RSEM v1.2.14 - Changed RSEM's behaviors for building Bowtie/Bowtie 2 indices. In 'rsem-prepare-reference', '--no-bowtie' and '--no-ntog' options are removed. By default, RSEM does not build either Bowtie or Bowtie 2 indices. Instead, it generates two index Multi-FASTA files, 'reference_name.idx.fa' and 'reference_name.n2g.idx.fa'. Compared to the former file, the latter one in addition converts all 'N's into 'G's. These two files can be used to build aligner indices for customized aligners. In addition, 'reference_name.transcripts.fa' does not have poly(A) tails added. To enable RSEM build Bowtie/Bowtie 2 indices, '--bowtie' or '--bowtie2' must be set explicitly. The most significant benefit of this change is that now we can build Bowtie and Bowtie 2 indices simultaneously by turning both '--bowtie' and '--bowtie2' on. Type 'rsem-prepare-reference --help' for more information - If transcript coordinate files are visualized using IGV, 'reference_name.idx.fa' should be imported as a genome (instead of 'reference_name.transcripts.fa'). For more information, see the third subsection of Visualization in '' - Modified RSEM perl scripts so that RSEM directory will be added in the beginning of the PATH variable. This also means RSEM will try to use its own samtools first - Added --seed option to set random number generator seeds in 'rsem-calculate-expression' - Added posterior standard deviation of counts as output if either '--calc-pme' or '--calc-ci' is set - Updated boost to v1.55.0 - Renamed makefile as Makefile - If '--output-genome-bam' is set, in the genome BAM file, each alignment's 'MD' field will be adjusted to match the CIGAR string - 'XS:A:value' field is required by Cufflinks for spliced alignments. If '--output-genome-bam' is set, in the genome BAM file, first each alignment's 'XS' filed will be deleted. Then if the alignment is an spliced alignment, a 'XS:A:value' field will be added accordingly - Added instructions for users who want to put all RSEM executables into a bin directory (see Compilation & Installation section of '') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.2.13 - Allowed users to use the SAMtools in the PATH first and enabled RSEM to find its executables via a symbolic link - Changed the behavior of parsing GTF file. Now if a GTF line's feature is not "exon" and it does not contain a "gene_id" or "transcript_id" attribute, only a warning message will be produced (instead of failing the RSEM) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.2.12 - Enabled allele-specific expression estimation - Added '--calc-pme' option for 'rsem-calculate-expression' to calculate posterior mean estimates only (no credibility intervals) - Modified the shebang line of RSEM perl scripts to make them more portable - Added '--seed' option for 'rsem-simulate-reads' to enable users set the seed of random number generator used by the simulation - Modified the transcript extraction behavior of 'rsem-prepare-reference'. For transcripts that cannot be extracted, instead of failing the whole script, warning information is produced. Those transcripts are ignored -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.2.11 - Enabled RSEM to use Bowtie 2 aligner (indel, local and discordant alignments are not supported yet) - Changed option names '--bowtie-phred33-quals', '--bowtie-phred64-quals' and '--bowtie-solexa-quals' back to '--phred33-quals', '--phred64-quals' and '--solexa-quals' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.2.10 - Fixed a bug which will lead to out-of-memory error when RSEM computes ngvector for EBSeq -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.2.9 - Fixed a compilation error problem in Mac OS - Fixed a problem in makefile that affects 'make ebseq' - Added 'model_file_description.txt', which describes the format and meanings of file 'sample_name.stat/sample_name.model' - Updated samtools to version 0.1.19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.2.8 - Provided a more detailed description for how to simulate RNA-Seq data using 'rsem-simulate-reads' - Provided more user-friendly error message if RSEM fails to extract transcript sequences due to the failure of reading certain chromosome sequences -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.2.7 - 'rsem-find-DE' is replaced by 'rsem-run-ebseq' and 'rsem-control-fdr' for a more friendly user experience - Added support for differential expression testing on more than 2 conditions in RSEM's EBSeq wrappers 'rsem-run-ebseq' and 'rsem-control-fdr' - Renamed '--phred33-quals', '--phred64-quals', and '--solexa-quals' in 'rsem-calculate-expression' to '--bowtie-phred33-quals', '--bowtie-phred64-quals', and '--bowtie-solex-quals' to avoid confusion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.2.6 - Install the latest version of EBSeq from Bioconductor and if fails, try to install EBSeq v1.1.5 locally - Fixed a bug in 'rsem-gen-transcript-plots', which makes 'rsem-plot-transcript-wiggles' fail -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.2.5 - Updated EBSeq from v1.1.5 to v1.1.6 - Fixed a bug in 'rsem-generate-data-matrix', which can cause 'rsem-find-DE' to crash -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.2.4 - Fixed a bug that leads to poor parallelization performance in Mac OS systems - Fixed a problem that may halt the 'rsem-gen-transcript-plots", thanks Han Lin for pointing out the problem and suggesting possible fixes - Added some user-friendly error messages for converting transcript BAM files into genomic BAM files - Modified rsem-tbam2gbam so that the original alignment quality MAPQ will be preserved if the input bam is not from RSEM - Added user-friendly error messages if users forget to compile the source codes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.2.3 - Fixed a bug in 'EBSeq/rsem-for-ebseq-generate-ngvector-from-clustering-info' which may crash the script -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.2.2 - Updated EBSeq to v1.1.5 - Modified 'rsem-find-DE' to generate extra output files (type 'rsem-find-DE' to see more information) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.2.1 - Added poly(A) tails to 'reference_name.transcripts.fa' so that the RSEM generated transcript unsorted BAM file can be fed into RSEM as an input file. However, users need to rebuild their references if they want to visualize the transcript level wiggle files and BAM files using IGV - Modified 'rsem-tbam2gbam' to convert users' alignments from transcript BAM files into genome BAM files, provided users use 'reference_name.idx.fa' to build indices for their aligners - Updated EBSeq from v1.1.3 to v1.1.4 - Corrected several typos in warning messages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.2.0 - Changed output formats, added FPKM field etc. - Fixed a bug related to paired-end reads data - Added a script to run EBSeq automatically and updated EBSeq to v1.1.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.1.21 - Removed optional field "Z0:A:!" in the BAM outputs - Added --no-fractional-weight option to rsem-bam2wig, if the BAM file is not generated by RSEM, this option is recommended to be set - Fixed a bug for generating transcript level wiggle files using 'rsem-plot-transcript-wiggles' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.1.20 - Added an option to set the temporary folder name - Removed sample_name.sam.gz. Instead, RSEM uses samtools to convert bowtie outputted SAM file into a BAM file under the temporary folder - RSEM generated BAM files now contains all alignment lines produced by bowtie or user-specified aligners, including unalignable reads. Please note that for paired-end reads, if one mate has alignments but the other does not, RSEM will mark the alignable mate as "unmappable" (flag bit 0x4) and append an optional field "Z0:A:!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.1.19 - Allowed > 2^31 hits - Added some instructions on how to visualize transcript coordinate BAM/WIG files using IGV - Included EBSeq for downstream differential expression analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.1.18 - Added some user-friendly error messages - Added program 'rsem-sam-validator', users can use this program to check if RSEM can process their SAM/BAM files - Modified 'convert-sam-for-rsem' so that this program will convert users' SAM/BAM files into acceptable BAM files for RSEM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.1.17 - Fixed a bug related to parallezation of credibility intervals calculation - Added --no-bam-output option to rsem-calculate-expression - The order of @SQ tags in SAM/BAM files can be arbitrary now -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.1.16 - Added --time option to show time consumed by each phase - Moved the alignment file out of the temporary folder - Enabled pthreads for calculating credibility intervals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.1.15 - Fixed several bugs causing compilation error - Modified samtools' Makefile for cygwin. For cygwin users, please uncomment the 4th and 8th lines in sam/Makefile before compiling RSEM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSEM v1.1.14 - Added --chunkmbs option to rsem-calculate-expression (patch contributed by earonesty) - Added --sampling-for-bam option to rsem-calculate-expression, in the bam file, instead of providing expected weights, for each read RSEM samples one alignment based on the expected weights - RSEM can generate BAM and Wiggle files in both genomic-coordinate and transcript-coordinate - Added rsem-plot-transcript-wiggles. This script can generate transcript-coordinate wiggle plots in pdf format. One unique feature is, a stacked plot can be generated, with unique read contribution shown as black and multi-read contribution shown as red - Added convert_sam_for_rsem script for users do not use bowtie aligner - Modified RSEM's GTF file parser. Now RSEM does not require "transcript_id" and "gene_id" be the first two attributes shown - Improved descriptions for thread related errors