#!/usr/bin/env perl # -*- coding: utf-8; -*- ### texi2html customization script for LilyPond ### Author: Reinhold Kainhofer , 2008. ### Some code parts copied from texi2html and adapted. These functions ### were written mainly by Patrice Dumas ### License: GPLv3+ ### ### ### Features implemented here: ### -) For split manuals, the main page is index.html. ### -) All @unnumbered* sections are placed into the same file ### (implemented by split_at_numbered_sections) ### -) Use our custom CSS file, with IE-specific fixes in another CSS file, ### impelmented by lilypond_css_lines ### -) TOC (folded, with the current page highlighted) in an overflown
### is added to every page; implemented by: ### lilypond_print_element_header -- building of the TOC ### lilypond_toc_body -- generation of customized TOC output ### lilypond_print_page_head -- start
### print_lilypond_page_foot -- closing id=main, output of footer & TOC ### -) External refs are formatted only as "Text of the node" (not as >>see ### "NODE" section "SECTION" in "BOOK"<< like with default texi2html). Also, ### the leading "(book-name)" is removed. ### Implemented by overriding lilypond_external_ref ### -) Navigation bars on top/bottom of the page and between sections are not ### left-aligned, but use a combination of left/center/right aligned table ### cells; For this, I heavily extend the texi2html code to allow for ### differently aligned cells and for multi-line tables); ### Implemented in lilypond_print_navigation ### -) Different formatting than the default: example uses the same formatting ### as quote. ### -) Allow translated section titles: All section titles can be translated, ### the original (English) title is associated with @translationof. This is ### needed, because the file name / anchor is generated from the original ### English title, since otherwise language-autoselection would break with ### posted links. ### Since it is then no longer possible to obtain the file name from the ### section title, I keep a sectionname<=>filename/anchor around. This way, ### xrefs from other manuals can simply load that map and retrieve the ### correct file name for the link. Implemented in: ### lilypond_unknown (handling of @translationof, in case ### extract_texi_filenames.py messes up...) ### lilypond_element_file_name (correct file name: use the map) ### lilypond_element_target_name (correct anchor: use the map) ### lilypond_init_map (read in the externally created map from disk) ### lilypond_external_href (load the map for xrefs, use the correct ### link target) ### -) The HTML anchors for all sections are derived from the node name / ### section title (pre-generated in the .xref-map file). Implemented by: ### lilypond_element_target_name (adjust section anchors) ### -) Use the standard footnote format "nr text" instead of the ### ugly format of texi2html (



). Implemented in ### makeinfo_like_foot_line_and_ref ### makeinfo_like_foot_lines ### makeinfo_like_paragraph ### ### ### Useful helper functions: ### -) texinfo_file_name($node_name): returns a texinfo-compatible file name ### for the given string $node_name (whitespace trimmed/replaced by -, ### non-standard chars replaced by _xxxx (ascii char code) and forced to ### start with a letter by prepending t_g if necessary) package Texi2HTML::Config; use utf8; use Encode qw(decode); ############################################################################# ### TRANSLATIONS ############################################################################# my $LY_LANGUAGES = {}; $LY_LANGUAGES->{'fr'} = { 'Back to Documentation Index' => 'Retour à l\'accueil de la documentation', '

Thanks to ${webdev_link} for hosting ${lily_site}.' => '

Remerciements à ${webdev_link} pour l\'hébergement de ${lily_site}.', }; $LY_LANGUAGES->{'es'} = { 'Back to Documentation Index' => 'Volver al índice de la documentación', '

Thanks to ${webdev_link} for hosting ${lily_site}.' => '

Agradecemos a ${webdev_link} el alojamiento de ${lily_site}.', }; $LY_LANGUAGES->{'de'} = { 'Back to Documentation Index' => 'Zur Dokumentationsübersicht', '

Thanks to ${webdev_link} for hosting ${lily_site}.' => '', }; $LY_LANGUAGES->{'ja'} = { 'Back to Documentation Index' => 'ドキュメント インデックスに戻る', '

Thanks to ${webdev_link} for hosting ${lily_site}.' => '', }; $LY_LANGUAGES->{'hu'} = { 'Back to Documentation Index' => 'Vissza a dokumentációk jegyzékéhez', '

Thanks to ${webdev_link} for hosting ${lily_site}.' => 'Köszönet a ${webdev_link} részére a ${lily_site} tárhelyért.', }; $LY_LANGUAGES->{'it'} = { 'Back to Documentation Index' => 'Torna all\'indice della documentazione', '

