Revision history for Org-Parser 0.23 2012-04-14 No functional changes. Another increase in parsing speed by avoiding doing unnecessary stuffs in first pass and adding m//o flag. A speedup of about 1.25x is expected. 0.22 2012-04-13 No functional changes. Faster parsing (reduce overheads from logging statements and %+ access). A speedup of about 2x is expected. 0.21 2011-09-23 No functional changes. Remove debug message. 0.20 2011-09-23 [ENHANCEMENTS] - Allow setting time zone (for timestamps). 0.19 2011-09-22 [ENHANCEMENTS] - Table: Add as_aoa(). - Table row: Add as_array(). 0.18 2011-08-11 [INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES] - Rename Org::Element::ShortExample to Org::Element::FixedWidthSection. - Allow /^\s*:$/ line as a special case in fixed width section (ref: [org-mode feb52f9028e73f0f49390780bb2e61cc9da04303]) 0.17 2011-07-27 [INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES] - Rename Org::Element::Base to Org::Element. [ENHANCEMENTS] - Allow decimal fraction on timestamp repeater & warning period. - Base: add method remove(). - Headline: add methods {promote,demote}_{node,branch}(). 0.16 2011-06-16 - Relax timestamp parsing for Chinese/French timestamps. 0.15 2011-06-09 [REMOVED] - dump-org-structure script moved to App::OrgUtils. [ENHANCEMENTS] - Base: Add field_name(). - Headline: Add is_leaf(). 0.14 2011-06-06 [ENHANCEMENTS] - Headline: Add get_active_timestamp(). 0.13 2011-06-06 No functional changes for the parser. [REMOVED] - Spin off 'remind-due-todos' script into App::ListOrgHeadlines. 0.12 2011-05-25 [ENHANCEMENTS] - Compliance: Parse .+/++ repeater forms and warning period in timestamp [thanks Louis B. Moore] [BUG FIXES] - Fix regex for parsing table [RT#68442, thanks Slaven Rezic] [ETC] - Use utf8 in dump-org-structure script. 0.11 2011-05-23 [ENHANCEMENTS] - Compliance: blocks can be indented. - Compliance: some settings can be indented. - Parse short example (one-line literal example with colon+space prefix syntax). See Org::Element::ShortExample. 0.10 2011-04-21 [FIXES] - Fixes to POD documentation. - More specific regex for tag. [ETC] - Update (some questions cleared up by Carsten Dominik) 0.09 2011-03-31 [FIXES] - Fix SYNOPSIS, use a slightly more complex Org document example. 0.08 2011-03-23 [FIXES] - Update bin/remind-due-todos. 0.07 2011-03-23 [ENHANCEMENTS] - Org::Element::Base: add find(), walk_parents(), headline() - Org::Element::Headline: add get_tags() [FIXES] - Link description can contain markups. 0.06 2011-03-23 [FIXES] - Some regex fixes. 0.05 2011-03-23 [INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES] - Org::Element::TimeRange: datetime1 & datetime2 attributes removed, replaced with ts1 & ts2 (timestamp elements). [ENHANCEMENTS] - Parses event duration and repeater interval in timestamps. 0.04 2011-03-22 This release is a major refactoring from the previous one. [INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES] - Org::Parser: handler() removed, use Org::Document's walk() instead. - Refactoring: some classes removed/merged, some added. [ENHANCEMENTS] - Dual-pass parsing for more correct behaviour. - Parse link, plain list (including ordered/unordered/description list), target, radio target, comment, footnote. - Add a couple of utility methods in Element::Base: seniority(), prev_sibling(), next_sibling(), walk(), get_property(). [ETC] - Project todo list now in distribution's 0.03 2011-03-18 [ENHANCEMENTS] Parse text markups (bold, italic, etc). bin/dump-org-structure outputs nicer format. [FIXES] Todo keyword can also be separated from title with \W (not just \s), e.g. '* TODO/quit smoking'. 0.02 2011-03-17 [INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES] Refactoring: parser now returns Org::Document instance, which contains Org::Element instances. handler sub parameter changed. [ENHANCEMENTS] Parse tables. Headline titles can now contain inline elements (normal text as well as other elements, such as timestamps, etc). Add another example script: dump-org-structure. Recognize blocks: HTML, LATEX, ASCII. [FIXES] Setting/block/drawer/property names are case-insensitive. 0.01 2011-03-16 First release.