#NEXUS [ Example command file, which reads in a data file and sets up different codon models. Use one of the blocks to set up the model you are interested in. ] begin mrbayes; [The following line is useful for automatic execution with no warnings issued before files are overwritten and automatic termination of chains after the prespecified number of generations.] set autoclose=yes nowarn=yes; [Read in a data file with protein-coding sequences] execute replicase.nex; [Use ONE of the blocks below depending one what model you like] [One omega value for the gene The estimated single omega value, valid for the entire gene or gene fragment, is printed to the .p file(s)] lset nucmodel=codon; [Omega variation across sites with three classes, omega_1 < 1, omega_2 = 1, omega_3 > 1. The estimated omega_1 and omega_3 are printed to the .p file(s) as omega(-) and omega(+). If you set report possel=yes, you will also get the probability of each site being in the positively selected omega class. If you set report siteomega=yes, you will also get the omega value for each site.] lset nucmodel=codon omegavar=ny98; report possel=yes; report siteomega=yes; [Omega variation across sites with three classes, omega_1 < omega_2 < omega_3. Otherwise very similar to the Nielsen and Yang model.] lset nucmodel=codon omegavar=m3; report possel=yes; [These models are slow, so print to screen more frequently] mcmcp printfreq = 10; [Only the mcmc command is missing now to run the analysis] end;