@c -*- coding: utf-8; mode: texinfo; -*- @ignore Translation of GIT committish: f77212d801fa4603bf596a19cecf5a068f1d9d85 When revising a translation, copy the HEAD committish of the version that you are working on. For details, see the Contributors' Guide, node Updating translation committishes.. @end ignore @c \version "2.16.0" @c Note: keep this node named so that `info lilypond-book' brings you here. @node lilypond-book @chapter A @command{lilypond-book} használata @translationof lilypond-book Amennyiben egy dokumentumba kottapéldákat szeretnénk beszúrni, megtehetjük, hogy azok képeit egyesével létrehozzuk a LilyPond segítségével PostScript vagy PNG formátumban, és mint bármilyen más képeket, beillesztjük azokat egy @LaTeX{} vagy HTML dokumentumba. A @command{lilypond-book} ennek a folyamatnak az automatizálására szolgál: ez a program kiszedi a LilyPond kódrészleteket egy dokumentumból, lefordítja őket a @command{lilypond} segítségével, és az így kapott képeket beilleszti az eredeti kódrészletek helyére. A kottakép méretei igazodnak a dokumentum elrendezéséhez. A @command{lilypond-book} egy különálló parancssori program; a parancssoros programok futtatásának módját a @ref{Parancssori használat} írja le bővebben. A @command{lilypond-book} jelenleg a @LaTeX{}, HTML, Texinfo és DocBook formátumokat támogatja. @cindex texinfo @cindex latex @cindex texinfo @cindex texi @cindex html @cindex docbook @cindex dokumentumok, kottapéldák @cindex HTML, kottapéldák @cindex Texinfo, kottapéldák @cindex DocBook, kottapéldák @cindex @LaTeX{}, kottapéldák @menu * Egy kottapéldákat tartalmazó dokumentum:: * Zene és szöveg integrációja:: * Kottapéldák paraméterei:: * A lilypond-book futtatása:: * Fájlkiterjesztések:: * lilypond-book sablonok:: * Közös tartalomjegyzék:: * További módszerek zene és szöveg kombinálására:: @end menu @node Egy kottapéldákat tartalmazó dokumentum @section Egy kottapéldákat tartalmazó dokumentum @translationof An example of a musicological document @cindex zenetudomány Bizonyos dokumentumok kottapéldákat tartalmaznak. Ezek között vannak zenetudományi értekezések, énekeskönyvek, vagy ehhez hasonló kézikönyvek. Ezeket úgy is el lehet készíteni, hogy a szövegbe beillesztjük a kottaábrákat. Azonban ahhoz, hogy ne kelljen minden egyes kottarészlet szedését külön elvégezni, a HTML, @LaTeX{}, Texinfo és DocBook formátumú dokumentumok esetén mód nyílik ennek automatizálására. Egy @code{lilypond-book} nevű parancsfájl a LilyPond nyelvén írt kódrészleteket szépen formázott kottapéldákká alakítja át. Íme egy rövid, magyarázatokkal ellátott @LaTeX{} példa. @subheading Bemenet @quotation @verbatim \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \begin{document} A \verb+lilypond-book+ segítségével feldolgozott dokumentumok kottapéldákat tartalmazhatnak. Például: \begin{lilypond} \relative c' { c2 e2 \times 2/3 { f8 a b } a2 e4 } \end{lilypond} A beállításokat szögletes zárójelbe kell tenni: \begin{lilypond}[fragment,quote,staffsize=26,verbatim] c'4 f16 \end{lilypond} A nagyobb kottapéldákat ki lehet emelni külön fájlba, majd beilleszteni őket a \verb+\lilypondfile+ paranccsal: \lilypondfile[quote,noindent]{screech-and-boink.ly} \end{document} @end verbatim @end quotation @subheading Feldolgozás A fenti dokumentumot egy @file{lilybook.lytex} nevű fájlba mentve futtassuk le a következő parancsokat: @c keep space after @version{} so TeX doesn't choke @example lilypond-book --output=out --pdf lilybook.lytex @emph{lilypond-book (GNU LilyPond) @version{} } @emph{Reading lilybook.lytex...} @emph{...} @emph{Compiling lilybook.tex...} cd out pdflatex lilybook @emph{...} xpdf lilybook @emph{(az @command{xpdf} helyére értelemszerűen tetszőleges PDF-nézegető kerülhet)} @end example A @command{lilypond-book} és a @command{latex} rengeteg ideiglenes fájlt hoznak létre. Annak érdekében, hogy ezek külön alkönyvtárba kerüljenek, a @code{--output=@var{alkönyvtár}} opciót kell megadni. Lent látható a fenti @LaTeX{} példa kimenete.@footnote{Ezt a dokumentumot a Texinfo generálta, így apró eltérések lehetnek.