# Camping FAQ # We'd love to see you camp! ## Recommended Packing List ## 1. Tent 2. Sleeping bag, ground pad, and pillow 3. Warm clothing 4. Plate/bowl and utensil (reusable, please!) 5. Toiletries 6. Headlamp/flashlight 7. Anything else you might enjoy ## Provided at Site ## 1. Flush toilets and toilet paper 2. Potable water 3. Dish- and handwashing station 4. Food and beverages on Schedule (so make sure to RSVP!) 5. Plenty of room ## I still have questions! ## If you have more questions, email [Don Armstrong don@donarmstrong.com](mailto:don@donarmstrong.com?subject=Wedding%20Camping%20Questions) and he'll help you out [[!if test="enabled(sidebar)" then=""" [[!sidebar]] """ else=""" [[!inline pages=sidebar raw=yes]] """]]