% -*- Fundamental -*- accreg_dot_size# := .5interline#; % FIXME % 'strange turning path' in accSB and others: % mf '\mode=laserjet; input feta11' % mf '\mode=laserjet; input feta13' accreg_linethickness# := 1.3stafflinethickness#; % This dimention is the same on all registersymbols. % The different symbols should calculate their other % dimensions from this and accreg_dot_size accreg_lh# := 1.0interline#; define_pixels(accreg_dot_size, accreg_linethickness, accreg_lh); pen accreg_pen; accreg_pen := pencircle xscaled accreg_linethickness yscaled 0.7accreg_linethickness; fet_beginchar("accDiscant", "accDiscant", "accDiscant") save r, sx; r# = 3/2accreg_lh#; define_pixels(r); % set_char_box(r#, r#, 2r#, 0); set_char_box(r#, r#, 0r#, 2r#); %% arg3 = under linjen, arg4 = over pickup accreg_pen; draw fullcircle scaled 2r; sx = cosd(19.471221); draw (-sx*r, r/3)--(sx*r, r/3); draw (-sx*r, -r/3)--(sx*r, -r/3); currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0, r); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("accDot", "accDot", "accDot") set_char_box(accreg_dot_size#, accreg_dot_size#, 0, 0); pickup pencircle scaled accreg_dot_size; draw(0, 0); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("accFreebase", "accFreebase", "accFreebase") save r; r#= accreg_lh#; define_pixels(r); set_char_box(r#, r#, 0, 2r#); pickup accreg_pen; draw fullcircle scaled 2r; draw (-r, 0)--(r, 0); currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0, r); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("accStdbase", "accStdbase", "accStdbase") save r, sx; r# = 2accreg_lh#; define_pixels(r); sx = cosd 30 ; set_char_box(r#, r#, 0, 2r#); pickup accreg_pen; draw fullcircle scaled 2r; draw (-r, 0)--(r, 0); draw (-sx*r, r/2)--(sx*r, r/2); draw (-sx*r, -r/2)--(sx*r, -r/2); currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0, r); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("accBayanbase", "accBayanbase", "accBayanbase") save lh; lh = accreg_lh; % set_char_box(accreg_lh#, accreg_lh#, 3accreg_lh#, 0); set_char_box(accreg_lh#, accreg_lh#, 0, 3accreg_lh#); pickup pencircle scaled accreg_linethickness; draw (0, 0)--(2w, 0)--(2w, 3accreg_lh)--(0, 3accreg_lh)--(0, 0); draw (0, accreg_lh)--(2w, accreg_lh); draw (0, 2accreg_lh)--(2w, 2accreg_lh); currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-w, 0);% -3lh); fet_endchar; def def_B(expr w, h) = % huh? % pickup pencircle scaled 0.1pt; pickup pencircle scaled 0.15stafflinethickness; penpos10(thin, -90); penpos11(thin, -90); penpos12(thick, 0); penpos13(thin, 90); penpos14(thin, 90); penpos15(thick, 180); penpos16(thin, -90); penpos17(thin, -90); penpos18(thick, 0); penpos19(thick, 0); z10 = (0, 0); z11 = (cOne*w, 0); z12 = (w, .5mb*h); z13 = (cTwo*w, mb*h); z14 = (2thick, mb*h); z15 = (.94w, h-.5mt*h); z16 = z13 + (0, mt*h); z17 = (0, h); z18 = (1.5thick, 0); z19 = (1.5thick, h); enddef; def def_S(expr w, h) = % huh? %pickup pencircle scaled 0.02pt; pickup pencircle scaled 0.03stafflinethickness; penpos1(thin, 180); penpos2(thin, -90); penpos3(thick, 0); penpos4(.5thick, 90); penpos5(thick, 0); penpos6(thin, -90); penpos7(thin, 180); penpos8(thin, 180); penpos9(thin, 0); z1 = (0, hs); z2 = (w/2, 0); z3 = (w-.5thick, .5mb*h); z4 = (w/2, mb*h); z5 = (.5thick, h-.5mt*h); z6 = (w/2, h); z7 = (w, h-hs); z8 = (0, y2r); z9 = (w, y6l); path bue, bueoverst; bue=z2{left}..z1{up}; numeric t; t:=xpart(bue intersectiontimes(z8l--z7l)); show t; bueoverst=z6{right}..z7{down}; enddef; def def_some_vars = save hs, mb, mt, thin, thick, height, width, cOne, cTwo; width = .8staffsize; height = 2.4interline; thin = 0.05interline; thick = 0.2interline; hs = 0.4interline; mb = .53; mt = .47; cOne = 0.65; cTwo = 