;;;; ports.test --- test suite for Guile I/O ports -*- scheme -*- ;;;; Jim Blandy --- May 1999 ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; ;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;;;; any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;;; along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;;;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;;;; Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA (define-module (test-suite test-ports) :use-module (test-suite lib) :use-module (test-suite guile-test) :use-module (ice-9 popen) :use-module (ice-9 rdelim)) (define (display-line . args) (for-each display args) (newline)) (define (test-file) (data-file-name "ports-test.tmp")) ;;;; Some general utilities for testing ports. ;;; Read from PORT until EOF, and return the result as a string. (define (read-all port) (let loop ((chars '())) (let ((char (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? char) (list->string (reverse! chars)) (loop (cons char chars)))))) (define (read-file filename) (let* ((port (open-input-file filename)) (string (read-all port))) (close-port port) string)) ;;;; Normal file ports. ;;; Write out an s-expression, and read it back. (let ((string '("From fairest creatures we desire increase," "That thereby beauty's rose might never die,")) (filename (test-file))) (let ((port (open-output-file filename))) (write string port) (close-port port)) (let ((port (open-input-file filename))) (let ((in-string (read port))) (pass-if "file: write and read back list of strings" (equal? string in-string))) (close-port port)) (delete-file filename)) ;;; Write out a string, and read it back a character at a time. (let ((string "This is a test string\nwith no newline at the end") (filename (test-file))) (let ((port (open-output-file filename))) (display string port) (close-port port)) (let ((in-string (read-file filename))) (pass-if "file: write and read back characters" (equal? string in-string))) (delete-file filename)) ;;; Buffered input/output port with seeking. (let* ((filename (test-file)) (port (open-file filename "w+"))) (display "J'Accuse" port) (seek port -1 SEEK_CUR) (pass-if "file: r/w 1" (char=? (read-char port) #\e)) (pass-if "file: r/w 2" (eof-object? (read-char port))) (seek port -1 SEEK_CUR) (write-char #\x port) (seek port 7 SEEK_SET) (pass-if "file: r/w 3" (char=? (read-char port) #\x)) (seek port -2 SEEK_END) (pass-if "file: r/w 4" (char=? (read-char port) #\s)) (close-port port) (delete-file filename)) ;;; Unbuffered input/output port with seeking. (let* ((filename (test-file)) (port (open-file filename "w+0"))) (display "J'Accuse" port) (seek port -1 SEEK_CUR) (pass-if "file: ub r/w 1" (char=? (read-char port) #\e)) (pass-if "file: ub r/w 2" (eof-object? (read-char port))) (seek port -1 SEEK_CUR) (write-char #\x port) (seek port 7 SEEK_SET) (pass-if "file: ub r/w 3" (char=? (read-char port) #\x)) (seek port -2 SEEK_END) (pass-if "file: ub r/w 4" (char=? (read-char port) #\s)) (close-port port) (delete-file filename)) ;;; Buffered output-only and input-only ports with seeking. (let* ((filename (test-file)) (port (open-output-file filename))) (display "J'Accuse" port) (pass-if "file: out tell" (= (seek port 0 SEEK_CUR) 8)) (seek port -1 SEEK_CUR) (write-char #\x port) (close-port port) (let ((iport (open-input-file filename))) (pass-if "file: in tell 0" (= (seek iport 0 SEEK_CUR) 0)) (read-char iport) (pass-if "file: in tell 1" (= (seek iport 0 SEEK_CUR) 1)) (unread-char #\z iport) (pass-if "file: in tell 0 after unread" (= (seek iport 0 SEEK_CUR) 0)) (pass-if "file: unread char still there" (char=? (read-char iport) #\z)) (seek iport 7 SEEK_SET) (pass-if "file: in last char" (char=? (read-char iport) #\x)) (close-port iport)) (delete-file filename)) ;;; unusual characters. (let* ((filename (test-file)) (port (open-output-file filename))) (display (string #\nul (integer->char 255) (integer->char 128) #\nul) port) (close-port port) (let* ((port (open-input-file