@c -*- coding: utf-8; mode: texinfo; -*- @node Administrative policies @chapter Administrative policies This chapter discusses miscellaneous administrative issues which don't fit anywhere else. @menu * Meta-policy for this document:: * Meisters:: * Administrative mailing list:: * Grand Organization Project (GOP):: * Grand LilyPond Input Syntax Standardization (GLISS):: * Unsorted policies:: @end menu @node Meta-policy for this document @section Meta-policy for this document The Contributor's Guide as a whole is still a work in progress, but some chapters are much more complete than others. Chapters which are @qq{almost finished} should not have major changes without a discussion on @code{-devel}; in other chapters, a disorganized @qq{wiki-style dump} of information is encouraged. Do not change (other than spelling mistakes) without discussion: @itemize @item @ref{Introduction to contributing} @item @ref{Working with source code} @end itemize Please dump info in an appropriate @@section within these manuals, but discuss any large-scale reorganization: @itemize @item @ref{Compiling} @item @ref{Documentation work} @item @ref{Issues} @item @ref{Regression tests} @item @ref{Programming work} @end itemize Totally disorganized; do whatever the mao you want: @itemize @item @ref{Website work} @item @ref{LSR work} @item @ref{Release work} @item @ref{Administrative policies} @end itemize @node Meisters @section Meisters We have four jobs for organizing a team of contributors: @itemize @item Bug Meister: trains new Bug Squad volunteers, organizes who works on which part of their job, checks to make sure that everything is running smoothly, and has final say on our policy for Issues. Currently: Phil @item Doc Meister: trains new doc editors/writers, organizes who works on which part of the job, checks to make sure that everything is running smoothly, and has final say on our policy for Documentation. Also includes LSR work. Currently: Graham @item Translation Meister: trains new translators, updates the translation priority list, and handles merging branches (in both directions). Currently: Francisco @item Frog Meister: is responsible for code patches from (relatively) inexperienced contributors. Keeps track of patches, does initial reviewing of those patches, sends them to @code{-devel} when they've had some initial review on the Frog list, pesters the @code{-devel} community into actually reviewing said patches, and finally pushes the patches once they're accepted. This person is @emph{not} responsible for training new programmers, because that would be far too much work -- he job is @qq{only} to guide completed patches through our process. Currently: Carl @end itemize @node Administrative mailing list @section Administrative mailing list An mailing list for administrative issues is maintained at @code{lilypond-hackers@@gnu.org}. This list is intended to be used for discussions that should be kept private. Therefore, the archives are closed to the public. Subscription to this list is limited to certain senior developers. At the present time, the list is dormant. Details about the criteria for membership, the types of discussion to take place on the list, and other policies for the hackers list will be finalized during the @ref{Grand Organization Project (GOP)}. @node Grand Organization Project (GOP) @section Grand Organization Project (GOP) GOP has two goals: @itemize @item Clarify the various development tasks by writing down the polices and techniques and/or simplifying the tasks directly. @item Get more people involved in development: specifically, find people to do easy tasks to allow advanced developers to concentrate on difficult tasks. @end itemize @menu * Motivation:: * Ongoing jobs:: * Policy decisions:: @end menu @node Motivation @subsection Motivation Most readers are probably familiar with the LilyPond Grand Documentation Project, which ran from Aug 2007 to Aug 2008. This project involved over 20 people and resulted in an almost complete rewrite of the documentation. Most of those contributors were normal users who decided to volunteer their time and effort to improve lilypond for everybody. By any measure, it was a great success. The Grand Organization Project aims to do the same thing with a larger scope -- instead of focusing purely on documentation, the project aims to improve all parts of LilyPond and its community. Just as with GDP, the main goal is to encourage and train users to become more involved. If you have never contributed to an open-source project before -- especially if you use Windows or OSX and do not know how to program or compile programs -- you may be wondering if there's anything you can do. Rest assured that you @emph{can} help. @subheading "Trickle-up" development One of the reasons I'm organizing GOP is "trickle-up" development. The idea is this: doing easy tasks frees up advanced developers to do harder tasks. Don't ask "am I the @emph{best} person for this job"; instead, ask "am I @emph{capable} of doing this job, so that the current person can do stuff I @emph{can't} do?". For example, consider lilypond's poor handling of grace notes in conjunction with clef and tempo changes. Fixing this will require a fair amount of code rewriting, and would take an advanced developer a few weeks to do. It's clearly beyond the scope of a normal user, so we might as well sit back and do nothing, right? No; we @emph{can} help, indirectly. Suppose that our normal user starts answering more emails on lilypond-user. This in turn means that documentation writers don't need to answer those emails, so they can spend more time improving the docs. I've noticed that all doc writers tackle harder and harder subjects, and when they start writing docs on scheme programming and advanced tweaks, they start contributing bug fixes to lilypond. Having people performing these easy-to-moderate bug fixes frees up the advanced developers to work on the really hard stuff... like rewriting the grace note code. Having 1 more normal user answering emails on lilypond-user won't have a dramatic trick-up affect all by himself, of course. But if we had 8 users volunteering to answer emails, 6 users starting to write documentation, and 2 users editing LSR... well, that would free up a lot of current bug-fixing-capable contributors to focus on that, and we could start to make a real dent in the number of bugs in lilypond. Quite apart from the eased workload, having that many new helpers will provide a great moral boost! @node Ongoing jobs @subsection Ongoing jobs Although GOP is a short-term project, the main goal is to train more people to handle ongoing jobs. The more people doing these jobs, the ligher the work will be, and the more we can get done with lilypond! Also, it would be nice if we had at least one "replacement" / "understudy" for each role -- too many tasks are only being done by one person, so if that person goes on vacation or gets very busy with other matters, work in that area grinds to a halt. @subheading Jobs for normal users @itemize @item Consultant: LilyPond is sometimes critized for not listening to users, but whenever we ask for opinions about specific issues, we never get enough feedback. This is somewhat aggravating. We need a group of users to make a dedicated effort to test and give feedback. If there's new documentation, read it. If there's an experimental binary, download it and try compiling a score with it. If we're trying to name a new command, think about it and give serious suggestions. @item lilypond-user support: I think it would be nice if we had an official team of users helping other users. @item LilyPond Report: Keeping a monthly newsletter running is a non-trivial task. A lot of work is needed to organize it; it would be great if we could split up the work. One person could write the Snippet of the Month, another person could do Quotes of the Month, another person could do interviews, etc. @item Documentation: Although GDP (the Grand Documentation Project) did great work, there's still many tasks remaining. @item Translations: Keeping the documentation translations is a monumental task; we need all the help we can get! @end itemize @subheading Jobs for advanced users for developers @itemize @item Git help for writers: We often receive reports of typos and minor text updates to the documentation. It would be great if somebody could create properly-formatted patches for these corrections. Technical requirements: ability to run @ref{Lilydev}. @item LSR editor: LSR contains many useful examples of lilypond, but some snippets are out of date and need updating. Other snippets need to be advertized, and new snippets need to be sorted. We could use another person to handle LSR. Technical requirements: use of a web browser. LilyPond requirements: you should be familiar with most of Notation chapters 1 and 2 (or be willing to read the docs to find out). @item Join the Frogs: "Frogs" are a team of bug-fixers (because frogs eat bugs, and you often find them in Ponds of Lilies) and new feature implementors. Technical requirements: development environment (such as @ref{Lilydev}), ability to read+write scheme and/or C++ code. @end itemize @node Policy decisions @subsection Policy decisions There are a number of policy decisions -- some of them fairly important -- which we have been postponing for a few years. When GOP begins, we will start discussing them. @warning{The fact that we are not arguing about them right now is not, I repeat @strong{not}, an indication that we do not feel that these issues are not important. It is simply that if we began talking about them now, it would postpone the 2.14 release for a few months.