subroutine bsplvb ( t, lent,jhigh, index, x, left, biatx ) c implicit none c ------------- calculates the value of all possibly nonzero b-splines at x of order c c jout = dmax( jhigh , (j+1)*(index-1) ) c c with knot sequence t . c c****** i n p u t ****** c t.....knot sequence, of length left + jout , assumed to be nonde- c creasing. c a s s u m p t i o n : t(left) < t(left + 1) c d i v i s i o n b y z e r o will result if t(left) = t(left+1) c c jhigh, c index.....integers which determine the order jout = max(jhigh, c (j+1)*(index-1)) of the b-splines whose values at x are to c be returned. index is used to avoid recalculations when seve- c ral columns of the triangular array of b-spline values are nee- c ded (e.g., in bvalue or in bsplvd ). precisely, c if index = 1 , c the calculation starts from scratch and the entire triangular c array of b-spline values of orders 1,2,...,jhigh is generated c order by order , i.e., column by column . c if index = 2 , c only the b-spline values of order j+1, j+2, ..., jout are ge- c nerated, the assumption being that biatx , j , deltal , deltar c are, on entry, as they were on exit at the previous call. c in particular, if jhigh = 0, then jout = j+1, i.e., just c the next column of b-spline values is generated. c c w a r n i n g . . . the restriction jout <= jmax (= 20) is c imposed arbitrarily by the dimension statement for deltal and c deltar below, but is n o w h e r e c h e c k e d for . c c x.....the point at which the b-splines are to be evaluated. c integer chosen (usually) so that c t(left) <= x <= t(left+1) . c c****** o u t p u t ****** c biatx.....array of length jout , with biatx(i) containing the val- c ue at x of the polynomial of order jout which agrees with c the b-spline b(left-jout+i,jout,t) on the interval (t(left), c t(left+1)) . c c****** m e t h o d ****** c the recurrence relation c c x - t(i) t(i+j+1) - x c b(i,j+1)(x) = ----------- b(i,j)(x) + --------------- b(i+1,j)(x) c t(i+j)-t(i) t(i+j+1)-t(i+1) c c is used (repeatedly) to generate the c (j+1)-vector b(left-j,j+1)(x),...,b(left,j+1)(x) c from the j-vector b(left-j+1,j)(x),...,b(left,j)(x), c storing the new values in biatx over the old. the facts that c b(i,1) = 1 if t(i) <= x < t(i+1) c and that c b(i,j)(x) = 0 unless t(i) <= x < t(i+j) c are used. the particular organization of the calculations follows c algorithm (8) in chapter x of the text. c C Arguments integer lent, jhigh, index, left double precision t(lent),x, biatx(jhigh) c dimension t(left+jout), biatx(jout) c ----------------------------------- c current fortran standard makes it impossible to specify the length of c t and of biatx precisely without the introduction of otherwise c superfluous additional arguments. C Local Variables integer jmax parameter(jmax = 20) integer i,j,jp1 double precision deltal(jmax), deltar(jmax),saved,term save j,deltal,deltar data j/1/ c go to (10,20), index 10 j = 1 biatx(1) = 1d0 if (j .ge. jhigh) go to 99 c 20 jp1 = j + 1 deltar(j) = t(left+j) - x deltal(j) = x - t(left+1-j) saved = 0d0 do 26 i=1,j term = biatx(i)/(deltar(i) + deltal(jp1-i)) biatx(i) = saved + deltar(i)*term 26 saved = deltal(jp1-i)*term biatx(jp1) = saved j = jp1 if (j .lt. jhigh) go to 20 c 99 return end