@c -*- coding: utf-8; mode: texinfo; documentlanguage: zh -*- @c This file is part of web.texi @ignore Translation of GIT committish: 8bc025dac3f085731712be31ec36acd5d08c357d When revising a translation, copy the HEAD committish of the version that you are working on. See TRANSLATION for details. @end ignore @c Translators: Ben Luo, Anthony Fok @include included/authors.itexi @include included/helpus.itexi @node 社区 @unnumbered 社区 @translationof Community @divClass{link-headings} @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading 与社区互动 @itemize @item @ref{Contact}: get help, discuss, and keep in touch! @item @ref{Tiny examples}: these are @emph{highly} recommended when discussing LilyPond. @item @ref{Bug reports}: something went wrong. @end itemize @divEnd @divClass{column-left-bottom} @subheading 使 LilyPond 更好 @itemize @item @ref{Help us}: your assistance is requested. @item @ref{Sponsoring}: financial contributions. @item @ref{Development}: for contributors and testers. @item @ref{GSoC 2012}: our ideas for 2012 edition of Google Summer of Code. @item @ref{Authors}: the people who made LilyPond what it is today. @end itemize @divEnd @divClass{column-right-bottom} @subheading 其他 @itemize @item @ref{Publications}: what we wrote, and have had written about us. @item @ref{Old news}: an archive. @item @ref{Attic}: announcements and changelogs from past versions. @end itemize @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{hide} @menu * 联系:: * 小例子:: * 错误报告:: * 帮助我们:: * 赞助:: * 开发:: * GSoC 2012:: * 作者:: * 出版物:: * 旧闻:: * Attic:: @end menu @divEnd @node 联系 @unnumberedsec 联系 @translationof Contact @divClass{column-left-bottom} @subheading 用户讨论和帮助 @subsubheading 用户邮件列表: @code{lilypond-user@@gnu.org} This mailing list is the main place for users to discuss and help each other. @quotation @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user, lilypond-user subscribe and info} @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/, user archive1} @uref{http://www.mail-archive.com/lilypond-user@@gnu.org/, archive2} @uref{http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.general, archive3} @uref{http://post.gmane.org/post.php?group=gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.general, send to lilypond-user with gmane} @end quotation @warning{When asking questions, please use @ref{Tiny examples}!} @subsubheading LilyPond 片断仓库 The LilyPond Snippet Repository (LilyPond 片断仓库) is a large collection of user-submitted examples, which can freely be copied and used in your own works. See what other people have written, and add your own! @example @uref{http://lsr.di.unimi.it} @end example Particularly instructive examples from LSR are included in our official documentation, in @ref{Snippets}. @subsubheading IRC Some level of support is provided on our IRC channel, @example @uref{irc://irc.freenode.net/lilypond, #lilypond@@irc.freenode.net} @end example This channel has no public archive, so any question that may be useful for others would better be posted to one of the mailing lists. @html
irc name:
@end html @subsubheading 其他语言 @quotation @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-es, Spanish mailing list} @uref{http://www.lilypondforum.de/, German forum} @uref{http://groups.google.com/group/lilypond-brasil, Portuguese group} @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user-fr, French mailing list} @uref{http://www.lilypondforum.nl/, Dutch forum} @end quotation @divEnd @divClass{column-right-top} @subheading 了解最新动态 @subsubheading LilyPond 报告 The easiest way to keep touch is by reading our community newsletter, the LilyPond Report: @example @uref{http://web.archive.org/web/20110325004849/http://news.lilynet.net} @end example @subsubheading 发行版邮件列表: @code{info-lilypond@@gnu.org} This mailing list is a low-volume, read-only list which receives notifications of new releases. @quotation @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-lilypond, info-lilypond subscribe and info} @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/info-lilypond/, info archive1} @uref{http://www.mail-archive.com/info-lilypond@@gnu.org/, archive2} @uref{http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.announce, archive3} @c don't include gmane posting here. -gp @end quotation @divEnd @divClass{column-right-bottom} @subheading 开发者讨论 @subsubheading 开发者邮件列表: @code{lilypond-devel@@gnu.org} Most developer discussion takes place on this list. Patches should be sent here. @quotation @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-devel, lilypond-devel subscribe and info} @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/, devel