###| CMAKE Kiibohd Controller Source Configurator |### # # Written by Jacob Alexander in 2011-2014 for the Kiibohd Controller # # Released into the Public Domain # ### ### # Module Overrides (Used in the buildall.bash script) # if ( ( DEFINED ScanModuleOverride ) AND ( EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Scan/${ScanModuleOverride} ) ) set( ScanModule ${ScanModuleOverride} ) endif () ### # Path Setup # set( ScanModulePath "Scan/${ScanModule}" ) set( MacroModulePath "Macro/${MacroModule}" ) set( OutputModulePath "Output/${OutputModule}" ) set( DebugModulePath "Debug/${DebugModule}" ) #| Top-level directory adjustment set( HEAD_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" ) ### # Module Check Function # #| Usage: #| PathPrepend( ModulePath ) #| Uses the ${COMPILER_FAMILY} variable function( ModuleCompatibility ModulePath ) foreach( mod_var ${ARGN} ) if ( ${mod_var} STREQUAL ${COMPILER_FAMILY} ) # Module found, no need to scan further return() endif () endforeach() message( FATAL_ERROR "${ModulePath} does not support the ${COMPILER_FAMILY} family..." ) endfunction() ### # Module Configuration # #| Additional options, usually define settings add_definitions() #| Include path for each of the modules add_definitions( -I${HEAD_DIR}/${ScanModulePath} -I${HEAD_DIR}/${MacroModulePath} -I${HEAD_DIR}/${OutputModulePath} -I${HEAD_DIR}/${DebugModulePath} ) ### # Module Processing # #| Go through lists of sources and append paths #| Usage: #| PathPrepend( OutputListOfSources ) macro( PathPrepend Output SourcesPath ) unset( tmpSource ) # Loop through items foreach( item ${ARGN} ) # Set the path set( tmpSource ${tmpSource} "${SourcesPath}/${item}" ) endforeach() # Finalize by writing the new list back over the old one set( ${Output} ${tmpSource} ) endmacro() #| Scan Module include ( "${ScanModulePath}/setup.cmake" ) PathPrepend( SCAN_SRCS ${ScanModulePath} ${SCAN_SRCS} ) #| Macro Module include ( "${MacroModulePath}/setup.cmake" ) PathPrepend( MACRO_SRCS ${MacroModulePath} ${MACRO_SRCS} ) #| Output Module include ( "${OutputModulePath}/setup.cmake" ) PathPrepend( OUTPUT_SRCS ${OutputModulePath} ${OUTPUT_SRCS} ) #| Debugging Module include ( "${DebugModulePath}/setup.cmake" ) PathPrepend( DEBUG_SRCS ${DebugModulePath} ${DEBUG_SRCS} ) #| Default Map # TODO Add support for different defaultMaps configure_file( "${ScanModulePath}/defaultMap.h" defaultMap.h ) #| Print list of all module sources message( STATUS "Detected Scan Module Source Files:" ) message( "${SCAN_SRCS}" ) message( STATUS "Detected Macro Module Source Files:" ) message( "${MACRO_SRCS}" ) message( STATUS "Detected Output Module Source Files:" ) message( "${OUTPUT_SRCS}" ) message( STATUS "Detected Debug Module Source Files:" ) message( "${DEBUG_SRCS}" ) ### # Generate USB Defines # #| Manufacturer name set( MANUFACTURER "Kiibohd" ) #| Serial Number #| Attempt to call Git to get the branch, last commit date, and whether code modified since last commit #| Modified #| Takes a bit of work to extract the "M " using CMake, and not using it if there are no modifications execute_process( COMMAND git status -s -uno --porcelain WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Git_Modified_INFO ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) string( LENGTH "${Git_Modified_INFO}" Git_Modified_LENGTH ) set( Git_Modified_Status "Clean" ) if ( ${Git_Modified_LENGTH} GREATER 2 ) string( SUBSTRING "${Git_Modified_INFO}" 1 2 Git_Modified_Flag_INFO ) set( Git_Modified_Status "Dirty" ) endif () #| Branch execute_process( COMMAND git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Git_Branch_INFO ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) #| Date