#!/usr/bin/perl use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use File::Basename; use strict; my $gene_list = 0; # default is 0, means input is a transcript list; 1 means input is a gene list my $show_unique = 0; # 0, default value, means do not show unique transcript wiggles; 1 means show unique transcript wiggles my $help = 0; GetOptions("gene-list" => \$gene_list, "show-unique" => \$show_unique, "h|help" => \$help) or pod2usage(-exitval => 2, -verbose => 2); pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if ($help == 1); pod2usage(-msg => "Invalid number of arguments!", -exitval => 2, -verbose => 2) if (scalar(@ARGV) != 3); my ($fn, $dir, $suf) = fileparse($0); my $command = ""; unless (-e "$ARGV[0].transcript.readdepth") { $command = $dir."rsem-bam2readdepth $ARGV[0].transcript.sorted.bam > $ARGV[0].transcript.readdepth"; &runCommand($command); } if ($show_unique) { unless (-e "$ARGV[0].uniq.transcript.bam") { $command = $dir."rsem-get-unique $ARGV[0].transcript.bam $ARGV[0].uniq.transcript.bam"; &runCommand($command); } unless (-e "$ARGV[0].uniq.transcript.sorted.bam") { $command = $dir."sam/samtools sort $ARGV[0].uniq.transcript.bam $ARGV[0].uniq.transcript.sorted"; &runCommand($command); } unless (-e "$ARGV[0].uniq.transcript.readdepth") { $command = $dir."rsem-bam2readdepth $ARGV[0].uniq.transcript.sorted.bam > $ARGV[0].uniq.transcript.readdepth"; &runCommand($command); } } $command = $dir."rsem-gen-transcript-plots $ARGV[0] $ARGV[1] $gene_list $show_unique $ARGV[2]"; &runCommand($command); # command, {err_msg} sub runCommand { print $_[0]."\n"; my $status = system($_[0]); if ($status != 0) { my $errmsg; if (scalar(@_) > 1) { $errmsg = $_[1]; } else { $errmsg = "\"$command\" failed! Plase check if you provide correct parameters/options for the pipeline!"; } print $errmsg."\n"; exit(-1); } print "\n"; } __END__ =head1 NAME rsem-plot-transcript-wiggles =head1 SYNOPSIS =over rsem-plot-transcript-wiggles [options] sample_name input_list output_plot_file =back =head1 ARGUMENTS =over =item B blablabla =item B blablabla =item B blablabla =back =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<--gene-list> blablabla =item B<--show-unique> blablabla =item B<-h/--help> Show help information. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION blablabla =head1 OUTPUT blablabla =head1 EXAMPLES =cut