#!/bin/bash family=$1 dist=$2 set -e if [ -z "$family" ]; then echo "You need to provide a distribution family ('debian', 'ubuntu'); prefix with 'nd+' to enable the NeuroDebian repository." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$dist" ]; then echo "You need to provide a distribution codename (e.g. 'lenny', 'squeeze')." exit 1 fi . /etc/neurodebian/cmdsettings.sh # common options opts="--distribution $dist --debootstrap debootstrap --aptcache $aptcache" if echo $family | grep -q ubuntu; then # Use ubuntu's keyring since otherwise debootstrap would fail opts+=" --debootstrapopts --keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg" fi if echo $family | grep -q debian; then # Use debian keyring since otherwise debootstrap would fail (on Ubuntu) opts+=" --debootstrapopts --keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg" fi mkdir -p ${cowbuilderroot}/cow for a in i386 amd64; do echo "Building $a base path..." cow="${cowbuilderroot}/cow/${family}-${dist}-${a}.cow" if [ -d "$cow" ]; then echo "${cow} exists. Ignoring arch." continue fi if [ "${family:0:3}" = "nd+" ]; then echo "Including NeuroDebian repository..." # If it has updates -- enable them if wget -q -O/dev/null $mirror/dists/$dist-updates; then updates_apt="deb $mirror $dist-updates $components |" updates_apt+="#deb-src $mirror $dist-updates $components |" else updates_apt="" fi cowbuilder --create --basepath ${cow} $opts \ --components "$components" \ --mirror "$mirror" \ --debootstrapopts --arch=$a \ --othermirror "${updates_apt}deb http://neuro.debian.net/debian $dist main contrib non-free | deb http://neuro.debian.net/debian data main contrib non-free" # deploy our key manually since archive with package is not yet # available at this point mkdir -p ${cow}/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d cp --preserve=mode {,${cow}}/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/neurodebian-archive-keyring.gpg # Old ubuntus might not have capability to read from that key yet, # so we would need to manually add it if [ $dist = 'karmic' ] || [ $dist = 'hardy' ]; then chroot ${cow} bash -c "apt-get install -y --force-yes gnupg \ && /usr/bin/apt-key add /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/neurodebian-archive-keyring.gpg \ && /usr/bin/apt-get update" fi else cowbuilder --create --basepath ${cow} $opts \ --components "$components" \ --mirror "$mirror" \ --debootstrapopts --arch=$a fi done