WWW_UPLOAD_URI = neurodebian@neurodebian.ovgu.de:/home/neurodebian/www #WWW_UPLOAD_URI = ../www WWW_DIR = build/html/ WWW_UPLOAD_URI_STATIC=$(WWW_UPLOAD_URI)/_static BIGMESS_OPTS = -c neurodebian_repo.cfg BIGMESS_CMD = PYTHONPATH=.:../bigmess:$(PYTHONPATH) ../bigmess/bin/bigmess BIGMESS = $(BIGMESS_CMD) $(BIGMESS_OPTS) # Lentghy one due to updatedb all: updatedb upload-website mirmon # Quick one -- just rebuilds html if new changes and adjusts the status of the mirrors refresh: upload-website-stamp mirmon pics: $(MAKE) -C artwork html: pics source rsync -rvlhpt sphinx/ build/src cd artwork; cp button_w200.png logo_tuned/fmri_w200.png ../build/src/_static; cd .. cp 3rd/jquery.livetwitter/jquery.livetwitter.min.js build/src/_static cp neurodebian.cfg build/src/_static cd build/src && $(MAKE) html BUILDDIR=$(CURDIR)/build 2>&1 ln -fs /usr/share/javascript build/html/ mv $(WWW_DIR)/_static/robots.txt $(WWW_DIR)/ cp -r build/src/lists $(WWW_DIR)/ cp -r sphinx/survey/2011/figures/* $(WWW_DIR)/_images/ @echo "I: extracting header/trailer to be reused in non-sphinx pages" sed -ne '1,//p' $(WWW_DIR)/index.html >| $(WWW_DIR)/_static/index-header.ihtml sed -ne '/

Comments<\/h2>/,$$p' $(WWW_DIR)/index.html >| $(WWW_DIR)/_static/index-trailer.ihtml clean: -rm html-stamp source-stamp upload-website-stamp $(MAKE) -C artwork clean distclean: clean -rm -rf build source: source-stamp source-stamp: mkdir -p build/src/pkgs/ mkdir -p build/src/lists/ mkdir -p build/src/pkglists/ $(BIGMESS) mkpkgs -d build/src/pkgs/ $(BIGMESS) mkaptcfgs -d build/src/lists/ $(BIGMESS) mkrepocfg > build/src/sources_lists $(BIGMESS) mkpkgtocs -d build/src/pkglists > build/src/pkgs.rst touch $@ updatedb: $(BIGMESS) cachefiles -f $(BIGMESS) updatedb upload-website: html rsync -rvzlhp --delete \ --exclude=debian --exclude=debian-local --exclude=debian-devel --exclude=_files \ --chmod=Dg+s,g+rw $(WWW_DIR) $(WWW_UPLOAD_URI) : # Touch stamp here so we get it updated on every upload touch $@-stamp # call upload iff .git/index was modified, i.e. new changes got pulled in upload-website-stamp: .git/index $(MAKE) upload-website mirmon: # update and generate mirrors report [ -x /usr/bin/mirmon ] && mirmon -q -get update -c mirmon-neurodebian.conf 2>&1 \ | grep -v 'date: invalid date.*DOCTYPE' || : # [ -x $(WWW_UPLOAD_URI_STATIC)/mirrors-check.ihtml ] && # everything must be in place! cat $(WWW_UPLOAD_URI_STATIC)/{index-header,mirrors-status,index-trailer}.ihtml \ >| $(WWW_UPLOAD_URI)/mirrors-status.html .PHONY: removedb removecache updatedb upload-website clean distclean pics html mirmon