C Output from Public domain Ratfor, version 1.0 subroutine sinerp(abd,ld4,nk,p1ip,p2ip,ldnk,flag) c C Purpose : Computes Inner Products between columns of L^{-1} C where L = abd is a Banded Matrix with 3 subdiagonals C The algorithm works in two passes: C C Pass 1 computes (cj,ck) k=j,j-1,j-2,j-3 ; j=nk, .. 1 C Pass 2 computes (cj,ck) k <= j-4 (If flag == 1 ). C C A refinement of Elden's trick is used. c Args integer ld4,nk,ldnk,flag DOUBLE precision abd(ld4,nk),p1ip(ld4,nk), p2ip(ldnk,nk) c Locals integer i,j,k DOUBLE precision wjm3(3),wjm2(2),wjm1(1),c0,c1,c2,c3 c c unnecessary initialization of c1 c2 c3 to keep g77 -Wall happy c c1 = 0.0d0 c2 = 0.0d0 c3 = 0.0d0 C C Pass 1 wjm3(1)=0d0 wjm3(2)=0d0 wjm3(3)=0d0 wjm2(1)=0d0 wjm2(2)=0d0 wjm1(1)=0d0 do 100 i=1,nk j=nk-i+1 c0 = 1d0/abd(4,j) if(j.le.nk-3)then c1 = abd(1,j+3)*c0 c2 = abd(2,j+2)*c0 c3 = abd(3,j+1)*c0 else if(j.eq.nk-2)then c1 = 0d0 c2 = abd(2,j+2)*c0 c3 = abd(3,j+1)*c0 else if(j.eq.nk-1)then c1 = 0d0 c2 = 0d0 c3 = abd(3,j+1)*c0 else if(j.eq.nk)then c1 = 0d0 c2 = 0d0 c3 = 0d0 endif p1ip(1,j) = 0d0- (c1*wjm3(1)+c2*wjm3(2)+c3*wjm3(3)) p1ip(2,j) = 0d0- (c1*wjm3(2)+c2*wjm2(1)+c3*wjm2(2)) p1ip(3,j) = 0d0- (c1*wjm3(3)+c2*wjm2(2)+c3*wjm1(1)) p1ip(4,j) = c0**2 + c1**2*wjm3(1) + 2d0*c1*c2*wjm3(2)+ & 2d0*c1*c3*wjm3(3) + c2**2*wjm2(1) + 2d0*c2*c3*wjm2(2) + & c3**2*wjm1(1) wjm3(1)=wjm2(1) wjm3(2)=wjm2(2) wjm3(3)=p1ip(2,j) wjm2(1)=wjm1(1) wjm2(2)=p1ip(3,j) wjm1(1)=p1ip(4,j) 100 continue if(flag.ne.0)then C ____ Pass 2 _____ C Compute p2ip do 120 i=1,nk j=nk-i+1 C for(k=1;k<=4 & j+k-1<=nk;k=k+1) { p2ip(.) = .. }: do 160 k=1,4 if(j+k-1 .gt. nk)goto 120 p2ip(j,j+k-1) = p1ip(5-k,j) 160 continue 120 continue do 170 i=1,nk j=nk-i+1 c for(k=j-4;k>=1;k=k-1){ if(j-4 .ge. 1) then do 210 k= j-4,1, -1 c0 = 1d0/abd(4,k) c1 = abd(1,k+3)*c0 c2 = abd(2,k+2)*c0 c3 = abd(3,k+1)*c0 p2ip(k,j)= 0d0 - ( c1*p2ip(k+3,j) + c2*p2ip(k+2,j) + & c3*p2ip(k+1,j) ) 210 continue endif 170 continue endif return end