In this version of RSEM, several things are updated: - Added --chunkmbs option to rsem-calculate-expression (patch contributed by earonesty) - Added --sampling-for-bam option to rsem-calculate-expression, in the bam file, instead of providing expected weights, for each read RSEM samples one alignment based on the expected weights - RSEM can generate BAM and Wiggle files in both genomic-coordinate and transcript-coordinate - Added rsem-plot-transcript-wiggles. This script can generate transcript-coordinate wiggle plots in pdf format. One unique feature is, a stacked plot can be generated, with unique read contribution shown as black and multi-read contribution shown as red - Added convert_sam_for_rsem script for users do not use bowtie aligner - Modified RSEM's GTF file parser. Now RSEM does not require "transcript_id" and "gene_id" be the first two attributes shown - Improved descriptions for thread related errors.