Thanks to ${webdev_link} for hosting ${lily_site}.' => '', }; # FIXME: request the translations below then send them to texi2html/texinfo devs $LANGUAGES->{'it'} = { ' The buttons in the navigation panels have the following meaning:' => ' I bottoni nei pannelli di navigazione hanno il seguente significato:', ' where the @strong{ Example } assumes that the current position is at @strong{ Subsubsection One-Two-Three } of a document of the following structure:' => ' dove @strong{ Esempio } assume che l\'attuale posizione è alla @strong{ Sottosottosezione Uno-Due-Tre } di un documento che ha la seguente struttura:', ' Up ' => ' Su ', '(outside of any element)' => '(fuori da qualsiasi elemento)', '(outside of any node)' => '(fuori da qualsiasi nodo)', '@b{{quotation_arg}:} ' => '@b{{quotation_arg}:} ', '@cite{{book}}' => '@cite{{book}}', '@{No value for `{value}\'@}' => '@{Nessun valore per `{value}\'@}', 'About' => 'Informazioni', 'About (help)' => 'Informazioni (aiuto)', 'About This Document' => 'Informazioni su questo documento', 'April' => 'Aprile', 'August' => 'Agosto', 'Back' => 'Indietro', 'Back section in previous file' => '', 'Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter' => 'Inizio di questo capitolo o capitolo precedente', 'Button' => 'Bottone', 'Contents' => 'Contenuti', 'Cover (top) of document' => 'Copertina (inizio) del documento', 'Current' => 'Attuale', 'Current Position' => 'Posizione Attuale', 'Current section' => 'Sezione attuale', 'December' => 'Dicembre', 'FastBack' => 'Indietro veloce', 'FastForward' => 'Avanti veloce', 'February' => 'Febbraio', 'First' => 'Primo', 'First section in reading order' => 'Prima sezione in ordine di lettura', 'Following' => 'Seguente', 'Following node' => 'Nodo seguente', 'Footnotes' => 'Note a piè di pagina', 'Forward' => 'Avanti', 'Forward section in next file' => 'Sezione successiva nel prossimo file', 'From 1.2.3 go to' => 'Da 1.2.3 vai a', 'Go to' => 'Vai a', 'Index' => 'Indice', 'Index Entry' => 'Voce dell\'indice', 'January' => 'Gennaio', 'July' => 'Luglio', 'Jump to' => 'Salta a', 'June' => 'Giugno', 'Last' => 'Ultimo', 'Last section in reading order' => 'Ultima sezione in ordine di lettura', 'March' => 'Marzo', 'May' => 'Maggio', 'Menu:' => 'Menu', 'Name' => 'Nome', 'Next' => 'Successivo', 'Next chapter' => 'Capitolo successivo', 'Next file' => 'File successivo', 'Next node' => 'Nodo successivo', 'Next section in reading order' => 'Sezione successiva in ordine di lettura', 'Next section on same level' => 'Sezione successiva sullo stesso livello', 'NextFile' => 'File successivo', 'Node following in node reading order' => 'Nodo seguente in ordine di lettura', 'Node up' => 'Nodo superiore', 'NodeNext' => 'Nodo successivo', 'NodePrev' => 'Nodo precedente', 'NodeUp' => 'Nodo superiore', 'November' => 'Novembre', 'October' => 'Ottobre', 'Overview' => 'Panoramica', 'Prev' => 'Prec.', 'PrevFile' => 'File precedente', 'Previous' => 'Precedente', 'Previous file' => 'File precedente', 'Previous node' => 'Nodo precedente', 'Previous section in reading order' => 'Sezione precedente in ordine di lettura', 'Previous section on same level' => 'Sezione precedente sullo stesso livello', 'Section' => 'Sezione', 'Section One' => 'Sezione uno', 'See ' => 'Vedi', 'See @cite{{book}}' => 'Vedi @cite{{book}}', 'See section `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'Vedi la sezione `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' in @cite{{book}}', 'See section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'Vedi la sezione `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}', 'See section {reference_name}' => 'Vedi la sezione {reference_name}', 'See {node_file_href}' => 'Vedi {node_file_href}', 'See {node_file_href} @cite{{book}}' => 'Vedi {node_file_href} @cite{{book}}', 'See {node_file_href} section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'Vedi {node_file_href} nella sezione `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}', 'See {reference_name}' => 'Vedi {reference_name}', 'See {ref}' => 'Vedi {ref}', 'See {title_ref}' => 'Vedi {title_ref}', 'September' => 'Settembre', 'Short Table of Contents' => 'Indice breve', 'Short table of contents' => 'Indice breve', 'Subsection One-Four' => 'Sottosezione Uno-Quattro', 'Subsection One-One' => 'Sottosezione Uno-Uno', 'Subsection One-Three' => 'Sottosezione Uno-Tre', 'Subsection One-Two' => 'Sottosezione Uno-Due', 'Subsubsection One-Two-Four' => 'Sottosottosezione Uno-Due-Quattro', 'Subsubsection One-Two-One' => 'Sottosottosezione Uno-Due-Uno', 'Subsubsection One-Two-Three' => 'Sottosottosezione Uno-Due-Tre', 'Subsubsection One-Two-Two' => 'Sottosottosezione Uno-Due-Due', 'T2H_today' => '%s, %d %d', 'Table of Contents' => 'Indice', 'Table of contents' => 'Indice', 'The node you are looking for is at {href}.' => 'Il nodo che stai cercando è {href}', 'This' => 'Questo', 'This document was generated on @i{{date}} using @uref{{program_homepage}, @i{{program}}}.' => 'Questo documento è stato generato il @i{{date}} con @uref{{program_homepage}, @i{{program}}}.', 'This document was generated using @uref{{program_homepage}, @emph{{program}}}.' => 'Questo documento è stato generato con @uref{{program_homepage}, @emph{{program}}}.', 'Top' => 'Inizio', 'Untitled Document' => 'Documento senza titolo', 'Up' => 'Su', 'Up node' => 'Nodo superiore', 'Up section' => 'Sezione superiore', 'current' => 'attuale', 'on @emph{{date}}' => 'il @emph{{date}}', 'section `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'sezione `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' in @cite{{book}}', 'section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'sezione `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}', 'see ' => 'vedi ', 'see @cite{{book}}' => 'vedi @cite{{book}}', 'see section `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'vedi la sezione `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' in @cite{{book}}', 'see section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'vedi la sezione `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}', 'see section {reference_name}' => 'vedi la sezione {reference_name}', 'see {node_file_href}' => 'vedi {node_file_href}', 'see {node_file_href} @cite{{book}}' => 'vedi {node_file_href} @cite{{book}}', 'see {node_file_href} section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'vedi {node_file_href} nella sezione `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}', 'see {reference_name}' => 'vedi {reference_name}', 'see {ref}' => 'vedi {ref}', 'see {title_ref}' => 'vedi {title_ref}', '{acronym_like} ({explanation})' => '{acronym_like} ({explanation})', '{name} of {class}' => '{name} di {class}', '{name} on {class}' => '{name} in {class}', '{node_file_href}' => '{node_file_href}', '{node_file_href} @cite{{book}}' => '{node_file_href} @cite{{book}}', '{node_file_href} section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => '{node_file_href} nella sezione `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}', '{reference_name}' => '{reference_name}', '{ref}' => '{ref}', '{style} {number}' => '{style} {number}', '{style}: {caption_first_line}' => '{style}: {caption_first_line}', '{style}: {shortcaption_first_line}' => '{style}: {shortcaption_first_line}', '{title_ref}' => '{title_ref}' }; $LANGUAGES->{'hu'} = { ' The buttons in the navigation panels have the following meaning:' => ' A