Method of installation. ----------------------- - Move blootbot.config to blootbot.config.used - Copy sample.config to blootbot.config - Edit files/blootbot.config, modify to taste. - Edit files/ircII.server to modify list of IRC servers to connect. - Depends on: - Net::IRC perl module - Debian: (apt-get install libnet-irc-perl) - WWW::Search - Debian: (apt-get install libwww-search-perl) - LWP - Debian: (apt-get install libwww-perl) - HTML::Parser - Debian: (apt-get install libhtml-parse-perl) - Choice of database - MySQL (see INSTALL.mysql) - PgSQL (see INSTALL.pgsql, DOES NOT WORK YET) - Berkeley DBM (see INSTALL.dbm) [OPTIONAL,FIXME] - 'scripts/ files/sample.insert'. - There are "bugs" in the perl modules. (see INSTALL.patches) on how to fix. - Finally, './blootbot'