CairoHacks.env <- new.env() CairoHacks.env$device_set_up <- FALSE CairoHacks.env$current_page <- 0 ##' Make a bookmark for a PDF for later saving to the pdf with ##' \code{write.pdf.bookmarks} ##' ##' ##' @title make.bookmark ##' @param text Text of bookmark to create ##' @param level Optional bookmark level which defaults to 1. This ##' enables you to have headings and sub-headings and so forth, simply ##' by increasing the number passed. ##' @param page Optional page number to write the bookmark to. If you ##' are using a Cairo device, this is automatically set for you to be ##' the page which you are currently writing to. ##' @return list of bookmarks to be passed to write.bookmarks or ##' further calls to save.bookmark ##' @author Don Armstrong ##' @export ##' @examples ##' CairoPDF(file="example.pdf",onefile=TRUE) ##' plot(y~x,data.frame(x=1:5,y=1:5)) ##' bookmarks <- make.pdf.bookmark("First plot") ##' plot(y~x,data.frame(x=1:5,y=1:5)) ##' bookmarks <- bookmarks + make.pdf.bookmark("Second plot") ##' ##' write.pdf.bookmarks(file="example.pdf",bookmarks) make.pdf.bookmark <- function(text,level=1,page=NULL) { if (!CairoHacks.env$device_set_up) { Cairo.onSave(device = grDevices::dev.cur(), onSave=function(device,page){ ch <- getNamespace("CairoHacks") print(ls(envir=ch)) assign("current_page", page, envir=ch[["CairoHacks.env"]]) }) CairoHacks.env$device_set_up <- TRUE } if (missing(page)|| is.null(page)) { page <- CairoHacks.env$current_page } p <- structure(list( bookmarks=list( list(text=text, level=level, page=page)) ), class = c("CairoHacks_bookmark")) return(p) } ##' Add additional bookmarks to a bookmark ##' ##' Given a bookmarks object created with make.pdf.bookmark, add more ##' bookmarks to it. ##' @title + CairoHacks_bookmark ##' @param b1 An object of class CairoHacks_bookmark. ##' @param b2 An object of class CairoHacks_bookmark ##' @export ##' @method + CairoHacks_bookmark ##' @author Don Armstrong "+.CairoHacks_bookmark" <- function(b1,b2) { b1[["bookmarks"]] <- c(b1[["bookmarks"]], b2[["bookmarks"]]) b1 } ##' Write saved bookmarks to the PDF file which was generated ##' ##' Given a set of bookmarks generated with make.pdf.bookmark, write ##' them out to a PDF file using pdftk. ##' @title write.pdf.bookmarks ##' @param file file name of pdf which was saved to disk ##' @param bookmarks list of bookmarks ##' @return list of bookmarks ##' @author Don Armstrong ##' @export write.pdf.bookmarks <- function(file,bookmarks) { pdf.bookmarks <- "" print(bookmarks[["bookmarks"]]) for (bookmark in 1:length(bookmarks[["bookmarks"]])) { pdf.bookmarks <- paste0(pdf.bookmarks, "BookmarkBegin\n", "BookmarkTitle: ",bookmarks[["bookmarks"]][[bookmark]][["text"]],"\n", "BookmarkLevel: ",bookmarks[["bookmarks"]][[bookmark]][["level"]],"\n", "BookmarkPageNumber: ",bookmarks[["bookmarks"]][[bookmark]][["page"]],"\n") } temp.pdf <- tempfile(pattern=basename(file)) <- tempfile(pattern=paste0(basename(file),"info_utf8")) cat(,pdf.bookmarks) system2("pdftk",c(file,'update_info_utf8',,'output',temp.pdf)) if (file.exists(temp.pdf)) { file.rename(temp.pdf,file) } else { stop("unable to properly create bookmarks") } invisible(bookmarks) }