} Ezzel elsajátítottuk a lilypond-book használatának alapjait. @page @subheading Kimenet A @command{lilypond-book} segítségével feldolgozott dokumentumok kottapéldákat tartalmazhatnak. Például: @lilypond \relative c' { c2 e2 \times 2/3 { f8 a b } a2 e4 } @end lilypond A beállításokat szögletes zárójelbe kell tenni: @lilypond[fragment,quote,staffsize=26,verbatim] c'4 f16 @end lilypond A nagyobb kottapéldákat ki lehet emelni külön fájlba, majd beilleszteni őket a @code{\lilypondfile} paranccsal: @lilypondfile[quote,noindent]{screech-and-boink.ly} @page @node Zene és szöveg integrációja @section Zene és szöveg integrációja @translationof Integrating music and text @untranslated Here we explain how to integrate LilyPond with various output formats. @menu * LaTeX:: * Texinfo:: * HTML:: * DocBook:: @end menu @node LaTeX @subsection @LaTeX{} @untranslated @LaTeX{} is the de-facto standard for publishing layouts in the exact sciences. It is built on top of the @TeX{} typesetting engine, providing the best typography available anywhere. See @uref{http://@/www@/.ctan@/.org/@/tex@/-archive/@/info/@/lshort/@/english/, @emph{The Not So Short Introduction to @LaTeX{}}} for an overview on how to use @LaTeX{}. Music is entered using @example \begin@{lilypond@}[options,go,here] YOUR LILYPOND CODE \end@{lilypond@} @end example @noindent or @example \lilypondfile[options,go,here]@{@var{filename}@} @end example @noindent or @example \lilypond[options,go,here]@{ YOUR LILYPOND CODE @} @end example Additionally, @code{\lilypondversion} displays the current version of lilypond. Running @command{lilypond-book} yields a file that can be further processed with @LaTeX{}. We show some examples here. The @code{lilypond} environment @example \begin@{lilypond@}[quote,fragment,staffsize=26] c' d' e' f' g'2 g'2 \end@{lilypond@} @end example @noindent produces @lilypond[quote,fragment,staffsize=26] c' d' e' f' g'2 g'2 @end lilypond The short version @example \lilypond[quote,fragment,staffsize=11]@{@} @end example @noindent produces @lilypond[quote,fragment,staffsize=11]{} @noindent Currently, you cannot include @code{@{} or @code{@}} within @code{\lilypond@{@}}, so this command is only useful with the @code{fragment} option. The default line width of the music will be adjusted by examining the commands in the document preamble, the part of the document before @code{\begin@{document@}}. The @command{lilypond-book} command sends these to @LaTeX{} to find out how wide the text is. The line width for the music fragments is then adjusted to the text width. Note that this heuristic algorithm can fail easily; in such cases it is necessary to use the @code{line-width} music fragment option. @cindex titling and lilypond-book @cindex \header in @LaTeX{} documents Each snippet will call the following macros if they have been defined by the user: @itemize @bullet @item @code{\preLilyPondExample} called before the music, @item @code{\postLilyPondExample} called after the music, @item @code{\betweenLilyPondSystem[1]} is called between systems if @code{lilypond-book} has split the snippet into several PostScript files. It must be defined as taking one parameter and will be passed the number of files already included in this snippet. The default is to simply insert a @code{\linebreak}. @end itemize @ignore Broken stuff. :( @cindex Latex, feta symbols @cindex fetachar To include feta symbols (such as flat, segno, etc) in a LaTeX document, use @code{\input@{titledefs@}} @example \documentclass[a4paper]@{article@} \input@{titledefs@} \begin@{document@} \fetachar\fetasharp \end@{document@} @end example The font symbol names are defined in the file feta20.tex; to find the location of this file, use the command @example kpsewhich feta20.tex @end example @end ignore @snippets Sometimes it is useful to display music elements (such as ties and slurs) as if they continued after the end of the fragment. This can be done by breaking the staff and suppressing inclusion of the rest of the LilyPond output. In @LaTeX{}, define @code{\betweenLilyPondSystem} in such a way that inclusion of other systems is terminated once the required number of systems are included. Since @code{\betweenLilyPondSystem} is first called @emph{after} the first system, including only the first system is trivial. @example \def\betweenLilyPondSystem#1@{\endinput@} \begin@{lilypond@}[fragment] c'1\( e'( c'~ \break c' d) e f\) \end@{lilypond@} @end example If a greater number of systems is requested, a @TeX{} conditional must be used before the @code{\endinput}. In this example, replace @q{2} by the number of systems you want in the output. @example \def\betweenLilyPondSystem#1@{ \ifnum#1<2\else\expandafter\endinput\fi @} @end example @noindent (Since @code{\endinput} immediately stops the processing of the current input file we need @code{\expandafter} to delay the call of @code{\endinput} after executing @code{\fi} so that the @code{\if}-@code{\fi} clause is balanced.) Remember that the definition of @code{\betweenLilyPondSystem} is effective until @TeX{} quits the current group (such as the @LaTeX{} environment) or is overridden by another definition (which is, in most cases, for the rest of the document). To reset your definition, write @example \let\betweenLilyPondSystem\undefined @end example @noindent in your @LaTeX{} source. This may be simplified by defining a @TeX{} macro @example \def\onlyFirstNSystems#1@{ \def\betweenLilyPondSystem##1@{% \ifnum##1<#1\else\expandafter\endinput\fi@} @} @end example @noindent and then saying only how many systems you want before each fragment, @example \onlyFirstNSystems@{3@} \begin@{lilypond@}...\end@{lilypond@} \onlyFirstNSystems@{1@} \begin@{lilypond@}...\end@{lilypond@} @end example @seealso There are specific @command{lilypond-book} command line options and other details to know when processing @LaTeX{} documents, see @ref{Invoking lilypond-book}. @node Texinfo @subsection Texinfo @untranslated Texinfo is the standard format for documentation of the GNU project. An example of a Texinfo document is this manual. The HTML, PDF, and Info versions of the manual are made from the Texinfo document. In the input file, music is specified with @example @@lilypond[options,go,here] YOUR LILYPOND CODE @@end lilypond @end example @noindent or @example @@lilypond[options,go,here]@{ YOUR LILYPOND CODE @} @end example @noindent or @example @@lilypondfile[options,go,here]@{@var{filename}@} @end example Additionally, @code{@@lilypondversion} displays the current version of lilypond. When @command{lilypond-book} is run on it, this results in a Texinfo file (with extension @file{.texi}) containing @code{@@image} tags for HTML, Info and printed output. @command{lilypond-book} generates images of the music in EPS and PDF formats for use in the printed output, and in PNG format for use in HTML and Info output. We show two simple examples here. A @code{lilypond} environment @example @@lilypond[fragment] c' d' e' f' g'2 g' @@end lilypond @end example @noindent produces @lilypond[fragment] c' d' e' f' g'2 g' @end lilypond The short version @example @@lilypond[fragment,staffsize=11]@{@} @end example @noindent produces @lilypond[fragment,staffsize=11]{} Contrary to @LaTeX{}, @code{@@lilypond@{...@}} does not generate an in-line image. It always gets a paragraph of its own. @node HTML @subsection HTML @untranslated Music is entered using @example \key c \minor c4 es g2 @end example @noindent @command{lilypond-book} then produces an HTML file with appropriate image tags for the music fragments: @lilypond[fragment,relative=2] \key c \minor c4 es g2 @end lilypond For inline pictures, use @code{}, where the options are separated by a colon from the music, for example @example Some music in a line of text. @end example To include separate files, say @example @var{filename} @end example For a list of options to use with the @code{lilypond} or @code{lilypondfile} tags, see @ref{Music fragment options}. Additionally, @code{} displays the current version of lilypond. @cindex titling in HTML @cindex preview image @cindex thumbnail @node DocBook @subsection DocBook @untranslated For inserting LilyPond snippets it is good to keep the conformity of our DocBook document, thus allowing us to use DocBook editors, validation etc. So we don't use custom tags, only specify a convention based on the standard DocBook elements. @subheading Common conventions For inserting all type of snippets we use the @code{mediaobject} and @code{inlinemediaobject} element, so our snippets can be formatted inline or not inline. The snippet formatting options are always provided in the @code{role} property of the innermost element (see in next sections). Tags are chosen to allow DocBook editors format the content gracefully. The DocBook files to be processed with @command{lilypond-book} should have the extension @file{.lyxml}. @subheading Including a LilyPond file This is the most simple case. We must use the @file{.ly} extension for the included file, and insert it as a standard @code{imageobject}, with the following structure: @example @end example Note that you can use @code{mediaobject} or @code{inlinemediaobject} as the outermost element as you wish. @subheading Including LilyPond code Including LilyPond code is possible