archive1} @uref{http://www.mail-archive.com/lilypond-devel@@gnu.org/, archive2} @uref{http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.devel, archive3} @uref{http://post.gmane.org/post.php?group=gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.devel, send to lilypond-devel with gmane} @end quotation @subsubheading 错误邮件列表: @code{bug-lilypond@@gnu.org} Bug-specific discussion takes place here. @quotation @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond, bug-lilypond subscribe and info} @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-lilypond/, bug archive1} @uref{http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-lilypond@@gnu.org/, archive2} @uref{http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.bugs, archive3} @c don't include gmane posting here. -gp @end quotation @warning{Before sending a message to the bug list, please read our guidelines for @ref{Bug reports}.} @divEnd @divClass{column-right-bottom} @subheading Sensitive emails Private matters should be sent to Graham Percival (project manager), who will discuss it with those concerned. @divEnd @node 小例子 @unnumberedsec 小例子 @translationof Tiny examples @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading 什么是 @qq{小例子}? 一个小例子 (tiny example) is an example from which @strong{nothing} can be removed. @divEnd @divClass{column-left-bottom} @subheading 为什么要创建小例子? @divClass{keep-bullets} @itemize @item The simpler the example is, the quicker potential helpers can understand it and help you. @item A tiny example demonstrates that you have put effort towards solving the problem yourself. When people send huge portions of input, it looks like they don't care if we help them or not. @item Creating a tiny example helps you to understand what is happening. Many false problem reports can be avoided by attempting to create a tiny example; if you cannot replicate a @qq{bug} in a tiny example, then the problem was probably an insufficient understanding of LilyPond, not an actual bug! @end itemize @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-right-bottom} @subheading 如何创建小例子? @divClass{keep-bullets} @itemize @item Include the @code{\version} number. @item Make it small! Examples about spacing or page layout might require many bars of music, but most issues can be reproduced using less than a single measure. @item When trying to create an example, try commenting out @w{(@code{%} or @code{%@{ @dots{} %@}})} sections of your file. If you can comment something while still demonstrating the main idea, then remove the commented-material. @item Avoid using complicated notes, keys or time signatures, unless the bug is about the behavior of those items. @item Do not use @code{\override} or @code{\set} commands unless the bug is about those specific commands. @item Optionally, attach an image showing the desired graphical output. @end itemize @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-center-bottom} @subheading How tiny should they be? Is the code below a minimal example? @example \version "2.14.1" \include "english.ly" \score @{ \new Staff @{ \key d \major \numericTimeSignature \time 2/4 16 8. %% Here: the tie on the D's looks funny %% Too tall? Left-hand endpoint is not aligned with the B tie? ~ 8 [ ] @} @} @end example Well, it is not very big, but a truly minimal example is here: @example \version "2.14.1" @{ % middle tie looks funny here: 8. ~ 8 @} @end example Very few tiny examples exceed 10 lines of code - quite often 4 lines are enough to demonstrate the problem! @divEnd @node 错误报告 @unnumberedsec 错误报告 @translationof Bug reports @divClass{heading-center} If you have input that results in a crash or wrong output, then that is a bug. @divEnd @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading 第 1 步:检查是否已知错误 We may already know about this bug. Check here: @example @uref{http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/list} @end example @warning{Please @strong{DO NOT} add bug reports directly to the bug tracker. Once an issue has been added to the tracker, feel free to add more information to that report.} @divEnd @divClass{column-left-bottom} @subheading 第 2 步:创建错误报告 If you have discovered a bug which is not listed, please help us by creating a bug report. @warning{We only accept reports in the form of @ref{Tiny examples}. We have very limited resources, so any non-minimal example will be rejected. Almost every bug can be demonstrated in four notes or less!