filename)) (line (read-line port))) (pass-if "file: read back NUL 1" (char=? (string-ref line 0) #\nul)) (pass-if "file: read back 255" (char=? (string-ref line 1) (integer->char 255))) (pass-if "file: read back 128" (char=? (string-ref line 2) (integer->char 128))) (pass-if "file: read back NUL 2" (char=? (string-ref line 3) #\nul)) (pass-if "file: EOF" (eof-object? (read-char port))) (close-port port)) (delete-file filename)) ;;; line buffering mode. (let* ((filename (test-file)) (port (open-file filename "wl")) (test-string "one line more or less")) (write-line test-string port) (let* ((in-port (open-input-file filename)) (line (read-line in-port))) (close-port in-port) (close-port port) (pass-if "file: line buffering" (string=? line test-string))) (delete-file filename)) ;;; ungetting characters and strings. (with-input-from-string "walk on the moon\nmoon" (lambda () (read-char) (unread-char #\a (current-input-port)) (pass-if "unread-char" (char=? (read-char) #\a)) (read-line) (let ((replacenoid "chicken enchilada")) (unread-char #\newline (current-input-port)) (unread-string replacenoid (current-input-port)) (pass-if "unread-string" (string=? (read-line) replacenoid))) (pass-if "unread residue" (string=? (read-line) "moon")))) ;;; non-blocking mode on a port. create a pipe and set O_NONBLOCK on ;;; the reading end. try to read a byte: should get EAGAIN or ;;; EWOULDBLOCK error. (let* ((p (pipe)) (r (car p))) (fcntl r F_SETFL (logior (fcntl r F_GETFL) O_NONBLOCK)) (pass-if "non-blocking-I/O" (catch 'system-error (lambda () (read-char r) #f) (lambda (key . args) (and (eq? key 'system-error) (let ((errno (car (list-ref args 3)))) (or (= errno EAGAIN) (= errno EWOULDBLOCK)))))))) ;;;; Pipe (popen) ports. ;;; Run a command, and read its output. (let* ((pipe (open-pipe "echo 'Howdy there, partner!'" "r")) (in-string (read-all pipe))) (close-pipe pipe) (pass-if "pipe: read" (equal? in-string "Howdy there, partner!\n"))) ;;; Run a command, send some output to it, and see if it worked. (let* ((filename (test-file)) (pipe (open-pipe (string-append "grep Mommy > " filename) "w"))) (display "Now Jimmy lives on a mushroom cloud\n" pipe) (display "Mommy, why does everybody have a bomb?\n" pipe) (close-pipe pipe) (let ((in-string (read-file filename))) (pass-if "pipe: write" (equal? in-string "Mommy, why does everybody have a bomb?\n"))) (delete-file filename)) ;;;; Void ports. These are so trivial we don't test them. ;;;; String ports. (with-test-prefix "string ports" ;; Write text to a string port. (let* ((string "Howdy there, partner!") (in-string (call-with-output-string (lambda (port) (display string port) (newline port))))) (pass-if "display text" (equal? in-string (string-append string "\n")))) ;; Write an s-expression to a string port. (let* ((sexpr '("more utterly random text" 1729 #(a vector) 3.1415926)) (in-sexpr (call-with-input-string (call-with-output-string (lambda (port) (write sexpr port))) read))) (pass-if "write/read sexpr" (equal? in-sexpr sexpr))) ;; seeking and unreading from an input string. (let ((text "that text didn't look random to me")) (call-with-input-string text (lambda (p) (pass-if "input tell 0" (= (seek p 0 SEEK_CUR) 0)) (read-char p) (pass-if "input tell 1" (= (seek p 0 SEEK_CUR) 1)) (unread-char #\x p) (pass-if "input tell back to 0" (= (seek p 0 SEEK_CUR) 0)) (pass-if "input ungetted char" (char=? (read-char p) #\x)) (seek p 0 SEEK_END) (pass-if "input seek to end" (= (seek p 0 SEEK_CUR) (string-length text))) (unread-char #\x p) (pass-if "input seek to beginning" (= (seek p 0 SEEK_SET) 0)) (pass-if "input reread first char" (char=? (read-char p) (string-ref text 0)))))) ;; seeking an output string. (let* ((text (string-copy "123456789")) (len (string-length text)) (result (call-with-output-string (lambda (p) (pass-if "output tell 0" (= (seek p 0 SEEK_CUR) 0)) (display text p) (pass-if "output tell end" (= (seek p 0 SEEK_CUR) len)) (pass-if "output seek to beginning" (= (seek p 0 SEEK_SET) 