navigációs panelen levő gombok jelentése a következő:', ' where the @strong{ Example } assumes that the current position is at @strong{ Subsubsection One-Two-Three } of a document of the following structure:' => ' @strong{ Példánkban } az aktuális pozíció az @strong{ 1.2.3 alalszakasz } egy olyan dokumentumban, melynek szerkezete a következő:', ' Up ' => 'Fel', '(outside of any element)' => '(bármelyik elemen kívül)', '(outside of any node)' => '(bármelyik csomóponton kívül)', '@b{{quotation_arg}:} ' => '@b{{quotation_arg}:} ', '@cite{{book}}' => '@cite{{book}}', '@{No value for `{value}\'@}' => '@{Nincs értéke ennek: `{value}\'@}', 'About' => 'Súgó', 'About (help)' => 'Segítség a navigációhoz', 'About This Document' => 'A navigációs panel használata', 'April' => 'április', 'August' => 'augusztus', 'Back' => 'Vissza', 'Back section in previous file' => 'Előző fájl hátsó szakasza', 'Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter' => 'Fejezet eleje vagy előző fejezet', 'Button' => 'Gomb', 'Contents' => 'Tartalom', 'Cover (top) of document' => 'Dokumentum címoldala', 'Current' => 'Aktuális', 'Current Position' => 'Aktuális pozíció', 'Current section' => 'Aktuális szakasz', 'December' => 'december', 'FastBack' => 'Visszaugrás', 'FastForward' => 'Előreugrás', 'February' => 'február', 'First' => 'Első', 'First section in reading order' => 'Első szakasz az olvasási sorrendben', 'Following' => 'Következő', 'Following node' => 'Következő csomópont', 'Footnotes' => 'Lábjegyzet', 'Forward' => 'Előre', 'Forward section in next file' => 'Következő fájl elülső szakasza', 'From 1.2.3 go to' => '1.2.3-ból ide jutunk', 'Go to' => 'Cél', 'Index' => 'Tárgymutató', 'Index Entry' => 'Tárgymutató-bejegyzés', 'January' => 'január', 'July' => 'július', 'Jump to' => 'Ugorj ide', 'June' => 'június', 'Last' => 'Utolsó', 'Last section in reading order' => 'Utolsó szakasz az olvasási sorrendben', 'March' => 'március', 'May' => 'május', 'Menu:' => 'Menü:', 'Name' => 'Név', 'Next' => 'Következő', 'Next chapter' => 'Következő fejezet', 'Next file' => 'Következő fájl', 'Next node' => 'Következő csomópont', 'Next section in reading order' => 'Következő szakasz az olvasási sorrendben', 'Next section on same level' => 'Következő szakasz ugyanazon a szinten', 'NextFile' => 'KövetkezőFájl', 'Node following in node reading order' => 'Következő csomópont az olvasási sorrendben', 'Node up' => 'Szülő csomópont', 'NodeNext' => 'KövetkezőCsomópont', 'NodePrev' => 'ElőzőCsomópont', 'NodeUp' => 'SzülőCsomópont', 'November' => 'november', 'October' => 'október', 'Overview' => 'Áttekintés', 'Prev' => 'Előző', 'PrevFile' => 'ElőzőFájl', 'Previous' => 'Előző', 'Previous file' => 'Előző fájl', 'Previous node' => 'Előző csomópont', 'Previous section in reading order' => 'Előző szakasz az olvasási sorrendben', 'Previous section on same level' => 'Előző szakasz ugyanazon a szinten', 'Section' => 'Szakasz', 'Section One' => 'szakasz', 'See ' => 'Ld. ', 'See @cite{{book}}' => 'Ld. @cite{{book}}', 'See section `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'Ld. ezt a szakaszt: `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' itt: @cite{{book}}', 'See section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'Ld. ezt a szakaszt: `{section}\' itt: @cite{{book}}', 'See section {reference_name}' => 'Ld. ezt a szakaszt: {reference_name}', 'See {node_file_href}' => 'Ld. {node_file_href}', 'See {node_file_href} @cite{{book}}' => 'See {node_file_href} @cite{{book}}', 'See {node_file_href} section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'Ld. {node_file_href} ezt a szakaszt: `{section}\' itt: @cite{{book}}', 'See {reference_name}' => 'Ld. {reference_name}', 'See {ref}' => 'Ld. {ref}', 'See {title_ref}' => 'Ld. {title_ref}', 'September' => 'szeptember', 'Short Table of Contents' => 'Rövid tartalomjegyzék', 'Short table of contents' => 'Rövid tartalomjegyzék', 'Subsection One-Four' => 'alszakasz', 'Subsection One-One' => 'alszakasz', 'Subsection One-Three' => 'alszakasz', 'Subsection One-Two' => 'alszakasz', 'Subsubsection One-Two-Four' => 'alalszakasz', 'Subsubsection One-Two-One' => 'alalszakasz', 'Subsubsection One-Two-Three' => 'alalszakasz', 'Subsubsection One-Two-Two' => 'alalszakasz', 'T2H_today' => '%s, %d %d', 'Table of Contents' => 'Tartalomjegyzék', 'Table of contents' => 'Tartalomjegyzék', 'The node you are looking for is at {href}.' => 'A keresett csomópont itt található: {href}.', 'This' => 'Ez a(z)', 'This document was generated on @i{{date}} using @uref{{program_homepage}, @i{{program}}}.' => 'Ezt a dokumentumot @i{{date}} napon generálta a(z) @uref{{program_homepage}, @i{{program}}}.', 'This document was generated using @uref{{program_homepage}, @emph{{program}}}.' => 'Ezt a dokumentumot a(z) @uref{{program_homepage}, @emph{{program}}} generálta.', 'Top' => 'Címoldal', 'Untitled Document' => 'Névtelen dokumentum', 'Up' => 'Fel', 'Up node' => 'Szülő csomópont', 'Up section' => 'Szülő szakasz', 'current' => 'aktuális', 'on @emph{{date}}' => 'ekkor: @emph{{date}}', 'section `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'szakasz: `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' itt: @cite{{book}}', 'section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'szakasz: `{section}\' itt: @cite{{book}}', 'see ' => 'ld. ', 'see @cite{{book}}' => 'ld. @cite{{book}}', 'see section `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'ld. ezt a szakaszt: `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' itt: @cite{{book}}', 'see section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'ld. ezt a szakaszt: `{section}\' itt: @cite{{book}}', 'see section {reference_name}' => 'ld. ezt a szakaszt: {reference_name}', 'see {node_file_href}' => 'ld. {node_file_href}', 'see {node_file_href} @cite{{book}}' => 'ld. {node_file_href} @cite{{book}}', 'see {node_file_href} section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => 'ld. {node_file_href} ezt a szakaszt: `{section}\' itt: @cite{{book}}', 'see {reference_name}' => 'ld. {reference_name}', 'see {ref}' => 'ld. {ref}', 'see {title_ref}' => 'ld. {title_ref}', '{acronym_like} ({explanation})' => '{acronym_like} ({explanation})', '{name} of {class}' => '{name} típusa: {class}', '{name} on {class}' => '{name} ezen: {class}', '{node_file_href}' => '{node_file_href}', '{node_file_href} @cite{{book}}' => '{node_file_href} @cite{{book}}', '{node_file_href} section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => '{node_file_href} szakasz: `{section}\' itt: @cite{{book}}', '{reference_name}' => '{reference_name}', '{ref}' => '{ref}', '{style} {number}' => '{style} {number}', '{style}: {caption_first_line}' => '{style}: {caption_first_line}', '{style}: {shortcaption_first_line}' => '{style}: {shortcaption_first_line}', '{title_ref}' => '{title_ref}' }; $LANGUAGES->{'ja'} = { ' The buttons in the navigation panels have the following meaning:' => ' ナビゲーション パネルの中にあるボタンには以下のような意味があります:', ' where the @strong{ Example } assumes that the current position is at @strong{ Subsubsection One-Two-Three } of a document of the following structure:' => ' この表で、@strong{ 行き先 } は、現在の位置が以下のような構造を持つドキュメントの @strong{ サブサブセクション 1-2-3 } であると仮定しています:', ' Up ' => ' 上へ ', '(outside of any element)' => '(outside of any element)', '(outside of any node)' => '(outside of any node)', '@b{{quotation_arg}:} ' => '@b{{quotation_arg}:} ', '@cite{{book}}' => '@cite{{book}}', '@{No