0.60; enddef; fet_beginchar("accSB", "accSB", "accSB") set_char_box(.4staffsize#, .4staffsize#, 0, 2.4interline#); def_some_vars; def_B(.35width, .7height); % FIXME -- strange turning path: penstroke z10e--z11e{right}..z12e{up}..z13e{left}--z14e; penstroke z13e{right}..z15e{up}..z16e{left}--z17e; penstroke z18e--z19e; pickup pencircle scaled .5thick; drawdot (.37width, .10thick); currentpicture := currentpicture shifted(.40width, 0); def_S(.35width, .7height); % penlabels(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); filldraw z1r--z8r--z8l--subpath(t, 1) of bue--cycle; filldraw subpath(t, 1) of bueoverst--z7l--z9r--z9l--cycle; penstroke z1e{down}..z2e{right}..z3e ..z4e ..z5e..z6e{right}...z7e{down}; pickup pencircle scaled .5thick; drawdot (.37width, .10thick); currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-.40width, -.85height); draw (-.5width, 0)--(.5width, 0)--(.5width, -height) --(-.5width, -height)--(-.5width, 0); currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0, 2.4interline); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("accBB", "accBB", "accBB") set_char_box(.4staffsize#, .4staffsize#, 0, 2.4interline#); def_some_vars; def_B(.35width, .7height); % FIXME -- strange turning path: penstroke z10e--z11e{right}..z12e{up}..z13e{left}--z14e; penstroke z13e{right}..z15e{up}..z16e{left}--z17e; penstroke z18e--z19e; pickup pencircle scaled .5thick; drawdot(.37width, .10thick); currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (.40width, 0); penstroke z10e--z11e{right}..z12e{up}..z13e{left}--z14e; penstroke z13e{right}..z15e{up}..z16e{left}--z17e; penstroke z18e--z19e; drawdot(.37width, .10thick); currentpicture := currentpicture shifted(-.40width, -.85height); draw (-.5width, 0)--(.5width, 0)--(.5width, -height) --(-.5width, -height)--(-.5width, 0); currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0, 2.4interline); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("accOldEE", "accOldEE", "accOldEE") set_char_box(interline#, interline#, 0, 2interline#); show w; show h; r = interline; lr = .3interline; ir = .6interline; pickup accreg_pen; draw fullcircle scaled 2r; pickup penrazor; filldraw fullcircle scaled lr; z1 = (ir, 0); z2 = (0, 0) + ir*(dir 45); z3 = (0, ir); numeric pp; for pp := 0 step 45 until 360: filldraw fullcircle scaled lr shifted (ir*(dir pp)); endfor; for pp := 0 step 45 until 360: filldraw ((0, 0)--(.2lr, ir)--(-.2lr, ir)--cycle) rotated pp; endfor currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0, r); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("accOldEES", "accOldEES", "accOldEES") set_char_box(interline#, interline#, 0, 2interline#); save r, shy; r = interline; shy = .3; pickup accreg_pen; draw fullcircle scaled 2r; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (w/2, shy*h); save thin, thick, sw, ch, cw, mb, mt; ch = .6h; cw = .8w; thin = .05cw; thick = .17w; mb = .53; mt = .47; sw = .8thick; z1 = (0, ch-.5thin); penpos1 (thin, -90); z2 = (.7cw, y1); penpos2 (thin, -90); z3 = (cw, (mb+.5mt)*ch); penpos3(thick, -180); z4 = (.65cw, mb*ch); penpos4(thin, 90); z5 = (sw+thick, mb*ch); penpos5(thin, 90); z6 = (.9cw, .5mb*ch); penpos6(thick, 0); z7 = (1.2cw, 0); penpos7(thin, 90); z8 = (1.3cw, .2mb*ch); penpos8(thin, 180); penlabels(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); pickup pencircle scaled 0.001pt; filldraw (0, 0)--(0, thin)--(sw, thin)--(sw, ch-thin) --(sw+thick, ch-thin)--(sw+thick, thin) --(2sw+thick, thin)--(2sw+thick, 0)--cycle; % FIXME -- strange turning path: penstroke z1e--z2e{right}..z3e..z4e{left}--z5e; penstroke z4e{right}..z6e{down}..z7e{right}..z8e{up}; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (-w/2, -shy*h); currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0, r); fet_endchar;