0)) (write-char #\a p) (seek p -1 SEEK_END) (pass-if "output seek to last char" (= (seek p 0 SEEK_CUR) (- len 1))) (write-char #\b p))))) (string-set! text 0 #\a) (string-set! text (- len 1) #\b) (pass-if "output check" (string=? text result)))) (with-test-prefix "call-with-output-string" ;; In Guile 1.6.4, closing the port resulted in a segv, check that doesn't ;; occur. (pass-if-exception "proc closes port" exception:wrong-type-arg (call-with-output-string close-port))) ;;;; Soft ports. No tests implemented yet. ;;;; Generic operations across all port types. (let ((port-loop-temp (test-file))) ;; Return a list of input ports that all return the same text. ;; We map tests over this list. (define (input-port-list text) ;; Create a text file some of the ports will use. (let ((out-port (open-output-file port-loop-temp))) (display text out-port) (close-port out-port)) (list (open-input-file port-loop-temp) (open-input-pipe (string-append "cat " port-loop-temp)) (call-with-input-string text (lambda (x) x)) ;; We don't test soft ports at the moment. )) (define port-list-names '("file" "pipe" "string")) ;; Test the line counter. (define (test-line-counter text second-line final-column) (with-test-prefix "line counter" (let ((ports (input-port-list text))) (for-each (lambda (port port-name) (with-test-prefix port-name (pass-if "at beginning of input" (= (port-line port) 0)) (pass-if "read first character" (eqv? (read-char port) #\x)) (pass-if "after reading one character" (= (port-line port) 0)) (pass-if "read first newline" (eqv? (read-char port) #\newline)) (pass-if "after reading first newline char" (= (port-line port) 1)) (pass-if "second line read correctly" (equal? (read-line port) second-line)) (pass-if "read-line increments line number" (= (port-line port) 2)) (pass-if "read-line returns EOF" (let loop ((i 0)) (cond ((eof-object? (read-line port)) #t) ((> i 20) #f) (else (loop (+ i 1)))))) (pass-if "line count is 5 at EOF" (= (port-line port) 5)) (pass-if "column is correct at EOF" (= (port-column port) final-column)))) ports port-list-names) (for-each close-port ports) (delete-file port-loop-temp)))) (with-test-prefix "newline" (test-line-counter (string-append "x\n" "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction\n" "himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his\n" "taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.\n" " --- Thomas Jefferson\n") "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction" 0)) (with-test-prefix "no newline" (test-line-counter (string-append "x\n" "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction\n" "himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his\n" "taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.\n" " --- Thomas Jefferson\n" "no newline here") "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction" 15))) ;; Test port-line and port-column for output ports (define (test-output-line-counter text final-column) (with-test-prefix "port-line and port-column for output ports" (let ((port (open-output-string))) (pass-if "at beginning of input" (and (= (port-line port) 0) (= (port-column port) 0))) (write-char #\x port) (pass-if "after writing one character" (and (= (port-line port) 0) (= (port-column port) 1))) (write-char #\newline port) (pass-if "after writing first newline char" (and (= (port-line port) 1) (= (port-column port) 0))) (display text port) (pass-if "line count is 5 at end" (= (port-line port) 5)) (pass-if "column is correct at end" (= (port-column port) final-column))))) (test-output-line-counter (string-append "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction\n" "himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his\n" "taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.