 1.2; funk_mi_weight := 1.9; fet_beginchar ("Whole up Funk mihead", "u0miFunk"); draw_mi_head (funk_mi_width * funk_notehead_width, funk_mi_weight, false); fill path_out; unfill path_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Whole down Funk mihead", "d0miFunk"); draw_mi_head (funk_mi_width * funk_notehead_width, funk_mi_weight, true); fill path_out; unfill path_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half up Funk mihead", "u1miFunk"); draw_mi_head (funk_mi_width * funk_notehead_width, funk_mi_weight, false); fill path_out; unfill path_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half down Funk mihead", "d1miFunk"); draw_mi_head (funk_mi_width * funk_notehead_width, funk_mi_weight, true); fill path_out; unfill path_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter Funk mihead", "s2miFunk"); draw_mi_head (funk_mi_width * funk_notehead_width, funk_mi_weight, false); fill path_out; fet_endchar; %%%%%% Funk fa % Triangle shape % Does it rotate for whole notes? % Same as other shape note systems % Need special notes because of special width save funk_fa_weight; funk_fa_weight := 1.9; fet_beginchar ("Whole up Funk fahead", "u0faFunk"); draw_fa_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_fa_weight); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Whole down Funk fahead", "d0faFunk"); draw_fa_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_fa_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half up Funk fahead", "u1faFunk"); draw_fa_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_fa_weight); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half down Funk fahead", "d1faFunk"); draw_fa_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_fa_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter up Funk fahead", "u2faFunk"); draw_fa_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_fa_weight); fill p_up_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter down Funk fahead", "d2faFunk"); draw_fa_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_fa_weight); fill p_down_out; fet_endchar; %%%%%% Funk sol head is the same as the others % Need special character because of skinnier head % def draw_Funk_sol_head (expr filled) = begingroup save noteheight; noteheight# := solfa_noteheight#; draw_outside_ellipse (1.2, 34, 0.71, 0.); if not filled: undraw_inside_ellipse (1.9, 33, 0.74, 5.5 stafflinethickness#); fi draw_staff (-2, 2, 0); endgroup enddef; fet_beginchar ("Whole Funk solhead", "s0solFunk"); draw_Funk_sol_head ( false); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half Funk solhead", "s1solFunk"); draw_Funk_sol_head ( false); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter Funk solhead", "s2solFunk"); draw_Funk_sol_head ( true); fet_endchar; %%%%%% Funk la head % Rectangle head % Same as for other shape notes % Smaller width requires special characters save funk_la_weight; funk_la_weight := 1.9; fet_beginchar ("Whole Funk lahead", "s0laFunk"); draw_la_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_notehead_width); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half Funk lahead", "s1laFunk"); draw_la_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_notehead_width); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart Funk lahead", "s2laFunk"); draw_la_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_notehead_width); fill p_out; fet_endchar; %%%%%% Funk ti head % "Sideways snow cone" % Rotates for all notes def draw_Funk_ti_head (expr width_factor, thickness_factor) = set_char_box (0, width_factor * solfa_base_notewidth#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#); save cone_width; cone_width = 0.8; save offset; offset := 2 * thickness_factor - 1; pickup pencircle scaled solfa_pen_thick; lft x1 = 0; y1 = .5 [y2, y4]; x2 = cone_width [x1, x3]; top y2 = h; rt x3 = w; y3 = y1; x4 = x2; bot y4 = -d; save nw_dist, sw_dist, ne, se; pair nw_dist, sw_dist, ne, se; ne = unitvector (z2 - z1); se = unitvector (z4 - z1); nw_dist = (ne rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius ; sw_dist = (se rotated -90) * solfa_pen_radius; save path_a, path_b; path path_a, path_b; path_a := z1 - nw_dist -- z2 - offset * nw_dist; path_b := z1 - sw_dist -- z4 - offset * sw_dist; save path_right, path_right_in; path