by using a @code{programlisting}, where the language is set to @code{lilypond} with the following structure: @example \context Staff \with @{ \remove Time_signature_engraver \remove Clef_engraver@} @{ c4( fis) @} @end example As you can see, the outermost element is a @code{mediaobject} or @code{inlinemediaobject}, and there is a @code{textobject} containing the @code{programlisting} inside. @subheading Processing the DocBook document Running @command{lilypond-book} on our @file{.lyxml} file will create a valid DocBook document to be further processed with @file{.xml} extension. If you use @uref{http://@/dblatex@/.sourceforge@/.net@/,dblatex}, it will create a PDF file from this document automatically. For HTML (HTML Help, JavaHelp etc.) generation you can use the official DocBook XSL stylesheets, however, it is possible that you have to make some customization for it. @node Kottapéldák paraméterei @section Kottapéldák paraméterei @translationof Music fragment options @untranslated In the following, a @q{LilyPond command} refers to any command described in the previous sections which is handled by @command{lilypond-book} to produce a music snippet. For simplicity, LilyPond commands are only shown in @LaTeX{} syntax. Note that the option string is parsed from left to right; if an option occurs multiple times, the last one is taken. The following options are available for LilyPond commands: @table @code @item staffsize=@var{ht} Set staff size to @var{ht}, which is measured in points. @item ragged-right Produce ragged-right lines with natural spacing, i.e., @code{ragged-right = ##t} is added to the LilyPond snippet. This is the default for the @code{\lilypond@{@}} command if no @code{line-width} option is present. It is also the default for the @code{lilypond} environment if the @code{fragment} option is set, and no line width is explicitly specified. @item noragged-right For single-line snippets, allow the staff length to be stretched to equal that of the line width, i.e., @code{ragged-right = ##f} is added to the LilyPond snippet. @item line-width @itemx line-width=@var{size}\@var{unit} Set line width to @var{size}, using @var{unit} as units. @var{unit} is one of the following strings: @code{cm}, @code{mm}, @code{in}, or @code{pt}. This option affects LilyPond output (this is, the staff length of the music snippet), not the text layout. If used without an argument, set line width to a default value (as computed with a heuristic algorithm). If no @code{line-width} option is given, @command{lilypond-book} tries to guess a default for @code{lilypond} environments which don't use the @code{ragged-right} option. @item notime Do not print the time signature, and turns off the timing (time signature, bar lines) in the score. @item fragment Make @command{lilypond-book} add some boilerplate code so that you can simply enter, say, @example c'4 @end example @noindent without @code{\layout}, @code{\score}, etc. @item nofragment Do not add additional code to complete LilyPond code in music snippets. Since this is the default, @code{nofragment} is redundant normally. @item indent=@var{size}\@var{unit} Set indentation of the first music system to @var{size}, using @var{unit} as units. @var{unit} is one of the following strings: @code{cm}, @code{mm}, @code{in}, or @code{pt}. This option affects LilyPond, not the text layout. @item noindent Set indentation of the first music system to zero. This option affects LilyPond, not the text layout. Since no indentation is the default, @code{noindent} is redundant normally. @item quote Reduce line length of a music snippet by @math{2*0.4}@dmn{in} and put the output into a quotation block. The value @q{0.4@dmn{in}} can be controlled with the @code{exampleindent} option. @item exampleindent Set the amount by which the @code{quote} option indents a music snippet. @item relative @itemx relative=@var{n} Use relative octave mode. By default, notes are specified relative to middle@tie{}C. The optional integer argument specifies the octave of the starting note, where the default @code{1} is middle C. @code{relative} option only works when @code{fragment} option is set, so @code{fragment} is automatically implied by @code{relative}, regardless of the presence of any @code{(no)fragment} option in the source. @end table LilyPond also uses @command{lilypond-book} to produce its own documentation. To do that, some more obscure music fragment options are