} Here is an example of a good bug report: @example % Accidentals should be printed for only % the first note in a tie, but this version % prints flats on both notes. \version "2.10.1" \relative c'' @{ bes1 ~ bes1 @} @end example @divEnd @divClass{column-right-bottom} @subheading 第 3 步:发送错误报告 Once you have verified that the issue is not already known and created a bug report, please send it to us! @divClass{keep-bullets} @itemize @item If you are subscribed to the @uref{mailto:bug-lilypond@@gnu.org, bug-lilypond@@gnu.org} mailing list, send an email like normal. @item If you are not subscribed, you can still post a bug report with the @uref{http://post.gmane.org/post.php?group=gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.bugs, gmane lilypond.bugs web interface}. However, there is a strict @qq{no top-posting} check on the gmane interface, which is often incorrectly triggered by lilypond files. To avoid this, please add: @example > I'm not top posting. @end example @noindent (you @emph{must} include the @code{>} ) to the top of your bug report. @end itemize @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-center-bottom} @subheading 第 4 步:等待回应 Once your bug report has been sent to the list, our Bug Squad will examine it; they may ask you for more information. You will be notified when the report will be added to the bug tracker. Please allow up to 4 days, as we have a limited number of volunteers for this task. Once a bug has been added to the tracker, you can comment it to add more information about it. You may also mark the bug so that you automatically receive emails when any activity on the bug occurs. This requires you have a google account. @divEnd @divClass{column-center-bottom} @subheading 可选的帮助:展示所期望的行为 Once an issue has been added to the tracker, it can be very helpful if we can see the desired output. Feel free to add input code and/or images (possibly created with other tools) which demonstrate what you think it should look like! @divEnd @node 帮助我们 @unnumberedsec 帮助我们 @translationof Help us @divClass{column-center-top} @helpusNeed @divEnd @divClass{column-left-top} @divClass{keep-bullets} @helpusSimple @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-right-top} @helpusAdvanced @divEnd @node 赞助 @unnumberedsec 赞助 @translationof Sponsoring @divClass{keep-bullets} @divClass{column-left-top} @subheading Bounties In the past, @itemize @item some users have paid for new features @item some developers have added new features for hire @end itemize The LilyPond project does not organize such efforts; we neither endorse nor discourage such agreements. Any contracts between private individuals is the business of those individuals, not ours. @divEnd @divClass{column-right-top} @subheading Guidelines Any user wanting to offer money in exchange for work should bear in mind the following points: @itemize @item LilyPond developers may advertise their services on the lilypond email lists from time to time. @item Any agreements between private individuals should include the normal precautions when conducting business: who pays, how much do they pay, with what method of payment, and upon what set of conditions. We suggest that any ambiguity or uncertainty in these questions should be resolved before any work begins. @end itemize @divEnd @divClass{column-center-bottom} @subheading Interested developers Here is a list of people who have expressed an interest in bounties. Note that the amount of work done by individuals varies quite a bit throughout the years. We do not guarantee that this list is up-to-date, nor do we guarantee that the people listed here have any ability. The only criteria is "XYZ asked to be listed on this page". Looking at the git history is a good way to determine who the most active and experienced developers are. Statistics up to version @versionDevel{}: @multitable @columnfractions .3 .3 .3 @item @uref{http://lilypond.org/~graham/gitstats-all/, overall history} @tab @uref{http://lilypond.org/~graham/gitstats-1year/, past year} @tab @uref{http://lilypond.org/~graham/gitstats-3months/, past three months} @end multitable Interested developers: @table @asis @item @email{dak@@gnu.org, David Kastrup} Donations are required to let me continue my current fulltime work on LilyPond. I focus on user and programmer interface design, coherence, implementation, simplification, documentation, and debugging. @c Format @c @item @email{name@@adress.domain, Name} @c area of interest (256 chars max) @end table @divEnd @divEnd @node 开发 @unnumberedsec 开发 @translationof Development @divClass{heading-center} @ifclear web_version @heading Development for LilyPond @version @end ifclear @ifset web_version @heading Development for LilyPond @versionDevel @end ifset @c we normally don't allow named references, but in this case @c it's good to emphasize the "stable" part. -gp @warning{These are @emph{unstable development} versions. If you have the slightest doubt about how to use or install LilyPond, we urge you to use the @ref{Download, stable Download}, and read the @ref{Manuals, stable Manuals}.