} Note that the presence of an item on this list does @emph{not} mean that everybody thinks that something needs to be done. Inclusion in this simply means that one developer thinks that we should discuss it. We are not going to filter this list; if any developer thinks we should discuss something, just add it to the bottom of the list. (the list is unsorted) Once GOP starts, the list will be sorted into a rough agenda. We will probably introduce one topic each week -- yes, it will therefore take months to get through everything, but we must balance productive work vs. policy administration. If we find that we settle questions faster (or slower) than predicted, we will of course change the speed of new topic introductions. There are some item(s) not displayed here; these are questions that were posed to me privately, and I do not feel justified in discussing them publicly without the consent of the person(s) that brought them up. They will initially be discussed privately on the lilypond-hackers mailing list -- but the first question will be "do we absolutely need to do this privately", and if not, the discussion will take place on lilypond-devel like the other items. In most policy discussions in lilypond over the past few years, the first half (or more) is wasted arguing on the basis of incorrect or incomplete data; once all the relevant facts are brought to light, the argument is generally resolved fairly quickly. In order to keep the GOP discussions focused, each topic will be introduced with a collection of relevant facts and/or proposals. It is, of course, impossible to predict exactly which facts will be relevant to the discussion -- but spending an hour or two collecting information could still save hours of discussion. @warning{The estimated time required for "prep work", and the following discussion, has been added to each item. At the moment, there is an estimated 30 hours of prep work and 140 hours of discussion.} @itemize @item @strong{Patch reviewing}: At the time of this writing, we have 23 (known) patches waiting for review. Some from main developers; some from new developers. We desperately need more people helping with lilypond, but ignoring patches is the best way to drive potential contributors away. This is not good. (prep: 2 hours. discuss: 10 hours) @item @strong{Lessons from the 2.14 release; future release policy}: What went well; what went badly? (how) should we change any policies pertaining to releases? Should an undocumented new feature count as release-blocking? (prep: 1 hour. discuss: 15 hours) @item @strong{lilypond-hackers mailing list}: Should we have a private mailing list for senior developers? If so, who should be on it? (prep: 2 hours+3 weeks. discuss: 10 hours) @item @strong{Hackers B}: @item @strong{Code style}: New contributors sometimes struggle to follow our indentation and code style -- this is especially difficult when parts of our existing source code doesn't have a consistent style. This is problematic... we want new contributors to be struggling with the lilypond architecture, not playing games in their text editors! (ok, we don't actually want them to be struggling with lilypond internals... but given the current state of the CG, it's understandable, and at any rate it's still better than struggling with code style) Speaking academically, C++ code style is a "solved problem". Let's pick one of the existing solutions (probably either astyle, uncrustify, or emacs), and let a computer deal with this. (prep: 5 hours. discuss: 15 hours) @item @strong{Git repository(s)}: We currently have a web/ branch in our main repo; this seems misleading to new developers. More generally, should we have branches that aren't related to the master? i.e. should we restrict a git branch to code which is an actual "branch" of development? Also, some of our code (notably the windows and osx lilypad) isn't in a git repository at all. We can add new repositories very easily; should make repositories like @example git://git.sv.gnu.org/lilypond/gub.git git://git.sv.gnu.org/lilypond/lilypad.git git://git.sv.gnu.org/lilypond/misc.git @end example ? More information here: @uref{http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=980} (prep: 2 hours. discuss: 10 hours) @item @strong{Roadmap of future development}: Many projects have a roadmap of planned (or desired) future work. Should we use one? If so, what should go on it, bearing in mind our volunteer status? Is there any way of having a roadmap that isn't vaporware? (prep: 1 hour. discuss: 5 hours) @item @strong{Official links to other organizations?