available. @table @code @item verbatim The argument of a LilyPond command is copied to the output file and enclosed in a verbatim block, followed by any text given with the @code{intertext} option (not implemented yet); then the actual music is displayed. This option does not work well with @code{\lilypond@{@}} if it is part of a paragraph. If @code{verbatim} is used in a @code{lilypondfile} command, it is possible to enclose verbatim only a part of the source file. If the source file contain a comment containing @samp{begin verbatim} (without quotes), quoting the source in the verbatim block will start after the last occurrence of such a comment; similarly, quoting the source verbatim will stop just before the first occurrence of a comment containing @samp{end verbatim}, if there is any. In the following source file example, the music will be interpreted in relative mode, but the verbatim quote will not show the @code{relative} block, i.e. @example \relative c' @{ % begin verbatim c4 e2 g4 f2 e % end verbatim @} @end example @noindent will be printed with a verbatim block like @example c4 e2 g4 f2 e @end example @noindent If you would like to translate comments and variable names in verbatim output but not in the sources, you may set the environment variable @code{LYDOC_LOCALEDIR} to a directory path; the directory should contain a tree of @file{.mo} message catalogs with @code{lilypond-doc} as a domain. @item addversion (Only for Texinfo output.) Prepend line @code{\version @@w@{"@@version@{@}"@}} to @code{verbatim} output. @item texidoc (Only for Texinfo output.) If @command{lilypond} is called with the @option{--header=@/texidoc} option, and the file to be processed is called @file{foo.ly}, it creates a file @file{foo.texidoc} if there is a @code{texidoc} field in the @code{\header}. The @code{texidoc} option makes @command{lilypond-book} include such files, adding its contents as a documentation block right before the music snippet. Assuming the file @file{foo.ly} contains @example \header @{ texidoc = "This file demonstrates a single note." @} @{ c'4 @} @end example @noindent and we have this in our Texinfo document @file{test.texinfo} @example @@lilypondfile[texidoc]@{foo.ly@} @end example @noindent the following command line gives the expected result @example lilypond-book --pdf --process="lilypond \ -dbackend=eps --header=texidoc" test.texinfo @end example Most LilyPond test documents (in the @file{input} directory of the distribution) are small @file{.ly} files which look exactly like this. For localization purpose, if the Texinfo document contains @code{@@documentlanguage @var{LANG}} and @file{foo.ly} header contains a @code{texidoc@var{LANG}} field, and if @command{lilypond} is called with @option{--header=@/texidoc@var{LANG}}, then @file{foo.texidoc@var{LANG}} will be included instead of @file{foo.texidoc}. @item doctitle (Only for Texinfo output.) This option works similarly to @code{texidoc} option: if @command{lilypond} is called with the @option{--header=@/doctitle} option, and the file to be processed is called @file{foo.ly} and contains a @code{doctitle} field in the @code{\header}, it creates a file @file{foo.doctitle}. When @code{doctitle} option is used, the contents of @file{foo.doctitle}, which should be a single line of @var{text}, is inserted in the Texinfo document as @code{@@lydoctitle @var{text}}. @code{@@lydoctitle} should be a macro defined in the Texinfo document. The same remark about @code{texidoc} processing with localized languages also applies to @code{doctitle}. @item nogettext (Only for Texinfo output.) Do not translate comments and variable names in the snippet quoted verbatim. @item printfilename If a LilyPond input file is included with @code{\lilypondfile}, print the file name right before the music snippet. For HTML output, this is a link. Only the base name of the file is printed, i.e. the directory part of the file path is stripped. @end table @node A lilypond-book futtatása @section A @command{lilypond-book} futtatása @translationof Invoking lilypond-book @untranslated @command{lilypond-book} produces a file with one of the following extensions: @file{.tex}, @file{.texi}, @file{.html} or @file{.xml}, depending on the output format. All of @file{.tex}, @file{.texi} and @file{.xml} files need further processing. @subheading Format-specific instructions @subsubheading @LaTeX{} There are two ways of processing your @LaTeX{} document for printing or publishing: getting a PDF file directly with PDF@LaTeX{}, or getting a PostScript file with @LaTeX{} via a DVI to PostScript translator like @command{dvips}. The first way is simpler and recommended@footnote{Note that PDF@LaTeX{} and @LaTeX{} may not be both usable to compile any @LaTeX{} document, that is why we explain the two ways.