} @divEnd @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading Release numbers 发行号 There are two sets of releases for LilyPond: stable releases, and unstable development releases. Stable versions have an even-numbered @q{minor} version number (e.g., 2.8, 2.10, 2.12). Development versions have an odd-numbered @q{minor} version number (e.g., 2.7, 2.9, 2.11). @divEnd @divClass{column-left-top} @subheading 下载 Instructions for git and compiling are in the Contributor's Guide. @quotation @uref{http://git.sv.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=lilypond.git, lilypond git repository} @end quotation Documentation writers and testers will generally want to download the latest binary: @quotation @downloadDevelLinuxNormal @downloadDevelLinuxBig @downloadDevelLinuxPPC @downloadDevelFreeBSDNormal @downloadDevelFreeBSDBig @downloadDevelDarwinNormal @downloadDevelDarwinPPC @downloadDevelWindows @downloadDevelSource @end quotation @divEnd @divClass{column-right-top} @subheading 贡献者指南 LilyPond development is a fairly complicated matter. In order to help new contributors, and to keep the whole system (mostly) stable, we have written a manual for development tasks. @docLinksBare{Contributor's Guide, contributor, @rcontribnamed{Top,Contributor's Guide}, @manualDevelContributorSplit, @manualDevelContributorBig, 500 kB, @manualDevelContributorPdf, 2.8 MB} @divEnd @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading 回归测试 @divClass{keep-bullets} @ifclear web_version @itemize @item @uref{../../input/regression/collated-files.html, Regression tests}: This release's regtests. (@uref{../../input/regression/collated-files.pdf, pdf version}) @item @uref{../../input/regression/musicxml/collated-files.html, MusicXML tests}: This release's musicXML tests. (@uref{../../input/regression/musicxml/collated-files.pdf, pdf version}) @item @uref{../../input/regression/abc2ly/collated-files.html, abc2ly tests}: This release's abc2ly tests. (@uref{../../input/regression/abc2ly/collated-files.pdf, pdf version}) @item @uref{../../input/regression/lilypond-book/collated-files.html, lilypond-book tests}: This release's lilypond-book tests. (@uref{../../input/regression/lilypond-book/collated-files.pdf, pdf version}) @end itemize @end ifclear @ifset web_version @subsubheading 开发中版本 @itemize @item @regtestDevel (@regtestDevelPdf{}) @item @regtestDevelXml (@regtestDevelXmlPdf{}) @item @regtestDevelAbc (@regtestDevelAbcPdf{}) @item @regtestDevelLilypondBook (@regtestDevelLilypondBookPdf{}) @end itemize @subsubheading 稳定版 @itemize @item @regtestStable (@regtestStablePdf{}) @item @regtestStableXml (@regtestStableXmlPdf{}) @item @regtestStableAbc (@regtestStableAbcPdf{}) @item @regtestStableLilypondBook (@regtestStableLilypondBookPdf{}) @end itemize @end ifset @subsubheading 所有版本 @itemize @item @uref{http://lilypond.org/test, Comparisons between regression tests} @item @uref{http://lilypond.org/downloads/binaries/test-output/, Archive of all regression tests} @end itemize @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-center-bottom} @subheading 手册 @ifclear web_version @warning{These manuals are for LilyPond @version{}; the latest manuals can be found at @url{http://lilypond.org}} @end ifclear @divClass{normal-table} @multitable @columnfractions .3 .3 .3 @headitem Introduction @item @docLinkSplit{Learning,learning,@manualDevelLearningSplit} @tab @docLinkBig{Learning,learning,@manualDevelLearningBig} @tab @docLinkPdf{Learning,learning,@manualDevelLearningPdf} @item @docLinkSplit{Glossary,music-glossary,@manualDevelGlossarySplit} @tab @docLinkBig{Glossary,music-glossary,@manualDevelGlossaryBig} @tab @docLinkPdf{Glossary,music-glossary,@manualDevelGlossaryPdf} @item @docLinkSplit{Essay,essay,@manualDevelEssaySplit} @tab @docLinkBig{Essay,essay,@manualDevelEssayBig} @tab @docLinkPdf{Essay,essay,@manualDevelEssayPdf} @headitem Regular @item @docLinkSplit{Notation,notation,@manualDevelNotationSplit} @tab @docLinkBig{Notation,notation,@manualDevelNotationBig} @tab @docLinkPdf{Notation,notation,@manualDevelNotationPdf} @item @docLinkSplit{Usage,usage,@manualDevelUsageSplit} @tab @docLinkBig{Usage,usage,@manualDevelUsageBig} @tab @docLinkPdf{Usage,usage,@manualDevelUsagePdf} @item @docLinkSplit{Snippets,snippets,@manualDevelSnippetsSplit} @tab @docLinkBig{Snippets,snippets,@manualDevelSnippetsBig} @tab @docLinkPdf{Snippets,snippets,@manualDevelSnippetsPdf} @headitem Infrequent @item @docLinkSplit{Web,web,@manualDevelWebSplit-zh} @tab @docLinkBig{Web,web,@manualDevelWebBig-zh} @tab @docLinkPdf{Web,web,@manualDevelWebPdf-zh} @item @docLinkSplit{Changes,changes,@manualDevelChangesSplit} @tab @docLinkBig{Changes,changes,@manualDevelChangesBig} @tab @docLinkPdf{Changes,changes,@manualDevelChangesPdf} @item @docLinkSplit{Extending,extending,@manualDevelExtendingSplit} @tab @docLinkBig{Extending,extending,@manualDevelExtendingBig} @tab @docLinkPdf{Extending,extending,@manualDevelExtendingPdf} @item @docLinkSplit{Internals,internals,@manualDevelInternalsSplit} @tab @docLinkBig{Internals,internals,@manualDevelInternalsBig} @tab @docLinkPdf{Internals,internals,@manualDevelInternalsPdf} @ifset web_version @headitem Downloadable @item @doctarballDevel @end ifset @end multitable @divEnd @divEnd @node GSoC 2012 @unnumberedsec GSoC 2012 @translationof GSoC 2012 @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading What is Google Summer of Code? It is a global program run by Google that offers students stipends for working on open source software projects during summer vacations. The LilyPond Team decided that this is an excellent opportunity to find new contributors and encourage students already participating in LilyPond development to become more involved. One of our contributors was accepted for 2012 edition of the program as part of the @uref{http://www.gnu.org/, GNU project}; we hope to participate in future editions as well. @divEnd @divClass{column-center-bottom} @subheading Our 2012 Ideas List Below is a list of projects that we suggested for GSoC 2012 students. Although the application period is over, we decided to keep this webpage online as an inspiration for anyone who is interested in developing LilyPond. Some members of the development team are willing to help people who would like to tackle these projects. Of course, there are many more things to improve in LilyPond, including very small ones. A full list of all known issues can be found @uref{http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/list, here}. @subheading Grace notes Fix problems with synchronization of grace notes, together with all underlying architecture (see @uref{http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=34, issue 34 in our tracker}). Grace notes are confusing to LilyPond's timing because they're like going back in time. This causes weird effects, especially when one staff has a grace note and the other doesn't. @strong{难度:}中等 @strong{Requirements:} C++, MIDI @strong{Recommended:} familiarity with LilyPond internals @strong{Mentor(s):} Mike Solomon, Carl Sorensen @subheading MusicXML Adding comprehensive MusicXML export and improving import, together with tests checking that it works. Depending on time available, implement some or all of the following: @divClass{keep-bullets} @itemize @item Handle basic musical content export like the MIDI export (i.e. using dedicated exporter classes, derived from the translator class) @item Build the XML tree of the basic musical content, add a connection from music event to XML tag @item Let all LilyPond engravers do their job @item Add ability to link each output object (basically each stencil / group of stencils) to the music cause (and thus to the XML tag in the XML tree) @item Add a XML output backend, which can then add the layout information for each output object to the XML tags @end itemize @divEnd The goal will be considered achieved when a (previously chosen) score could be imported from MusicXML and exported back with no unintentional loss of data. @strong{难度:}中等 @strong{Requirements:} MusicXML, Python, basic LilyPond knowledge @strong{Mentor(s):} Reinhold Kainhofer, Mike Solomon Familiarity with other scorewriters (for cross-testing) would be a nice bonus. @subheading Improve slurs and ties The default shape of slur and tie curves is often unsatisfactory. Ties on enharmonic notes @code{@{ cis'~ des' @}} are not supported, ties "broken" by clef or staff change aren't supported well. The project includes collecting and sorting examples of bad output, deciding on the intended output and writing the actual code. @strong{难度:}hard @strong{Requirements:} C++, experience with writing heuristics @strong{Recommended knowledge:} LilyPond knowledge, aesthetic sense @strong{Mentor(s):} Mike Solomon @subheading Adding special variant of font glyphs Adding on-staff-line, between-staff-line, shorter and narrower variants of some glyphs, for example accidentals, together with a generic infrastructure to support them. An example is ancient notation breve notehead coming in two variants, with smaller and bigger hole. @strong{难度:}easy @strong{Requirements:} MetaFont, C++, good eye for details @strong{Recommended knowledge:} basic LilyPond knowledge @strong{Mentor(s):} Werner Lemberg @subheading Improve beaming