path_right, path_right_in; path_right := (z2 + ne * solfa_pen_radius) .. (rt z3){down} .. (z4 + se * solfa_pen_radius); path_right_in := (z2 - ne * solfa_pen_radius) .. lft z3{down} .. (z4 - se * solfa_pen_radius); z5 = path_a intersectionpoint path_b; z6 = path_a intersectionpoint path_right_in; z7 = path_b intersectionpoint path_right_in; save p_up_in, p_down_in, p_up_out, p_down_out; path p_up_in, p_down_in, p_up_out, p_down_out; p_down_in := z5 -- z6 .. lft z3 .. z7 -- cycle; p_down_out := lft z1 .. (z1 + nw_dist) -- (z2 + nw_dist) .. top z2 .. (z2 + ne * solfa_pen_radius){direction 0 of path_right} & path_right & {direction infinity of path_right}(z4 + se * solfa_pen_radius) .. bot z4 .. (z4 + sw_dist) -- (z1 + sw_dist) .. cycle; p_up_in := p_down_in rotated 180 shifted (w,0); p_up_out := p_down_out rotated 180 shifted (w,0); enddef; save funk_ti_weight; funk_ti_weight := 1.6; fet_beginchar ("Whole up Funk tihead", "u0tiFunk"); draw_Funk_ti_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_ti_weight); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Whole down Funk tihead", "d0tiFunk"); draw_Funk_ti_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_ti_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half up Funk tihead", "u1tiFunk"); draw_Funk_ti_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_ti_weight); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half down Funk tihead", "d1tiFunk"); draw_Funk_ti_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_ti_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter up Funk tihead", "u2tiFunk"); draw_Funk_ti_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_ti_weight); fill p_up_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter down Funk tihead", "d2tiFunk"); draw_Funk_ti_head (funk_notehead_width, funk_ti_weight); fill p_down_out; fet_endchar; %%%%%% Walker shape note heads % % Walker heads are narrow like Funk heads, so use % funk_notehead_width % %%%%%% Walker do head % % Trapezoid, with largest side on stem side % def draw_Walker_do_head (expr width_factor, dir, thickness_factor) = set_char_box (0, width_factor * solfa_base_notewidth#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#); pickup pencircle scaled solfa_pen_thick; save offset; offset := 2 * thickness_factor - 1; % adjust width so stem can be centered if .5w <> good.x .5w: change_width; fi save scaling; scaling# = charwd / w; save inset; inset := 0.25; x1 = inset [x4, x3]; top y1 = h; x2 = inset [x3, x4]; y2 = y1; bot y3 = -d; rt x3 = w; y4 = y3; lft x4 = 0; labels (range 1 thru 4); save left_dir, left_perp, right_dir, right_perp; pair left_dir, left_perp, right_dir, right_perp; left_dir = unitvector(z1 - z4); left_perp = (left_dir rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius; right_dir = unitvector(z3 - z2); right_perp = (right_dir rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius; save path_a, path_b, path_c, path_d; path path_a, path_b, path_c, path_d; path_a := (z4 - left_perp) -- (z1 - left_perp); path_b := (z1 - (0, offset*solfa_pen_radius)) -- (z2 - (0, offset*solfa_pen_radius)); path_c := (z2 - right_perp) -- (z3 - right_perp); path_d := (z3 + (0, offset*solfa_pen_radius)) -- (z4 + (0, offset*solfa_pen_radius)); save p_in, p_out; path p_in, p_out; p_in := (path_a intersectionpoint path_b) -- (path_b intersectionpoint path_c) -- (path_c intersectionpoint path_d) -- (path_d intersectionpoint path_a) -- cycle; p_out := top z1{right} -- top z2{right} .. z2 + right_perp {right_dir} -- z3 + right_perp {right_dir} .. bot z3{left} -- bot z4{left} .. z4 + left_perp {left_dir} .. z1 + left_perp {left_dir} .. cycle; charwx := scaling# * (w/2 + solfa_pen_radius); charwy := scaling# * y2 ; if dir=1: p_in := p_in rotated 180 shifted (w,0); p_out := p_out rotated 180 shifted (w,0); fi; enddef; save walker_do_weight; walker_do_weight := 1.5; fet_beginchar ("Whole Walker dohead", "s0doWalker"); draw_Walker_do_head (funk_notehead_width, 0, walker_do_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half up Walker dohead", "u1doWalker"); draw_Walker_do_head (funk_notehead_width, 1, walker_do_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half down Walker dohead", "d1doWalker"); draw_Walker_do_head (funk_notehead_width, 