Perltidy TODO List This is a partial "wish-list" of features to add and things to do. -b does not work through the Tidy module The use of -b in the following does not work: use Perl::Tidy (); use File::Spec; my $file = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $filename ); Perl::Tidy::perltidy( source => $file, argv => '-b', perltidyrc => $perltidyrc, ); A temporary workaround is: Perl::Tidy::perltidy( argv => "-b $file", perltidyrc => $perltidyrc, ); Improved Vertical Alignment There are still many opportunities for improving vertical alignment. Documentation A FAQ is needed to explain some of the more subtle formatting issues, and to give examples of different styles. The -formatter callback object documentation is incomplete. HTML writer The HTML writer does not colorize interpolated identifiers in here documents or quoted strings. The tokenizer outputs interpolation information for here docs; it still needs to be updated to do this for multi-line quotes. Then code needs to be written to scan for and markup identifiers. Things which have been suggested but will not be done Recursive file processing A -r flag might be nice, but this is best handled by an exterior shell script.