\n" " --- Thomas Jefferson\n" "no newline here") 15) (with-test-prefix "port-column" (with-test-prefix "output" (pass-if "x" (let ((port (open-output-string))) (display "x" port) (= 1 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "\\a" (let ((port (open-output-string))) (display "\a" port) (= 0 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "x\\a" (let ((port (open-output-string))) (display "x\a" port) (= 1 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "\\x08 backspace" (let ((port (open-output-string))) (display "\x08" port) (= 0 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "x\\x08 backspace" (let ((port (open-output-string))) (display "x\x08" port) (= 0 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "\\n" (let ((port (open-output-string))) (display "\n" port) (= 0 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "x\\n" (let ((port (open-output-string))) (display "x\n" port) (= 0 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "\\r" (let ((port (open-output-string))) (display "\r" port) (= 0 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "x\\r" (let ((port (open-output-string))) (display "x\r" port) (= 0 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "\\t" (let ((port (open-output-string))) (display "\t" port) (= 8 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "x\\t" (let ((port (open-output-string))) (display "x\t" port) (= 8 (port-column port))))) (with-test-prefix "input" (pass-if "x" (let ((port (open-input-string "x"))) (while (not (eof-object? (read-char port)))) (= 1 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "\\a" (let ((port (open-input-string "\a"))) (while (not (eof-object? (read-char port)))) (= 0 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "x\\a" (let ((port (open-input-string "x\a"))) (while (not (eof-object? (read-char port)))) (= 1 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "\\x08 backspace" (let ((port (open-input-string "\x08"))) (while (not (eof-object? (read-char port)))) (= 0 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "x\\x08 backspace" (let ((port (open-input-string "x\x08"))) (while (not (eof-object? (read-char port)))) (= 0 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "\\n" (let ((port (open-input-string "\n"))) (while (not (eof-object? (read-char port)))) (= 0 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "x\\n" (let ((port (open-input-string "x\n"))) (while (not (eof-object? (read-char port)))) (= 0 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "\\r" (let ((port (open-input-string "\r"))) (while (not (eof-object? (read-char port)))) (= 0 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "x\\r" (let ((port (open-input-string "x\r"))) (while (not (eof-object? (read-char port)))) (= 0 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "\\t" (let ((port (open-input-string "\t"))) (while (not (eof-object? (read-char port)))) (= 8 (port-column port)))) (pass-if "x\\t" (let ((port (open-input-string "x\t"))) (while (not (eof-object? (read-char port)))) (= 8 (port-column port)))))) (with-test-prefix "port-line" ;; in guile 1.8.1 and earlier port-line was truncated to an int, whereas ;; scm_t_port actually holds a long; this restricted the range on 64-bit ;; systems (pass-if "set most-positive-fixnum/2" (let ((n (quotient most-positive-fixnum 2)) (port (open-output-string))) (set-port-line! port n) (eqv? n (port-line port))))) ;;; ;;; port-for-each ;;; (with-test-prefix "port-for-each" ;; In guile 1.8.0 through 1.8.2, port-for-each could pass a freed cell to ;; its iterator func if a port was inaccessible in the last gc mark but ;; the lazy sweeping has not yet reached it to remove it from the port ;; table (scm_i_port_table). Provoking those gc conditions is a little ;; tricky, but the following code made it happen in 1.8.2. (pass-if "passing freed cell" (throw 'unresolved) (let ((lst '())) ;; clear out the heap (gc) (gc) (gc) ;; allocate cells so the opened ports aren't at the start of the heap (make-list 1000) (open-input-file "/dev/null") (make-list 1000) (open-input-file "/dev/null") ;; this gc leaves the above ports unmarked, ie. inaccessible (gc) ;; but they're still in the port table, so