execute_process( COMMAND git show -s --format=%ci WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Git_Date_INFO ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) #| Commit Author and Email execute_process( COMMAND git show -s --format="%cn <%ce>" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Git_Commit_Author ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) #| Commit Revision execute_process( COMMAND git show -s --format=%H WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Git_Commit_Revision ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) #| Origin URL execute_process( COMMAND git config --get remote.origin.url WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Git_Origin_URL ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) #| Build Date execute_process( COMMAND "date" "+%Y-%m-%d %T %z" OUTPUT_VARIABLE Build_Date ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) #| Last Commit Date set( GitLastCommitDate "${Git_Modified_Status} ${Git_Branch_INFO} - ${Git_Date_INFO}" ) #| Uses CMake variables to include as defines #| Primarily for USB configuration configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Lib/_buildvars.h buildvars.h ) ### # Source Defines # set( SRCS ${MAIN_SRCS} ${COMPILER_SRCS} ${SCAN_SRCS} ${MACRO_SRCS} ${OUTPUT_SRCS} ${DEBUG_SRCS} ) #| Directories to include by default include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) ### # Module Compatibility Check # #| Check for whether the set modules are compatible with the specified compiler family ModuleCompatibility( ${ScanModulePath} ${ScanModuleCompatibility} ) ModuleCompatibility( ${MacroModulePath} ${MacroModuleCompatibility} ) ModuleCompatibility( ${OutputModulePath} ${OutputModuleCompatibility} ) ModuleCompatibility( ${DebugModulePath} ${DebugModuleCompatibility} ) ### # CMake Module Checking # find_package( Git REQUIRED ) ### # Build Targets # #| Create the .ELF file set( TARGET_ELF ${TARGET}.elf ) add_executable( ${TARGET_ELF} ${SRCS} ) #| .ELF Properties set_target_properties( ${TARGET_ELF} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS ${LINKER_FLAGS} SUFFIX "" # XXX Force Windows to keep the .exe off ) #| Convert the .ELF into a .HEX to load onto the Teensy set( TARGET_HEX ${TARGET}.hex ) add_custom_command( TARGET ${TARGET_ELF} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY} ${HEX_FLAGS} ${TARGET_ELF} ${TARGET_HEX} COMMENT "Creating load file for Flash: ${TARGET_HEX}" ) #| Generate the Extended .LSS set( TARGET_LSS ${TARGET}.lss ) add_custom_command( TARGET ${TARGET_ELF} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_OBJDUMP} ${LSS_FLAGS} ${TARGET_ELF} > ${TARGET_LSS} COMMENT "Creating Extended Listing: ${TARGET_LSS}" ) #| Generate the Symbol Table .SYM set( TARGET_SYM ${TARGET}.sym ) add_custom_command( TARGET ${TARGET_ELF} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_NM} -n ${TARGET_ELF} > ${TARGET_SYM} COMMENT "Creating Symbol Table: ${TARGET_SYM}" ) ### # Size Information # #| After Changes Size Information #| TODO Do lookup on Flash and RAM sizes and do % used add_custom_target( SizeAfter ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_SIZE} --target=${FORMAT} ${TARGET_HEX} ${TARGET_ELF} DEPENDS ${TARGET_ELF} COMMENT "Size after generation\n\tFlash Usage: data (hex)\n\t RAM Usage: data (elf)" ) ### # Setup Loader Script and Program # #| Provides the user with the correct teensy-loader-cli command for the built .HEX file #| Windows if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows" ) configure_file( LoadFile/winload load NEWLINE_STYLE UNIX ) #| Default else() configure_file( LoadFile/load load NEWLINE_STYLE UNIX ) endif()