- non-attached annotation => suggest a derived filename for save-as - lasso selection tool - prefs file, save prefs - recent files list - flatten (incl undo/redo...) - enabled only if nlayers>1 - bg: apply to all pages - recolor selection - resize selection - move selection to another page by drag-drop (should apply to vertspacer when origin moves to another page, but in the up direction only do so when all the stuff fits on prev page) - text tool, font chooser, default font - color chooser (papercolor, pen color); maybe more default colors - printing: print-to-PDF? (with & without pdf background to merge) opacity issue for highlighter strokes (maybe print them below ?) save gnome printer settings (throughout a session, and on disk) (maybe a separate config file .xournal/gnome-print-settings) .... - file print-options, own print-to-ps/pdf - help index - pressure sensitivity - insert images (screen capture or from file), not as full-page backgrounds - more pen/highlighter shapes (chisel) - convert to/from Jarnal format - recalibration upon screen resize / compensation for miscalibration