this sees them (port-for-each (lambda (port) (set! lst (cons port lst)))) ;; this forces completion of the sweeping (gc) (gc) (gc) ;; and (if the bug is present) the cells accumulated in LST are now ;; freed cells, which give #f from `port?' (not (memq #f (map port? lst)))))) ;;; ;;; seek ;;; (with-test-prefix "seek" (with-test-prefix "file port" (pass-if "SEEK_CUR" (call-with-output-file (test-file) (lambda (port) (display "abcde" port))) (let ((port (open-file (test-file) "r"))) (read-char port) (seek port 2 SEEK_CUR) (eqv? #\d (read-char port)))) (pass-if "SEEK_SET" (call-with-output-file (test-file) (lambda (port) (display "abcde" port))) (let ((port (open-file (test-file) "r"))) (read-char port) (seek port 3 SEEK_SET) (eqv? #\d (read-char port)))) (pass-if "SEEK_END" (call-with-output-file (test-file) (lambda (port) (display "abcde" port))) (let ((port (open-file (test-file) "r"))) (read-char port) (seek port -2 SEEK_END) (eqv? #\d (read-char port)))))) ;;; ;;; truncate-file ;;; (with-test-prefix "truncate-file" (pass-if-exception "flonum file" exception:wrong-type-arg (truncate-file 1.0 123)) (pass-if-exception "frac file" exception:wrong-type-arg (truncate-file 7/3 123)) (with-test-prefix "filename" (pass-if-exception "flonum length" exception:wrong-type-arg (call-with-output-file (test-file) (lambda (port) (display "hello" port))) (truncate-file (test-file) 1.0)) (pass-if "shorten" (call-with-output-file (test-file) (lambda (port) (display "hello" port))) (truncate-file (test-file) 1) (eqv? 1 (stat:size (stat (test-file))))) (pass-if-exception "shorten to current pos" exception:miscellaneous-error (call-with-output-file (test-file) (lambda (port) (display "hello" port))) (truncate-file (test-file)))) (with-test-prefix "file descriptor" (pass-if "shorten" (call-with-output-file (test-file) (lambda (port) (display "hello" port))) (let ((fd (open-fdes (test-file) O_RDWR))) (truncate-file fd 1) (close-fdes fd)) (eqv? 1 (stat:size (stat (test-file))))) (pass-if "shorten to current pos" (call-with-output-file (test-file) (lambda (port) (display "hello" port))) (let ((fd (open-fdes (test-file) O_RDWR))) (seek fd 1 SEEK_SET) (truncate-file fd) (close-fdes fd)) (eqv? 1 (stat:size (stat (test-file)))))) (with-test-prefix "file port" (pass-if "shorten" (call-with-output-file (test-file) (lambda (port) (display "hello" port))) (let ((port (open-file (test-file) "r+"))) (truncate-file port 1)) (eqv? 1 (stat:size (stat (test-file))))) (pass-if "shorten to current pos" (call-with-output-file (test-file) (lambda (port) (display "hello" port))) (let ((port (open-file (test-file) "r+"))) (read-char port) (truncate-file port)) (eqv? 1 (stat:size (stat (test-file))))))) ;;;; testing read-delimited and friends (with-test-prefix "read-delimited!" (let ((c (make-string 20 #\!))) (call-with-input-string "defdef\nghighi\n" (lambda (port) (read-delimited! "\n" c port 'concat) (pass-if "read-delimited! reads a first line" (string=? c "defdef\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!")) (read-delimited! "\n" c port 'concat 3) (pass-if "read-delimited! reads a first line" (string=? c "defghighi\n!!!!!!!!!!")))))) ;;;; char-ready? (call-with-input-string "howdy" (lambda (port) (pass-if "char-ready? returns true on string port" (char-ready? port)))) ;;; This segfaults on some versions of Guile. We really should run ;;; the tests in a subprocess... (call-with-input-string "howdy" (lambda (port) (with-input-from-port port (lambda () (pass-if "char-ready? returns true on string port as default port" (char-ready?)))))) ;;;; Close current-input-port, and make sure everyone can handle it. (with-test-prefix "closing current-input-port" (for-each (lambda (procedure name) (with-input-from-port (call-with-input-string "foo" (lambda (p) p)) (lambda () (close-port (current-input-port)) (pass-if-exception name exception:wrong-type-arg (procedure))))) (list read read-char read-line) '("read" "read-char" "read-line"))) (delete-file (test-file))