Name = STLcdCapabilities; Version = 0.1; Author = "HaaTa (Jacob Alexander) 2015"; KLL = 0.3c; # Modified Date Date = 2015-08-01; # Defines available to the STLcd sub-module # PWM Prescalar # In general this can be left alone # A higher prescalar should be lower power usage (less switching) # However, flickering may be noticeable. # # Here's a calculation table valid at a 72 MHz system clock # Prescalars range from 0 to 7 (1 to 128) # 0 - 72 MHz - Highest power usage/best result # 1 - 36 MHz # 2 - 18 MHz # 3 - 9 MHz - Slightly visible flicker (peripheral vision) # 4 - 4 500 kHz - Visible flickering # 5 - 2 250 kHz # 6 - 1 125 kHz # 7 - 562 500 Hz # Defaulting to no prescalar, looks the best STLcdBacklightPrescalar => STLcdBacklightPrescalar_define; STLcdBacklightPrescalar = 0; # Default Backlight Channel Brightness # There are 3 channels, RGB # In order to get other colors you must mix the 3 colors # Each channel is a 16-bit register (65536 levels) # Technically, this means, the backlight is a 48-bit RGB pixel # In practice, it may be difficult to get color consistency at times if too bright or too dim STLcdBacklightRed => STLcdBacklightRed_define; STLcdBacklightGreen => STLcdBacklightGreen_define; STLcdBacklightBlue => STLcdBacklightBlue_define; # Defaults to 6% brightness, white STLcdBacklightRed = 0xFFF; STLcdBacklightGreen = 0xFFF; STLcdBacklightBlue = 0xFFF;