% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ma_loess_norm.R \name{loess_normalization} \alias{loess_normalization} \title{loess_normalization} \usage{ loess_normalization(expressions, iterations = 2, small.positive = 0.1, sample.size = 200, num.cores = max(floor(parallel::detectCores()/2), 1), imputation.method = "mean", offset = 0) } \arguments{ \item{expressions}{Gene expression values with probes in rows and samples in columns} \item{iterations}{Number of iterations to run (Default: 2)} \item{small.positive}{Number to replace negative and zero expressions with (Default: 0.1).} \item{sample.size}{Number of combinations of samples to run (Default: 200).} \item{num.cores}{Number of cores to use (Default: half of them)} \item{imputation.method}{Method to impute missing values. String of "mean" (missing values are the mean of the row) or "knn" (use impute.knn to impute missing values) (Default: "mean").} } \value{ data.frame of normalized expression values } \description{ Normalize using MvA loess using multiple processors } \details{ For analyses where the number of samples makes all-against-all normalization prohibitive, this variant subselects a set of comparisons and runs them, iterating a specific number of times using as many cores as possible. } \author{ Don Armstrong }