drop schema "ARCH" cascade; drop schema "ARCH_public" cascade; create schema "ARCH"; create schema "ARCH_public"; grant usage on schema "ARCH" to "ARCH", wb_all; grant usage on schema "ARCH_public" to "ARCH", public; grant usage on schema "ARCH" to wb_security; create table "ARCH".packages package character varying NOT NULL, distribution character varying NOT NULL, version character varying, state character varying, section character varying, priority character varying, installed_version character varying, previous_state character varying, state_change timestamp without time zone, notes character varying, builder character varying, failed text, old_failed text, binary_nmu_version integer, binary_nmu_changelog character varying, failed_category character varying, permbuildpri integer, buildpri integer, depends character varying, rel character varying, bd_problem text, primary key (package, distribution) ); create index "idx_ARCH_state" on "ARCH".packages (state); create table "ARCH".users ( username varchar, distribution varchar, last_seen timestamp, primary key (username, distribution) ); create table "ARCH".transactions ( package varchar, distribution varchar, version varchar, action varchar, prevstate varchar, state varchar, real_user varchar, set_user varchar, time timestamp ); CREATE TABLE "ARCH".pkg_history ( package character varying NOT NULL, distribution character varying NOT NULL, version character varying NOT NULL, "timestamp" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, result character varying NOT NULL, build_time integer, disk_space bigint, primary key (package, distribution, version, "timestamp") ); grant all on "ARCH".packages to "ARCH"; grant all on "ARCH".users to "ARCH"; grant insert, select on "ARCH".transactions to "ARCH"; grant all on table "ARCH".pkg_history TO "ARCH"; grant select on "ARCH".packages to wb_security; grant select on "ARCH".transactions to wb_security; grant select on "ARCH".pkg_history TO wb_security; create view "ARCH_public".packages as select * from "ARCH".packages where distribution not like '%-security'; create view "ARCH_public".users as select * from "ARCH".users where distribution not like '%-security'; create view "ARCH_public".transactions as select * from "ARCH".transactions where distribution not like '%-security'; create view "ARCH_public".pkg_history as select * from "ARCH".pkg_history where distribution not like '%-security'; grant select on "ARCH_public".packages to public; grant select on "ARCH_public".users to public; grant select on "ARCH_public".transactions to public; #grant select on "ARCH_public".pkg_history to public;