Default positioning of regular, cross-staff, broken and kneed beams should be improved. Beaming should depend on context and neighbor notes (see @uref{http://icking-music-archive.org/lists/sottisier/sottieng.pdf, section 2.2 here}). If possible, reduce beaming computation time. @strong{难度:}中等 @strong{Requirements:} C++, experience with writing heuristics @strong{Recommended knowledge:} aesthetic sense @strong{Mentor(s):} Mike Solomon, Carl Sorensen @subheading Clean up various compilation warnings Clean up compiler warnings, static code analysis, and valgrind warnings. Automatic code analysis tools (warnings in @code{g++} and @code{clang}) and analysis tools like valgrind memory leak detection and callgrind code profilers provide valuable information about possible flaws in C++ code. Cleaning these warnings would allow us to automatically reject any patch which introduced extra warnings. @strong{难度:}中等 @strong{Requirements:} C++ @strong{Mentor(s):} Joe Neeman, Reinhold Kainhofer @divEnd @node 作者 @unnumberedsec 作者 @translationof Authors @divClass{column-left-top} @subheading 目前的开发小组 @divClass{keep-bullets} @developersCurrent @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-right-top} @subheading 以前的开发小组 @divClass{keep-bullets} @developersPrevious @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading 目前的贡献者 @divClass{keep-bullets} @subsubheading 编程 @coreCurrent @subsubheading 字体 @fontCurrent @subsubheading 文档 @docCurrent @subsubheading 错误组 (Bug squad) @bugsquadCurrent @subsubheading 支持 @supportCurrent @subsubheading 翻译 @translationsCurrent @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-center-bottom} @subheading 以往的贡献者 @divClass{keep-bullets} @subsubheading 编程 @corePrevious @subsubheading 字体 @fontPrevious @subsubheading 文档 @docPrevious @c uncomment when we have any previous members -gp @c @subsubheading Bug squad @c @bugsquadCurrent @subsubheading 支持 @supportPrevious @subsubheading 翻译 @translationsPrevious @divEnd @divEnd @node 出版物 @unnumberedsec 出版物 @translationof Publications @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading 我们写的有关 LilyPond 的文章 @divClass{keep-bullets} @include we-wrote.itexi @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-center-bottom} @subheading 大家怎么用 LilyPond 的 @divClass{keep-bullets} @include others-did.itexi @divEnd @divEnd @contactUsAbout{学术论文} @node 旧闻 @unnumberedsec 旧闻 @translationof Old news @divClass{heading-center} @warning{Many old announcements and changelogs can be found in the @ref{Attic}} @divEnd @include web/news-front.itexi @include web/news.itexi @node Attic @unnumberedsec Attic @translationof Attic @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading Announcements Announcements and news by version: @uref{http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/web/index#LilyPond-2_002e14_002e0-released_0021-June-6_002c-2011,v2.14}, @miscLink{announce-v2.12,v2.12}, @miscLink{announce-v2.10,v2.10}, @miscLink{announce-v2.8,v2.8}, @miscLink{announce-v2.6,v2.6}, @miscLink{announce-v2.4,v2.4}, @miscLink{announce-v2.2,v2.2}, @miscLink{announce-v2.0,v2.0}, @miscLink{ANNOUNCE-1.2,v1.2}, @miscLink{ANNOUNCE-1.0,v1.0}, @miscLink{ANNOUNCE-0.1,v0.1} Descriptive list of changes by version: @uref{http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/changes/index.html,v2.14}, @uref{http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/Documentation/topdocs/NEWS,v2.12}, @uref{http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.10/Documentation/topdocs/NEWS,v2.10}, @uref{http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.8/Documentation/topdocs/NEWS,v2.8}, @uref{http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.6/Documentation/topdocs/NEWS,v2.6}, @uref{http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.4/Documentation/topdocs/out-www/NEWS,v2.4}, @uref{http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.2/Documentation/topdocs/out-www/NEWS,v2.2}, @uref{http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.0/Documentation/topdocs/out-www/NEWS,v2.0}, @uref{http://lilypond.org/doc/v1.8/Documentation/topdocs/out-www/NEWS,v1.8}, @uref{http://lilypond.org/doc/v1.6/Documentation/out-www/NEWS,v1.6}, @miscLink{NEWS-1.4,v1.4}, @miscLink{NEWS-1.2,v1.2} @divEnd @divClass{column-center-bottom} @subheading Changelogs Developers' changelogs by version: @miscLink{ChangeLog-2.10,v2.10}, @miscLink{ChangeLog-2.3,v2.3}, @miscLink{ChangeLog-2.1,v2.1}, @miscLink{ChangeLog-1.5,v1.5 (1)}, @miscLink{CHANGES-1.5,v1.5 (2)}, @miscLink{CHANGES-1.4,v1.4}, @miscLink{CHANGES-1.3,v1.3}, @miscLink{CHANGES-1.2,v1.2}, @miscLink{CHANGES-1.1,v1.1}, @miscLink{CHANGES-1.0,v1.0}, @miscLink{CHANGES-0.1,v0.1}, @miscLink{CHANGES-0.0,v0.0} @divEnd