Notes by Ziheng, 12 August 2003, modified in October 2008 (A) This is about codon models for McDonald & Kreithman-style test using the ape mt data used in Hasegawa et al. (1998). mtCDNAape.nuc mtCDNAape.trees The following are model specifications and log likelihood values, as well as MLEs. "W" and "B" refer to within- and between-species branches. "R" and "C" refer to radical and conserved amino acid changes. np=11 model=0 aaDist=0: lnL=-20486.034301 k=20.74839 w=0.04414 np=12 model=2 aaDist=0: lnL=-20444.099676 k=21.59077 wW=0.28638 wB=0.03693 np=12 model=0 aaDist=7: lnL=-20482.229434 k=20.52018 wR=0.02745 wC=0.04658 np=14 model=2 aaDist=7: lnL=-20440.382774 k=21.36004 wWR=0.15012 wWC=0.30470 wBR=0.02380 wBC=0.03885 (B) mtCDNA.HC.txt (control file codeml.HC.ctl) has the human and chimp sequences only, and is the dataset analyzed by Yang and Nielsen (2008, table 1). The new models described in that paper are implemented using the two control variables CodonFreq and estFreq in the control file codeml.ctl. You can try to duplicate our results. Note that some results are in the supplementary result file rst. CodonFreq = 7 * 0:1/61 each, 1:F1X4, 2:F3X4, 3:codon table * 4:F1x4MG, 5:F3x4MG, 6:FMutSel0, 7:FMutSel estFreq = 1 Run the analysis by codeml codeml.HC.ctl In this case, the control file specifies clock = 1. The clock is used as there are only 2 sequences and the tree (2s.trees) is rooted. If you have more than 2 sequences, you should use an unrooted tree and clock = 0. References Hasegawa, M., Y. Cao and Z. Yang. 1998. Preponderance of slightly deleterious polymorphism in mitochondrial DNA: replacement/synonymous rate ratio is much higher within species than between species. Molecular Biology and Evolution 15:1499-1505. Yang Z, Nielsen R. 2008. Mutation-selection models of codon substitution and their use to estimate selective strengths on codon usage. Molecular Biology and Evolution 25:568-579. Yang, Z., R. Nielsen and M. Hasegawa. 1998. Models of amino acid substitution and applications to mitochondrial protein evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution 15:1600-1611.