value for `{value}\'@}' => '@{No value for `{value}\'@}', 'About' => '情報', 'About (help)' => '情報 (ヘルプ)', 'About This Document' => 'このドキュメントについて', 'April' => '4 月', 'August' => '8 月', 'Back' => 'Back', 'Back section in previous file' => '', 'Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter' => 'この章あるいは前の章の先頭', 'Button' => 'ボタン', 'Contents' => '目次', 'Cover (top) of document' => 'ドキュメントの表紙 (先頭)', 'Current' => '', 'Current Position' => '現在の位置', 'Current section' => '', 'December' => '12 月', 'FastBack' => '', 'FastForward' => '', 'February' => '2 月', 'First' => '', 'First section in reading order' => '', 'Following' => '', 'Following node' => '', 'Footnotes' => '脚注', 'Forward' => '', 'Forward section in next file' => '', 'From 1.2.3 go to' => '1.2.3 からの行き先', 'Go to' => '行き先', 'Index' => 'インデックス', 'Index Entry' => 'インデックス エントリ', 'January' => '1 月', 'July' => '7 月', 'Jump to' => '', 'June' => '6月', 'Last' => '', 'Last section in reading order' => '', 'March' => '3 月', 'May' => '5 月', 'Menu:' => 'メニュー', 'Name' => '', 'Next' => '', 'Next chapter' => '次の章', 'Next file' => '', 'Next node' => '', 'Next section in reading order' => '次のセクション', 'Next section on same level' => '', 'NextFile' => '', 'Node following in node reading order' => '', 'Node up' => '', 'NodeNext' => '', 'NodePrev' => '', 'NodeUp' => '', 'November' => '11 月', 'October' => '10 月', 'Overview' => '概要', 'Prev' => '', 'PrevFile' => '', 'Previous' => '', 'Previous file' => '', 'Previous node' => '', 'Previous section in reading order' => '前のセクション', 'Previous section on same level' => '', 'Section' => 'セクション', 'Section One' => 'セクション 1', 'See ' => '', 'See @cite{{book}}' => '', 'See section `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' in @cite{{book}}' => '', 'See section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => '', 'See section {reference_name}' => '', 'See {node_file_href}' => '', 'See {node_file_href} @cite{{book}}' => '', 'See {node_file_href} section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => '', 'See {reference_name}' => '', 'See {ref}' => '', 'See {title_ref}' => '', 'September' => '9 月', 'Short Table of Contents' => '', 'Short table of contents' => '', 'Subsection One-Four' => 'サブセクション 1-4', 'Subsection One-One' => 'サブセクション 1-1', 'Subsection One-Three' => 'サブセクション 1-3', 'Subsection One-Two' => 'サブセクション 1-2', 'Subsubsection One-Two-Four' => 'サブサブセクション 1-2-4', 'Subsubsection One-Two-One' => 'サブサブセクション 1-2-1', 'Subsubsection One-Two-Three' => 'サブサブセクション 1-2-3', 'Subsubsection One-Two-Two' => 'サブサブセクション 1-2-2', 'T2H_today' => '%s, %d %d', 'Table of Contents' => '目次', 'Table of contents' => '目次', 'The node you are looking for is at {href}.' => '', 'This' => '', 'This document was generated on @i{{date}} using @uref{{program_homepage}, @i{{program}}}.' => 'このドキュメントは @i{{date}} に、@uref{{program_homepage}, @i{{program}}} を用いて生成されました。', 'This document was generated using @uref{{program_homepage}, @emph{{program}}}.' => 'このドキュメントは @uref{{program_homepage}, @emph{{program}}} を用いて生成されました。', 'Top' => 'トップ', 'Untitled Document' => '', 'Up' => '上', 'Up node' => '', 'Up section' => '上のセクション', 'current' => '', 'on @emph{{date}}' => '@emph{{date}} に', 'section `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' in @cite{{book}}' => '', 'section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => '', 'see ' => '', 'see @cite{{book}}' => '', 'see section `@asis{}`{section_name}\'@asis{}\' in @cite{{book}}' => '', 'see section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => '', 'see section {reference_name}' => '', 'see {node_file_href}' => '', 'see {node_file_href} @cite{{book}}' => '', 'see {node_file_href} section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => '', 'see {reference_name}' => '', 'see {ref}' => '', 'see {title_ref}' => '', '{acronym_like} ({explanation})' => '{acronym_like} ({explanation})', '{name} of {class}' => '', '{name} on {class}' => '', '{node_file_href}' => '', '{node_file_href} @cite{{book}}' => '', '{node_file_href} section `{section}\' in @cite{{book}}' => '', '{reference_name}' => '', '{ref}' => '{ref}', '{style} {number}' => '{style} {number}', '{style}: {caption_first_line}' => '{style}: {caption_first_line}', '{style}: {shortcaption_first_line}' => '{style}: {shortcaption_first_line}', '{title_ref}' => '{title_ref}' }; sub ly_get_string () { my $lang = $Texi2HTML::THISDOC{current_lang}; my $string = shift; if ($lang and $lang ne "en" and $LY_LANGUAGES->{$lang}->{$string}) { return $LY_LANGUAGES->{$lang}->{$string}; } else { return $string; } } ############################################################################# ### FUNCTIONALITY FOR MAIN WEB PAGES ############################################################################# our $web_manual; ############################################################################# ### SETTINGS FOR TEXI2HTML ############################################################################# # Validation fix for texi2html<=1.82 $Texi2HTML::Config::DOCTYPE = ''; @Texi2HTML::Config::CSS_REFS = ( {FILENAME => "lilypond-mccarty.css", TITLE => "Default style"} ); @Texi2HTML::Config::ALT_CSS_REFS = ( {FILENAME => "lilypond.css", TITLE => "Andrew Hawryluk's design" }, {FILENAME => "lilypond-blue.css", TITLE => "Kurt Kroon's blue design" }, ); sub web_settings() { print STDERR "Initializing settings for web site\n"; $Texi2HTML::Config::BODYTEXT = ""; @Texi2HTML::Config::CSS_REFS = ( {FILENAME => "lilypond-web.css", TITLE => "Patrick McCarty's design"} ); @Texi2HTML::Config::ALT_CSS_REFS = ( {FILENAME => "lilypond-web-alt1.css", TITLE => "Alternate style 1"}, {FILENAME => "lilypond-web-alt2.css", TITLE => "Alternate style 2"}, ); } $Texi2HTML::Config::USE_ACCESSKEY = 1; $Texi2HTML::Config::USE_LINKS = 1; $Texi2HTML::Config::USE_REL_REV = 1; $Texi2HTML::Config::SPLIT_INDEX = 0; $Texi2HTML::Config::SEPARATED_FOOTNOTES = 0; # Print footnotes on same page, not separated if ($Texi2HTML::Config::SPLIT eq 'section' or $Texi2HTML::Config::SPLIT eq 'node') { $Texi2HTML::Config::element_file_name = \&lilypond_element_file_name; } $Texi2HTML::Config::element_target_name = \&lilypond_element_target_name; $default_print_element_header = $Texi2HTML::Config::print_element_header; $Texi2HTML::Config::print_element_header = \&lilypond_print_element_header; $Texi2HTML::Config::print_page_foot = \&print_lilypond_page_foot; $Texi2HTML::Config::print_navigation = \&lilypond_print_navigation; $Texi2HTML::Config::external_ref = \&lilypond_external_ref; $default_external_href = $Texi2HTML::Config::external_href; $Texi2HTML::Config::external_href = \&lilypond_external_href; $default_toc_body = $Texi2HTML::Config::toc_body; $Texi2HTML::Config::toc_body = \&lilypond_toc_body; $Texi2HTML::Config::css_lines = \&lilypond_css_lines; $default_unknown = $Texi2HTML::Config::unknown; $Texi2HTML::Config::unknown = \&lilypond_unknown; $default_print_page_head = $Texi2HTML::Config::print_page_head; $Texi2HTML::Config::print_page_head = \&lilypond_print_page_head; # $Texi2HTML::Config::foot_line_and_ref = \&lilypond_foot_line_and_ref; $Texi2HTML::Config::foot_line_and_ref = \&makeinfo_like_foot_line_and_ref; $Texi2HTML::Config::foot_lines = \&makeinfo_like_foot_lines; $Texi2HTML::Config::paragraph = \&makeinfo_like_paragraph; # Examples should be formatted similar to quotes: $Texi2HTML::Config::complex_format_map->{'example'} = { 'begin' => q{"