0, walker_do_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter up Walker dohead", "u2doWalker"); draw_Walker_do_head (funk_notehead_width, 1, walker_do_weight); fill p_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter down Walker dohead", "d2doWalker"); draw_Walker_do_head (funk_notehead_width, 0, walker_do_weight); fill p_out; fet_endchar; %%%%%% Walker re head % Parabolic on one side, shallow parabola on other % Has up and down shapes for *all* notes % def draw_Walker_re_head (expr width_factor, thickness_factor) = set_char_box (0, width_factor * solfa_base_notewidth#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#); pickup pencircle scaled solfa_pen_thick; save offset; offset := 2 * thickness_factor - 1; save dish_factor; dish_factor := 0.20; rt x1 = w; bot y1 = -d; lft x2 = 0; y2 = 0.5 [y1, y3]; top y3 = h; x3 = x1; x4 = dish_factor [x1, x2]; y4 = y2; x5 = x1; y5 = y1 + offset * solfa_pen_radius; y6 = y2; x6 = x2 + solfa_pen_radius; x7 = x3; y7 = y3 - offset * solfa_pen_radius; y8 = y4; x8 = x4 - solfa_pen_radius; save path_a, path_d; path path_a, path_d; save p_a_start_dir, p_a_end_dir, p_a_start_perp, p_a_end_perp; pair p_a_start_dir, p_a_end_dir, p_a_start_perp, p_a_end_perp; path_a := z3 .. z4{down} .. z1; p_a_start_dir := unitvector(direction 0 of path_a); p_a_end_dir := unitvector(direction infinity of path_a); p_a_start_perp := (p_a_start_dir rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius; p_a_end_perp := (p_a_end_dir rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius; path_d := (z3 - p_a_start_perp){p_a_start_dir} .. z4 {down} ..(z1 - p_a_end_perp){p_a_end_dir}; save path_b, path_c; path path_b, path_c; path_b := z5 {left} .. z6{up}; path_c := z7 {left} .. z6{down}; z9 = path_d intersectionpoint path_b; z10 = path_d intersectionpoint path_c; labels (range 1 thru 4); save p_in_dir_b, p_in_dir_c; pair p_in_dir_b, p_in_dir_c; p_in_dir_b := unitvector (direction 0.4 of path_b); p_in_dir_c := unitvector (direction 0.4 of path_c); save p_up_in, p_up_out, p_down_in, p_down_out; path p_up_in, p_up_out, p_down_in, p_down_out; p_down_in := z6{up} .. tension 1 and 1.5 .. {- p_in_dir_c} z10 {p_a_start_dir} .. z8{down} .. {p_a_end_dir} z9 {p_in_dir_b} .. tension 1.5 and 1 .. cycle; p_down_out := lft z2{up} .. top z3{right} .. rt z3 .. (z3 + p_a_start_perp){p_a_start_dir} .. rt z4{down} .. (z1 + p_a_end_perp) {p_a_end_dir} .. rt z1 .. bot z1 {left} .. cycle; p_up_in := p_down_in rotated 180 shifted (w,0); p_up_out := p_down_out rotated 180 shifted (w,0); enddef; save walker_re_weight; walker_re_weight := 1.5; fet_beginchar ("Whole Walker rehead", "s0reWalker"); draw_Walker_re_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_re_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half up Walker rehead", "u1reWalker"); draw_Walker_re_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_re_weight); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half down Walker rehead", "d1reWalker"); draw_Walker_re_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_re_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter up Walker rehead", "u2reWalker"); draw_Walker_re_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_re_weight); fill p_up_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter down Walker rehead", "d2reWalker"); draw_Walker_re_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_re_weight); fill p_down_out; fet_endchar; %%%%%% Walker mi head % Diamond shape % Symmetric for all hollow notes save walker_mi_width, walker_mi_weight; walker_mi_width := 1.2; walker_mi_weight := 1.5; fet_beginchar ("Whole Walker mihead", "s0miWalker"); draw_mi_head (walker_mi_width * funk_notehead_width, walker_mi_weight, true); fill path_out; unfill path_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half Walker mihead", "s1miWalker"); draw_mi_head (walker_mi_width * funk_notehead_width, walker_mi_weight, true); fill path_out; unfill path_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter Walker mihead", "s2miWalker"); draw_mi_head (walker_mi_width * funk_notehead_width, walker_mi_weight, true); fill path_out; fet_endchar; %%%%%% Walker fa % Triangle shape % Does not rotate for whole notes % Whole rotation is different from Funk, so special notes %%%%%% Funk sol head is the