}, and whichever way you use, you can easily convert between PostScript and PDF with tools, like @command{ps2pdf} and @command{pdf2ps} included in Ghostscript package. To produce a PDF file through PDF@LaTeX{}, use @example lilypond-book --pdf yourfile.lytex pdflatex yourfile.tex @end example @cindex outline fonts @cindex type1 fonts @cindex dvips @cindex invoking dvips To produce PDF output via @LaTeX{}/@command{dvips}/@command{ps2pdf}, you should do @example lilypond-book yourfile.lytex latex yourfile.tex dvips -Ppdf yourfile.dvi ps2pdf yourfile.ps @end example @noindent The @file{.dvi} file created by this process will not contain note heads. This is normal; if you follow the instructions, they will be included in the @file{.ps} and @file{.pdf} files. Running @command{dvips} may produce some warnings about fonts; these are harmless and may be ignored. If you are running @command{latex} in twocolumn mode, remember to add @code{-t landscape} to the @command{dvips} options. @subsubheading Texinfo To produce a Texinfo document (in any output format), follow the normal procedures for Texinfo; this is, either call @command{texi2pdf} or @command{texi2dvi} or @command{makeinfo}, depending on the output format you want to create. @ifinfo @xref{Format with texi2dvi, , , texinfo, GNU Texinfo}, and @ref{Creating an Info File, , , texinfo, GNU Texinfo}. @end ifinfo @ifnotinfo See the documentation of Texinfo for further details. @end ifnotinfo @subheading Command line options @command{lilypond-book} accepts the following command line options: @table @code @item -f @var{format} @itemx --format=@var{format} Specify the document type to process: @code{html}, @code{latex}, @code{texi} (the default) or @code{docbook}. If this option is missing, @command{lilypond-book} tries to detect the format automatically, see @ref{Filename extensions}. Currently, @code{texi} is the same as @code{texi-html}. @c This complicated detail is not implemented, comment it out -jm @ignore The @code{texi} document type produces a Texinfo file with music fragments in the printed output only. For getting images in the HTML version, the format @code{texi-html} must be used instead. @end ignore @item -F @var{filter} @itemx --filter=@var{filter} Pipe snippets through @var{filter}. @code{lilypond-book} will not --filter and --process at the same time. For example, @example lilypond-book --filter='convert-ly --from=2.0.0 -' my-book.tely @end example @item -h @itemx --help Print a short help message. @item -I @var{dir} @itemx --include=@var{dir} Add @var{dir} to the include path. @command{lilypond-book} also looks for already compiled snippets in the include path, and does not write them back to the output directory, so in some cases it is necessary to invoke further processing commands such as @command{makeinfo} or @command{latex} with the same @code{-I @var{dir}} options. @item -o @var{dir} @itemx --output=@var{dir} Place generated files in directory @var{dir}. Running @command{lilypond-book} generates lots of small files that LilyPond will process. To avoid all that garbage in the source directory, use the @option{--output} command line option, and change to that directory before running @command{latex} or @command{makeinfo}. @example lilypond-book --output=out yourfile.lytex cd out ... @end example @itemx --skip-lily-check Do not fail if no lilypond output is found. It is used for LilyPond Info documentation without images. @itemx --skip-png-check Do not fail if no PNG images are found for EPS files. It is used for LilyPond Info documentation without images. @itemx --lily-output-dir=@var{dir} Write lily-XXX files to directory @var{dir}, link into @code{--output} directory. Use this option to save building time for documents in different directories which share a lot of identical snippets. @itemx --info-images-dir=@var{dir} Format Texinfo output so that Info will look for images of music in @var{dir}. @itemx --latex-program=@var{prog} Run executable @command{prog} instead of @command{latex}. This is useful if your document is processed with @command{xelatex}, for