}: There's something called the "software freedom conservancy", and in general, there's a bunch of "umbrella organizations". Joining some of these might give us more visibility, possibly leading to more users, more developers, maybe even financial grants or use in schools, etc. (prep: 2 hours. discuss: 5 hours) @item @strong{Mailing lists}: We currently have a mix of official GNU mailing lists and lilynet lists. Is there a strong rationale for having separate mailing list servers? Why not pick one place, and put all our lists there? (or at least, all "permanent" lists?) (prep: 1 hour. discuss: 5 hours) @item @strong{Issue tracking with google code}: We use the google issue tracker, but this means that we are relying on a commercial entity for a large part of our development. Would it be better (safer in the long run) to use the savannah bug tracker? (prep: 1 hour. discuss: 5 hours) @item @strong{Patch review tool}: Reitveld is inconvenient in some respects: it requires a google account, and there's no way to see all patches relating to lilypond. Should we switch to something like gerritt? @uref{http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1184} (prep: 5 hours. discuss: 15 hours) @item @strong{Subdomains of *.lilypond.org}: Unless Jan has a really weird DNS hosting setup, there are no technical barriers to having names like lsr.lilypond.org, frog.lilypond.org, or news.lilypond.org. Is this something that we want to do? (prep: 1 hours+2 weeks. discuss: 5 hours) @item @strong{Authorship in source files}: Our documentation currently does not attempt to track individual authors of each file, while our source code makes a confused and jumbled attempt to track this. A number of guidelines for F/OSS projects explicitly recommends _not_ tracking this in individual files, since the code repository will track that for you. (prep: 2 hours. discuss: 15 hours) @item @strong{Clarity for sponsorships}: We currently do not advertize bounties and sponsorships on the webpage. How much advertising do we want, and what type? Should we change the "structure" / "framework" for bounties? (prep: 2 hours. discuss: 10 hours) @item @strong{Separate branches for active development}: it might be good to have @emph{everybody} working on separate branches. This complicates the git setup, but with sufficient logic in lily-git.tcl, we can probably make it transparent to newbies. However, we'd need a reliable person to handle all the required merging and stuff. (prep: 2 hours. discuss: 10 hours) @item @strong{Precise definition of Critical issues}: at the moment, a stable release is entirely dependent on the number of Critical issues, but there's some questions about precisely what a "Critical issue" should be. We should clarify this, in conjunction with a general discussion about how often we want to have stable releases, how permissive we want to be about patches, etc etc. (prep: 1 hour. discuss: 5 hours) @item @strong{When do we add regtests?}: There is a discrepancy between our stated policy on adding regtests, and our actual practice in handling bugs and patches. Clarify. There is also a wider question how to organize the regtests, such as where to put interesting-console-output regtests, including stuff like lilypond-book and midi2ly in a sensible manner, and possibly including regtests for currently-broken functionality. (prep: 2 hours. discuss: 5 hours) @end itemize @node Grand LilyPond Input Syntax Standardization (GLISS) @section Grand LilyPond Input Syntax Standardization (GLISS) @subheading Summary @itemize @item Start: sortly after 2.14 comes out, which is currently estimated to happen in January 2011. @item Length: 6-12 months. We're not going to rush this. @item Goal: define an input which we commit to being machine-updateable for the forseeable future. Any future patches which change the syntax in a non-convert-ly-able format will be rejected. (subject to the limitations, below) Once this is finished, we will release lilypond 3.0. @end itemize @subheading The Problem One of the biggest complaints people have with lilypond -- other than silly thing like "there's no gui" -- is the changing syntax. Now, inventing a language or standards is difficult. If you set it in stone too soon, you risk being stuck with decisions which may limit matters. If you keep on updating the syntax, interaction with older data (and other programs!) becomes complex. @subheading Scope and Limitations @itemize @item tweaks will not be included. Anything with \override, \set, \overrideProperty, \tweak, \revert, \unset... including even those command names themselves... is still fair game for NOT_SMART convert-ly updates. @item other than that, everything is on the table. Is it