"}, 'end' => q{"
\n"}, 'style' => 'code', }; %Texi2HTML::config::misc_pages_targets = ( 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'About' => 'About' ); my @section_to_filename; ############################################################################# ### DEBUGGING ############################################################################# use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 2; sub print_element_info($) { my $element = shift; print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; print "Element: $element\n"; print Dumper($element); } ############################################################################# ### HELPER FUNCTIONS ############################################################################# # only lc() the last portion of an href sub lc_last($) { my $href = shift; my @hrefsplit = split('/', $href); # change the last portion (the filename), if it exists if ($#array > 0) { @hrefsplit[$#array] = lc( @hrefsplit[$#array] ); $href = join("/", @hrefsplit); } return $href; } # Convert a given node name to its proper file name (normalization as explained # in the texinfo manual: # http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/manual/texinfo/html_node/HTML-Xref-Node-Name-Expansion.html sub texinfo_file_name($) { my $text = shift; my $result = ''; # File name normalization by texinfo: # 1/2: letters and numbers are left unchanged # 3/4: multiple, leading and trailing whitespace is removed $text = main::normalise_space($text); # 5/6: all remaining spaces are converted to '-', all other 7- or 8-bit # chars are replaced by _xxxx (xxxx=ascii character code) while ($text ne '') { if ($text =~ s/^([A-Za-z0-9]+)//o) { # number or letter stay unchanged $result .= $1; } elsif ($text =~ s/^ //o) { # space -> '-' $result .= '-'; } elsif ($text =~ s/^(.)//o) { # Otherwise use _xxxx (ascii char code) my $ccode = ord($1); if ( $ccode <= 0xFFFF ) { $result .= sprintf("_%04x", $ccode); } else { $result .= sprintf("__%06x", $ccode); } } } # 7: if name does not begin with a letter, prepend 't_g' (so it starts with a letter) if ($result !~ /^[a-zA-Z]/) { $result = 't_g' . $result; } # DONE return lc_last($result) } # Load a file containing a nodename<=>filename map (tab-sepatared, i.e. # NODENAME\tFILENAME\tANCHOR # Returns a ref to a hash "Node title" => ["FilenameWithoutExt", "Anchor"] sub load_map_file ($) { my $mapfile = shift; my $node_map = (); # For some unknown reason, Perl on my system (5.10.0 on Fedora 12) # refuses to open map files of translated documents with # '<:encoding(utf8)', but decoding from UTF-8 line by line works. -jm if (open(XREFFILE,'<', $mapfile)) { my $line; # print STDERR "*** PRINTING MAP FILE LINES ***\n"; while ( $line = decode ('UTF-8', ) ) { # parse the tab-separated entries and insert them into the map: chomp($line); my @entries = split(/\t/, $line); if (scalar (@entries) == 3) { $node_map->{$entries[0]} = [$entries[1], $entries[2]]; $, = " "; # print STDERR @entries; # print STDERR "\n"; } else { print STDERR "Invalid entry in the node file $mapfile: $line\n"; } } close (XREFFILE); } else { print STDERR "WARNING: Unable to load the map file $mapfile\n"; } return $node_map; } # Split the given path into dir and basename (with .texi removed). Used mainly # to get the path/basename of the original texi input file sub split_texi_filename ($) { my $docu = shift; my ($docu_dir, $docu_name); if ($docu =~ /(.*\/)/) { chop($docu_dir = $1); $docu_name = $docu; $docu_name =~ s/.*\///; } else { $docu_dir = '.'; $docu_name = $docu; } $docu_name =~ s/\.te?x(i|info)?$//; return ($docu_dir, $docu_name); } ############################################################################# ### CSS HANDLING ############################################################################# # Include our standard CSS file, not hard-coded CSS code directly in the HTML! # For IE, conditionally include the lilypond-ie-fixes.css style sheet sub lilypond_css_lines ($$) { my $import_lines = shift; my $rule_lines = shift; return if (defined($Texi2HTML::THISDOC{'CSS_LINES'})); if (@$rule_lines or @$import_lines) { $Texi2HTML::THISDOC{'CSS_LINES'} = "\n"; } foreach my $ref (@CSS_REFS) { $Texi2HTML::THISDOC{'CSS_LINES'} .= "{TITLE}\" href=\"$ref->{FILENAME}\">\n"; } foreach my $ref (@Texi2HTML::Config::ALT_CSS_REFS) { $Texi2HTML::THISDOC{'CSS_LINES'} .= "{FILENAME}\" title=\"$ref->{TITLE}\">\n"; } # FIXME: the website doesn't use ie7-specific fixes; do the # docs still need this? -gp $Texi2HTML::THISDOC{'CSS_LINES'} .= "\n"; } ############################################################################# ### SPLITTING BASED ON NUMBERED SECTIONS ############################################################################# my $lastfilename; my $docnr = 0; my $node_to_filename_map = (); # This function makes sure that files are only generated for numbered sections, # but not for unnumbered ones. It is called after texi2html has done its own # splitting and simply returns the filename for the node given as first argument # Nodes with the same filename will be printed out to the same filename, so # this really all we need. Also, make sure that the file names for sections # are derived from the section title. We also might want to name the anchors # according to node titles, which works by simply overriding the id element of # the $element hash. # If an external nodename<=>filename/anchor map file is found (loaded in # the command handler, use the externally created values, otherwise use the # same logic here. sub lilypond_element_file_name($$$) { my $element = shift; my $type = shift; my $docu_name = shift; my $docu_ext = $Texi2HTML::Config::EXTENSION; my $node_name = main::remove_texi($element->{'node_ref'}->{'texi'}); # the snippets page does not use nodes for the snippets, so in this case # we'll have to use the section name! if ($node_name eq '') { $node_name = main::remove_texi($element->{'texi'}); } # If we have an entry in the section<=>filename map, use that one, otherwise # generate the filename/anchor here. In the latter case, external manuals # will not be able to retrieve the file name for xrefs!!! Still, I already # had that code, so I'll leave it in in case something goes wrong with the # extract_texi_filenames.py script in the lilypond build process! if (exists ($node_to_filename_map->{$node_name})) { (my $filename, my $anchor) = @{$node_to_filename_map->{$node_name}}; $filename .= ".$docu_ext" if (defined($docu_ext)); $filename = lc_last($filename); # unnumbered sections (except those at top-level!) always go to the same # file as the previous numbered section if (not ($web_manual) and not ($element->{number}) and not ($lastfilename eq '') and ($element->{level} > 1)) { $filename = $lastfilename; } if (($filename eq $lastfilename)) { $$element{doc_nr} = $docnr; } else { $docnr += 1; $$element{doc_nr} = $docnr; $lastfilename = $filename; } print STDERR "Output file name: $filename\n"; return $filename; } elsif ($type eq "top" or $type eq "toc" or $type eq "doc" or $type eq "stoc" or $type eq "foot" or $type eq "about") { return; } else { print STDERR "WARNING: Node '$node_name' was NOT found in the map\n" unless ($node_name eq '') or ($element->{'tag'} eq 'unnumberedsec') or ($node_name =~ /NOT REALLY USED/); # Numbered sections will get a filename Node_title, unnumbered sections will use # the file name of the previous numbered section: if (($element->{number}) or ($lastfilename eq '') or ($element->{level} == 1)) { # normalize to the same file name as texinfo if ($element->{translationof}) { $node_name = main::remove_texi($element->{translationof}); } my $filename = texinfo_file_name($node_name); $filename .= ".$docu_ext" if (defined($docu_ext)); $filename = lc_last($filename); $docnr += 1; $$element{doc_nr} = $docnr; $lastfilename = $filename; print STDERR "File name: $filename\n"; return $filename; } else { $$element{doc_nr} = $docnr; $filename = lc_last($filename); print STDERR "File name: $filename\n"; return $filename; } } return; } sub lilypond_element_target_name($$$) { my $element = shift; my $target = shift; my $id = shift; # Target is based on node name (or sec name for secs without node attached) my $node_name = main::remove_texi($element->{'node_ref'}->{'texi'}); if ($node_name eq '') { $node_name = main::remove_texi($element->{'texi'}); } # If we have an entry in the section<=>filename map, use that one, otherwise # generate the anchor here. if (exists ($node_to_filename_map->{$node_name})) { (my $filename, $target) = @{$node_to_filename_map->{$node_name}}; } else { my $anchor = $node_name; if ($element->{translationof}) { $anchor = main::remove_texi($element->{translationof}); } # normalize to the same file name as texinfo $target = texinfo_file_name($anchor); } # TODO: Once texi2html correctly prints out the target and not the id for # the sections, change this back to ($id, $target) # I don't understand this comment, so I'm reluctant to delete it -gp $target = lc_last($target); if ($target eq lc_last($id)) { $id = ""; } else { $id = substr($id, 0, - 2); # remove the "-1" } return ($id, $target); } ## Load the map file for the corrently processed texi file. We do this # using a command init handler, since texi2html does not have any # other hooks that are called after THISDOC is filled but before phase 2 # of the texi2html conversion. sub lilypond_init_map () { my ($docu_dir, $docu_name) = split_texi_filename ($Texi2HTML::THISDOC{'input_file_name'}); my $map_filename = main::locate_include_file ("${docu_name}.