example. @itemx --left-padding=@var{amount} Pad EPS boxes by this much. @var{amount} is measured in millimeters, and is 3.0 by default. This option should be used if the lines of music stick out of the right margin. The width of a tightly clipped system can vary, due to notation elements that stick into the left margin, such as bar numbers and instrument names. This option will shorten each line and move each line to the right by the same amount. @item -P @var{command} @itemx --process=@var{command} Process LilyPond snippets using @var{command}. The default command is @code{lilypond}. @code{lilypond-book} will not @code{--filter} and @code{--process} at the same time. @item --pdf Create PDF files for use with PDF@LaTeX{}. @itemx --use-source-file-names Write snippet output files with the same base name as their source file. This option works only for snippets included with @code{lilypondfile} and only if directories implied by @code{--output-dir} and @code{--lily-output-dir} options are different. @item -V @itemx --verbose Be verbose. @item -v @itemx --version Print version information. @end table @knownissues The Texinfo command @code{@@pagesizes} is not interpreted. Similarly, @LaTeX{} commands that change margins and line widths after the preamble are ignored. Only the first @code{\score} of a LilyPond block is processed. @node Fájlkiterjesztések @section Fájlkiterjesztések @translationof Filename extensions @untranslated You can use any filename extension for the input file, but if you do not use the recommended extension for a particular format you may need to manually specify the output format; for details, see @ref{Invoking lilypond-book}. Otherwise, @command{lilypond-book} automatically selects the output format based on the input filename's extension. @quotation @multitable @columnfractions .2 .5 @item @strong{extension} @tab @strong{output format} @item @item @file{.html} @tab HTML @item @file{.htmly} @tab HTML @item @file{.itely} @tab Texinfo @item @file{.latex} @tab @LaTeX{} @item @file{.lytex} @tab @LaTeX{} @item @file{.lyxml} @tab DocBook @item @file{.tely} @tab Texinfo @item @file{.tex} @tab @LaTeX{} @item @file{.texi} @tab Texinfo @item @file{.texinfo} @tab Texinfo @item @file{.xml} @tab HTML @end multitable @end quotation If you use the same filename extension for the input file than the extension @command{lilypond-book} uses for the output file, and if the input file is in the same directory as @command{lilypond-book} working directory, you must use @code{--output} option to make @command{lilypond-book} running, otherwise it will exit with an error message like @qq{Output would overwrite input file}. @node lilypond-book sablonok @section lilypond-book sablonok @translationof lilypond-book templates @untranslated These templates are for use with @code{lilypond-book}. If you're not familiar with this program, please refer to @ref{lilypond-book}. @subsection LaTeX You can include LilyPond fragments in a LaTeX document. @example \documentclass[]@{article@} \begin@{document@} Normal LaTeX text. \begin@{lilypond@} \relative c'' @{ a4 b c d @} \end@{lilypond@} More LaTeX text, and options in square brackets. \begin@{lilypond@}[fragment,relative=2,quote,staffsize=26,verbatim] d4 c b a \end@{lilypond@} \end@{document@} @end example @subsection Texinfo You can include LilyPond fragments in Texinfo; in fact, this entire manual is written in Texinfo. @example \input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*- @@node Top @@top Texinfo text @@lilypond \relative c' @{ a4 b c d @} @@end lilypond More Texinfo text, and options in brackets. @@lilypond[verbatim,fragment,ragged-right] d4 c b a @@end lilypond @@bye @end example @subsection html @example

Documents for lilypond-book may freely mix music and text. For example, \relative c'' @{ a4 b c d @}

Another bit of lilypond, this time with options: a4 b c d