a problem to have the tagline inside \header? What should the default behavior of \include be? When we abolish \times, do we move to \tuplet 3:2 or \tuplet 2/3 or what (for typical triplets in 4/4 time)? @item we need to get standards for command names. This will help users remember them, and reduce the options for future names (and potential renamings later on). \commandOn and \commandOff seem to work well (should we *always* have an Off command?), but what about the "command" part? Should it be \nounVerbOn, or \verbNounOn ? Or \verbNotesWithExtraInformationOn ? @item we need standards for the location of commands. Ligature brackets, I'm looking at you. (non-postfix notation must die!) @item this Grand Project doesn't affect whether we have a 2.16 or not. The main problem will be deciding what to do (with a bit of messiness anticipated for \tuplet); we should definitely release a 2.16 before merging _any_ of these changes. @item we obviously can't /guarantee/ that we'll /never/ make any non-convert-ly changes in the basic format. But we *can* guarantee that such changes would force lilypond 4.0, and that we would only do so for overwhelmingly good reasons. @end itemize @subheading Workflow @itemize @item We're going to have lots and lots of emails flying around. The vast majority won't really fit into either -devel or -user, so we'll use a list devoted to syntax issues. @item Once we have a serious proposal that gained general acceptance from the separate syntax mailing list, I'll bring it to -devel. We're not going to make any changes without discussing it on -devel, but if we're going to have huge threads about English grammar and silly ideas, and I don't want to clutter up -devel. Once whatever chaotic silliness on the syntax list is settled down, I'll bring the ideas to -devel. @item as with GDP, I'll moderate the discussion. Not as with mailist moderation, but rather by introducing issues at specific times. We don't want a free-for-all discussion of all parts of the syntax at once; nothing will get resolved. @item Whenever possible, we'll decide on policies at the highest level of abstraction. For example, consider \numericTimeSignature, \slurUp, \xNotesOn, \startTextSpan, and \verylongfermata. One of them starts with the name of the notation first (slur). One has an abbreviation (x instead of cross). One has the verb at the end (On), another has it at the beginning (start). The adjective can come at the beginning (numeric, x) or end (Up). Most are in camelCase, but one isn't (verylongfermata). @item Instead of arguing about each individual command, we'll decide on abstract questions. Should each command begin the notation-noun, or the verb? Should all commands be in camelCase, or should we make everything other than articulations in camelCase but make articulations all lower-case? Are abbreviations allowed? @item Once we've answered such fundamental questions, most of the syntax should fall into place pretty easily. There might be a few odd questions left ("is it a span, or a spanner?"), but those can be settled fairly quickly. @end itemize @subheading Implementation Nothing until the project is finished, then we declare the next stable release (2.16.0 or 2.18.0 ?) to be the final 2.x version, release it, then apply all the GLISS syntax changes and start testing a beta for 3.0 a week or two later. @subheading Discussion Don't respond to any of the specifics yet. Yes, we all have our pet irritations (like "what's up with \paper and \layout?!"). There will be plenty of time to discuss them once GLISS starts. That said, we have a list of specific items that people really wanted to have written down. See @ref{Specific GLISS issues}. @menu * Specific GLISS issues:: @end menu @node Specific GLISS issues @subsection Specific GLISS issues @itemize @item add regtests for every piece of syntax (not one-command-per-file, but making a few files which, between them, use every single piece of syntax.) This is a great test for convert-ly. @item should GLISS cover suggested conventions? (indentation, one-bar-per-line, etc -- the kind of stuff we list for the lilypond formatting in the docs ?) @item how much (if any) syntactic sugar should we add? i.e. @example \instrumentName #'foo % instead of \set Staff.instrumentName @end example ? Carl: maybe yes, Neil: no. (for example, it fails for pianostaff) @item the values that are used as arguments to common used overrides. Sometimes they are a symbol (e.g. #'around), sometimes a predefined variable referring to a Scheme value or object (e.g. #LEFT, #all-visible ). The main trouble is that for novice users it is not clear when there should be an apostrophe and when not. @item When do we need -\command and when is it just \command ? @item