#!/usr/bin/env Rscript nrow_per_page <- 3 # if input_list is composed of transcript ids ncol_per_page <- 2 # if input_list is composed of transcript ids num_plots_per_page <- nrow_per_page * ncol_per_page # if input_list is composed of transcript ids exit_with_error <- function(errmsg) { cat(errmsg, "\n", sep = "", file = stderr()) quit(save = "no", status = 1) } args <- commandArgs(TRUE) if (length(args) != 5) exit_with_error("Usage: rsem-gen-transcript-plots sample_name input_list is_gene show_uniq output_plot_file") sample_name <- args[1] input_list <- args[2] is_gene <- as.numeric(args[3]) show_uniq <- as.numeric(args[4]) output_plot_file <- args[5] load_readdepth_file <- function(filename) { data <- read.table(file = filename, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) nrow <- dim(data)[1] readdepth <- list() for (i in 1:nrow) { readdepth[[data[i, 1]]] <- data[i, c(2, 3)] } readdepth } build_t2gmap <- function(filename) { data <- read.table(file = filename, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) t2gmap <- list() nrow <- dim(data)[1] ncol <- dim(data)[2] gene_id <- "" tids <- c() for (i in 1:nrow) { if (gene_id != data[i, ncol]) { if (gene_id != "") { t2gmap[[gene_id]] <- tids } gene_id <- data[i, ncol] tids <- c() } tids <- c(tids, data[i, 1]) } if (gene_id != "") t2gmap[[gene_id]] <- tids t2gmap } generate_a_page <- function(tids, gene_id = NULL) { n <- length(tids) ncol <- ifelse(is_gene, floor(sqrt(n)), ncol_per_page) nrow <- ifelse(is_gene, ceiling(n / ncol), nrow_per_page) par(mfrow = c(nrow, ncol), mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2)) if (is_gene) par(oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0)) for (i in 1:n) { vec <- readdepth[[tids[i]]] if (is.null(vec)) exit_with_error(paste("Unknown transcript detected,", tids[i], "is not included in RSEM's indices.")) if (is.na(vec[[2]])) wiggle <- rep(0, vec[[1]]) else wiggle <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(vec[[2]], split = " "))) len <- length(wiggle) if (!show_uniq) { plot(wiggle, type = "h") } else { vec <- readdepth_uniq[[tids[i]]] stopifnot(!is.null(vec)) if (is.na(vec[[2]])) wiggle_uniq <- rep(0, vec[[1]]) else wiggle_uniq <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(vec[[2]], split = " "))) stopifnot(len == length(wiggle_uniq), len == sum(wiggle >= wiggle_uniq)) heights <- rbind(wiggle_uniq, wiggle - wiggle_uniq) barplot(heights, space = 0, border = NA, names.arg = 1:len, col = c("black", "red")) } title(main = tids[i]) #, xlab = "Position in transcript", ylab = "Read depth") } if (is_gene) mtext(gene_id, outer = TRUE, line = 1) } readdepth <- load_readdepth_file(paste(sample_name, ".transcript.readdepth", sep = "")) if (show_uniq) { readdepth_uniq <- load_readdepth_file(paste(sample_name, ".uniq.transcript.readdepth", sep = "")) } ids <- scan(file = input_list, what = "", sep = "\n") cat("Loading files is done!\n") if (is_gene) { t2gmap <- build_t2gmap(paste(sample_name, ".isoforms.results", sep = "")) cat("Building transcript to gene map is done!\n") } pdf(output_plot_file) if (!is_gene) { n <- length(ids) ub <- (n - 1) %/% num_plots_per_page + 1 for (i in 1:ub) { fr <- (i - 1) * num_plots_per_page + 1 to <- min(i * num_plots_per_page, n) generate_a_page(ids[fr:to]) } } else { for (gene_id in ids) { if (is.null(t2gmap[[gene_id]])) exit_with_error(paste("Unknown gene detected,", gene_id, "is not included in RSEM's in indices.")) generate_a_page(t2gmap[[gene_id]], gene_id) } } cat("Plots are generated!\n) dev.off.output <- dev.off()