$Texi2HTML::THISDOC{current_lang}.xref-map") || main::locate_include_file ("${docu_name}.xref-map"); print STDERR "Map filename is: $map_filename\nDocu name is $docu_name\n"; if ($docu_name eq 'web') { $web_manual = 1; web_settings(); } $node_to_filename_map = load_map_file ($map_filename); } push @Texi2HTML::Config::command_handler_init, \&lilypond_init_map; ############################################################################# ### CLEANER LINK TITLE FOR EXTERNAL REFS ############################################################################# # The default formatting of external refs returns e.g. # "(lilypond-internals)Timing_translator", so we remove all (...) from the # file_and_node argument. Also, we want only a very simple format, so we don't # even call the default handler! sub lilypond_external_ref($$$$$$) { my $type = shift; my $section = shift; my $book = shift; my $file_node = shift; my $href = shift; $href = lc_last($href); my $cross_ref = shift; my $displaytext = ''; # 1) if we have a cross ref name, that's the text to be displayed: # 2) For the top node, use the (printable) name of the manual, unless we # have an explicit cross ref name # 3) In all other cases use the section name if ($cross_ref ne '') { $displaytext = $cross_ref; } elsif (($section eq '') or ($section eq 'Top')) { $displaytext = $book; } else { $displaytext = $section; } $displaytext = &$anchor('', $href, $displaytext) if ($displaytext ne ''); return &$I('%{node_file_href}', { 'node_file_href' => $displaytext }); } ############################################################################# ### HANDLING TRANSLATED SECTIONS: handle @translationof, secname<->filename ### map stored on disk, xrefs in other manuals load that map ############################################################################# # Try to make use of @translationof to generate files according to the original # English section title... sub lilypond_unknown($$$$$) { my $macro = shift; my $line = shift; my $pass = shift; my $stack = shift; my $state = shift; # the @translationof macro provides the original English section title, # which should be used for file/anchor naming, while the title will be # translated to each language # It is already used by extract_texi_filenames.py, so this should not be # necessary here at all. Still, I'll leave the code in just in case the # python script messed up ;-) if ($pass == 1 and $macro eq "translationof") { if (ref($state->{'element'}) eq 'HASH') { $state->{'element'}->{'translationof'} = main::normalise_space($line); } return ('', 1, undef, undef); } else { return &$default_unknown($macro, $line, $pass, $stack, $state); } } my %translated_books = (); # Construct a href to an external source of information. # node is the node with texinfo @-commands # node_id is the node transliterated and transformed as explained in the # texinfo manual # node_xhtml_id is the node transformed such that it is unique and can # be used to make an html cross ref as explained in the texinfo manual # file is the file in '(file)node' sub lilypond_external_href($$$) { my $node = shift; my $node_id = shift; my $node_hxmlt_id = shift; my $file = shift; # 1) Keep a hash of book->section_map # 2) if not file in keys hash => try to load the map (assign empty map if # non-existent => will load only once!) # 3) if node in the section=>(file, anchor) map, replace node_id and # node_xhtml_id by the map's values # 4) call the default_external_href with these values (or the old ones if not found) if (($node_id ne '') and defined($file) and ($node_id ne 'Top')) { my $map_name = $file; $map_name =~ s/-big-page//; # Load the map if we haven't done so already if (!exists($translated_books{$map_name})) { my ($docu_dir, $docu_name) = split_texi_filename ($Texi2HTML::THISDOC{'input_file_name'}); my $map_filename = main::locate_include_file ("${map_name}.$Texi2HTML::THISDOC{current_lang}.xref-map") || main::locate_include_file ("${map_name}.xref-map"); $translated_books{$map_name} = load_map_file ($map_filename); } # look up translation. use these values instead of the old filename/anchor my $section_name_map = $translated_books{$map_name}; my $node_text = main::remove_texi($node); if (defined($section_name_map->{$node_text})) { ($node_id, $node_hxmlt_id) = @{$section_name_map->{$node_text}}; } else { print STDERR "WARNING: Unable to find node '$node_text' in book $map_name.\n"; } } if (defined $file) { $href = &$default_external_href($node, $node_id, $node_hxmlt_id, lc_last($file)); remove_unneeded_anchor($href); # TODO: very yucky, but will be fixed in issue 1004 if ($web_manual) { my $only_web = $ENV{ONLY_WEB}; if ($only_web) { $href = "../../doc/v2.13/Documentation/web/".$href; } } return $href; } else { $href = &$default_external_href($node, $node_id, $node_hxmlt_id); remove_unneeded_anchor($href); return $href; } } sub remove_unneeded_anchor($) { my $ref = shift; my @hrefsplit = split("/", $href); for ($i = 0; $i < @hrefsplit; $i++) { $item = @hrefsplit[$i]; if ($item =~ /#/) { @splitted = split("#", $item); if (@splitted[0] == @splitted[1]) { @hrefsplit[$i] = @splitted[0] } } } $href = join("/", @hrefsplit); return $href } ############################################################################# ### CUSTOM TOC FOR EACH PAGE (in a frame on the left) ############################################################################# my $page_toc_depth = 2; my @default_toc = []; # Initialize the toc_depth to 1 if the command-line option -D=short_toc is given sub lilypond_init_toc_depth () { if (exists($main::value{'short_toc'}) and not exists($main::value{'bigpage'}) and not $web_manual) { $page_toc_depth = 1; } } # Set the TOC-depth (depending on a texinfo variable short_toc) in a # command-handler, so we have them available when creating the pages push @Texi2HTML::Config::command_handler_process, \&lilypond_init_toc_depth; # recursively generate the TOC entries for the element and its children (which # are only shown up to maxlevel. All ancestors of the current element are also # shown with their immediate children, irrespective of their level. # Unnumbered entries are only printed out if they are at top-level or 2nd level # or their parent element is an ancestor of the currently viewed node. # The conditions to call this method to print the entry for a child node is: # -) the parent is an ancestor of the current page node # -) the parent is a numbered element at top-level toplevel (i.e. show numbered # and unnumbered 2nd-level children of numbered nodes) # -) the child element is a numbered node below level maxlevel sub generate_ly_toc_entries($$$$$) { my $element = shift; my $element_path = shift; my $maxlevel = shift; if ($web_manual) { $maxlevel = 1; } my $child_count = shift; my $current_element = shift; # Skip undefined sections, plus all sections generated by index splitting return() if (not defined($element) or exists($element->{'index_page'})); my @result = (); my $level = $element->{'toc_level'}; my $is_parent_of_current = $element->{'id'} && $element_path->{$element->{'id'}}; my $ind = ' ' x $level; my $this_css_class = " class=\""; # color indices for the second navigation bar on the website if ($web_manual) { my %color_maps = ( 'introduction' => [2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4], 'download' => [2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4], 'manuals' => [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4], 'community' => [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3], ); my $addColor = "colorDefault"; while (($top_section, $color_indices) = each %color_maps) { if (index ($element->{'sectionup'}->{'file'}, $top_section) >= 0) { $addColor = "color" . $color_indices->[$child_count]; } } $this_css_class .= $addColor; } $this_css_class .= $is_parent_of_current ? ' toc_current"' : '"'; my $entry = "$ind" . &$anchor ($element->{'tocid'}, "$element->{'file'}#$element->{'target'}", $element->{'text'}); push (@result, $entry); my $children = $element->{'section_childs'}; if (defined($children) and (ref($children) eq "ARRAY")) { my $force_children = $is_parent_of_current or ($level == 1 and $element->{'number'}); my @child_result = (); my $sub_child_count = 0; foreach my $c (@$children) { my $is_numbered_child = defined ($c->{'number'}); my $below_maxlevel = $c->{'toc_level'} le $maxlevel; if ($force_children or ($is_numbered_child and $below_maxlevel)) { my @child_res = generate_ly_toc_entries($c, $element_path, $maxlevel, $sub_child_count, $current_element); push (@child_result, @child_res); $sub_child_count += 1; } } # if no child nodes were generated, e.g. for the index, where expanded pages # are ignored, don't generate a list at all... if (@child_result) { push (@result, "\n$ind\n"); if ($web_manual) { push (@result, "$ind
  • {'text'} eq $current_element->{'text'} ? ' toc_current">' : '">') . &$anchor ($element->{'tocid'}, "$element->{'file'}#$element->{'target'}", $element->{'text'}) . "
  • \n"); } push (@result, @child_result); push (@result, "$ind\n"); } } push (@result, "$ind\n"); return @result; } # Print a customized TOC, containing only the first two levels plus the whole # path to the current page sub lilypond_generate_page_toc_body($) { my $element = shift; my $current_element = $element; my %parentelements; $parentelements{$element->{'id'}} = 1; # Find the path to the current element while ( defined($current_element->{'sectionup'}) and ($current_element->{'sectionup'} ne $current_element) ) { $parentelements{$current_element->{'sectionup'}->{'id'}} = 1 if ($current_element->{'sectionup'}->{'id'} ne ''); $current_element = $current_element->{'sectionup'}; if ($web_manual) { if (exists($main::value{'shallow_toc'})) { last; } } } return () if not defined($current_element); # Create the toc entries recursively my @toc_entries = ""; if ($web_manual) { @toc_entries = "\n"; # FIXME: add link to main page, really hackily. if ($element->{'sectionup'}) { # it's not the top element push (@toc_entries, "
  • Main
  • \n"); } else { push (@toc_entries, "
  • Main
  • \n"); } } else { push (@toc_entries, "
    \n"); push (@toc_entries, "\n"); } my $children = $current_element->{'section_childs'}; foreach ( @$children ) { push (@toc_entries, generate_ly_toc_entries($_, \%parentelements, $page_toc_depth, 0, $element)); } # search box local $/=undef; my $name = "search-box"; $lang = $Texi2HTML::THISDOC{current_lang}; open FILE, "$ENV{TOP_SRC_DIR}/Documentation/$lang/$name.ihtml" or open FILE, "$ENV{TOP_SRC_DIR}/Documentation/$name.ihtml" or die "no such file: $name.ihtml: $!"; my $search_string = decode ('UTF-8', ); $search_string = "
  • \n" . $search_string . "
  • \n"; push (@toc_entries, $search_string); close FILE; push (@toc_entries, "\n"); if ($web_manual) { push (@toc_entries, "\n"); } else { push (@toc_entries, "
    \n"); } return @toc_entries; } sub lilypond_print_toc_div ($$) { my $fh = shift; my $tocref = shift; my @lines = @$tocref; # use default TOC if no custom lines have been generated @lines = @default_toc if (not @lines); if (@lines) { print $fh "\n\n
    \n"; # Remove the leading "GNU LilyPond --- " from the manual title my $topname = $Texi2HTML::NAME{'Top'}; $topname =~ s/^GNU LilyPond(:| &[mn]dash;) //; # construct the top-level Docs index (relative path and including language!) my $lang = $Texi2HTML::THISDOC{current_lang}; if ($lang and $lang ne "en") { $lang .= "."; } else { $lang = ""; } my $reldir = $ENV{DEPTH}; my $uplink = $reldir."/Documentation/web/manuals.${lang}html"; if (not $web_manual) { print $fh "