same as the others % Need special character because of skinnier head save walker_fa_weight; walker_fa_weight := 1.5; fet_beginchar ("Whole Walker fahead", "s0faWalker"); draw_fa_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_fa_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half up Walker fahead", "u1faWalker"); draw_fa_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_fa_weight); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half down Walker fahead", "d1faWalker"); draw_fa_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_fa_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter up Walker fahead", "u2faWalker"); draw_fa_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_fa_weight); fill p_up_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter down Walker fahead", "d2faWalker"); draw_fa_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_fa_weight); fill p_down_out; fet_endchar; %%%%%% Walker sol % Same as Funk, no special notes % %%%%%% Walker la head % Rectcangle head % Lighter weight requires separate notes save walker_la_weight; walker_la_weight := 1.5; fet_beginchar ("Whole Walker lahead", "s0laWalker"); draw_la_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_la_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half Funk lahead", "s1laWalker"); draw_la_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_la_weight); fill p_out; unfill p_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quart Funk lahead", "s2laWalker"); draw_la_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_la_weight); fill p_out; fet_endchar; %%%%%% Walker ti head % Triangular arrowhead % Rotates for all but whole notes def draw_Walker_ti_head (expr width_factor, thickness_factor) = set_char_box (0, width_factor * solfa_base_notewidth#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#, 0.5 solfa_noteheight#); save offset; offset := 2 * thickness_factor - 1; pickup pencircle scaled solfa_pen_thick; lft x1 = 0; y1 = .5 [y2, y3]; rt x2 = w; top y2 = h; x3 = x2; bot y3 = -d; labels (range 1 thru 4); save nw_dist, sw_dist, ne, se; pair nw_dist, sw_dist, ne, se; ne = unitvector (z2 - z1); se = unitvector (z3 - z1); nw_dist = (ne rotated 90) * solfa_pen_radius ; sw_dist = (se rotated -90) * solfa_pen_radius; save path_a, path_b, path_c; path path_a, path_b, path_c; path_a := z2 - nw_dist * offset -- z1 - nw_dist * offset; path_b := z3 - sw_dist * offset -- z1 - sw_dist * offset; path_c := z2 + left * solfa_pen_radius -- z3 + left * solfa_pen_radius; z4 = path_a intersectionpoint path_b; z5 = path_a intersectionpoint path_c; z6 = path_b intersectionpoint path_c; save p_up_in, p_down_in, p_up_out, p_down_out; path p_up_in, p_down_in, p_up_out, p_down_out; p_down_in := z4 -- z5 -- z6 -- cycle; p_down_out := lft z1{up} .. (z1 + nw_dist){ne} -- (z2 + nw_dist){ne} .. top z2{right} .. rt z2 {down} -- rt z3 {down} .. bot z3 {left} .. (z3 + sw_dist){- se} .. (z1 + sw_dist){- se} .. cycle; p_up_in := p_down_in rotated 180 shifted (w,0); p_up_out := p_down_out rotated 180 shifted (w,0); enddef; save walker_ti_weight; walker_ti_weight := 1.4; fet_beginchar ("Whole Walker tihead", "s0tiWalker"); draw_Walker_ti_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_ti_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half up Walker tihead", "u1tiWalker"); draw_Walker_ti_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_ti_weight); fill p_up_out; unfill p_up_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Half down Walker tihead", "d1tiWalker"); draw_Walker_ti_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_ti_weight); fill p_down_out; unfill p_down_in; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter up Walker tihead", "u2tiWalker"); draw_Walker_ti_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_ti_weight); fill p_up_out; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Quarter down Walker tihead", "d2tiWalker"); draw_Walker_ti_head (funk_notehead_width, walker_ti_weight); fill p_down_out; fet_endchar; fet_endgroup ("noteheads"); % % we derive black_notehead_width# from the quarter head, % so we have to define black_notehead_width (pixel qty) % after the black_notehead_width# itself. % % Let's keep it outside the group as well. % define_pixels (black_notehead_width);