DOCUMENTATION FORMATTING ------------------------ The language is called texinfo; you can see its manual here: However, you don't need to read those docs. The most important thing to notice is that text is text. If you see a mistake in the text, you can fix it. If you want to change the order of something, you can cut-and-paste that stuff into a new location. %%%%% SECTIONING COMMANDS Most of the manual operates at the @node Foo @unnumberedsubsubsec Foo level. Sections are created with @node Foo @subsection Foo commands. * sectioning commands (@node and @section) must not appear inside an @ignore. Separate those commands with a space, ie @n ode. %%%%% LILYPOND FORMATTING * Use two spaces for indentation in lilypond examples. (no tabs) * If possible, only write one bar per line. The notes on each line should be an independent line. Bad: \override textscript #'padding = #3 c1^"hi" Good: \override textscript #'padding = #3 c1^"hi" * LilyPond input should be produced via @lilypond[verbatim,quote,ragged-right] with `fragment' and `relative=2' optional. Examples about page layout may alter the quote/ragged-right options. Omitting `verbatim' is not allowed except for special circumstances. * Inspirational headwords are produced with @lilypondfile[quote,ragged-right,line-width=16\cm,staffsize=16] {} * Avoid long stretches of input code. Noone is going to read them in print. Please create a smaller example. (the smaller example does not need to be minimal, however) * If you want to work on an example outside of the manual (for easier/faster processing), use this header: \paper { #(define dump-extents #t) indent = 0\mm line-width = 160\mm - 2.0 * 0.4\in ragged-right = ##t force-assignment = #"" line-width = #(- line-width (* mm 3.000000)) } \layout { } You may not change any of these values. If you are making an example demonstrating special \paper{} values, contact the Documentation Editor. %%%%% TEXT FORMATTING * Lines should be less than 72 characters long. (I personally recommend writing with 66-char lines, but don't bother modifying existing material.) * Do not use tabs. * Do not use spaces at the beginning of a line (except in @example or @verbatim environments), and do not use more than a single space between words. `makeinfo' copies the input lines verbatim without removing those spaces. * Use two spaces after a period. * Variables or numbers which consist of a single character (probably followed by a punctuation mark) should be tied properly, either to the previous or the next word. Example: The variable@tie{}@var{a} ... * To get consistent indentation in the DVI output it is better to avoid the @verbatim environment. Use the @example environment instead if possible, but without extraneous indentation. For example, this @example foo { bar } @end example should be replaced with @example foo { bar } @end example where `@example' starts the line (without leading spaces). * Do not compress the input vertically; this is, do not use Beginning of logical unit @example ... @end example continuation of logical unit but Beginning of logical unit @example ... @end example @noindent continuation of logical unit This makes it easier to avoid forgetting the `@noindent'. Only use @noindent if the material is discussing the same material; new material should simply begin without anything special on the line above it. * in @itemize use @item on a separate line like this: @itemize @item Foo @item Bar Do not use @itemize @bullet. %%%%% SYNTAX SURVEY @c - single line comments @ignore ... @end ignore - multi-line comment @cindex - General index. Please add as many as you can. Don't capitalize the first word. @funindex - is for a \lilycommand. @example ... @end ignore - example text that should be set as a blockquote. Any {} must be escaped with @{ }@ @itemize @item A @item B ... @end itemize - for bulleted lists. Do not compress vertically like this. @code{} - typeset in a tt-font. Use for actual lilypond code or property/context names. @notation{} - refers to pieces of notation, e.g. "@notation{cres.}". Also use to specific lyrics ("the @notation{A - men} is centered") @q{} - Single quotes. Used for `vague' terms. @qq{} - Double quotes. Used for actual quotes ("he said"). @warning{}: produces a "Note: " box. Use for important messages. @tie{} - Variables or numbers which consist of a single character (probably followed by a punctuation mark) should be tied properly, either to the previous or the next word. Example: "The letter@tie{}@q{I} is skipped" @var - Use for variables. @warning{} - produces a "Note: " box. Any `\' used inside this must be written as `\\'. %%%%% OTHER TEXT CONCERNS * References must occur at the end of a sentence, for more information see @ref{the texinfo manual}. Ideally this should also be the final sentence of a paragraph, but this is not required. Any link in a doc section must be duplicated in the @seealso section at the bottom. * Introducing examples may be done with . (ie finish the previous sentence/paragaph) : (ie `in this example:') , (ie `may add foo with the blah construct,') * Abbrevs in caps, e.g., HTML, DVI, MIDI, etc. * Colon usage 1. To introduce lists 2. When beginning a quote: "So, he said,..." This usage is rarer. Americans often just use a comma. 3. When adding a defining example at the end of a sentence. * Non-ASCII characters which are in utf-8 should be directly used; this is, don't say `Ba@ss{}tuba' but `Baßtuba'. This ensures that all such characters appear in all output formats. * Don't use a @ref{link to another section} in the middle of a sentence. It looks ok in HTML, moderately bad in PDF, and utterly horrible in INFO. Instead, reword the sentence so that users are encouraged to see @ref{link to another section}. (at the end of the sentence)