    << " . &ly_get_string ('Back to Documentation Index') . "

    \n"; print $fh '

    ' . &$anchor('', $Texi2HTML::HREF{'Top'}, $topname, 'title="Start of the manual"' ) . "

    \n"; } foreach my $line (@lines) { print $fh $line; } print $fh "
    \n\n"; } } # Create the custom TOC for this page (partially folded, current page is # highlighted) and store it in a global variable. The TOC is written out after # the html contents (but positioned correctly using CSS), so that browsers with # css turned off still show the contents first. our @this_page_toc = (); sub lilypond_print_element_header { my $first_in_page = shift; my $previous_is_top = shift; if ($first_in_page and not @this_page_toc) { if (defined($Texi2HTML::THIS_ELEMENT)) { # Create the TOC for this page @this_page_toc = lilypond_generate_page_toc_body($Texi2HTML::THIS_ELEMENT); } } return &$default_print_element_header( $first_in_page, $previous_is_top); } # Generate the HTML output for the TOC sub lilypond_toc_body($) { my $elements_list = shift; # Generate a default TOC for pages without THIS_ELEMENT @default_toc = lilypond_generate_page_toc_body(@$elements_list[0]); return &$default_toc_body($elements_list); } # Print out the TOC in a
    at the beginning of the page sub lilypond_print_page_head($) { my $fh = shift; &$default_print_page_head($fh); print $fh "
    \n"; } # Print out the TOC in a
    at the end of th page, which will be formatted as a # sidebar mimicking a TOC frame sub print_lilypond_page_foot($) { my $fh = shift; my $program_string = &$program_string(); # print $fh "


    \n"; print $fh "\n\n"; print $fh "\n
    \n\n"; if ($web_manual) { # FIXME: This div and p#languages need to be in div#footer. # Should we move this div to postprocess_html.py ? print $fh "
    \n"; print $fh "


    \n"; # FIXME: inlined text substitution, move to ly_get_string as soon as another case is needed my $webdev_link = "webdev.nl"; my $lily_site = "lilypond.org"; my $hosting_thanks = &ly_get_string ('

    Thanks to ${webdev_link} for hosting ${lily_site}.'); # this does the variable substitution ("quoting" in Perlish) after the localization $hosting_thanks =~ s/(\$\{\w+\})/$1/eeg; print $fh $hosting_thanks . "\n"; print $fh "\n"; print $fh "\"Valid