Command-line options to the lilypond binary. -dfoo counts as a tweak; we won't be trying to pin those down. @item @verbatim \layout { \context { \Score % vs. \layout { \context { \Score @end verbatim @item If would be pedagogically simpler to realize this difference if the syntax was separate if you define a context from scratch (as is the case with \RemoveEmptyStaffContext) or if it's defined by adding onto an existing context. For example, a syntax like @verbatim \context{ % Copy the current settings of the Staff context: \use Staff % do whatever additional settings } %%% could be used to distinguish from \context{ % Take settings from a variable: \Variable % do whatever additional settings } %%% and \context{ % Start from scratch: \type ... \name ... \consists ... ... } @end verbatim @item Capitalization of identifiers: \VoiceOne ? @item @verbatim %%% Allow { music expression } * 4 %%% instead of \repeat unfold 4 { music expression } @end verbatim ? patch here: @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2010-04/msg00467.html} @item Personally, I find it easier to understand when there's a repeated 8 in the half-bar position; it's much easier to see that you have two groups of 4: @example c8 c c c c8 c c c %%% instead of one group of eight: c8 c c c c c c c @end example @item trivially simple bar-lines: c1 | c1 | encourage, allow, or discourage, or disallow? @item indentation of \\ inside a @{@} construct. @item barline checks at the end of line should be preceded by at least 2 spaces? barline checks should line up if possible (i.e. if you can use less than 4, 8, X empty spaces before a barline check to make them line up?) @item Why doesn't \transpose respect \relative mode? @item on \score vs. \new Score But in the light of a consistent syntax and semantic, I see no reason (from the users POV) to disallow it. After all, the real top-level context is a \book @{@}, isn't it, and I don't see a point in disallowing a \new Score construct just like \new Staff. From a syntactical POV, I see the following pros for \new Score: - You can write \with @{ ... @} for every other context but \Score, which (for consistency) should also work with \new Score. - When there's a \new Foo Bar, there's also a \context Foo Bar, which makes the same as a parallel instantiation of all Bar's. - [Quoting Rune from @uref{http://www.mail-archive.com/lilypond-devel@@gnu.org/msg14713.html} "I know that the \score-statement is a syntactical construct, but I think it would be nice to hide this fact from the users. I think we could make the use of score-block much more intuitive if changing the syntax to \new \Score and adding an implicit sequential-statement to the score." @item Discussion on http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1322 about \new vs. \context. @item Let users add their own items to the parser? comment 11 on: http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1322 @item should engravers be pluralized (note_heads_engraver) or not (note_head_engraver) ? @item should we allow numbers in identifier names? Issue: http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1670 @item should we officially allow accented characters? in general, how do we feel about utf-8 stuff? @item for the sake of completeness/simplicity, what about *disallowing* the "one-note" form of a music expression? i.e. only allowing stuff like @verbatim \transpose c d { e1 } \transpose c d << e1 >> @end verbatim and never allowing @verbatim \transpose c d e1 @end verbatim @end itemize @node Unsorted policies @section Unsorted policies @subsubheading Language-specific mailing lists A translator can ask for an official lilypond-xy mailing list once they've finished all @qq{priority 1} translation items. @subsubheading Performing yearly copyright update (@qq{grand-replace}) At the start of each year, copyright notices for all source files should be refreshed by running the following command from the top of the source tree: @example make grand-replace @end example Internally, this invokes the script @file{scripts/build/grand-replace.py}, which performs a regular expression substitution for old-year -> new-year wherever it finds a valid copyright notice. Note that snapshots of third party files such as @file{texinfo.tex} should not be included in the automatic update; @file{grand-replace.py} ignores these files if they are listed in the variable @code{copied_files}. @subsubheading Push git access Git access is given out when a contributor has a significant record of patches being accepted without problems. If existing developers are tired of pushing patches for a contributor, we'll discuss giving them push access. Unsolicited requests from contributors for access will almost always be turned down.