@end example @subsection xelatex @verbatim \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ifxetex} \ifxetex %xetex specific stuff \usepackage{xunicode,fontspec,xltxtra} \setmainfont[Numbers=OldStyle]{Times New Roman} \setsansfont{Arial} \else %This can be empty if you are not going to use pdftex \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{mathptmx}%Times \usepackage{helvet}%Helvetica \fi %Here you can insert all packages that pdftex also understands \usepackage[ngerman,finnish,english]{babel} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \title{A short document with LilyPond and xelatex} \maketitle Normal \textbf{font} commands inside the \emph{text} work, because they \textsf{are supported by \LaTeX{} and XeteX.} If you want to use specific commands like \verb+\XeTeX+, you should include them again in a \verb+\ifxetex+ environment. You can use this to print the \ifxetex \XeTeX{} command \else XeTeX command \fi which is not known to normal \LaTeX . In normal text you can easily use LilyPond commands, like this: \begin{lilypond} {a2 b c'8 c' c' c'} \end{lilypond} \noindent and so on. The fonts of snippets set with LilyPond will have to be set from inside of the snippet. For this you should read the AU on how to use lilypond-book. \selectlanguage{ngerman} Auch Umlaute funktionieren ohne die \LaTeX -Befehle, wie auch alle anderen seltsamen Zeichen: __ ______, wenn sie von der Schriftart unterst__tzt werden. \end{document} @end verbatim @node Közös tartalomjegyzék @section Közös tartalomjegyzék @translationof Sharing the table of contents @untranslated These functions already exist in the OrchestralLily package: @example @url{http://repo.or.cz/w/orchestrallily.git} @end example For greater flexibility in text handling, some users prefer to export the table of contents from lilypond and read it into @LaTeX{}. @subsubheading Exporting the ToC from LilyPond This assumes that your score has multiple movements in the same lilypond output file. @smallexample #(define (oly:create-toc-file layout pages) (let* ((label-table (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'label-page-table))) (if (not (null? label-table)) (let* ((format-line (lambda (toc-item) (let* ((label (car toc-item)) (text (caddr toc-item)) (label-page (and (list? label-table) (assoc label label-table))) (page (and label-page (cdr label-page)))) (format #f "~a, section, 1, @{~a@}, ~a" page text label)))) (formatted-toc-items (map format-line (toc-items))) (whole-string (string-join formatted-toc-items ",\n")) (output-name (ly:parser-output-name parser)) (outfilename (format "~a.toc" output-name)) (outfile (open-output-file outfilename))) (if (output-port? outfile) (display whole-string outfile) (ly:warning (_ "Unable to open output file ~a for the TOC information") outfilename)) (close-output-port outfile))))) \paper @{ #(define (page-post-process layout pages) (oly:create-toc-file layout pages)) @} @end smallexample @subsubheading Importing the ToC into LaTeX In LaTeX, the header should include: @c no, this doesn't require the smallexample, but since the other @c two blocks on this page use it, I figured I might as well @c user it here as well, for consistency. -gp @smallexample \usepackage@{pdfpages@} \includescore@{nameofthescore@} @end smallexample @noindent where @code{\includescore} is defined as: @smallexample %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \includescore@{PossibleExtension@} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Read in the TOC entries for a PDF file from the corresponding .toc file. % This requires some heave latex tweaking, since reading in things from a file % and inserting it into the arguments of a macro is not (easily) possible % Solution by Patrick Fimml on #latex on April 18, 2009: % \readfile@{filename@}@{\variable@} % reads in the contents of the file into \variable (undefined if file % doesn't exist) \newread\readfile@@f \def\readfile@@line#1@{% @{\catcode`\^^M=10\global\read\readfile@@f to \readfile@@tmp@}% \edef\do@{\noexpand\g@@addto@@macro@{\noexpand#1@}@{\readfile@@tmp@}@}\do% \ifeof\readfile@@f\else% \readfile@@line@{#1@}% \fi% @} \def\readfile#1#2@{% \openin\readfile@@f=#1 % \ifeof\readfile@@f% \typeout@{No TOC file #1 available!@}% \else% \gdef#2@{@}% \readfile@@line@{#2@}% \fi \closein\readfile@@f% @}% \newcommand@{\includescore@}[1]@{ \def\oly@@fname@{\oly@@basename\@@ifmtarg@{#1@}@{@}@{_#1@}@} \let\oly@@addtotoc\undefined \readfile@{\oly@@xxxxxxxxx@}@{\oly@@addtotoc@} \ifx\oly@@addtotoc\undefined \includepdf[pages=-]@{\oly@@fname@} \else \edef\includeit@{\noexpand\includepdf[pages=-,addtotoc=@{\oly@@addtotoc@}] @{\oly@@fname@}@}\includeit \fi @} @end smallexample @node További módszerek zene és szöveg kombinálására @section További módszerek zene és szöveg kombinálására @translationof Alternate methods of mixing text and music @untranslated Other means of mixing text and music (without @command{lilypond-book}) are discussed in @ref{LilyPond output in other programs}.