    \n"; print $fh "
    "; } # Print the TOC frame and reset the TOC: lilypond_print_toc_div ($fh, \@this_page_toc); @this_page_toc = (); # Close the page: print $fh "\n\n"; } ############################################################################# ### NICER / MORE FLEXIBLE NAVIGATION PANELS ############################################################################# sub get_navigation_text { my $button = shift; my $text = $NAVIGATION_TEXT{$button}; if ( ($button eq 'Back') or ($button eq 'FastBack') ) { $text = $text . $Texi2HTML::NODE{$button} . " "; } elsif ( ($button eq 'Forward') or ($button eq 'FastForward') ) { $text = " " . $Texi2HTML::NODE{$button} . $text; } elsif ( $button eq 'Up' ) { $text = " ".$text.": " . $Texi2HTML::NODE{$button} . " "; } return $text; } # Don't automatically create left-aligned table cells for every link, but # instead create a only on an appropriate '(left|right|center)-aligned-cell-n' # button text. It's alignment as well as the colspan will be taken from the # name of the button. Also, add 'newline' button text to create a new table # row. The texts of the buttons are generated by get_navigation_text and # will contain the name of the next/previous section/chapter. sub lilypond_print_navigation { my $buttons = shift; my $vertical = shift; my $spacing = 1; my $result = "\n"; $result .= "" unless $vertical; my $beginofline = 1; foreach my $button (@$buttons) { $result .= qq{\n} if $vertical; # Allow (left|right|center)-aligned-cell and newline as buttons! if ( $button =~ /^(.*)-aligned-cell-(.*)$/ ) { $result .= qq{} unless $beginofline; $result .= qq{} unless $beginofline; $result .= qq{}; $result .= qq{}; $beginofline = 1; } elsif (ref($button) eq 'CODE') { $result .= &$button($vertical); } elsif (ref($button) eq 'SCALAR') { $result .= "$$button" if defined($$button); } elsif (ref($button) eq 'ARRAY') { my $text = $button->[1]; my $button_href = $button->[0]; # verify that $button_href is simple text and text is a reference if (defined($button_href) and !ref($button_href) and defined($text) and (ref($text) eq 'SCALAR') and defined($$text)) { # use given text if ($Texi2HTML::HREF{$button_href}) { my $anchor_attributes = ''; if ($USE_ACCESSKEY and (defined($BUTTONS_ACCESSKEY{$button_href})) and ($BUTTONS_ACCESSKEY{$button_href} ne '')) { $anchor_attributes = "accesskey=\"$BUTTONS_ACCESSKEY{$button_href}\""; } if ($USE_REL_REV and (defined($BUTTONS_REL{$button_href})) and ($BUTTONS_REL{$button_href} ne '')) { $anchor_attributes .= " rel=\"$BUTTONS_REL{$button_href}\""; } $result .= "" . &$anchor('', $Texi2HTML::HREF{$button_href}, get_navigation_text($$text), $anchor_attributes ); } else { $result .= get_navigation_text($$text); } } } elsif ($button eq ' ') { # handle space button $result .= ($ICONS && $ACTIVE_ICONS{' '}) ? &$button_icon_img($BUTTONS_NAME{$button}, $ACTIVE_ICONS{' '}) : $NAVIGATION_TEXT{' '}; #next; } elsif ($Texi2HTML::HREF{$button}) { # button is active my $btitle = $BUTTONS_GOTO{$button} ? 'title="' . $BUTTONS_GOTO{$button} . '"' : ''; if ($USE_ACCESSKEY and (defined($BUTTONS_ACCESSKEY{$button})) and ($BUTTONS_ACCESSKEY{$button} ne '')) { $btitle .= " accesskey=\"$BUTTONS_ACCESSKEY{$button}\""; } if ($USE_REL_REV and (defined($BUTTONS_REL{$button})) and ($BUTTONS_REL{$button} ne '')) { $btitle .= " rel=\"$BUTTONS_REL{$button}\""; } if ($ICONS && $ACTIVE_ICONS{$button}) { # use icon $result .= '' . &$anchor('', $Texi2HTML::HREF{$button}, &$button_icon_img($BUTTONS_NAME{$button}, $ACTIVE_ICONS{$button}, $Texi2HTML::SIMPLE_TEXT{$button}), $btitle ); } else { # use text $result .= '[' . &$anchor('', $Texi2HTML::HREF{$button}, get_navigation_text($button), $btitle ) . ']'; } } else { # button is passive $result .= $ICONS && $PASSIVE_ICONS{$button} ? &$button_icon_img($BUTTONS_NAME{$button}, $PASSIVE_ICONS{$button}, $Texi2HTML::SIMPLE_TEXT{$button}) : "[" . get_navigation_text($button) . "]"; } $result .= "\n" if $vertical; $result .= "\n" if $vertical; } $result .= "" unless $beginofline; $result .= "" unless $vertical; $result .= "
    }; $beginofline = 0; } elsif ( $button eq 'newline' ) { $result .= qq{
    \n"; if ($web_manual) { return "\n"; } else { return $result; } } @Texi2HTML::Config::SECTION_BUTTONS = ('left-aligned-cell-1', 'FastBack', 'center-aligned-cell-3', 'Top', 'Contents', 'Index', 'About', 'right-aligned-cell-1', 'FastForward', 'newline', 'left-aligned-cell-2', 'Back', 'center-aligned-cell-1', 'Up', 'right-aligned-cell-2', 'Forward' ); # buttons for misc stuff @Texi2HTML::Config::MISC_BUTTONS = ('center-aligned-cell-3', 'Top', 'Contents', 'Index', 'About'); # buttons for chapter file footers # (and headers but only if SECTION_NAVIGATION is false) @Texi2HTML::Config::CHAPTER_BUTTONS = ('left-aligned-cell-1', 'FastBack', 'center-aligned-cell-3', 'Top', 'Contents', 'Index', 'About', 'right-aligned-cell-1', 'FastForward', ); # buttons for section file footers @Texi2HTML::Config::SECTION_FOOTER_BUTTONS = ('left-aligned-cell-1', 'FastBack', 'center-aligned-cell-3', 'Top', 'Contents', 'Index', 'About', 'right-aligned-cell-1', 'FastForward', 'newline', 'left-aligned-cell-2', 'Back', 'center-aligned-cell-1', 'Up', 'right-aligned-cell-2', 'Forward' ); @Texi2HTML::Config::NODE_FOOTER_BUTTONS = ('left-aligned-cell-1', 'FastBack', 'center-aligned-cell-3', 'Top', 'Contents', 'Index', 'About', 'right-aligned-cell-1', 'FastForward', 'newline', 'left-aligned-cell-2', 'Back', 'center-aligned-cell-1', 'Up', 'right-aligned-cell-2', 'Forward' ); ############################################################################# ### FOOTNOTE FORMATTING ############################################################################# # Format footnotes in a nicer way: Instead of printing the number in a separate # (nr) heading line, use the standard way of prepending nr immediately # before the fn text. # The following code is copied from texi2html's examples/makeinfo.init and # should be updated when texi2html makes some changes there! my $makekinfo_like_footnote_absolute_number = 0; sub makeinfo_like_foot_line_and_ref($$$$$$$$) { my $foot_num = shift; my $relative_num = shift; my $footid = shift; my $docid = shift; my $from_file = shift; my $footnote_file = shift; my $lines = shift; my $state = shift; $makekinfo_like_footnote_absolute_number++; # this is a bit obscure, this allows to add an anchor only if formatted # as part of the document. $docid = '' if ($state->{'outside_document'} or $state->{'multiple_pass'}); if ($from_file eq $footnote_file) { $from_file = $footnote_file = ''; } my $foot_anchor = "" . &$anchor($docid, "$footnote_file#$footid", $relative_num) . ""; $foot_anchor = &$anchor($docid, "$footnote_file#$footid", "($relative_num)") if ($state->{'preformatted'}); # unshift @$lines, "
  • "; # push @$lines, "
  • \n"; return ($lines, $foot_anchor); } sub makeinfo_like_foot_lines($) { my $lines = shift; unshift @$lines, "


    \n"; #
      \n"; # push @$lines, "
    "; return $lines; } my %makekinfo_like_paragraph_in_footnote_nr; sub makeinfo_like_paragraph ($$$$$$$$$$$$$) { my $text = shift; my $align = shift; my $indent = shift; my $paragraph_command = shift; my $paragraph_command_formatted = shift; my $paragraph_number = shift; my $format = shift; my $item_nr = shift; my $enumerate_style = shift; my $number = shift; my $command_stack_at_end = shift; my $command_stack_at_begin = shift; my $state = shift; #print STDERR "format: $format\n" if (defined($format)); #print STDERR "paragraph @$command_stack_at_end; @$command_stack_at_begin\n"; $paragraph_command_formatted = '' if (!defined($paragraph_command_formatted) or exists($special_list_commands{$format}->{$paragraph_command})); return '' if ($text =~ /^\s*$/); foreach my $style(t2h_collect_styles($command_stack_at_begin)) { $text = t2h_begin_style($style, $text); } foreach my $style(t2h_collect_styles($command_stack_at_end)) { $text = t2h_end_style($style, $text); } if (defined($paragraph_number) and defined($$paragraph_number)) { $$paragraph_number++; return $text if (($format eq 'itemize' or $format eq 'enumerate') and ($$paragraph_number == 1)); } my $open = '[0]) and $command_stack_at_begin->[0] eq 'footnote') { my $state = $Texi2HTML::THISDOC{'state'}; $makekinfo_like_paragraph_in_footnote_nr{$makekinfo_like_footnote_absolute_number}++; if ($makekinfo_like_paragraph_in_footnote_nr{$makekinfo_like_footnote_absolute_number} <= 1) { $open.=' class="footnote"'; my $document_file = $state->{'footnote_document_file'}; if ($document_file eq $state->{'footnote_footnote_file'}) { $document_file = ''; } my $docid = $state->{'footnote_place_id'}; my $doc_state = $state->{'footnote_document_state'}; $docid = '' if ($doc_state->{'outside_document'} or $doc_state->{'multiple_pass'}); my $foot_label = &$anchor($state->{'footnote_footnote_id'}, $document_file . "#$state->{'footnote_place_id'}", "$state->{'footnote_number_in_page'}"); $footnote_text = "[${foot_label}] "; } } return $open.'>'.$footnote_text.$text.'

    '; } ############################################################################# ### OTHER SETTINGS ############################################################################# # For split pages, use index.html as start page! if ($Texi2HTML::Config::SPLIT eq 'section' or $Texi2HTML::Config::SPLIT eq 'node') { $Texi2HTML::Config::TOP_FILE = 'index.html'; } return 1;